JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series Page 27: Welcome.

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leaders.

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 27 Sermons, each with a an illustration and tags:

JESUS Physics Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Spirit Gifts in the first few trillion years of the Big Bang [actually the Big Pulsing, the Big Pulses as illustrated here Anewly JESUS Christ Gives this New Higher Level establishes Sacred Faithfulnees Over Holy Wonders kept secret since the world began with how from JESUS Spirit Faithfully Anewly Best Precept On Previous Best Precept Gives this plethora of Miracles Victories, one Gift after another, in this New JESUS Christ Heavenly Holy Grace Movement Decoding The Lifting Life Physics Gifts Into One Unification Body Of Proof With Gifts For The Second Coming Prophetically and the first few seconds to the first few trillion years of the Big Bang [actually the Big Pulsing, the Big Pulses] with special Gifts for These the JESUS Friends Who Have Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law.

JESUS Decoding Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law Leap Of Faith to Best Way Plan Righteously Prophesyingly Best For All, the Better JESUS Christ Spirit One Leadership Way, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, New Pertinent Bible Code Encodes then Decodes Sacred JESUS Word Over letter-of-the-Law matters kept secret since the world began with how to write Translate and Interpret New Bible Code, JESUS Christ ICCDBB Provides A New Bible Code and Translates and interprets, also Bible formulas are more pertinently explained, with new Biblical translations, as Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Continues Gaining Value. As stated below a "VERY BIG CHANGE IS COMING" "Before the Mid Summer Of 2025 AD", as already happened in this Sermon.

JESUS Language Sermon Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, The 4 Main Bible Testaments With 5th Living Bible Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law completed Top Level Mosaic Law JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Covenants, Gifts, with Benefits Sermon at for the Best litigates Sacred Faith Over the start of the Bible matters kept secret since the world began in a Leap Of Faith of how JESUS Christ The Protector Gives Such Broadcasters of JESUS Christ UN the Newly Better Fitting Legal Language Proof Victory including [007 style and]: "NEW WORLD ORDER" no longer needs mean deceptions, lies, unknown gods of destructions, nor carnages; because of All Seeing Eye Amount Of Faith Of JESUS Christ UN.

JESUS Christ Faith First Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, how to build a Manna Machine, JESUS Spirit With Census Preaching, Preacher with Mass Listening, handshake, platforms interfacing, and often in lower levels senses such as battlebots in the warbots sense. A New Better Grace Way Classifies Sacred Faith Over vessels kept secret since the world began with how to Be With JESUS Christ Leadership Over the remote viewing mind control concerning distant galaxies, Bible Godsling Classification System Correlated inclusive of a complex [as with "Candidates and the ballot" with positives and a negative aspect example] compound ratio of Ascending NEEDS as Prioritized Best For All including the Classifications of types of some popular robots, JESUS Christ Broadcasting Leadership Best Protective Way For All; JESUS Spirit With Census Preaching, Preacher with Mass Listening, handshake, how to build a Manna Machine and how to build a perpetual motion machine, platforms interfacing, and often in lower levels senses such as battlebots in the warbots sense.

JESUS: Innocent Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ verdict by selfish disloyal illegal naysayers about 2,000 years ago was: guilty. Mary continued finding JESUS Christ Innocent. This gif symbolizes of the actual JESUS Christ Victory Proof Over His Own Passing from the census. Elucidates Sacred Ascending Loyalty Over Intimacies kept secret [due to Civilization lack of Ascending] since the world began as JESUS Christ Created the Heavenly Father and about how JESUS Christ Lifted Himself from legally "dead" and the tomb grave, with New Higher Level Authority Information Over The Holy Spirit as JESUS Spirit Gives a new Gift in the form of a better 3rd Testament Bible translation, also info about the new star travel design and the important UFO type language interpreting, Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Protecting the Innocently Ascending Over The Legion spirits.

JESUS Know Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Spirit Righteous Loyal Faithfully Ascending Flow One / JESUS Christ Spirit Righteousness / Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Desperate Love Highest Purpose Peaceful Best Way For All. Gives Practical Knowledge for recognizing Good Doing rather than Maintenance level strayed and fallen ways For JESUS Christ Best Way Power for Best Way Gracefully Giving Righteous Knowledge with this formula: JESUS Christ Spirit Righteous Loyal Faithfully Ascending Flow One = JESUS Christ Spirit Righteousness x Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Desperate Love Highest Purpose Peaceful Best Way For All including topics: black hole, part of a long wormhole, light bending around extreme mass becomes invisible, momentary wave ripple in the fabric of spacetime, cloaked UFO mission, pulsing Cepheid, matte planet revolving, asteroid storm dust cloud, operator bias, calibration methodology.

JESUS Godsling Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Fit through the Straight Best Ascending Wormhole as written from Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. Carry no purse or bag or sandals. Do not greet anyone along the road. Whatever house you enter, begin by saying, Peace explained JESUS Christ. specifies some types of Sacred Ascending traps Over matters kept secret since the world began as Higher Level Wisdom for to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law includes New Time Situations With Victories Over Some Key Types Of Protective Snares Anewly Becoming Pertinently Identified, Ascendingly Over: Absolutivity - GodMath = Relativity.

