Christ Jesus ICCDBB


Time Control

Christ JESUS makes all things new: a brand new system of time:

time control how to travel through time and space as others have done ICCDBB Of Christ JESUS

Christ JESUS is able to move about, so too can You / (His) talents / Missions / One Holy Mission. Some historic figures wondered about the future direction of Christ JESUS, so Christ JESUS explained before-the-fact / Prophetically such as unto Moses and John The Baptist. Of former logic the senses can hard interpret enlightenment as other than light, so too flesh becomes weary so is associated with time, yet of New Logic is the reliance given for being of the glory for Christ JESUS, rather than reliance on the self toward risks of deceptions. [Christ JESUS told Simon Peter Simon Barjona: "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven" (Matthew 16.19): pics to the left].

Christ JESUS was the example having fulfilled the Law Of God, including the Laws Of Nature, including the Laws Of Physics, including the Laws Of The Time Space Relationship. The living God Christ JESUS over all, the laws of natural life next, the laws of inorganic, and with it the reaches into the greater unseen (reference Alpha and Omega). Accordingly why is time manipulation so important?, First Christ JESUS fulfilled all the above laws and also man made laws, so Christ JESUS fulfilled the proper overcoming of time manipulation for the Holy Father In Heaven to bring such proper time manipulation unto Christians, that Christians be One with Christ JESUS in so doing.

Christ JESUS already accomplished the highest value (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on the End Time process), so now it is appropriate for Christians to so do likewise, and in such to find as the Scripture Prophesies:

So with proper manipulating of time for One Higher Purpose comes the Holy One Of Israel.

Christ JESUS also has gifts for His People as explained in the Scripture Prophesies:

Christ JESUS wants You to be with Him after End Time.

Christ JESUS showed how to not only talk, yet also how to do the Will Of The Father In Heaven.

Christ JESUS spoke of Isaiah the Prophet.

Christ JESUS spoke of the past and did as the Prophet had said.

Isaiah the Prophet spoke of Christ JESUS.

Isaiah the Prophet spoke of the future.

Christ JESUS spoke of Your personal future in this time now, according to if You so do as Christ JESUS spoke.

Isaiah the Prophet spoke about You now when Isaiah the Prophet spoke of Christ JESUS saying:

Christ JESUS knows His Heavenly Father made all for random free gift choice and rather for higher good purpose. If You then for higher good purpose alway do in and for Christ JESUS to be knowing all things added unto You, spirits, tools, and so on. To know 3D language, 3D symbols, dimensions under space time and the tool of time, and with knowing according to Your talent. If to rearrange time then beforehand to plan and grow in talent as needful such as typically Biblically and reasonably to in advance know where Your plan is going, as via growing in Prophetic talent, and higher Godly Talent.

Christ JESUS = The Door.

Christ JESUS explained the four winds of time, half a time, and times (see Daniel below).

unto His Disciples and they explained in the New Testament and greater,

from proper Godly grief (see following triadic equation) to victory over time guidance, Matthew 24.29-33:

Salvation / Threshold Seal / Thorough Repentance / Threshold Seal / Godly Sorrow.

Salvation / Thorough Repentance / Godly Sorrow.

The four winds explained: "ye know that summer is nigh" / "putteth forth" / "When"..."tender" / Heavenly Word / Your agreeing "sign" coming with Christ JESUS / The Chosen / Overcome their sorrows for greater good / You choose / Reap / The Door.

You know future time prediction rather One Prophetically / "putteth forth" proper growing in Christ JESUS.

With each Seal to be opened comes the higher Authority to choose whether to so Covenant.

Therefore know time in order to know the next step with the following step to know if the higher Authority would so Covenant.

Therefore know Christ JESUS in order to know One Proper Interpretation at least per se, and rather far greater.

Christ JESUS moves One direction for God above, all Christian missions become as One (see previous ICCDBB Sermons),

as God is unmoving from righteousness and does not turn therefore God Will shift the entire time space grid above and move it

to bring You to Christ JESUS in God for You, if You continue in righteousness, if necessary.

