Extracts From The Austin Stateman
LOCAL MATTERS (Saturday, January 1, 1876)
MARRIED - At the residence of Sheriff Geo. B. Zimpelman, on December 31, by Rev. E.B. Wright, Hon. Charles
H. Howard, of El Paso, Judge of the Twenty-... th JudicialDistrict and Miss Lou Zimpelman
Judge Howard and bride left on the train last evening for Galveston.
LOCAL MATTERS (Wednesday, June 27, 1877)
DEAD - The painful intelligence reached this city yesterday that Mrs. Charles H. Howard, nee Miss Lou Zimpelman,
died at El Pasop on last Monday morning. She had been in poor health a long while and for two months her kind
father has been with her. She was too feeble to make the trip fro El Paso to Austin, and hence her death so far away from
the home of her childhood and affections. How many there are in Austin to grieve over the untimely end of so bright
a flower; one that blossomed to make home and friends happy, and who went away to meet death. The sympathies
of Austin are with her family here, and especially with that loving father who watched beside her sick bed and
soothed her in the hours when she was preparing for eternity.