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Our Lenaghen Family

As I left College Station Texas, on the plane which rapidly lifted above the clouds, and as I began the trip back to Boise Idaho, to this place called "Home", the quiet and peace could be felt. The bustle and cares of my world in Texas, were left behind. Reflections brought my mind around to wondering about my mother's journey, as she departed her mortal life, leaving us all behind and returned to her heavenly home. The notification had come, we had better get there if we wanted to see her in mortality again.

I recalled a story written by CHARLES DICKENS, (The Star), in which he described a vision of life beyond the mortal veil, that gave him a glimpse into our heavenly home. He an his invalid sister had looked through a bed room window upon the heavens, particularly one star, brighter than the rest. They wondered together about LIFE and DEATH and family ...and when she died as a young child, as he looked out the window in his grief, a vision was opened to him, showing the sister being received into the midst of their departed family in a heavenly home, on that star.

...again the heavens opened, when as a young man, his mother was taken in death , this time the vision showed her ascending to heaven and loving arms of family members embracing her there. Several other times the vision came as loved ones departed this life.

I thought of Mother, Myrtle (Lenaghen) Eytchison, making this journey beyond the veil, and wondered who of the family would be there to greet her as she reached her heavenly home.

Shortly before her death she had related an experience she had one night. As she had battled the loneliness in the nursing home, she had received a comfort from those who had proceeded her. She had been escorted through the mists of sleep to a garden party. Gathered there were all of her loved ones. I had questioned her closely as to who were there. I acertained all had departed this mortal life previously.

"The grounds were landscaped to perfection. The sun had warmed her. She had set under a gazebo type of shade. Scattered through out the lawn were tables and chairs of beautifully white wrought iron. The dress style was much like the turn of the century, Ladies with their beautiful sweeping dresses, picture hats and parasols, with the gentlemen dressed comparably. Over all pervaled a nostalgic, loving , caring feeling, as she was greeted by one and all.

When she had described the party to me, I had truly believed it had been an actuality. She was there, her spirit having risen beyond mortality to another plain of existence. She had been comforted with a vision of things to come and companionship by those she loved most.

Her life had touched seven generations of loved ones while living in mortal life. The oldest generation were her grandparents Andrew Jackson and Martha (Hammack) Breshears, who had traveled by wagon train to this beloved Boise Valley in 1883. They came as homesteaders , havbing pioneered in the Idaho Territory to make this valley home. It is certain that Myrtle inherited her determined spirit from them.

Her father and mother, Fred and LaVada (Breshears) Lenaghen, would be the next generation. Fred had left his family behind in New York State and came to the valley as a Blacksmith, Wheelwright and Landowner. It is from Fred that she inherited her beautiful Irish Singing Voice. The twinkle in her eye, from LaVada, her mother. LaVada had traversed the Oregon Trail as an 18 month old child and had lived well into her 90's , when she was honored as an Idaho Pioneer, at the Idaho Centennial celebrations. She had passed away at the age of 96. Of the 8 children born to Fred and LaVada, 5 had preceded Myrtle in death.

I am sure Myrtle's earthly mate Lester Ernest Eytchison, known as "Les", was waiting with open arms for his beautiful companion. Together they had raised three children to adulthood. Hubert Ernest, Georgene Ethel and Howard Jack. Myrtle and Lester with their family lived in and around Boise Valley, with home being at 211 East Boise Ave., from 1942 until 1985.

Together they had braved the primitive areas of the state, as side by side they built their business, 'The Eytchison Lumber Company". They had owned and operated a total of four sawmills, in Idaho, which they had erected and built by their combined talents. They had seen the industry go from Oxen to Helicopters, as a means of harvesting the great Idaho White Pine.

Myrtle was known through out the Boise Valley and Lumber industry, as she conducted the purchasing and bookkeeping end of the business. Her personality generated friends where ever her life touched others.

So ...who are the Lenaghens ? The mists of time have dimmed our personal knowledge of the family, but the tapestry of life, may be re-woven. The bits and pieces draw us backwards in time to a far distant land of Ireland. We see reflections of Castles, military service, exile, and survival. We also see freedom, as Patrick Lenaghen set foot upon a ship to sail to America. Myrtle and her sister were the last two Lenaghens of our lineage. There are now no males to carry the name.