That is God Will move the entire Universe for You if need be, yet rather move the self for God.

God is already in all places, yet if You are to be "as one of Us" (Genesis 3.22 YLT) then to time travel: for them [if there be any other, or rather (for One)] yet if it is the most effectual Will of Christ JESUS. And if time travel so be the most effectual Will of Christ JESUS then according to the working hand(s) of Christ JESUS. Then therefore if it is at the Will of the working hand(s) of Christ JESUS, then How does a person such as You Christian Leader make it so, since a person hardly orders God about?, rather let Your Holy boss see You most effectually work [even if with Your hands (also see ICCDBB Sermons on prayer, talents, and miracle gifts from above)] accordingly. If You are so doing, God may want to comfort You with giving You / Your Holy Work great help(s) through the process(es). And worth mention is that many Christian Leaders started great works, such as Moses leading people to the Promised Land though Moses hardly stepped foot in, in former logic, and rather accordingly others entered into that harvest. Likewise the eternal work offers the greatest harvesting [the eternal yields "glory far beyond all comparison" (2 Corinthians 4.17)].

The eternal glory for Your Flock is available now, see above timeline spaceline reverence for God Drawing. Accordingly if Your Flock is to inherit all God has prepared to offer then to make it so now as much as Christ JESUS taught and did and does and Will do in You and Yours.

Christian Baptism is a timeless step, even though accomplished in a point in time x space. In like manner such as anointing and sanctifying things / spirits such as "consecrate the tent of meeting and the altar" (from Exodus 29.44) and if You and the Lord agree if to sanctify the Earth and Universe [(Leviticus 27.27) then a below GodMath key / threshold] and time (Nehemiah 13.22 & ibid.).

Christ JESUS taught the One Proper Direction, so that the Holy Father is the Head, and money is of the tail of some value such as when money is a mission value unto Christians as for nonChristians to see signs and wonders, and here is such an interpretation: "Some thought that, since Judas had the moneybag, Jesus was telling him to buy what they needed for the festival or to give something to the destitute" (John 13.29 ISV); also tithing is of value (Deuteronomy 25.4). Otherwise money and things can be as or nearly as such as to be thrown for naught by sinners, such as invested unwisely and/or selfishly.

The key point is that in Christ JESUS as the previous ICCDBB Sermon showed, let Your light be burning brightly that You see the proper Way and not stumble in the dark, that You literally head in the right direction with body and soul in One Accord through time space even when former logic markers fail and even if a spirit or spirits try to hold to thresholds You already conquered for Christ JESUS. To travel a road a sign can be seen, to travel time let Christ JESUS in You guide. Moses guided people through space normal time even before Moses saw the Promised Land per se (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Faith and on PCS).

Christ JESUS showed to have the self light (Your light) help others (Matthew 7.21)

though to be aware of gaps and failings in former logic signposts lose higher pertinence [(contextual value / threshold level) e.g. 55mph road sign can hardly apply to aircraft]

and be careful in how You care e.g. if it is time to exit a car it is not time to fasten / seal Your seatbelt even if seatbelts save lives.

The time is upon Your Flock already in Christ JESUS to properly open seals if appropriate in Christ JESUS.

If You wonder, ask Your Flock, Your Proper Comforters ("Proper" according to if You properly teach them the Word Of God and practice the Word Of God),

ask them if they ever heard of any nation that taught things contrary to Christ JESUS or if they ever heard of any people anxious to trick Your family or kill for a handful of dollars, or if they ever heard of a school or town that removed the Ten Commandments or any such things save for higher purpose. And of course You already know the answer: know Ye then too these things of this Sermon. Even so know Ye that some have talents such as Evangelism, and others have talents for Pastoring, and others have talents unseen; One may have a talent to open a Seal, and another One to open another Seal (example Revelation 6.3 "And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see"). If God wants such to be, let it be. If God wants You to change time such as perhaps if God wants You to prevent a Seal from being opened or perhaps to improve the results, prepare Thyself With Thy Flock.

Make friends quickly, as "time and chance happen to them all" (from Ecclesiastes 9.11).