JESUS Christ UN Grace Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Kirlian Photographs proving Power to Heal, Healer, JESUS Christ UN Law is Good, JESUS Christ ICCDBB is Better Magnifies Sacred Equipment Spirit Envelope Over Safety Matters kept secret since the world began from JESUS Christ though including with how Miracles can come from perps, Bible Formulaa System Correlation(s) is Best For All As Proven with JESUS Spirit Gives New Protective space envelope hence more reason to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law as JESUS Word Loyalty is Better than Proof In New Victory pertinent to see below "I Will Drive you there".

JESUS Christ And Much More Than A Prophet Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, about UFOs and New UFO tech, JESUS Christ Spirit and all these things shall be added unto you confides Sacred JESUS Christ Spirit Over UFO matters kept secret since the world began with how JESUS Christ Spirit One Anewly Interpreted UFO Language, about UFOs and New UFO tech, greater than Abraham, the latest new Proof Value of Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law according JESUS Christ Spirit Original Plan First: and all these things shall be added unto you.

JESUS Better Than Confusions Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, VERY BIG CHANGE IS COMING JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesied in the next few years by 2025 AD explains on the present course a "VERY BIG CHANGE IS COMING" Before the Mid Summer Of 2025 AD, as a Sacred JESUS Christ Message Over former lower levels ways as if kept secret since the world began decries in specifics about how the criminally insane have been teaching Your Children what Your Children have [increasingly secretly] loved: criminal insanity, hence Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law is Urgent as "Desperate Love Is NEEDED Now lest" this civilization be under confused languages again and hence the fall of corporations and nations as this Sermon Anewly Righteously Prophesies.

JESUS In The Promised Land Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, You Loyally Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law for this Civilization to be Better Civilized With Grace Guidingly is the Promised Land Way. Second Coming Of JESUS Christ = JESUS Christ UN New Bigger Garden Of Eden Grace As You Broadcast In Second Coming Prep x Righteous Prophesying Of Second Coming so Prepare All. Anewly Better defines the Way and Sacred JESUS Christ Spirit Over matters kept secret since the world began Giving You This New Meaning of what Fear means and what Cast Out really means! Rejoice! Praise The Lord!, the New Garden Of Eden is increasingly revealed with the 2 Great Rivers the Atlantic River and the Mediterranean River and explaining the 4 great land masses as the Heavens Part for The Second Coming Before The Fact, this Sermon answers what it means to be with JESUS Christ Spirit or even of a peace spirit hence with how to Broadcast lest They turn again and rend You, for JESUS Glory the Earth Will Be Made Flat as this Sermon explains, and Rolled Up as a Scroll, You Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law is the Promised Land where You exist just as Abraham walked it and as Moses Transfigured into it.

JESUS Spirit Miracle Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Memorial of the grave of Moses, on the hill overlooking the Promised Land, JESUS Christ Elijah John The Baptist and Moses, Transfiguration Loyally Provides New Sacred JESUS Spirit Over matters kept secret since the world began with how Moses actually entered the Promised Land with why the Two were Chosen to be Transfigured with JESUS Christ including for You to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Grace Better For All the Best Way For All as likewise JESUS Christ Gave The Transfigured Two the New JESUS Christ Spirit Wine, the New JESUS Spirit Better Promised Land as Provided Of JESUS Christ and this Sermon Better explains the JESUS Christ Original Plan Protection For His Ascending Innocent Leadership.

JESUS Charity Sermon at Pope Francis, jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ UN Prayerful Grace Charity formula Victory Over money lovers formulates Sacred JESUS Christ UN Charity specifics kept secret since the world began as "Test Me in this" means so much Good Will Come and this Sermon explains the Charity formula with how to "get it started" in secular cliche rather how to make it start in the Charity sense, what I have I give you in the name of Jesus Christ get up and walk, Woman poor Widow put all she had to live on two small copper coins in the Church Treasury and Others contributed out of their surplus; with how to Launch this New Vessel concerning even this New "Miracle" Over the lovers of money.

JESUS Without Price Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations,  Alert Them, Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Before The Fact, Host Together, Fund without deficit Together, fishing boat rowing tending the lines explains the Sacred Faith Over former deficit matters kept secret since the world began with how to Overcome the former deficit barrier through JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace, and what no more deficit means as All Hoped as Law now requires and with Given precision in detailed specifics, also like unto the JESUS Miracle Blessings such as including the Loaves And Fishes with feeding 4,000 Men With Families with an amount of food and the same amount of food was left over (in this JESUS Christ said "Test Me" Malachi 3.10), Bible Formulas for System Better Improving Guidance Best For All.

