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Sermon by Bob Benchoff, 10/14/01.
Followed by notes added 1/5/02.
Updated 12/11/03.
Last Monday was the anniversary of my birthday. I've been married 24 years, and my wife made me very happy on that day of celebrating me.
We annually celebrate her birthday. We also celebrate other birthdays, such as for families, friends, and Presidents' Day. Sometimes we hear on the radio that it is some celebrity's birthday, and we are glad, although we are sometimes surprised by how many years have passed.
We count ourselves as very fortunate that we live among people who clearly celebrate one birthday more than all others; Christmas.
In considering abortion, it is good to get our priorities right. We know it is good that Christ was not wrongly aborted.
We also know that God with Joseph and Mary was the good seed.
God created all: the good, and that which we fail to understand as being good.
God also created authorities, such as fathers, militaries, ministers, bankers, and Judges.
A Judge, for instance, has a belief system power, similar to the power a police officer has when they flash their badge. A Judge also has another type of power which is more tangible. Having served as a Chief Judge with an A+ rating, I can tell you that the more tangible power is directly correlated to money.
When government gave my jurisdiction more money, the Chief Judge had more power. This didn't mean the decisions of the Chief Judge changed. More money meant more employees and more equipment, which resulted in faster processing for the general public. More money resulted in better processing, particularly affecting people having unusual cases.
An unusual case doesn't mean the person is bad. It just means that it costs more. Some complex cases have many points to prove at many stages and can go unresolved for many years.
Even then, no one guarantees the right outcome. People can only do their best. If a Judge or a banker is at work and starts getting sick, those cases or accounts may suffer.
We are limited to doing the best we can. We know a fetus is not the same as a person breathing. We know that if a person in a neighboring community has severe and spreading cancer, that is not the same as a fetus in your womb having severe and spreading cancer. This is not said to place guilt, but to be good, to better glorify Christ.
We know that if the fetus is not cured by a miracle, a doctor, or another means, the cancer can endanger the host, the woman. Therefore laws governing an adult human should not be the same as for a fetus, due to their connected physical condition.
Therefore, according to certain of a variety of situations, measures are appropriate for altering life. Given a life threatening situation, it is right for fathers, bankers, militaries, ministers, Judges, or others of proper authority to intervene.
Sometimes doing what is right endangers lives, perhaps not your own.
We know that if someone wrongly stuck their finger in a woman's eye, the woman has the right to remove it. If a person suffering insanity takes a fetus from one woman, and places it into a second woman wrongly and without permission, the second woman has the right to remove that fetus from her body, even if the fetus is killed in the process (see hardness of heart, not from the beginning: Matthew 18.8). This is not to our glory, but to the glory of God.
To him who has, more shall be given; from him who has not shall be taken away even that which he seems to have.
In a similar topic of conjoined twins, the right belongs to one over the other, which right falls to the more viable twin.
In any case, the person having the right is not to be required by law to keep the entity lacking viability, and independently may (not must) choose to endure with the other entity.
The word entity was used so this Sermon does not devolve into a matter of semantics.
These ideas of the parting of people (Reference Luke 24.50-53) could logically be applied to other areas and is cause for rejoicing.
An innocent miscarriage that survives, or a birth of a severely handicapped person, or a situation clearly indicating euthanasia, should have first rights of ministry. Time constraints can apply with a final decision reached.
If consenting adults conceive but don't want a baby, abortion is wrong. But being guilty of murder is not an appropriate way of stating the fact due to historic views of the typical idea of what the word murder infers, since such is misleading (see "laws governing an adult human" above).
Sperm, egg, zygote, and so on through birth each has it's unique glory and limitations. They should not simply be lumped together for all cases.
Penalties should be as applicable, from victim rights, to no penalty, to a fee, to a severe penalty.
We can expect these to change as technology advances and mores change. This dosen't mean people's righteous decisions change (see Chief Judge discussion above). It just means the decisions are improved (visit our other pages for improvement discussions).
Life is precious so we must do all that is reasonable, plus have ministries, to protect life. Yet sometimes we visit sanatoriums where people shut-off from society are kept.
Look at it this way, the Sabbath was made for you, you were not made for the Sabbath. Likewise, we were given life.
We are not talking about poor, tired, huddled masses. We are speaking of that which is far less viable, exceedingly so. Some entities have such disease as would contaminate millions of people if gone unstopped.
