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Entropy Stereo (USA, Michigan - Mike Khoury). Chadbourne, Watts, Stevens, Bailey, Northwood Improvisors, Jon Rose, Luc Houtkamp and more.

Free Music Production (Germany, Berlin). Established 1969 and lots of releases!

Penumbra Records (USA, Winconsin - Hal Rammel). Releases with Rammel, John Corbett and others.

Volatile Records (Canada, Alberta, Edmonton - Vadim Budman). Started by Budman in January 1997 as an outlet for his own projects, particularly with Ron de Jong in Vertrek Ensemble.

Zangi Music (Germany, Berlin - Ignaz Schick). Focusing on the younger group of improvisers, particularly the Berlin scene.

Public Eyesore (USA, Nebraska - Bryan Day). Many impro and experimental releases and informative archives of reviews. Large links list of artists, labels and magazines.

Insubordinations (Switzerland (Genève) - Laurent Peter). Netlabel for improvised music - everything free to download! With a large links collection comprising also other netlabels.

EDOGM (France (Strasbourg)). Also a Netlabel, for improvised and other experimental music, with free download! Many links to other netlabels and more also here.



The Society for the Publication of Danish Music - Edition Text & Graphix Catalogue of printed music employing non-standard kinds of notation, also comments and an essay giving practical considerations. Italian online CD shop, specializing in improvised music and related. English (London) online CD shop, specializing in improvised music and related.

European Free Improvisation Pages Very comprehensive overview of record labels, musicians, books, articles and more. (Please be aware that the record label list bottom left on the front page is not the only one - see under "Links to related sites" for more).

Free Improv Links. Links collection with the categories: overview, journals, maillists, labels, festivals, venues, dance improvisation and miscellaneous.

Intuitive Music Homepage Carl Bergstrøm-Nielsen's mixed site with Quotation of the Month, solely about improvised music, with links of current interest; Denmark's Intuitive Music Conference (a yearly meeting for improvisors); a hyper-list of improvised music CD companies and distributors, and Carl's own texts (many full-text articles) and list of works with graphic compositions illustrated.

FRIM (Johs. Bergmark) . FRIM (Föreningen for Fri Improviserad Musik) is the Swedish Free Improvisation organisation of musicians. Important Scandinavian site with among other things a detailed calender of Scandinavian improvisation concerts and events. Very comprehensive collection of European links as well.

London Musician's Collective. Info about English improvising musicians, London concert calendar, Resonance Magazine, webstreamed radio.

P-ART. Belgian Paul Timmermanns's unusual site with mixed stuff and a gallery of fellow artists.

WartaJazz. Reviews, info on all kinds of jazz music - in Indonesian! The large links collection is, however, accessible for English-reading visitors - to be found under "DIREKTORI". E-mailing to the editors in English is possible.

Zu Casa Network San Fransisco based "resource for artists, producers, and fans of experimental and improvised musics". One can search information by country (in USA by states) or by the categories: Artists, Publishing and Distribution, Email Discussion, Lists, Festivals and Symposia, Media, Organizations, Venues, Web Guides and Calendars. - the market place for contemporary music. Group of musicians radiating from Cologne, Germany, CDs and videos from independent labels. Also mp3's on the site.

Knyaz Mishkin Intuitive improvisation band from Belarus (site in Russian).

Electric Whelk Mid Wales based improv/experimental music collective which also releases CDRs.

Ivan Vincze Documentation around Vincze; also poems.

Jĝrgen Lekfeldt. Contains an article in Danish about Utopian elements in Stockhausen's serial ideas, seen in the light of modern theologists like Moltmann and Sölle.

Greywolf Performing Arts Institute. Dedicated to the American experimentalist tradition. Offers courses for both teachers and students. It was set up in the early 80ties by James Drew, composer, pianist and playwright, then teaching at Yale University - to create a place of its own for experimental music studies. Mary Gae George, pianist author and educator, later joined.

beFREItE MUSIK In German. Cologne based site made by Frank Berszik, giving info about ensembles and activities.

tempora In French, English, German and Spanish! An initiative devoted to stimulate communication between musicians and composers. With large links collections (see under "databases").

Michael Fischer Austrian specialist in conducted improvisation.

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