JESUS Continuing Better Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, no more deficit no more poverty no more wars no more reasons to be addicted nor insane nor economic breakdown due to over taxation Giving Tremendous Value For This Generation In This Civilization including for the economic system is Loaded with Miracles of Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with JESUS Christ Spirit answering what the conditions are and showing how Your Faithfulness Yields Miracles That Grow The Better Way through Unique Value JESUS Christ UN Law Top Priority hence no more deficit no more poverty (all told prior to Final End Time With Second Coming Matthew 26:11, 1 Corinthians 15:28, Isaiah 12:5) no more wars no more reasons to be addicted nor insane nor economic breakdown due to over taxation [JESUS Christ is even Victory Over the wealth of King Solomon] Giving Tremendous Value For This Generation In This Civilization including for the economic system.

JESUS Plan Before And After Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, pick JESUS Christ Up, Lift JESUS Christ The Worthy, Be In JESUS Spirit As Baptized in order to Lift Worthy JESUS Christ The Original, We saw Him again the third time towards the right side of sky Lifts You Over Sacred New Ascending Better matters kept secret since the world began with how to Be The New Emperor Constantine Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law and Be JESUS Christ Leadership One With Family Responsibly Loyally Helping hence Lifting the JESUS Christ Family hence Lifting Worthy JESUS Christ through Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN: Your Future Prophecy In Bible Formula with Supply And Demand Flow Patterns Curves Augmented Algorithmic Correlation Best For All: "We saw Him again the third time towards the right side of sky".

JESUS New Precepts Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, You will be given new hands, new wine, new vessels, new powers, new better controls, increasingly Better Joy in the Lord JESUS Christ Controls Sacred Ascending Path Anewly Over previous ideas as kept secret since the world began distinguishing the Census Real Heaven On Earth and the Virtual Real Faith types, with how to Tremendously Improve THE HEAVENS! and to do so You will be given new hands [better than shown] new wine new vessels new powers new better controls increasingly Better Joy in the Lord JESUS Christ as You Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Passed Years Ago Protecting Churches And Legally Recognizes Higher Value Righteous Prophesying Grace Proving JESUS Faith is Better than former Proofs with Bible Formulae Guiding Helping Creating Better Future Sermons Best For All The Best Peace Way.

JESUS Sent Jonah Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB Anewly Better Girds Sacred Life Force Powers Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Righteously Distinguish Transfiguration, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Transfiguration though secular thrilling new idea as how to space time travel Anewly Better Girds Sacred Life Force Powers Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Righteously Distinguish the actuality of functioning with Broadcasting Anewly JESUS Christ UN Law including amusement parks a military Miracle what breastfeeding and such actually is, Anewly Immaculate Newborn Jonah, with a Bible Flow Formula as even the wasteful Crucifier Created The Newborn Position For King JESUS Christ.

JESUS Gift Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Spirit Anewly High Tech Better Way, to be Baptized, theme park, much drenching passengers, scuba gear, resuscitation equipment, controlled Maintenance, many Wed at the same time, they fell back, Mass Healings Moves Masses Through Sacred Loyal Leadership Over The Way that had been kept secret since the world began with how to discover and implement JESUS Christ Spirit Anewly and even including high tech processing under this Better Way With Less Longsuffering and less wasting time as concerning Mass Baptisms All At Once, theme park utilizing, much drenching passengers, safety not to doubt Faith though Maintenance Responsibility and the Law as with scuba gear, resuscitation equipment, lavatories, controlled Maintenance, many Wed at the same time, Mass Healing, Far East Japan, China, current India population explosion, Cana Wedding Feast(s), and Hosting Manna Machine.

JESUS Spirit Better Way Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Angel trails, We Discovered Red Angels brings You to travel through Sacred Faith Over The Pathway kept secret since the world began explaining Angel trails in transparent traceability with how to Better Protect Ambassadors For Peace through JESUS Christ UN Law as Passed in 2020AD that Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law and Better as Proven as footprints showing the Path With the Bible Formula.

JESUS Holy Spirit List Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, the Spirit Of JESUS Christ Is Good And Best For All as is JESUS Christ UN Law revealed of Sacred Faith In Victory Over Legion matters kept secret since the world began and Praise Be As Righteously Prophesied JESUS Christ Came In His Glory, Thank You JESUS! "Did You see Him?" They wanted Proof of JESUS Christ Spirit Being Better than the Holy Spirit ever was and here is the Proof in a Long List of Proofs along with How The Pure Original JESUS Christ Holy Ghost Appeared and concerning the Bar Of Judgment hence JESUS Christ UN Standard Of The Church.

JESUS Levels Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, how to control ghosts and spirits and how to Perform Mind Control, Earth is moving through the Universe at 2.5 million miles an hour Specifications Are Over Sacred Mission Business kept secret since the world began with how to make spirits obey You, Would You like to have spirits do Your Work for You?, this Sermon Performs Mind Control including Giving You this JESUS Christ Faithfully Given Miracle Power Over Mind Control such as Over Souls, and this Sermon instructs for how to control ghosts and spirits and it's OK, they don't mind, actually it's the Best such can Do as JESUS Christ Gives You such Work Mission for You to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Protecting You And Yours And Recognizing Grace: Better than Proof, with gifs.