If Christ JESUS wants You to wait, make it so (John 21.22).

If Christ JESUS wants You to intervene, make it so [(Genesis 18.32) in the Will Of God].

This with the understanding there are often spirits which try to hold Yours back to thresholds already conquered and Covenanted with God such as for sin reasons and/or such as for ill used former logic which might include a premise such as safety save lives, a truism often wrongfully applied for selfish reasons. One can understand given such circumstances, all the more is the value and importance of bringing the One Perfect Perspective, for the benefit of all, even as detailed at great lengths in the scientific libraries, in the history books, in Prophecies, and more.

Truly, truly, there are those who need help though can hardly help themselves, even as some inappropriately reach out to sinners to guide them.

Christ JESUS Prophetically explained not only the new, yet also the old. It is written "so that if any one is in Christ -- he is a new creature; the old things did pass away, lo, become new have the all things" (2 Corinthians 5.17 YLT). So even the old and former has become as if new, via Christ JESUS. It is hardly new according to the former, rather according to the greater, precept on precept rather than precept minus precept.

"And Jesus said to them, "Therefore every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a head of a household, who brings out of his treasure things new and old."" (Matthew 13.52). The old is become new, the new is become renewed and newer: in Christ JESUS is life and living and proper growing.

Christ JESUS is the root, the Branch; though such is not said that people bow down to and worship trees, rather this is for the ascending, the growing and proper leaping in all truth and One love.

Christ JESUS expounded as depicted above that in the Holy Father He has power over all.

You therefore have much to enjoy in Christ JESUS.

As You enjoy for their sakes.

To turn away from iniquities, "children of the covenant" (3 Nephi 20.26) is of value to face God, yet also go do up forward toward Your Father In Heaven to learn from the best, JESUS said "You are from below and I am from above" (John 8.23 ABPE). Christ JESUS knew and knows and Will know the Heavenly Plan And Way, so You doing likewise gain upper Seals / Covenants / Thresholds / Worthiness In Christ JESUS, for the greater good. The unconquered thresholds can be likened in former logic unto personal bad spirit challenges, though rather from Christ JESUS The Victor is the free gift burden. Like unto the giddy burden of typical excitement of having to unwrap a present (even so delight in their delight). Likewise is to be the Victor Heir with time.

Things of the flesh Will become no more: former logic having been conquered via Christ JESUS the source of proper love, precept of God on precept of God.

And now according to Your worthiness to have continued with this Sermon thus far, a hard saying is administered now at this time unto You, a light burden in Christ JESUS as Christ JESUS has already conquered this burden gift for You so rely and vest in Christ JESUS now: the Holy Bible thing is a thing, a flesh, a manifestation of spirits in the flesh and even with Holy Spirit(s), so it too Will become so counted as Christ JESUS is greater than the Holy Bible and is the source of the Holy Bible, so the Bible Will be toward the End for You as One Christ JESUS is completed in You, hence with You wholly becoming One Mind And Soul As Christ JESUS most perfectly beyond former comparisons hence all things and all proper interpretation known unto You (Proverbs 3.5).

The scriptures have no value without Christ JESUS.

After the Sixth Seal a great search went forth to find the person with talent and covenant good and faithful and sufficient to properly open the Seventh Seal..." who is able to stand?" [who is able to open the Seventh Seal (Revelation 6.17, see ICCDBB Sermon How To Choose The Chosen Drawing Choosing JESUS): Righteous You, this system was made for You personally / positionally in Christ JESUS].

If to open Your Seventh Seal for the benefit of all including for Christ JESUS, then to be in Christ JESUS One And The Same (ibid.). If to be hardly You, to be Christ JESUS of 2,000 years ago then to change the time space continuum; Your new Holy Mission is to personally change the time space continuum as an example unto Your Flock and as a sign and wonder unto any other(s). Go forth gathering properly from light burden to light burden and such. Go forth as their salvation joy in Christ JESUS and render any excess delight unto the Holy Father In Christ JESUS.

"Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth" (from Luke 11.2).