Where did they originate at ? We have reflections back to the prophet MOSES, as he and the Isrealites wandered in the desert . An account of the family may be read below, as it has been rewoven by the Heraldric Artists of Ireland.

Carbre, (28 son of 20) who was monarch six generations before the advent of St Patrick-that is, about the beginning of the Christian era-had the White Book, and the Book of the Conquests and Invasions written. These are quoted and repeated in the Psalter of Cashel, cited by Keating the historian.(Abstracted by The Heraldic Artists of Ireland and compiled into the book "The Milesian Tribes of Ireland", a family portion of which is compiled below by Georgene Humphries. Copyright © 1992-1998, All rights reserved)

Hy Nial Tribe

Founder: Nial Noy Giollach (20) of the Nine Hostages, from whom the tribe took it's name, King of Ireland , A. D, 379

Head Chieftains of this tribe: O'Neills or O'Neals, Prince of Tyrone Clanneboy and Tireogen Lords of Aighert and King of Ulster.

We now give a narrative of the descent and adventures of Milesius, extracted from the noble work of the Abbe MacGeoghegan:

Magog son of Japhet had three sons, Baath, Jobath and Fathocta. Fenius Farsa, a descendant of Magog, who was King of Scythia, (ancestor of the Milesians), had two sons Nenual and Nial

Nial journeyed into Egypt, where he was united in marriage to Sciota, daughter of Pharaoh, Cincris, the King of the country. He had a son, GaodhaI of whom it is related that (at or about the time Moses was preparing to conduct the Children of Israel out of Egypt) he was bitten by a serpent and cured by a touch of the wand in the hands of that great Prophet, who then foretold to him that his descendants should inhabit an island where there were no serpents, nor any other noxious reptiles. This is actually true of Crete and Ireland, of which his descendants were, and are now inhabitants of the latter. Which circumstance, Goedhal received the surname of Glas, which means green, and combining the names Gadelas, which gave his descendants the distinctive name of Gadelians. This circumstance is kept in remembrance by the armorial bearings of many families of Ireland.

In the third generation from Goedhal, his posterity became very numerous and excited the jealousy of the Egyptians, who drove them out of their country, under the leadership of Sur, son of Easur, son of Goedhal, and in the time of Pharaoh En Tine. The Gadelians, under Sur, journeyed to the Island of Crete, where they landed and established themselves, and Sur died. Heber Scot, his son, succeeded him as leader and governor.

He went back to Scythia, the country of his ancestors, where he had four sons born to him, Agnamon, Tait, Adnoin and Lamphion, who each succeeded to the conduct of his host. Gallamn was the Scythian name of Milesius. Mileas Espaine or Hispanic shortened into Milesius (the Spanish soldier), is the Latin name and the common name used, by his posterity and historians for that Soldier and great General.

Next we have another Nial one of the lineages of Ireland, descendants of the sons of Milesius. This Milesius is one of the princes with Heremoni the eighth son of Milesius, who landed on the north east coast of Ireland. As the expedition was, approaching land, the proclamation was made, that whoever first reached or touched the shore should possess it. As he stood by the bulwark of the vessel, his left hand resting thereon, his battle axe in his right, he suddenly raised the latter and severed his left hand from the arm, dropping the battle axe, he seized the sinister hand with his dexter and cast it ashore, claiming the reward offered in the proclamation. His descendants afterwards exercised sovereignty over the north of Ireland, and the northern Eoganachts introduced into the south about A. D. 550.

These were a branch of the Hy Nial Tribe being the descendants of Eogani son of Nial Noy Giollach or Nial of the nine Hostages, who was King of Ireland A. D. 379, and from whose time the name Niel was a permanent patronymic. The same fortitude and devotion to the interests of their people, and bravery has in latter generations been displayed in an eminent degree by the descendants of the hero of the bloody hand. Memorable by the celebrated Hugh O' NEILL who defended his country against the English usurpers for such a long period.

