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JESUS One Is Better Than 1,000 Sermon.

JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesying is important to Your future. Our future is in the hand of JESUS Christ The Original Over The Eucharist. Father Abraham is One, Moses is One, 1,000 Others likewise are One, and all these in One Name concerns [Each Soul Of All] becoming enabled to become the source of nothing, Save Love, even Best Way Guiding Love; and is the Source Of Love then not "Abraham" nor "Moses"..., not about separations according to names nor categories, rather JESUS Christ One: JESUS.

Below from the secular are 3 columns, the middle one in the normal state, applied in JESUS Spirit is JESUS Christ Creator Timing The Heart Pulse, shown in the left pulse as squished Power, and in the right as expanded Power, so the lazy Person is as the normal secular no power unless such as acted upon by the secular boss lest punished, yet rather the Preacher Way Of JESUS Christ One Grace. The vertical is shown uniformly, though if to [Send] Preach the JESUS Signal (also in this Sermon) then the vertical no longer functions merely electrically such as for to produce power, in other words there is a signal amplifier and there is a power amplifier the base line carrier below, carrying the higher value signal, for instance a battle started with first taking out their communications signaling abilities.

"But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years,

and a thousand years as one day." (2 Peter 3:8 New King James Version).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS One Is Better Than 1,000 Sermon, jesus signal, signal amplifier and there is a power amplifier the base line carrier below, carrying the higher value signal, battle started with first taking out their communications signaling abilities, 1 in a million, 1>1000

([UT]) (see previous pertinent "The Gospel of Thomas"..."verses 40 through 59"

at JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Passes With Children Sermon at

We The People [The Souls] is like "one of Us", plural, but merely in the strayed disloyal faithless stolen fruit of the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil (from Genesis 3:22) sense. The Oneness of JESUS as stated above is of JESUS One, singular, as written in Zechariah 14:9 New American Standard Bible "And the LORD will be King over all the earth; on that day the LORD will be the only one, and His name the only one.", 2,000 years ago and even now with according to the Law (see "Law" below) as written in Deuteronomy 6:4 "Hear, Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one!": so the Righteous Prophets Knew.

In this sentence the following quote is wrong "Islam: Day 4 – You should believe in heaven and hell" ( The "wrong" is not with the "Righteous Prophets" and not with "Knew" in advance [not to point blame, even JESUS Christ and His Righteous Prophets were attacked by dust (Luke 10:39) so have been accused and counted such as having been dirty].

The Best should rather Peacefully be considered Together. Righteous in JESUS Spirit is the Uplifting Better Way Best For All, hence merely to clarify [and not merely about "Islam"]: You should believe in JESUS Christ, the Creator, that Your Faith Be in the Best, in JESUS Christ. When merely JESUS exists and nothing else, there is no other to Believe. So to Believe in JESUS Christ Loyally is the Good Faith Way. You can be aware there was a "heaven" created, and that lower level secular opted to stray and fall into selfishness that resulted in "hell", though You are not required to be of that failure type of strayed and failed faith.

If not JESUS Christ One, then as after a vessel that has sailed, each calling to the other (Luke 9:53...), in other words a Wed Couple In Love are Together, concerning Oneness such as pleased with the Children, but if one goes away then missed and about the calling. This JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon Series does concern the Call, Evangelism, and Preaching for All The Public, though more concerning JESUS One Spirit, Agreeing, as One Leadership Best For All. This concerns with the JESUS Family rather than a Person to a Person, rather than a Group to a Group, rather than missing in action, yet Eternal Everywhere JESUS Christ [except any opted to stray] includes JESUS Christ Oneness even if Sent and as if "missing" though not missing according to Goodness "Everywhere" [as much as pertinent (see above about counted as if "dirty")].

Lower levels of the secular have been about works of the hands, hardly about the Priests though with census amount of pertinence, and there has been a secular worldly cliche "you have to think like a" (Google "About 4,080,000 results"), such as if to catch a fish "you have to think like a" fish, and if to be a winner "you have to think like a" winner; so in the previous Sermon if to catch a terrorist "you have to think like a" terrorist, but as in the previous Sermon the JESUS Christ Higher Purpose Oneness Applies, like unto Guiding "Love" stated above. So the secular "you have to think like a" lower level is conditionally wrong like unto the flip-of-a-coin, as JESUS Christ is already Victor, with as Many as Likewise One. 1,000 secular sayings of "you have to think like a" (Isaiah 8:11), are not worth 1 JESUS Christ One as written in

Romans 16:25 New King James Version "Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began" (as explained above and previously in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon Series). So this is hardly about questions as JESUS Christ One Ascending Adds The Pertinent Good To You For The Best Way For All, [as stated above "except any opted to stray"], so even less about debates, even less about bickerings, even less about accusings, even less about battles, even less about worse and the counted as if unknown.

People fly up into outer space to plant flags (see date below) to claim lands, Blessed rather first is here where JESUS Christ in the census Taught and His unseen flag. This JESUS Christ Faith In Christians As One JESUS Soul Spirit is hardly about individual vessels (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on Maintenance) nor of 2020AD Zion as Broadcast on TV as if merely Israel land recognition ( 1 Person that becomes JESUS Christ One is worth more than 1,000 other "vessels" in the mere "land" sense. Even the Christian Faith Over Law recognizes Higher: JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Faith as of 2020AD though a thing not yet so "Broadcast" but often illegally censored.

JESUS Christ One Faith is like unto the harmonics that follow the word "JESUS", Preached with frequencies, amplitudes, and as online;

and the Faith is some of it, the when it comes together the Miracle Point of making the Harmonious Agreeing Note [pic, gif, vid, point, Sermon,...].

jesus signal, the jesus signal, jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS One Is Better Than 1,000 Sermon, signal amplifier and there is a power amplifier the base line carrier below, carrying the higher value signal, battle started with first taking out their communications signaling abilities, 1 in a million

(JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Ascended From Self To Fill All Good things at

Let these Harmonious Points (1 Peter 3:8 NAS) infiltrate in Victory Over

of record, to rather become Your Giving Best Blessing For All JESUS Christ One Spirit.

4 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit carries the JESUS Signal according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began Giving Anew Victory Over the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil Guiding such as Islam from Better to Better in JESUS Christ with how to be even Better than 1 in a 10 billion and gain a thousand years of Loving Caring Wisdom, establish you according to this Gospel Preaching Your Giving Best Blessing For All JESUS Christ One Spirit; JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law, signal amplifier and there is a power amplifier the base line carrier below, carrying the higher value signal, battle started with first taking out their communications signaling abilities.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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