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JESUS 4th Testament Values Sermon.

JESUS Christ Original Plan Value includes the Bible for You [and for Us] to Best Benefit, with many such Benefits stated in this Sermon for You to Give that All Best Benefit. Few are aware of these Benefits, hence Righteously Prophesying: as much as in JESUS Christ You with these Benefits You are an Ambassador Leading Many.

Of the 4 Main Testaments [plus the Living Bible being written in JESUS Christ Christian Bible Spirit One Vine], the 4th Testament, the GodMath Testament, is titled: Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of JESUS Christ. The Books in the Higher Level Main Trunk 4th Testament [JESUS Gave signs yesterday as never prior of this with the painting of JESUS on the wall and on another wall near the JESUS Christ USA eagle the Tree Of Life as described in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Saves Eve Sermon at] are Branches with Chapters, the smaller Branches with pages as leaves and with words as Good Fruits of JESUS Christ.

As JESUS said "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit" (Matthew 7:18 New American Standard Bible).

The 4th Testament likewise as JESUS said for Good, Distinguishes (see previous in this Series on Better Translations and Interpretations) likewise for Guiding these Sermons extracting the Good Anewly from information sources hence for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best For All. Likewise there was a situation when People started becoming Civilized hence this is the Landmark In Time of the Event of the start of this Civilization, hardly about the brief time Adam and Eve years then fell from Grace.

Prior to Abraham 2,000 BC ( this People being Created [with "human DNA" roots "9 billion years ago" and people living "impossibly long" relatively (as stated on TV Ancient Aliens)] [though see recent Sermons that Overcame "impossibly long"] started ascending in the secular toward Father Abraham.

The secular started moving from individuals and families competing with sticks and Stone Age, to starting to grow Villages and Cities at the start of the Early Bronze Age

4000 to 3100 BC ( A hand, the All Seeing Eye and trees and things are shown below (see in this Series Sermons on cultivation), and lower right is something looking like a Menorah, it is the Righteously Prophetic symbol for King, JESUS Christ. Like for JESUS Christ the 4th Testament including "Righteously Prophetic" applies yet Anewingly.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Ascending Over Many Sacred barriers kept secret since the world began with New Ascending Benefit Victory Over Romans 10:6 hence how to Ascend Broadcastingly Better whether about the passed from the Census or Living in the Census, with <b>New Civilization Timeline Parameters</b> making sense out of the midst of multitudes of various interpretations hence Unifying also including in the secular consolidating, Lifting JESUS Christ Proof, Enlightening mental black holes that are as seen and remembered so there are same spirit black holes in People, and this Sermon translates some Stone Age related proto-cuneiform pictographic characters

"proto-cuneiform pictographic characters (end of 4th millennium BC), Uruk"


For to Benefit and Lead for JESUS Christ the 4th Testament including "Righteously Prophetic" included Bible Code of the "Holy See" (of High Level Catholic Faith), "Oak Island, Nova Scotia" and names of People working there these current years, Holy Flow Giving Ascending Direction With Proofs In The Form Of GodMath Formulas and as numbered sequentially Ascending from about horizontal secular rate, to the JESUS Vertical Path as Proof [and see Benefits accordingly in this Series with purple J lines for JESUS with yellow triangles for Civilization], hence the Definition of GodMath and so the Creator With The Heavens. And importantly the 4th Testament of JESUS Christ is for the current level of this Civilization, such as concerning the future of the Global Network and the Wireless Network Growing (Luke 5:4) was hardly understood ages ago and the 4th Testament applies JESUS Christ Words Over such Anewly Benefiting All.

The Wailing Wall exists currently, though other Tech Walls also need be Better For All reconsidered, not merely in secular cliche to "trash the place" yet as with Broadcasting JESUS Christ The Best Way First [Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Prayerfully Faithfully then Applying from the Leadership], then the Better Path is opted of this People rather than other.

As written in the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Spirit Best Plan Sermon at is explained why "JESUS Christ is coming, for to Reward And Lift And Rejoice With His Worthy One(s). And what is the precursor, what is the door, the gate, the catylist, All Found Worthy even as Broadcast Already JESUS Christ UN" and likewise Broadcasting His Living Bible as Christians Anewly Say and Type.

This Agrees with the above stated Flow. Now to clarify, while to Baptize as many as possible, as many as opting to repent and be Baptized, understand Anewly "currently" as written "For concerning the righteousness that is by the law, Moses writes: “The man who does these things will live by them.” But the righteousness that is by faith says: “ Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’ (that is, to bring Christ down) or, ‘Who will descend into the Abyss?’ (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead)." [sic] (

So Anewly We Lift JESUS Christ as much as He Invites, if to be with Glory then Exaulted, Lifted, in One Faith Work We Together Lift JESUS Christ as written above "Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN" as written in Psalm 99:2 New American Standard Bible "The LORD is great in Zion, And He is exalted above all the peoples" and Behold this has come True Legally Globally And Heavenly And As JESUS Christ Leads!

Some Churches have Baptized the dead, yet be aware currently "Anewly" as written above, rather spend efforts and time "Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN"! "109 billion people have lived and died over the course of 192,000 years" ( The population merely on Earth in the Legal Census is merely about 8 Billion, yet key is how many can an individual Person Baptize [if 1 at a time]?, not so many as "Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN", yet fully repentant spirits can be gathered together (Luke 8:30) that a whole group be Baptized, though consider the Desperate Love NEED To Be as JESUS Christ Prayerfully Good Pure and without questioning the Baptizer's Faith and without thinking about the self (Maintenance) Save for JESUS Christ Spirit involving Priest Baptizing and frankly it is very rudimentary and habitual such as to perhaps think in the moment about something else. Yet this also applies to all the time. Consider how Church secular visitors might give strayed reason to leave, so other spirits might hear unaware the strayed reason doesn't properly apply Precept On Precept.

Black holes are as seen and remembered, so there are black holes in People spirits, and You can Anewly be Their Light Of Enlightnment as written in John 12:46 New American Standard Bible "I have come as Light into the world, so that no one who believes in Me will remain in darkness." Gravity pulls masses together, yet the Living Word Of JESUS Christ also pulls Masses Together. About some types of black holes for instance secular NASA said the following.

"When a star weighing more than 20 times the Sun runs out of fuel, it collapses into a black hole. Scientists estimate that there are tens of millions of these black holes dotted around the Milky Way, but so far we’ve only identified a few dozen." "Around many black holes is an accretion disk of material emitting energy as it falls into the black hole."

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Black holes are as seen and remembered so there are black holes in People spirits, be Their Light Of Enlightnment John 12:46 I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness, Gravity pulls masses together, yet the Living Word Of JESUS Christ also pulls Masses Together, some types of black holes have been made when a star weighing more than 20 times the Sun runs out of fuel it collapses into a black hole secular estimates tens of millions of black holes in the Milky Way

( [year of our Lord] May 4, 2022 AD).

28 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Ascending Over Many Sacred barriers kept secret since the world began with New Ascending Benefit Victory Over Romans 10:6 hence how to Ascend Broadcastingly Better whether about the passed from the Census or Living in the Census, with New Civilization Timeline Parameters making sense out of the midst of multitudes of various interpretations hence Unifying also including in the secular consolidating, Lifting JESUS Christ Proof, Enlightening mental black holes that are as seen and remembered so there are same spirit black holes in People, and this Sermon translates some Stone Age related proto-cuneiform pictographic characters.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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