The ancient banner of the Tribe also preserved the tradition of the bloody sinister hand. It is emblazoned as argent or white, a sinister hand gules which hand is seen in the banner of many of the provincial princes of the Milesian race.

The celebrated Con Kead, Caha or Con of the 100 Battles whose blood runs in the veins of many Irish families and who was king of Ireland A. D. 148, was one of the principal founders of many families in the tribe.

It is supposed that St. Patrick when a youth, was captured in one of the raids made into Scotland under the conduct of Nial. The families can be seen in the table showing the Hy Nial. In this table, will be noticed the present name and the ancient.

Hy Brune Tribe

Lenaghen, O'Collins, Elgeod, McAuliff

The table also shows when a family is an off-shoot of some other of a still older Patronymic.

At first, of course, all the Tribe were known by the name of Nial or Neil, at some time one of these Neils received the name of Sionagh, or The Fox from his wisdom or cunning, in the third generation, the name becomes a Patronymic as O'Sionagh. This show's the custom of the Milesians. When anyone distinguished himself, his descendants used his name with the prefix Mac in the second generation, and with the prefix "0" in the third, generation, meaning "grandson of".

(Sitric Olafson was also a descendant of the Hy Brune Tribe) The Irish have always claimed Clontarf as a Victory, but the truth of the matter is that Sitric never left Dublin, the job was so small a matter that his men attacked Brian Boru, the Irish King, and killed him and all his relatives. Sitric reigned on in Dublin for twenty years. He became a Christian and went an pilgrimage to the eastern Mediterranean.


The O'Fogarty family into which the Lenaghens married were descendants of the KIANACHTA and EOFANACHT tribes, all descendants of Olliol Ollum of the DAL CAIS Tribe.

They were called "HY FOHARTA" of Canna FOLHARTAID, all descended from Milesius. Yhe O'Higgins were chiefs of this clan; the O'Fogartys who fgave their name to the tribe or made the alteration in it, and the O'Gogarty which would seem to be the ancient Orthography , being the other families belonging to it.

The O'Fogartys were Lords of Elogarta or the altar of the Sun. Here in lies the derivation of the name. They are a branch of the EOGANACHITS. Heber , the third son of Milesius, and oldest who landed in Ireland. He had many influential descendants. The three clans called DAL CAS, the EOGANACHTS, and KIANACHTA, are his descendants. Olliol Ollum, King of Munster A.D. 177, had three sons, Cormac Cas, and at the head who founded the tribes named after him, the DAL CAS and at the head of which are the O'Brians and Kennedys, the later the older name being EOGAN MORE, the ancestor of the EOGANACHTS, chiefs are the McCarthys, O'Donaghahoes and Sullivans and Kian, the founder of the KIANACHTA, Chief of the last O'Carroll, prince of Ely.


MacClenaghan MacLenaghen


O'Lenaghan, ancient name Lenaghan, were of the Hy Brune Tribe descending from Brian (20) The meaning of the name is Surgeon, title of their chief being "Chief". They were of Counties Tipparary and Armagh. Another variation is McClanaghan, ancient name Lanaghan, descended from (22) of Hy Brune Tribe. Their name means songster and their chief was "Tuir Ollio"l. They were originally from Counties Galway and Tipperary, (See 1600ish from County Armagh.)

Popish RECUSANTS, County of Kildare A.D. 1658

The subjoined "List of Popish Recusants in the County of Kildare- convicted at a sessions held in Naas, 1658," has been copied from the original parchment scroll preserved in the Public Record Office, Dublin. Reference in Catalogue Miscellaneous Rolls, Bermingham Tower , N., Press on Shelf 4,) We give, in connexion with it, the form of the oath of abjuration refused for conscience sake by those whose names are here set down, and the severe penalties attaching to this refusal.

Cromwellian Oath Of Abjuration

(signed by William Lenaghan-I658)

I, William Lenaghen, abhor, detest and abjure the authority of the Pope, as well in regard of the church in general, as in regard of myself in particular. I condemn and athematize the tenant that an reward is due to good works. I firmly believe and avow that no reverence is due to the to the Virgin Mary, or to any other saint in heaven; and that no petition or adoration can be addressed to them without idolatry.

