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Golden Spike Dog Obedience Club
P.O. Box 13047, Ogden Utah 84412-3047

Training Classes

The Golden Spike Dog Obedience Club offers dog training classes every Tuesday at the Golden Spike Arena, Weber County Fairgrounds, Ogden Utah. Two classes open to the public, Puppy Class, and Basic Obedience. Costs of the classes are $40.00 for eight weeks. The first night of class is Registration and Orientation. Dogs are not to come to class that night. Below is a listing of all classes offered by Golden Spike Dog Obedience Club and a brief description.

Puppy Class

The Golden Spike Dog Obedience Club (GSDOC) Puppy Class is open to the Public for any puppy 12 weeks to six months old. Puppy Class costs $40.00 and lasts for eight weeks. Larger breed puppies are separated from smaller breed puppies for their safety.

Purpose of Puppy Class

  • Socialization for the dog
  • Early training
  • Assistance with problem solving
  • Puppy manners
  • Learn to enjoy your puppy

Graduation requirements

  • Handlers must have attended six of the eight classes.
  • The puppy must know one trick.

Register for the Puppy Class

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Basic Obedience

The Golden Spike Dog Obedience Club (GSDOC) Basic Obedience Class is open to the Public for any dog six months and older. Basic Obedience Class costs $40.00 and lasts for eight weeks.

Purpose of the Basic Obedience Class

  • Instruct the Handler how to train their dog
  • Socialization for the dog
  • On lead heeling
  • Recall
  • Sits & Downs
  • Begin word association
  • About Turns
  • Left & Right Turns
  • Pace Changes
  • Finish
  • Stay
  • Stand
  • Lean how to enjoy your dog

Graduation requirements

  • Dogs must know the basic commands
  • Handlers must attend at least six of the eight training classes.

Basic Obedience has two additional graduation requirements for handlers wanting their dog to progress into Intermediate Obedience: The dog must pass the AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Test. The Handler and dog team graduate from this class upon passing a GSDOC approved ring test and obtaining satisfactory evaluation by the Instructor. The Handler must be a member of GSDOC to attend the higher level classes.

Nonmembers can apply for Club Membership upon successful completion of either the Puppy Class or Basic Obedience Class. They can continue training while membership is being processed.

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Intermediate Obedience

Intermediate Obedience Class is open to GSDOC Members only. The Intermediate Obedience Class is to provide ongoing training for members who may not want to progress to Novice and for those who are still deciding whether to progress into Novice, or not. Intermediate Obedience helps handlers evaluate themselves and their dog. Members can simply come to class and work on what they and their dog have learned and have fun. It is a requirement to take this class before progressing into Novice, unless a handler comes with a dog that can pass the Intermediate ring test.

This class exposes the handler and the dog to what the handler and the dog would have to do in higher classes and to compete in a show ring.

The Purpose of the Intermediate Class

  • Fine tunes all exercises learned in the Basic class
  • Figure 8 Heeling
  • Introduction to Hold & Release
  • Introduction to Fetch & Retrieve
  • Introduction to Signal exercise
  • Introduction to Jumps
  • Introduction to Drop on Recall
  • Introduction to First Stage Go-Out
  • Introduction to Off Leash Heeling

An aggressive dog must be under the control of the handler at all times.

Graduation Requirements

  • Sit Stay one minute off a leash with the handler in the ring
  • Down Stay three minutes off a leash with the handler in the ring
  • Stand for Exam.
  • Heeling exercise including Figure 8
  • Recall
  • The Handler and dog team graduate from this class upon passing a GSDOC approved ring test and obtaining satisfactory evaluation by the Instructor.

Aggressive dogs cannot progress to the higher level classes.

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Additional GSDOC Member Classes


  • Prepare for competition in Novice
  • Novice ring procedure
  • Dog attention
  • Heeling and Sit exercises
  • Figure 8 exercise
  • Fronts & Finish
  • About Turns
  • Stand for exam
  • Recall
  • Footwork
  • Measuring

The Handler and dog team graduate from this class upon passing a GSDOC approved ring test and obtaining satisfactory evaluation by the Instructor, or have one leg in Novice.

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  • Prepare for competition in Open
  • Open ring procedure
  • Off lead
  • Figure 8
  • Retrieve
  • Retrieve over a high jump
  • Down on recall
  • Broad jump
  • Out of sight sit & down
  • Attention
  • High Jump
  • Dumbbell

    The Handler and dog team graduate from this class upon passing a GSDOC approved ring test and obtaining satisfactory evaluation by the Instructor, or have one leg in Open.

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    • Prepare for competition in Utility
    • Utility ring procedures
    • Hand signals
    • Articles
    • Selective jumping
    • Gloves-directional retrieves


      See the GSDOC Agility Site

      Aggressive dogs cannot progress to the higher level classes. It is GSDOC's plan to soon have a separate class available for aggressive dogs to work on their behavior. Then once the aggression has been addressed, the handler and dog can take the ring test to advance to the Novice level or any specialty class they want to take.

      Return to Training Progression Chart

    Last modified on Friday, 29-Jun-2001 16:46:37 EDT
    E-mail: Webmaster