It Will not be done according to former logic time knowledge, rather as stated above the Holy Timing Will be "When his branch is yet tender". There is an up direction and a down [even if illustrated on this page otherwise for higher purposes (below Drawing: Tree of knowledge of good and evil)]. To go up in missions has value(s), to go down in missions can have value(s) (even so God created all for good: all has value in this sense).

To go down in a mission is Your Will and other of free choice gift from God may choose to agree with You or not. Yet to go up in a mission if properly done is only Your choice since God agrees with good. In other words, to go up is as to do away with half the pitfalls, to do away with pitfalls half the time.

To go down on a mission gains success when to give them gifts they find more important and of greater value to them than other plans of theirs. As it is written in Luke 11.7 & 8:

Cash, weapons, ways to conceal the truth, and many other things are valuable in lower plans. Higher values include the Name JESUS Christ, The Heavenly Father, higher gifts of the Holy Spirit, and so on likewise. So then too of value are things such as matter and time, such as time over cash, and such as timing of any weaponry. Yet more valuable are hardly things according to former logic that sinners love, and rather giving time unto Christian Priests and giving love unto Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS could gather cash,

but cash could not gather Christ JESUS (Matthew 23.19).

The altar is of higher value than the gift. Reference to the altar includes reference to all gifts so donated. Reference to a school includes all students and faculty. Reference to time includes all that is inclusive within time. Reference to God includes time, and also the everlasting beyond former norms of measure.

If You find a sinner, discern the spirits and settle it quickly before chance of time finds Yourself to become the accused; even so rather seek Ye First the Kingdom Of Heaven.

Even so be aware that many people contribute to Christians, good is found in all. Resist not evil (from Matthew 5.39).

Rather than seeking to blame others, rather blame Yourself for not having raised them to higher precepts.

Pull the beam out of Your own eye in order to better help them: ascend properly through precepts, thresholds, covenants, and seals.

Fulfill Your becoming a Prophet not merely in quoting Bible flesh text, rather ascend and do (Matthew 5.17). Be not only in words yet rather in Holy Deed(s).

Some Holy People described the work(s) of Heavenly aliens or Flying Saucer type beings the best they could, such as to turn a watered sacrifice on the altar into a cooked feast without the Holy People at the time evidently knowning much about as a minimum former logic molecular physics (1 Kings 18.38), so the Holy People described the fire and water as though not related so much to each other, even though the instructions for watering and the fire both came from the same One Source.

ICCDBB Affiliate A Check Exact, a for profit organization that has been a major supporter of ICCDBB for JESUS and has administered Proprietary PCS, used to design, provide technical consulting on such devices and engines, and more concerning turning water into engine power (fuel / precision instantaneous superheating with expansion of water, reference 3 Nephi 19.13), a very simple process requiring a certain type of activation with safe administration. The following is another such water turned into fire and back into water website, with soap added for visualizing and to enhance certain effects:

Christians have much joy for others to do of immediate imminent concern. Expansion is moving galaxies apart from each other so that other world visitors might hardly be saved per former logic such as rocketry (also see ICCDBB Sermon JESUS Sleeping For Us: How to build a flying saucer): Expansion made former logic obsolete per se (De analysi per aequationes numero terminorum infinitas, 1669).

Baptism into Christianity is of salvation of the Lord unto the Christian saving others, see pic below, though hardly according to appearances [save higher purposes (Matthew 24.32 with see pic below)]. Therefore while Christians offer signs and wonders that non-Christians follow [or are overwhelmed and don't know what to make of such (Matthew 28.4 ISV) catatonic, awed, stiff, rigid, lifeless]. So sinners make for themselves great temporary values but otherwise cause desolation such as shown below, while Christians are united hardly other than toward creating values: hence in this world Christians can be found on missions in skyscraper mansions (Matthew 11.8-10 with Luke 19.5) and in like manner in hovels, but any seeking to be sinners hardly seek other than mansions and skyscrapers: so greater than discerning of spirits is the finding so of such doings (Matthew 24.46).