I asert that no worship or reverence is due to the sacrament of the Lord's Supper or to the elements of bread and wine after consecration, by whomsoever that consecration may be made. I believe there is no Purgatory, but that it is a Popish invention; as is also the tenent that the Pope can grant indulgences. I also firmly believe that neither the Pope nor any other priest can remit sins, as the papists rave. And, all this I swear," etc. (Morison's Threnodia, p. 31.)

"The penalty enacted against all who should refuse to take this oath was the confiscation of two-thirds of all their goods, which penalty was to be repeated each time that they should prove reftactory. It was expected that the Catholic gentry, already reduced to poverty by continued exactions, would be terrified into compliance, by the dread of absolute penury and utter ruin that now impending over them. Another sort of penalty was enacted against those of the poorer classes, namely that of transportation as bond-slaves to the Barbadoes. In every town commissaries and officers were specialty deputed, as in the present instance, to receive this oath and these received instructions from government to commence with such persons as would probahly assent to the oath, and to proceed in the matter with the greatest energy. At this moment of peril for the faith of our people, the Catholic clergy were everywhere to be seen abandoning their hiding-places to encourage their flocks; nor were their exhortations made in vain. The innate constancy of the whole nation to the Catholic faith shone forth with such splendour, that alike instance of national constancy can nowhere be found in history. All being animated with the spirit of faith, declared that they were ready to endure extreme torture, rather than obey the impious edict. Even the most wealthy betrayed no apprehensions, and they avowed that of all the penal enactments, this was the most grateful to them; for in the others some secondary motive was often assigned, but here, the only and express motive was hatred to the Catholic faith, for which it would be a matter of joy to sacrifice whatsoorer they possessed (See the Bishop of Ossory's "Life of Archbishop Plunkett, Introdudion p. 1X1"). His Lordship amongst his authorities, quotes an interesting contemporaneous MS . preserved in the Archives of the Irish College in Rome:--Relat quorumdam quoe in Hibernia acciderunt circa; juramentum quod abjurationis vocant, a Cromwellum Catliolicis injundum emitti.

Although those returned as of the Barony of Kildare and Mourn, were not subjects of the Diocese of Kildare, yet it is thought best to reproduce the List infull. The descendants of those who thus confessed the Faith at such sacrifice, will, no doubt, be gratified in having this Roll of honor brought under their notice.

County Of Kildare.

(a partial list of family and collaterals)

At a sessions of the peace held for the said county at Naas, in the county aforesaid, on Tuesday, the 12th day of October, in the year of our Lord, 1658, before Sir Robert Meredith, Knt., Sir John Hay, Knt., Danniell Hutchinson, Esq., Richard Tighe, Esq., and William Sandes, Esq., Justices assigneded to keep his Highness's (King Henry V111's) peace in the county aforesaid, by virtue of his Highiness's Commission, under the great seal of Ireland, bearing date the 30th day of September, in the year of our lord 1658, to said and others, their follow justices of the peace and keepers of the publick peace in and throughout the said county as aforesaid, to heare and determine several tresspasses, offences and misdemeanours, in the said county, whose names ensue, Viz: Peeter Holmes of Donore Gent, John Shorter of Turnings, Gent., Bartholomew Turner of Naas, Gent., George Clarke of Newland, Gent., Aomas Cooley of Mullaghcash, Gent., Thomas Grorock of Killishin Killeshee), Gent., Robert Thornton of Cappock Gent., John Warren of Clane, Gent., Thomas Samon of Dunore, Gent.,John Devenish of Longtowne, Gent, William Wright of Castle Dirmott, Gent., William Leitshfeild of Rath Coffy, Gent., John Yorke of Kilcock, Gent., Richard Nicholls of Kilcullen, Inkeeper, and George Carter of Killbegs, Gent.,

Barony of Kildare and Mourn Signers

Walter Raughter of Little Birton, Yeoman.

