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"Members Only" Pages

Info about the Bilingual Families Mailinglist. Using The List, the Do's and the Don'ts... Bilingual glossary How to get articles from the archive Statistics about the list  FAQ archive
List of Members Homepages of Listmembers Multilingual Cafés Henrik's survey Pages of the List Owners, Cindy & Steinar


Info about the Bilingual Families Mailinglist

If Dad speaks one language and Mom another... or if together they converse in yet another language... or if the language spoken in the street is not the same as the one you speak at home... then these pages are for you!

Are you bringing up children to be bilingual???
Oh boy!... it's not an easy task you have set yourselves, is it?
But don't worry!  Help is at hand!

Our first suggestion is that you join the Bilingual Families Discussion Group.  Through daily communications you will be able to follow the different threads or issues raised by you and other members.

The majority of people involved are families in the same boat as yourselves and "The List" - as it's known once you are on it - is a great place to share problems and to offer and be offered solutions.  By joining the list you will be drawing on a pool of experience that has been getting wider ever since the whole thing got started some years ago.

To subscribe to the digest version of the list send an empty e-mail to:

We also recommend you to read the pages of Cindy and Steinar who started the mailinglist, and who are still maintaining it.

Once you are on the list you may see some abbreviations that puzzle you.  Try the Bilingual Glossary  to fathom them out:

If you have a question about the "list culture", have a look at how we are using the list.

There is a huge archive where you can see everything that has ever been written to the mailinglist, but there is also a handy FAQ archive where different subjects are sorted by categories.

Henrik did a survey of the list in December 1998 where he asked questions about the different models that families are using.

Once in a while, at the first Sunday of the month, listmembers meet each other online at the Multilingual Cafés - great fun!
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Last Updated 7th March 2000