To not have mansions unreasonably at the expense of others is a joy in the Lord. And to have mansions for You is a joy in the Lord.

To not conquer thresholds unreasonably at the expense of others is a joy in the Lord. And for You to conquer thresholds properly is a joy in the Lord.

A proper Christian mission is to conquer thresholds properly creating joy others as a minimum.

Formations of outer space slums is not the best choice in the Lord.

Formations of outer space slums is not the best choice in natural physics.

The God Of Nature is everlastingly faithful unto everlastingly faithful Christians (likewise see previous ICCDBB Sermons on false or rather true Prophets).

Beyond former logic of time and space there are also similarities along the Holy Path. If a Christian give signs and wonders to sinners, likewise Christ JESUS gives applicable glory and greater value unto the Holy Father and the Holy Father so gives Christ JESUS and Christ JESUS so gives greater value unto the Christian including higher signs and wonders. This is accomplished in the Holy Covenanting Agreeing choosing of the higher part.

The Christian agrees and so does the overcoming of the threshold(s), and of Holy Covenant receives applicable higher threshold indicators (1 Corinthians 12.31) signs and wonders known as "a still more excellent way". That is, in order to distinguish concerning Christian Baptism Of Heaven, this is so stated.

Yet let Earth be as in Heaven.

Christ JESUS calls You to practice proper Holy Precept on Holy Precept doing(s). In so doing water for instance is loaded with ionic and electric potentials as are all things, and for example if to greatly heat water [(steam) perhaps with a modifier such as a catalyst or coolant,] then with distance expansion, so from a water molecule with formulas per se hence similar to a tiny Known Universe, to two Known Universes, hydrogen and oxygen, each expanding yet relative to each other yet with each other super expanding per se [(see previous Sermon Prophetic Directions top Drawing on truth rather with love expansion): love > truth].

Some Christians allow or prefer some of their self poverty / mission(s) at times and rather for true love in order to accomplish greater such as per household or rather for all, and for all is similar to as shown below the building and maintaining of the neutrinos equipment, yet again the cost unto others is important not only at startup yet also along the time in maintaining and rather the true love value(s) received (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Christians needed to be over systems and things such as over chimera plans). If Your Flock is anxious to be so charitable with their time (invested in the secular world), should Your Church perhaps be also interested?, Can Your Church relate to Your Own Flock?, and perhaps that is not such talent of Your Church and it is not a sin and is not necessarily the plan of Your Church. Give Leadership according to what You Find appropriate in Christ JESUS, according to what is fitting, and "give, according as Yahweh your God blesses" (Deuteronomy 16.10). For instance because there is a mountain, it doesn't typically mean You have to climb it. Even so if or when You find thresholds appropriate to conquer for the Lord then let such blessings be as You find fitting for the Lord. Some things are more needful at the moment (Luke 10.42), also there are greater riches in the Lord.

Jesus the Christ explained that the time of a former logic mortal lifetime is temporary, so poverty as shown below is temporary even if for a person's entire mortal time. Therefore of former logic, and with such rather for higher purpose Christ JESUS explained the eternal time, and with free choice that a Chosen Person might become likened unto the quest to see God hence for the mission of fitting Church Baptism into the higher purpose in the former logic sense things such as the temporary time state of time space travel unto the Christian Water Baptism unto higher purposes whether in the body or other than former logic accountability [as with Christ JESUS "ascending" (John 20.17 RSV)].

New Accountability / New Time Line / New Standard Of The Church (new to the novice) / Water Baptism / Water Baptism / Full Repentance / Quest for God.

Yet each of the higher values is greater than the previous in ascending, just as "Full Repentance" is greater than if to commit sins, in former logic such as to rob a person is the robber putting the self in danger of being caught, danger of the potential victim being well defended, and in danger of many other things.

With higher greatness / New Covenant With God / threshold, there is entered in with each threshold "God", the greatness of God is further unraveled per Covenant. Also greater is greater responsibility of each on the quest, a reason to rely more greatly on Christ JESUS hence to further better know the Perfect Way Of Properly Ascending.