John McWilliam, of same yeoman; Walter Nagle of same, yeoman; William Lanagan of Kilkear, yeoman, Garrett TaWllon of same, yeoman, Danniell Kelly of same, yeoman; Dermott Hanlon of Same, yeoman; Garratt Eaden of same, yeoman; Darby Curren of same, yeoman; Edmond Nowland of same, yeoman; John Kenisallagh of same, yeoman;

Thomas Power of same, yeoman; Darby Cottner of same, yeoman; ( and many more on page 322).

Lenaghen Name History

McCLenaghan's of Ireland, with minor variations, is about twice as numerous as MacLanaghan, which also has similar variations, Both are anglicized forms of MacLeannachain that belongs almost exclusively to Uster, particularly counties Antrim and Derry. It appears, as one might expect, in the Elizabethan Fiants in the O'Neill Country, and once, rather strangely, among the Co., Cork "pardons of 1601", Two testators of 1783, MacClenahan and MacClenachan, lived in or close beside Tyrone. In 1878 de Burgh's "Landowners" shows that at that date both MacClenahans and MacLenahans held considerable estates in other Ulster counties.


(County Down Ireland)

( Topographical Dictionary Of Ireland

By Samuel Lewis 1837)

The ancestral home of Patrick Lenaghen (our ancestor), of County Down, the immigrant to America

in 1830, is described as . "A market and post town in the parish of Kilmegan Co., Down, 9 miles from Downpatnck and 64 nules from Dublin, containing 728 inhabitants. It is on the mail coach road from Newry to Downpatrick, on the edge of a small lake, and though partly surrounded by mountains occupies a conspicuous site. The town is well build, and consists of an upper and lower square, connected by a street containing 122 houses. There are barracks for two companies of infantry. The bleaching of Linen, which is a principal industry of the place, was first introduced by Mr. Moffat in about 1749, since which time it has greatly increased and several large bleach greens have been made. Those of Messrs Murland are capable of bleaching and finishing 20,000 pieces annually, and those of Mr. Steel 8,000. A large portion of the linen is sent to America and to the West Indies. There is a mill for spinning linen yarm established in 1829 -the first for fine yarns ever established in Ireland. It is worked by water power and lighted with gas on the premises. Another is in the course of erection on a very large scale, to be worked by a water wheel 50 feet in diameter. In these several establishments some 500 people are employed. There are also some large corn mills, and mills for the dressing of flax. The market is on Monday, and the market house in the upper square is a fine building, with a belfry and clock. A police station is situated there, and a court house and parish. A school house was built by Mr. Murland and another by lord Annesley (Relative to the Lenaghens who owned the Castle). At the foot of the Slieve-na-lat, on the border of the lake, is an elegant house built by Lord Annesley, with fine pleasure gardens and a view. Earl Annesly has the title also of Baron of Castlewellan.

Family Search (1970-71):

McAuliffe, an Irish researcher, of 14 Beachwood Road, Dublin, Ireland, made arrangements for further research at Castlewellan:

Dear Georgene Humphries,

"My first task was to contact Rev. Pettit, who belongs to the Parish named "Gregory" about 8 miles from the town of Castlewellan, after which he drove in to meet me and discuss your problem. He offered many useful suggestions and to his knowledge there were several "Lenaghen" families here in the past, most of which either died out or immigrate to America. The name can be spelled several ways. He knows a Mr. Seamus Lenighin (The name Seamus is Irish for James), a prosperous farmer, unmarried, who lives in a place named "Ballylough" about 3 miles from the town of Castlewellan. This is our most important contact, and he might well be your most likely relative. I wrote him and outlined your problem but was not able to meet him personally.

Some local history: I am told Castiewellan is built on the style of a French town and it looks it. The Linen industry for which it was famous has about died out, there now being only one linen factory left. Last evening I met a worker of this factory who explained the following: In the old days there were several linen factories in the town mainly owned by James Moreland. Most of the farmers grew flax for the production of linen. Some of the bigger farmers owned "Scutch Mills" in which they processed their own flax as well as that of other farmers. This processed flax was then sent to the factory for spinning and weaving. These mill owners generally became wealthy and some left large fortunes. It is possible your ancestor was one of these mill owners.