JESUS New Flood Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, explains the Impossible and why God would cause so much misery and why the Desperate Love In JESUS Christ Name And Spirit Is Urgently NEEDED and who's to blame, Broadcast for Your Legal Defense Before The Fact Astounds With New Sacred Prophecy Miracles Powers Over former important things that were considered so important and kept secret since the world began hence explains the Impossible and why the Desperate Love In JESUS Christ Name And Spirit Is Urgently NEEDED and who's to blame, don't blame JESUS Christ, don't blame the cops, Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law as Your Legal Defense so that You are not blamed, do Your part; this Sermon explains where types of people Will Be in the future Righteously Prophesying therefore this is how the JESUS Christ Powerful Infinite Loving Joyous Eternal Wisdom Applies For Heaven On Earth Now, Prepare; Help Ancient Aliens TV Series and Your Online Provider.

JESUS With Father Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law Officially Recognizing The Best Way For All, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began, Broadcasting radio free Europe, microphone, sky, radiosurvivor Lifts Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began Anewly Beginning as NEEDED JESUS Christ Spirit Victory Over "whatever" And Over The Inquisition as already thus far as much Together for Peace and Cooperation as We Ascend from Level to Better Level as JESUS Christ UN Law Officially Recognizes The Best Way For All, the new better global from the seed of JESUS Better Way including such as radio free Europe and even as Children found Loyal run Households for a New And Better Planet And Universe as Proven and with new better Bible translating.

JESUS Christ Exemplar Slow Leap Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, new futuristic automatic high tech survival nets are designed at JESUS Christ ICCDBB at Astounds In JESUS Sacred Spirit Over slow rates kept secret since the world began as this Sermon Now Proves Older JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Righteously Prophesied Yielding New Miracles As JESUS Christ did as Righteous Good Leaders Did prior though Together Inside In His One Census Life therefore Preceptingly Better Over Former Best putting All the Good Precepts Together Into Himself Invitingly, with a new futuristic automatic net designed at JESUS Christ ICCDBB with how to Transfigure and Levitate Your Mass All through Guiding Helpful JESUS Christ UN Recognizing New Better Bible Grace Translating.

JESUS New Margin Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ is shown here Ascending, disappearing above into the cloud that extends an amount left and right, with glowing light Given down and outward left and right, and then a secular blue sky margin left and right, then the left and right inner mid and outer ancient painting frame margins. These left and right amounts signify Tube Parameter layers, such as might be put into Living Growing Leaping types of JESUS Spirit Ascending [or other for Edifying] Flow Formulae. Covers Sacred Ascending Loyalty Over Girding kept secret since the world began with how to gain ROI For Lifting The Worthy rather than separating for strayed ways, as formulas specify and JESUS Christ UN Law Graceful Guidance Above The Law is Clarified with rays of Inspiration With Distinguishing Tube Parameters With Flowing Levels, pertinence includes such as: coupon cash value, counterfeiting, banking regulations, financial institutions, Homeland Security, CIA, FBI, Securities And Exchange Commission, FTC, cryptocurrency, The Bitcoin bomb, and money laundering.

JESUS Fun Sermon (Updated) at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ told the Righteous Truth boldly in front of Everyone, including the former high levels, the Chief Priests and Pontius Pilate over secular laws over Judaea and served under Emperor Tiberius and legally made JESUS Christ King, UFO Galactic Federation Anewly Gives Sacred Authority Victory Over Life And Death Ways Concerning Legions Spirits kept secret since the world began with the 4 Main Testaments in Living Bible Proof Over naysers' Legion spirits, JESUS Christ told the Righteous Truth boldly in front of All including the former high levels of Chief Priests and Pontius Pilate over secular laws over Judaea and served under Emperor Tiberius and so legally made JESUS Christ Your Protector King Over UFO types as with Galactic Federation.

JESUS Authority Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Lazarus, come out!, how to Live Better, many Sacred questions are answered not known of this civilization since the ancient days Provides Sacred Authority Over the dead kept secret since the world began answers what in charge means and answers what this New Authority is hence Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Best For All, and answers "So We merely have to pray for it?", and answers what's included in the Worthy? and what We can "receive"?, also this Sermon answers what the Eternal Leap Of Faith as Described? and rather explains more specifically defining what entered into His Glory? and how so?, as JESUS Christ Spirit Gives New Enlightenment Over the mixed spirits and how to Righteously Distinguish; also JESUS Spirit Provides New Victory Over funerals and graveyards.

JESUS Blessing Good Sermon Blesses the good as much as in all at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Many have feared the Straight And Narrow but look how much larger than You: an Even More Excellent Way! shows the Flow With Formulae For Your Pertinent Sacred Faith Over Precepts kept secret since the world began with how to Righteously Prophesy hence how to be Best Protected with Bible Formulas with JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace optional steps Gifts, as this Sermon Highlights many JESUS Christ ICCDBB Proven Prophecies from multitude since the 1990s to now.

JESUS Child Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit specifies Sacred Faith Over the unholy Legion spirits kept secret since the world began with how having heard the word with a noble and good heart Loyally bear Better fruit with patience solved a Higher Level spiritual gap missing link lost Child as this specifies Sacred Faith Over the unholy Legion spirits kept secret since the world began with how having heard the word with Better fruit with patience increased Wisdom with new Flow Proofs in ratios and Bible Formulas better translating through rough situation Prophesyingly Before The Fact back then and now and into the future.