With higher proper ascending into greater greatness also is the similar pressure per threshold to understand and do the complexity per person per threshold, as Christ JESUS said the burden is light and also with higher New Logic New Way Of Thinking covenanting of law, more importantly higher grace covenants hardly understood / former therefore greater talent(s) is being unraveled unto Your Flock accordingly, hence New Talent(s) to better overcome problems and sufficiency to approach the next higher threshold or perhaps to leap.

To overcome New Greater Complexities can be read for instance with the above triadic string: in between the Standard and the Water Baptism a person can encounter the Fire Baptism threshold. Now if the Evangelist tells sinners to go into the fire, they might attack or perchance pyromaniac sinners might leap into the arms of the Evangelist, so proper preparedness can of course enable proper safeguards and/or leverage. While Fire Baptism completes the flesh and temporary time former logic laws (reference Song of Solomon 2.14) and rather of higher covenant grace acceptance initiates the Holy Ghost (Luke 3.22) of higher value, the former logic per se amount of value in Evangelizing includes that most people might be fascinated with and enjoy fire but do not want to be burned alive.

Hence God has provided therefore yet more Evangelism advantage leverage points to perhaps discuss with Your Flock depending on the current plans in Your Church, such as perhaps to invite people to an outdoor campfire Holy Feast perhaps with Altar to better show and discuss things that interest them [(see the GodMath Testament on turning private fun into higher covenant mutual joy for the Lord): many funs together can yield a leap in joy for the Lord].

Be Ye merciful, as the former logic level has relied on appearances, even though Fire Baptism is integral (3 Nephi 19.13), also be aware concerning certain words some people consider a multitude of thoughts prior to any agreeing on their part, and be aware that normal definitions of some words have very different meanings to some people as Your education and experiences are not the same as theirs. For instance if to Evangelize about Baptism and to shout "fire" in a movie theater, then to have not satisfied the properly doing for them. Rather than stampede people to risk that any perish, Christ JESUS prefers that people not perish, including becoming in You in Christ JESUS able to not be hurt in the future time even eternally by the Holy Flame; former logic has it's risks, while Christ JESUS has salvation; Revelation 21.8:

Time, spatial distance, and intensity are former logic factors such as whether a flame might provide goodly results or other (see previous ICCDBB Sermons for Christ JESUS on Testaments, translations, versions, and interpretations). So if to have the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil, and with it the higher value the Tree Of Life, then as a minimum to do properly controlled former logic, within parameters, within the bounds of the Standard Of The Church, to bind any and all barriers in other words / interpretation(s) to free Your People.

If a person knows how to overcome "intensity", in other words if a person knows how to do pertinent higher purpose goodness for all others for Christ JESUS then such a person has such a talent.

If a person knows how to overcome "spatial distance", in other words if a person knows how to do pertinent higher purpose goodness for all others for Christ JESUS then such a person has such a talent.

Concerning time, Christ JESUS would have Your Flock see to it that none perish / temporary time. Therefore it is integral to be ascending to best employ every talent. Matthew 18.14:

Many have perished in former logic. In former logic as a minimum many more would perish in future time, so rather save Christian Salvation. So to start saving the greater unseen in the future (pending choosing End(s) / Glorious Father In Heaven, example: Isaiah 66.4) One can start now. The past came first and the future comes second, yet the second is like unto the first (2 Kings 25.17) save Christ JESUS, Elijah [bringing dead from the past back to life (1 Kings 17.22)], You, and with other Christian Leaders. To some it means healing, and much more than healing, to some the interpretation is Baptizing, to others other Biblical interpretations.

Yet in all these let be understood in You the higher inclusive Covenant.

To rub sticks together to have fire takes time (perchance 15 minutes), to strike a match to have fire takes less time (perchance 1 second), to be with the fire Christ JESUS already lit on the same scale takes negative 2,000 years of time per se. Yet Christ JESUS affirmed ""Very truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!"" (John 8.58), and the fire of life of God has been with all from the beginning. Here is an excerpt from 3 Nephi 12.1, with verse 2:

The past tells of future things and the future of the past.

Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?, (Job 38.31).

lake of fire and brimstone detecting neutrinos supercomputer universe ICCDBB Of Christ JESUS

Christ JESUS invites You to get it done (victory(ies)). An employer (or similar task list) might want an employee to get it done yesterday, or maybe to rush the job and be done before going home. Are Christians motivated to the maximum or minimum as with tasks specific to Church eternal needs (Matthew 12.12)?, Christ JESUS would have that a person be properly motivated (Matthew 9.6), even so thanks be for the Christian Leaders. There are chores to do such as cleaning Church gutters with fingernails and rather at least properly convert and innovate spirits such as spirits of pumice. Yet rather there are far more important Church matters, and any lesser Will be added unto You (Hebrews 2.9 with 2 Peter 2.4).

As shown above, scientists hope to catch pieces of stars.

Stars fell, during the Big Bang.

Multitudes more stars fell during the Big Pulse (see previous ICCDBB Sermons for Christ JESUS).

Because it is a pulse, there was not only the outflow, there was also the gathering, and Will be again in Christ JESUS.

Time: Alpha and Omega, it happened before and Will happen again (Ecclesiastes 1.9).

And Christ JESUS came and broke the Seventh Seal:

Those of such Threshold Covenant stand in witness [rather so doing (John 17.4)].

If You know the dead from the past are coming again, then preach into the future unto them to explain unto them for their sakes that there is an unseen more excellent way for them in Christ JESUS, and there is even an unseen more excellent way for You. Save them now. And let the mission be accomplished in You that You properly leap unto the even more excellent unperceived from below, up unto the more valuable higher thresholds and Covenants In Christ JESUS For The Holy Father In The Heavens.

Catching space particles with water and detectors is valuable, Immersion Christian Baptism is more valuable.

Christ JESUS expounded that they labored (see above): You And With Your Flock reap. The above is added unto You. Some see slums, others see opportunities. Some places have empty skyscrapers, vacancies, labors, and lack of joy. Similarly there is an emptiness or counted as such when a person, perhaps You, fail to ascend into greater Covenants. Truly, truly, there are many empty mansions including now. There are many vacancies in many Ivory Towers of secular higher education and technology, and the other places in the world are hardly immune, save the One Lord. Truly, truly, it is better to spend one moment with a sober Christian Technician, than to spend two moments with ten drunken sinners save certain successful events in Christ JESUS The Lord of all.

The sinners have their lake(s) of fire(s), while the Christians have their lake(s) of enlightenment(s).

If in a room with half the people Christians and half sinners, then if to show convincing signs and wonders that all be repentant then at that time to have undone a half room of pitfalls, a half time of risks and dangers.

To then send them forth is to scatter, that they gather multiplying blessings, even exponentially as each chooses a few.

To properly scatter and to properly gather, for Christ JESUS, is of great value.

Beware and be aware to be righteous in Christ JESUS rather than to base conclusions on secularism. Rather than Preach and make Biblical Commentaries about secular events and issues, prefer to present the greater good as timeless Christ JESUS did and does. It is a great guide when times seem contrary or meaningless.

Christ JESUS 2,000 years ago led a good life helping others for the Father In Heaven and likewise teaching in the Temple, the point being He spent very little of His lifetime, even hardly any significant amount of His lifetime relatively, turning over tables of money changers. He rather spent His time doing things people more easily recognized as good. And He even paid taxes.

In the above pics to build an enormous neutrino telescope is goodly, but hardly if to cause massive poverty and desolation, from Proverbs 3.25:

coming in time(s) Prophetically: so now do something about it, ascend.

In this Sermon time and in the next time are time keys, as shown below. Such descriptions of conquering over time for Christ JESUS is shown in part here, yet the Bible is available that proper interpreting might come forth in You now, prior to the next ICCDBB Sermon.

Money is associated with former logic,

Christ JESUS is more concerned with the Will Of The Father.