Lord Annesly owned the town and land for miles around from which he drew rent from his tenants. He lived in the Castle, just off the town and was (about 1849) a "hard man, who ruled with a will of Iron". Everyone feared him but he was just and honest. His descendants sold the Castle in recent years and it is now owned by the "Govenunent Forestry Commision" which has established a state forest office there. The present head of the family does not use the title. He is Mr. Gerald F. Annseley, Shinma House, Bryensford Road, New Castle, Co., Down, Ireland. Father Pettit met him and advised me he is a friendly democratic person. He probably has the estate papers and could check for your Gr-Gr-grandfather's farm and maybe other family data.

Next I called to the Catholic parish house here, and got the disappointing news that Castlewellan registers of baptisms etc., do not go back to the early part of the last century. Why ...I was not told. It could be that a register was lost or destroyed which often happens. Castlewellan is in the parish of KILNEGAN. The old R.C. burial place is in Augilisnafon, about 2 miles out on Belfast Road. Rev. Pettit kindly drove me there yesterday and we spent over 2 hours searching the tombstones. Many cover the years 1800-1850. Of course there are many other burying places.

You have probably heard from Mr. Lanigan... I believe I have found your relatives not only in this country but also in America. Mr. Lanigan will confirm this. He came in to see me as soon as possible, and is very keen on your problem. A big well built man of about 50, of high intelligence, smiling, friendly, well read, and with a fine knowledge of local history. We spent the afternoon in useful and enjoyable conversation. He was delighted to know of your interest. I know I can do no better than to leave the rest to him ...and what better than to have a relative to help you?

In returning I searched the indexes to various records here with a view to advising you on what can be done further. I found no reference to the family in the index to "Prerogative Wills", which I tried to 1858. 1 found several references to the name in the index to the "Tithe Books of 1830" for the Castlewellan area. The tithe were a tax payable by all holders of tillage land, and about 1800 the government decreed that all payers were to be listed. Some other records were destroyed here in fires in P.R.O. on 1922, and now Belfast has more old records on North Ireland than we have. No old Census records are available.

Seamus LenaghenCorrespondence

"I am Seamus Lenaghan (age 50-1972): My Grandfather was James Lenaghen (born abt 1820) of Druanqiode, Castlewellan. He had two brothers Patrick (abt 1810-20) and Henry who immuigrated to America and settled in Clinton Iowa (These had to be sons of a brother of our Patrick- Lenaghen b. 1800). They died and are buried there, as is my own father Hugh Lenaghen (bom bef. 1900) who went out to his Uncles.

My grandfather died in 1906 at the age of 86 years. He was youngest of his family so that would give you an Idea of the age of Patrick Lenaghen (nephew to our Patrick of Clinton Co., NY) being the eldest of a family of ten. Druanaqioile is a town about 8 miles from Castlewellan where the Lenaghans were Roman Catholics and had lived for Centuries. They belong to the parish of Drumroad where the Baptismal and marriage records are. However according to Father Laverty's history of Down, Connor, (Dioceses), Drumaroad and Loughinisland (another local parish) were at one time all in one. So where the records of the then parishioners are I would have to inquire. I am of the opinion that more detailed records and going further back could be obtained from the public records, as they date back to 1830.

I have corresponded with Henry Lenaghan's daughter, Miss Katharine Lenaghan up to 1960 and as I lost her address, I had no further correspondence until 1958. A grandson, age 15 found my letter and was interested so he wrote telling who he was and all about his Aunts, Uncles,

Grand and Great relations. I had inquired about the family of Patrick Lenaghan (Cousins to our Patrick of Clinton Co., NY) from cousin Kate, and she stated that they were scattered all over the U.S.A. She only knew of one who she was informed was an invalid and bedridden for a very long time. I ask for her address, as I knew in her state of mind, she would appreciate a letter, especially from a relative in Ireland. I was informed she was incapable of understanding and definately could not reply. She was 92 at the time. (1958). 1 am sure Kate is dead also in Clinton, Iowa.