You feel justified if you scrape your knuckle to get a job done. Can you be so forgiving of a woman who removes a moot part of herself and that which is of another. Some women have difficult complexities to consider, lets not work to torture them.
From a biological perspective, you may easily lose a million times more life in one urination, than many of the cases involve as discussed here.
But we must look at far greater things and rise in righteous strategy, preparing for the greater good, rather than dwelling in the tactics of misery and death.
NASA has been deeply involved in biocybernetics for decades. Many businesses have been involved in cloning. Recently stem cell research is the fad.
We must embrace these. If we are to save the fetus and malformed entities, we must start today and decide to work to produce real benefits for all entities of human origin.
If killing doesn't suit you, then challenge yourself (not simply with talk) and do something. The ones doing something are the ones working hard for tangible solutions.
Foreskins used to be simply disgarded. Today we find scientists using foreskins to greatly benefit human lives. Go and do likewise and come follow me in The Name of Jesus Christ.
Glory be to God through his only son Jesus Christ.
Notes added 1/5/02 by Dr. Benchoff
It is normal to find that specific details applicable to precise situations in current times have been covered in the Bible long ago.
You are important to me, so I am doing my best to show you the right way and to give you (to know and have as an heir and partaking owner) the path of the Lord so you may live life more abundantly and so you might better love all without exception to the extent made possible by God.
Therefore, having often read Biblical messages revered by many for the substance of their resulting works, according to what I believe God wants me to offer to you is this: If you are mad at someone or some group and find yourself arguing your point, then you are almost certainly wrong.
Do not seek to hurt others. Whether mentally, emotionally, physically, politically, or using the law unfairly, or by some other self-centered way, being mad and arguing normally strays from the path of life.
Seek rather to help others, including your opponents. Enter into their discussions and work with them to find the right solution. Give them the opportunity to prove that you are right, if that is the case. Work to understand what they think their good reason is, which results in their point of view. Then do not seek to diminish their good reason, but build on it and magnify it.
The right solution will surely make both you and your partner delighted. But the good path is not simply about satisfying the law, the good path is about glorifying God through Jesus Christ, one with God.
You can also study the Bible on your own in preparation for speaking intelligibly with others.
In the Old Testament you can find the popular commandments of God. Jesus Christ brought you grace to better understand priorities in glorifying God, explaining you should love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.
If you do not find the answer you seek to resolve the abortion issue in this first and great commandment, review the Ten Commandments, Exodus Chapter 20. God brought you out of the house of bondage, so do not seek to return to bondage within your own mind and/or philosophy.
Please note that resting on the Sabboth (refer to the New Testament for Sabboth parameters) was commanded before the commandment "Thou shalt not kill." The commandments work together as a whole for the glory of God who has glorified people, such as through Abraham, Moses, and Jesus Christ our Lord. And just as among these three persons teachings in agreement, to Christ be the greater glory; likewise, among the commandments in agreement, the greater of these more closely witness the holy Word of love for God.
After reviewing those commandments, if you continue to not find the answer you seek to resolve the abortion issue, continue your studies. Just a couple of chapters later, Exodus 21.22, you can find that specific details applicable to precise situations in current times have been covered in the Bible long ago, in this case, the abortion issue.
As sane and reasonable people we do not seek for instance to spank children; unless it is for the greater good. If spanking is the best way to keep children from harming smaller children in immediate danger, then so be it.
Likewise, Exodus 21.22 should not be taken out of context. Sane and reasonable people do not seek to abort children; unless it is for the greater good.
So, in summation, given the Biblical text as stated prior to much of the bias due to advocacy as related to many current details of modern abortion issues, clearly the so-called entity and/or so-called fetus and/or so-called unborn child, does not have the same rights as others. Furthermore, such difference of rights as expressed in Exodus 21.22 and other areas, extends from lethal matters to nonlethal fines.
Whether unborn or born, whether intentional or accidental, all these matters must be considered in all fairness and harmony for the greater glory of God.
If you don't feel good about the logic of abortions, please, click here for help.
Reference Isaiah 14.21
Posted 12/11/03: The ICCDBB Note for 2 Samuel 6.6 has additional Bible references, click here.
In the future we will expectedly find that abortion approaches editing. Integrity for the greater glory of the living God of the people of Israel will continue to be proper and honorable.
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