Prophesy Pyramid all seeing eye of God ICCDBB Of Christ JESUS

Christ JESUS thought it good to be One In The Father and on a Mission, The Father above, Christ JESUS on a Mission below, One being in two places at once. Putting others first selflessly, Christ JESUS accomplished time shifting for the greater good perfectly as The Father In Heaven found appropriate. Clearly God found Abraham able to see from beneath, that is, to be sufficiently humble having lowered the self esteem of what the lower former logic threshold used to admire as top value, and to rather look up to the greater unseen in God (Genesis 22.12) as the Son of man Christ JESUS did. To be a Christian Parent Or Guardian Of Offspring (Baptized) Christians is as to be like unto the secular name Father Time, symbolically (see above "Those of such Threshold Covenant" interpretation).

Christ JESUS went on time related miracle missions. In this context now let the second miracle Christ JESUS did be explored (John 4.49 & 50):

Prior to that time Christ JESUS did not tell the royal official "Repent, for the Kingdom Of Heaven is at hand". Prior to that time Christ JESUS did not go to the royal official's child and heal the child. To have control over time is not the same as importunity (see above). To have control over time for Christ JESUS is not the same as having control over time for personal convenience nor selfish sins. Christ JESUS was with giving the sign(s) and wonder(s) at the time and reason the royal household found appropriate and for future story telling Biblically.

Joy In Heaven / The appropriate timing and doing of those in need / Time Control.

To go back in time to undo the crucifixion is not appropriate, it is not acceptable to make Christ JESUS suffer through that all over again. To go forward in time to undo the next Covenant is not appropriate, and so on. Doing properly in Christ JESUS now is appropriate until such a time as otherwise commanded to change time for better higher purpose as issued from God The Father In Christ JESUS In One.

There is a Highest Plan. First understand it completely, prior to making any change if ever.

For instance understand it is appropriate to heal people even on the Sabbath. So likewise understand there are higher purposes God has readied for You to accomplish unselfishly.

Christ JESUS taught things would be revealed of the gift of End Times

yet with having passed from former times and ways unto the new

so too the Holy Comforter needs be with having passed from former logic unto New Logic.

Peace, Holy Comforter be of good cheer, God is with You.

It is written:

It is written as shown above, and it was interpreted, and now Christ JESUS does as He has done, even the Omega and the Alpha for Your sake(s): revealing unto You an even more excellent way.

A note concerning triads John 7.8 ("Go ye up unto this feast: I go not up yet unto this feast; for my time is not yet full come") for instance has "not" mentioned twice. Of former logic the ":" and the ";" are important symbols as in New Logic, yet of New Logic more important is the proper interpreting of the Way Of Christ JESUS, such as with shedding new light on old passages. A triadic equation can be "for my time is not yet full come" = "Go ye up unto this feast" x "I go not up yet unto this feast". Or from that with higher purpose loving care a triadic equation can be:

"I go" / "not up yet unto this feast" / "time is not yet full come".

"time is not yet full come" = "I go" x "not up yet unto this feast".

this concerns "time", also there are other deeper key features to the verse such as:

"not yet full come"

"not up yet unto this feast".

Optimism yes, yet the precepts of God more. Mention in this verse is made of "time", yet Christ JESUS greater emphasized the concern of "not" in this verse. Of this verse Christ JESUS goes, though in this verse according to "not" according to two precepts, it is not His "time", and it is not His "feast" that is His food is: that I may do the will of Him who sent me, and may finish His work (from John 4.34). So the negative things have been transfigured into good, of Christ JESUS.

If Christ JESUS can do this unto the double "not" former logic relatively sickly verses, so much greater Christ JESUS does with You in the healthy New Creation New Logic verses such as concerning what The Father and what Christ JESUS have, here are some such "I have" verses: John 4.17, John 8.26, John 10.18, John 13.15, John 16.33, John 17.4, and John 19.22. "I have", God The Father has, Christ JESUS has, and these are emphasized in the teachings and doings of The Father God with Christ JESUS.

Former logic is directional, such as according to the favorite idea. New Logic is according to One Most Important Purpose.

The Holy Ghost.

ICCDBB Sermon for Leaders in Christ JESUS April 9, 2016 AD.

Jesus Christ


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