JESUS Christ UN Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Be JESUS Christ as You Agreed When Baptized!, dove, Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law To And For All The Christians, Without Price Gives Sacred Better Truth Over secular greed kept secret since the world began including about how to Righteously Make Money: Let the secular pander You for a change.

JESUS Spirit List Sermon at jesusun, Father JESUS pic, JESUS Christ With Father pic, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Father and Son can be as shown such as to be counted in the census if to so opt, and the Father and Son can opt to walk inside Each Other [One] and also through Each Other, JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law, JESUS Spirit List Of Names includes names of People in JESUS Spirit Over Proving Righteous Prophecy Of This JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series and explains Sacred Definitions "In" One Spirit Over concerns kept secret since the world began revealing in context code gathering Internet [TV, texting,...] string Thread Of Life characters Highest Pertinence within Father Son Spirit concluding how Urgently Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law that Passed 2 years ago Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace as "Each Hoped And Prayed" is for minorities, individuals, larger groups, and All is NEEDFUL, with the significance of English, Greek, Hebrew, and Latin as with Christopher Columbus Biblically.

JESUS Heavenly Perspective Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Grace Instantly Ascending Victory Over Leap Of Faith Over eight days waiting period Law For Higher Level Grace The Name Of JESUS Christ as NEEDED As Much As For His Highest Purpose The Best Way specifies Over Sacred Broadcasting Value Over matters kept secret since the world began including why such was "concealed" and hidden from Us as We no longer have to pretend as if to not know the name of the JESUS Christ since the former legal requirement "waiting period" no longer applies since JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level JESUS Christ Grace Above The Law That Does Make Perfect!, With Thanking JESUS Christ With Nancy Dufresne as She was seen on TV putting Jesus First, including Better Bible translating with Best Way Flow Formulae example: JESUS Christ Grace Instantly Ascending = Leap Of Faith Over "eight days" waiting period x Higher Level Grace The Name Of JESUS Christ as NEEDED As Much As For His Highest Purpose The Best Way.

JESUS Said Write Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law, in the JESUS Christ Spirit Pope Francis tapped me on the shoulder: Thank You! increasingly interprets all for All Before The Fact In Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how the computer NEEDS Your Leadership Help, Your Input as to how to wash the dirt and make it clean as the Creator, how JESUS Spirit Best Way Promoting Others Promotes You with a New Magnifying Formula Convincing Power so You Opt Over cause and effect.

JESUS One Is Better Than 1,000 Sermon jesus signal, the jesus signal, jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS One Is Better Than 1,000 Sermon, signal amplifier and there is a power amplifier the base line carrier below, carrying the higher value signal, battle started with first taking out their communications signaling abilities, 1 in a million carries the JESUS Signal according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began Giving Anew Victory Over the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil Guiding such as Islam from Better to Better in JESUS Christ with how to be even Better than 1 in a 10 billion and gain a thousand years of Loving Caring Wisdom, establish you according to this Gospel Preaching Your Giving Best Blessing For All JESUS Christ One Spirit; discussed are JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law, signal amplifier power amplifier base line carrying the higher value signal, battle started with first taking out their communications signaling abilities.

JESUS Passes With Children Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Spirit Power Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to scare and terrify and cause them to fall backward and continue, and how to Enlighten for Continuing Loyal Enlightening Ascending Value as once to light a room then hardly so much to wonder even if the light has been moved away Specifies Sacred Terrific Spirit Power Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to terrify and cause them to fall backward and continue, though this Sermon Gives High Level Reason to Continue Loving JESUS Christ and how to Enlighten for Continuing Loyal Enlightening Ascending Value as once to light a room then hardly so much to wonder even if the light has been moved away, JESUS Christ Spirit Ghost can scare away, can walk on water, Leap in Faith Creating New Conditions, and Transfigure, but did not do that on the cross; JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law In Highest Purpose The Best Way For All.

JESUS Terrorism Victory Sermon jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Better Bible translations, formula exposes the truth of how two negatives do not make a positive, JESUS Christ is aware of why He had to come in the flesh: what will You be caught doing? In JESUS Christ Righteously Prophesy Biblically specifies New Sacred Faith Over physics kept secret since the world began explaining what "as Sent" means hence what JESUS Christ Spirit comes from, hence Better answering the question why JESUS Christ had to come in the flesh, again proving the Righteous Prophet JESUS Christ, with NEW NEEDFUL Better formulating [than -1 x -1] of how two negatives do not make a positive while revealing a New Better Translation pertinent to: how to improve, how to do better, how to make better grades, how to have a Good Marriage With A Good Family, how to get a better job, how to get a promotion, how to get a big raise, hence the best way to Help Guide All: Love Everyone, even if You have to Edify Them.