My grandfather (James) had 18 of a family: 12 sons and 4 daughters. My Aunt Mary died at the birth of her 16th child. I heard that her husband remarried to a young woman who has 10 more for him. So cousins are in abundance but scattered all over the world. I am not married and my older brother Patrick who is in the hospital, is single. Our one and only sister married and has a grown family ...Looking forward to a reply".

I did reply and sent an International moneyorder.However Mr. Lenagan did not answer me again.

Fogarty Connection

Elizabeth (Fogarty) Lenagan who must have been connected to both Fogarty and Lenaghen estates inherited the O'Fogarty Castle, which in turn was inherited by her son Thomas Lenaghen. (Comment by Gergene Humphries). It would seem there is a close relationship between these two branches of the Lenaghan family. The common ancester of the Lenaghen and Fogerty families is most probably Thomas LANAGHAN son of the Lenaghen who married Elizabeth O'FOGARTY. THOMAS LENAGHEN. (Her oldest son Thomas Lanigan inherited the 0"Fogarty estate in Tipparary). I have pieced together what I feel is our lineage, which may be found on the following lineage charts. How Ever it needs much proving before we can say it is AUTHENTIC. (See the lineage chartsith this report).

The following is a "rough" translation of the Patrick Lanigan Sr's deed ( He is a descendant of Elizabeth Fogarty Lenaghen,) to the garden cottage as they sold the cottage, the property that belonged to the family of Patrick , who must have descended from William of Tipparary.

In the Register:

Appointed by the State for legisl... i n Ireland, of an Indenture bearing date, the .... day of June? a memorial in the year of our Lord 1829. Made betweenPatrick Lanigan of, Athy in the County of Kildare, Collar Maker, of the one part and James Reeves (son-i-law?) of Galla ... Hill now called Reeves Mount in said County of Kildare, farmer of the second, part do hereby after reciting that by Indenture of .... bearing date 25 day of April, One Thousand eight hundred and ten. Joseph Devaney of Aramore in said County of Kildare (father-i-law?), farmer dismissed, released, and confirmed unto the Sr. Patrick Lanigan & his heirs......,all that said dwelling house and grounds thereon lately.... after more particularly m...... further reciting that said Patrick Lenagan for the? ...comingthere in mentioned, dismisses, released and confirmed unto the said James Reeves in his actual? .... as there inmentioned...? and to his heirs (grandchildren of Patrick?)...signs all ... said dwelling house and garden belonging then lately in he occupation of the said Patrick Lanighen situation Leinster Stuart in the town Athv (pronounced A-Tie) ...of A... Toft ...old? ... unto D ... James Reeves,) his heirs et cors... & ... signs from the I st day of May then last during life of JOHN LENIGAN & PATRICK LANIGAN (toAmerica 1830) the first and second sons of that PATRICK LANIGAN and Patrick DEVAY eldest son after ...? said Joseph Devey &v ... such other lives? as should forend? his after be added & by virtue of the ... for ... therein continuing subject to yearly rent office pieces as eleven shillings late currancy being four... ... payable half yearly as the six ... said payment? unto the usual parts of warranty & furthur................... execution by said Patrick Lanigan, James Reese, and ... memb ... in & by John Lord of athy in the County of Kildare Pa ... & John ... of ... said County of Kildare chandler. Pat Lanagan ...saidJames Reeves seal Signed..... If John Lord?... I have named John Lords make the alto & S... that heirs .... out next to the ... of ... and to the said memorial & south?, he said, the said deed & said memorial only executed by said Patrick Lanigan & James Reeves the ... thereto ... on the day the ... and there is more), Dated ... the name John Lord 5 day of July 1830.

Our American Connection

After John and Patrick Lenaghen came to Clinton County, New York (America), the family sent a fine silver service with a coat of Arms on it to the family. It is probable this was the "Coat of Arms" seen here. (Insert). We know there was an estate settlement in Ireland that they were notified about. It was impossible for the family to go Ireland to attend an estate settlement, so they forfetted their inheritance. Their family in Ireland sent fine Linen and bedding after that. Patrick and John Lenaghen are found on the New York Passenger lists 1829 and US Census for beginning in 1830. John Lenaghen never married . The family records and pictures of the immigrant Patrick Lenaghen may be seen under the next section.