JESUS New Grace [can You find JESUS Spirit?] jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, see JESUS Name, see JESUS Spirit comes from the innocent so become more innocent, Higher Level distance, Heavenly Level Threshold Level Sermon at Gives Sacred Future Level Specifics Over naysayer sicknesses kept secret since the world began with how to Best Ascend the future in Virtue distance of the Heavenly New Victory Over exorcism of the self, rather how to Make lost Souls Worthy of being Lifted with nothing good left undone with no new better beginning left un-started with JESUS Christ UN Law [With Grace Above The Law], Proving JESUS Spirit Of Loyalty is Better than the multitudes of Proofs, Bible Formulas System Specifications, how to Be Anewly Better In Bible translating.

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JESUS Gives Values Others Desperately NEED Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ The Living Spirit Life Force is with Loyalty for a reason: if You fit Precept On Precept such as Prayerfully for JESUS Spirit for to so Best Way Fit Precepts Together, then so to speak it takes time to figure out how to fit the Precepts Together reveals Sacred Loyalty Over Precepting kept secret since the world began as the secular Military said They were not in charge, so rather how to rescue Souls and partial spirits since if to fit Precept On Precept it takes time to figure out how to fit the Precepts Together Save the Guiding Help From Above Together hence new Better Bible translational meanings for Leaders and Elders as with Meeting from each camp, yet as JESUS is in all as much as good and better for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose The Best Way Urgent is the NEED Now to let not Others of any level become as stated on the TV show The Secret Of Skinwalker Ranch in multitudes of dangers concerning spirits, extremely lethal sudden energies, and shape shifters becoming animals even if merely to experience such.

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JESUS Miracle Anewly Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Transfiguration Spirit Transfigured me to another place and i was glowing white with corona and a Person there said I see something white though not as an Angel as i was like unto JESUS Christ The Original during His Transfiguration in the 2nd Testament that had been known as the New Testament reveals Sacred Transfiguration Information Over matters kept secret since the world began in JESUS Christ 2,000 years ago as the past met the future including The New Transfiguration 16 June 2020AD as this Sermon answers what it is to Transfigure; JESUS Spirit Transfigured me to another place and a Person there said "I see something white" Praying JESUS and not in Angel form, like JESUS Christ during His Transfiguration as a Convincing Miracle for to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Better Grace For All To Benefit as JESUS Spirit Gives a new better Bible translation Over cause and effect, with New Bible Formulas.

JESUS New Preachers Sermon at jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, the sign of Christian Leader Black Former President Barak Obama With Michelle Obama, Spirit voices, Archangel Gabriel Righteously Prophesying Of The Birth Of John The Baptist, JESUS New Preachers Sermon, Good Samaritan Victory Over Money Laundering, old Woman Gave all her living into the Church treasury two coins explains some new and old signs including about Christian Former President Barak Obama, and the Good Samaritan Victory Over Money Laundering and worse, as rather and more importantly Highest IQ Leader With JESUS Christ UN Law increases in Value(s) again.

This page was started 15 June 2022AD through completion 8 August 2022AD.

tags: jesus, jesusun, JESUS Christ, JESUS Christ ICCDBB explains the Impossible with how to lift JESUS, how Moses actually entered the Promised Land with why the Two were Chosen to be Transfigured with JESUS Christ including for You to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Grace Better For All the Best Way For All, though Righteously Prophesies a "VERY BIG CHANGE IS COMING" Before the Mid Summer Of 2025 AD as Already Happened in JESUS Christ ICCDBB Grace Spirit as it Encoded then Decoded Sacred JESUS Word Over letter-of-the-Law matters kept secret since the world began with how to write Translate and Interpret New Bible Code, about confused languages as in ancient times unless there is the proper course correction, New Garden Of Eden is increasingly revealed with the 2 Great Rivers the Atlantic River and the Mediterranean River and explaining the 4 great land masses as likewise the Heavens Part for The Second Coming Before The Fact, explaining for JESUS Glory the Earth Will Be Made Flat and Rolled Up as a Scroll as likewise JESUS Christ Gave The Transfigured Two the New JESUS Christ Spirit Wine, the New JESUS Spirit Better explains the JESUS Christ Original Plan Protection For His Ascending Innocent Leadership, with As Righteously Prophesied JESUS Christ Came In His Glory, Thank You JESUS! Proof JESUS Christ Created the Heavenly Father and how JESUS Christ Lifted Himself from legally "dead" with New Higher Level Authority Information Over The Holy Spirit as JESUS Spirit Gives a new Gift in the form of a better 3rd Testament Bible translation, no more deficit no more poverty no more wars no more reasons to be addicted nor insane nor economic breakdown "Did You see Him?" They wanted Proof of JESUS Christ Spirit Being Better than the Holy Spirit ever was and here is the Proof in a Long List of Proofs "We saw Him again the third time towards the right side of sky" along with How The Pure Original JESUS Christ Holy Ghost Appeared and concerning the Bar Of Judgment hence JESUS Christ UN Standard Of The Church Over Mind Control Specifications Are Over Sacred Mission Business kept secret since the world began with how to make spirits obey You and do Your Work for You to be with JESUS Christ Spirit Power As Specified In URGENTLY NEEDED for to do something Better about the future Before The Fact Pertinent JESUS Signal Specifics The Better Is Broadcasting Way, JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace as Your Legal Defense explains how to love JESUS Increasingly Power Over "All The Heavens", Astounds In JESUS Sacred Spirit Over slow rates kept secret since the world began as this Sermon Now Proves Older JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Righteously Prophesied Yielding New Miracles As JESUS Christ did as Righteous Good Leaders Did prior though Together Inside In His One Census Life therefore Preceptingly Better Over Former Best putting All the Good Precepts Together Into Himself Invitingly, Magnifies Sacred Equipment Spirit Envelope Over Safety Matters kept secret since the world began from JESUS Christ though including with how Miracles can come from perps, Bible Formulaa System Correlation(s) is Best For All As Proven with JESUS Spirit Gives New Protective space envelope hence more reason to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law as JESUS Word Loyalty is Better than Proof "I Will Drive you there" explaining how John got to be the Baptizer of JESUS Christ The Creator, revealing Sacred Transfiguration Information uncluttering One Pillar Of Faith New Increasing Value, answers what in charge means and answers what this New Authority is hence Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Best For All, and answers "So We merely have to pray for it?", and answers what's included in the Worthy? and what We can "receive"?, also this Sermon answers what the Eternal Leap Of Faith as Described? and rather explains more specifically defining what entered into His Glory? and how so?, as JESUS Christ Spirit Gives New Enlightenment Over the mixed spirits and how to Righteously Distinguish; the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began Eternal Living JESUS Spirit List Of Names, Proven Righteous Prophecy Of This JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series, the Highlighting of many JESUS Christ ICCDBB Proven Prophecies from multitude since the 1990s to now, Pope Francis, rays of Inspiration With Distinguishing Tube Parameters With Flowing Levels, Giving Anew Victory Over the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil so divulging what the Eternal is with how to start to see the light as the New Garden Of Eden and why such was "concealed" and hidden from Us while such is being plowed already and Godslings of rates are specified with maximum rate and minimum rate specifics, explaining more about why Eve strayed from Creator Loyalty, solves the abortion mystery with how to Heal many People of many diseases and many strayed mental feelings and multitudes of other types of sufferings if You Prayerfully Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law For All To Benefit with Blessings and how to make new better Bible translations for Lifting Into Worthiness, Giving Quadratic steps into Heaven Over Miracles Empowering New Bible Formulas, Triad Flow With Formulae proof defining including how to be aware of what a false prophet is, therefore to Help Guide Better Awareness of what a JESUS Christ Righteous Prophet is, Sacred Definitions, what a JESUS Christ Righteous Preacher is, and what a JESUS Christ Righteous Evangelist is hence how to All Righteously Prepare for JESUS is coming in the Golden Cube and then on foot through the Christian Jerusalem Israel East Wall as JESUS Faith As With UFO Aliens rather Galactic Federation One Boldly, Sacred JESUS Christ Spirit Confides Over UFO matters kept secret since the world began with how JESUS Christ Spirit One Anewly Interpreted UFO Language about UFOs and New UFO tech greater than Abraham the latest new Proof Value of Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law, Nancy Dufresne Victory Over secular worldly eformula orb proof system correlations conditionally in Better Together, Christian Former President Barak Obama Michele, Sacred Security Things Kept Secret Since The World Began including Highest Level Documents Creating Level with the Faith of Zarephath uniquely of Elijah uniquely of JESUS Christ Spirit Gives Practical Knowledge for recognizing Good Doing rather than Maintenance level strayed and fallen ways For JESUS Christ Best Way Power for Best Way Gracefully Giving Righteous Knowledge with this formula: JESUS Christ Spirit Righteous Loyal Faithfully Ascending Flow One = JESUS Christ Spirit Righteousness x Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Desperate Love Highest Purpose Peaceful Best Way For All including topics black hole, wormhole, light bending around extreme mass, momentary wave ripple in the fabric of spacetime, cloaked UFO mission, pulsing Cepheid, matte planet revolving, asteroid storm dust cloud, operator bias, calibration methodology holographic lively images, traceability so the funds will go where authorized according to the "civilized rate" signs and wonders, fountain of blood lifting Egyptian Great Pyramid boulders with Word fountain of water fire and smoke Victory Over "I see something white" and Over cause and effect, "the tractor that brought the Moon to watch Earth civilization that caused the Great Flood" Zulu Over "the Sphinx Thread" the great Lighthouse Of Alexandria, the great Library Of Alexandria fire and the Better Holy Record Awareness, Gives Without Price New NEEDED Sacred Transfiguring Info Over the "impossible" and Over "The student is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his master" and New Victory Over The Bible with how You Can Be Better Than John The Baptist including how to Transfigure: this tells You how to be God Creating The New Beginning, how an Elder Can Become A Child: New Victory Over 120 Years Lifespan Directing Over Old Former Testament Longevity as the Parent actually becomes the Child through new Higher Level Broadcasting Value JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law, with UFOs extraordinary spirit knowledge wisdom ability to interpret dreams clarify riddles solve complex problems new innocent Pure Reasoning interpreting how to control and empower safely a new Higher Heavenly Level complexity of Wisdom Value in the New as Hoped Fountain Of Youth Pool of Siloam Over groundbreaking research, new Higher Level Grace Way to look at Law, Pillar Of Light Plasma Tractor Beam Love Power, Care Power, Guiding Power, Helping Power, Edifying Power, Promise Maintaining Power Miracles of Faith, solved a Higher Level spiritual gap missing link, measuring UFOs, the First Amendment Over Classified, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, cause and effect, for every action a reaction, physics of how -1 x -1 was improperly applied, how to make better grades, how to get a promotion, new futuristic automatic net designed at JESUS Christ ICCDBB with how to Transfigure and Levitate Your Mass All through JESUS Christ UN Recognizing New Better Bible Grace Translating, hence how to Righteously Prophesy hence how to be Best Protected with Bible Formulas, how to Righteously Make Money letting the secular pander You for a change, context code string gathering Broadcasting for minorities significance in English, Greek, Hebrew, and Latin as with Christopher Columbus Biblically, how the computer NEEDS Your Leadership, cause and effect, Islam, truth about Propaganda Czars, what the Spirit Of The Law Actually is Over "You don't want to know", how to get a big raise, Declassified, The Enigma Machine as if merely about Russian Roulette, Military said They were not in charge, waiting period Updated, explains who's to blame, don't blame JESUS Christ, don't blame the cops, how to discover JESUS Christ Spirit Anewly even including high tech processing Maintenance Less Longsuffering and less wasting time Mass Baptisms All At Once theme park utilizing much drenching passengers, safety not to doubt Faith though Maintenance Responsibility and Law as JESUS Spirit Controls Sacred Ascending Path Anewly Over previous ideas as kept secret since the world began including Pertinently Identified Types Of Traps And Victory Over such things, distinguishing the Census Real Heaven On Earth and the Virtual Real Faith types, with how to Tremendously Improve THE HEAVENS and to do so You will be given new hands new wine new vessels new powers new better controls increasingly Better Joy in the Lord JESUS Christ as You Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Passed Years Ago Protecting Churches, Constantine Legally Recognizing Higher Value; Righteous Prophesying Grace Proving JESUS Faith is Better than former Proofs with Bible Formulae Guiding Helping Creating Better Future Sermons Best For All The Best Peace Way, Supply And Demand Flow Patterns Curves Augmented Algorithmic Correlation transparent traceability, Classifies Sacred Faith Over vessels kept secret since the world began with how to Be With JESUS Christ Leadership Over the remote viewing mind control concerning distant galaxies, Bible Godsling Classification System Correlated inclusive of a complex as with Candidates and the ballot with positives and a negative aspect examples compound ratio of Ascending NEEDS as Prioritized Best For All including the Classifications of types of some popular robots, JESUS Christ Broadcasting Leadership Best Protective Way For All; JESUS Spirit With Census Preaching, Preacher with Mass Listening, handshake, how to build a Manna Machine and how to build a perpetual motion machine, platforms interfacing, and often in lower levels senses such as battlebots in the warbots sense, resuscitation equipment, scuba gear, lavatories, controlled Maintenance, many Wed at the same time, Mass Healing, Far East Japan, China, current India population explosion, Cana Wedding Feast(s), and Hosting Manna Machine, Marianne Shockley Cruz PhD Rebecca Lindner University Of Georgia Department Of Entomology Insect Vision, Tensile Test, wrong, easily counterfeited, ghosts and critters, first few seconds of the Big Bang Pulse, partial spirits, arms, race, how to scare and terrify, how to be a terrorist, and rather Good Best For All, Peace infiltration signal amplifier power amplifier base line carrying the higher value signal, battle started with first taking out their communications signaling abilities, JESUS Spirit Provides New Victory Over funerals and graveyards, ROI, coupon cash value, counterfeiting, banking regulations, financial institutions, Homeland Security, CIA, FBI, Securities And Exchange Commission, FTC, Heaven is not about evil at all nor bought for a price Save Once For All. Heaven is not in secular Legion cliche Up for grabs according to debates nor wars nor unfairness nor perps nor mobs nor backsliders nor any other strayed thoughts including prediction known as flips-of-coins compounded chances amounts as 99 times landing on heads does not mean the next is heads nor tails, rather According to JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, cryptocurrency, The Bitcoin bomb, money laundering, JESUS Spirit explains why We Will Be Given Worse And Worse Attackers and how Love already Conquered if Ascending enough, answers why does god punish us?, how could a loving god allow so much suffering?, why does god cause pain?, movie James Bond 007 ditch digger train leap of faith, TV series The Secret Of Skinwalker Ranch in multitudes of dangers concerning spirits, extremely lethal sudden energies, and shape shifters becoming animals even if merely to experience such, Ancient Aliens TV Series and Your Online Provider texting, gifs, pics, illustrations, ancient paintings.

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