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JESUS 7th Seal Sermon.

JESUS Christ Gives this Good Information including meaning the 144,000 are already Sealed.

"Born again" "Protestant" "Christians"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains what JESUS Christ Already Accomplished In Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began is supposed to be Better Accomplished in You, with how to make it so Ascending from the mere 144,000 already Sealed, Distinguishing Missions and Higher Level Preaching along with time off and vacations and fun in nature, and JESUS Perspective rather than lower levels' wants about careless experiments on People making indestructible soldiers associated with real events though in milder form than as shown on TV rated MA

"The Blood Moon",

"And I will place on his shoulder the key"


JESUS Christ Original Plan included Precepts to come to pass such as in His Name And Spirit Of Righteous Prophesying from 4 Blood Moons to the current 2022 AD opening of the Seventh Seal: He already Did these things, and such as Christian Pastor John Hagee ("4 Blood Moons"), and as in recent All Good Knowledge Sermons in this Series hence hence Precept On Precept 7th Seal opened Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series as JESUS Christ Original had asked some years ago if i would continue daily [and thinking to selfishly respond yes, as if merely up to me, i rather answered "Lord Willing" as JESUS Christ makes it possible: for Your sake Edifyingly there were some days a little here and there such as when the Internet did not function for this Work here: so You see the extent of the Agreeing pertinence (see somewhat older Sermons in this Series on Mission Parameters for Before The Fact Of {results rather Good} Miracles)].

It happened already about 2,000 years ago: JESUS Christ Accomplished All.

If You Ascend (see previous in this Series) then the Good of JESUS Christ Best Way Anewly Applies In You Best For All.

This "Anewly" of "You" is not a repeat in the sense of failure to retake an exam [rather no price, and] rather Better Also For JESUS Christ Glory: He Planted His Seed in You [for to Be fully repentant and Immersion Baptized...Ascending] and He "Anewly" Enjoys Fruits For His Hosting!

JESUS Christ "All Good Knowledge" as Already Given and Known in These Heavenly Loyal On Earth means more than merely the "144,000 are already Sealed", it also means completion of the 7 Trumpets and Victory Already Over the 7 Bowls of the Book Of Revelation; and if the secular is able to say in cliche "There's room at the top" then so much More And Better than the Completed Good mere JESUS Christ Original Seed Planted and so much More And Better than the "144,000 are already Sealed"!

"NEW LIGHT" is already written in The Prophecy Bible. And beware, a Person and likewise a Group (see above "Mission Parameters") can fail at something while succeeding at another skill, such as a Minister might step in mud on the Righteous Way to Help obscure People as in swamps and marshes regions (Ezekiel 47:11) (Anewly rather Civilizing as with docks and Cities, yet Maintenance natural areas for nature, and often overlooked PLENTY of natural areas for People to see nature and with liberty from routines appropriately, and for Children, Inmates, Guards, and Others such as intercity Parks. Note "Swamps are predominantly forested, while marshes have few if any trees but are home to grasses and herbaceous plants" (

Good Grace Be With Us All Preceptingly In JESUS Christ Spirit (40 days and nights in the desert, visited Egypt [also pertinent], see JESUS "itinerary" map including with "Wilderness" in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Route Planner Sermon at (see in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Mass over physics masses Sermon with JESUS Christ Second Coming Golden Cube Superhighway map at

I just walked from here to the kitchen for a mug of golden brown [weak, as i often prefer] coffee: i did not jump for joy though there is an amount of joy. Rather than telling You to suffer [it has been a secular lower level toward dead mind [sleeping] consideration, if it was my first time to walk after a wheelchair and being Healed then a great personal Celebration! [I am so Healed Already Thank You JESUS]! In JESUS Christ, if "to Help obscure People" with Together solving a difficult swamp level Mission then much reason for Many to Celebrate since it is known that through difficulties the Better Success was accomplished.

Edifyingly so to speak: don't do that; this is in the sense that rather than measure according to lower level confusions in problems, is the JESUS Christ Better Way According To His Best Interests For All, so Measure From Him, Measure All, From His Perspective.

JESUS Christ went through situations, such as most of Jerusalem Celebrating as He entered, though some People don't like to be on stage, some don't like being crowded, and some are even afraid of being seen, for instance many in security are not anxious to be targets and have not wanted secured info to be known. So People have various Given backgrounds and talents, and can grow great Values in JESUS Christ Spirit. In symbolic example a perp hacker can be of great Value with as stated above "to Be fully repentant and Immersion Baptized...Ascending" solving Bible Code(s), whether They go into the Public Light per se and whether they opt to rather than tempt Others (to make any "targets") They may be "hid" (John 8:59);

yet pertinent is rather as written as JESUS Christ explained in Luke 14:10 Berean Standard Bible "But when you are invited, go and sit in the last place, so that your host will come and tell you, ‘Friend, move up to a better place.’ Then you will be honored in front of everyone at the table with you.": be humble and Loyal and allow JESUS Christ Original to be the One who Lifts You.

A Person owns a land surveying company, and the Person sits in an office doing office things; the pertinent Employees are the ones that go out and find what is what, with proper recordkeeping publishing. Do JESUS Christ Best Work rather than be about reasons to quit and fail. Pains may come yet hardly has that to do with You as the JESUS Christ Better Far Supersedes With Good For All. A Person such as with the above stated Mission Success may plainly see such as a Church built as those People Hoped, and with pertinent tech for energy.

What about Faith unseen?: while the " Mission Success" is Excellent, much is rather with the unseen greater JESUS Christ Value. A tiny Company bought a giant Corporation. A Person bought a Nation. JESUS Christ UN is unseen Faith, yet it exists. Many have not yet seen the Real Original JESUS Christ more than merely Over the Created, and as the Bible stated there are the false and the believers in the false: what is false, it is a lower level (see previous in this Series on as if stuck-in-a-rut, and on lack of Ascending).

Even so, that You be rather than unawares as written in Galatians 2:4 New King James Version "And this occurred because of false brethren secretly brought in (who came in by stealth to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage),", some hardly understand what it means to lose Their Soul so here is some pertinent info. This Series explained monsters were coming, and a TV video yesterday showed a pertinent aspect about changing humans astray from the JESUS Christ Exemplar Norm. The video showed such as a human head alive on a skeleton as a MD type Person [careless about that Person, what was left of that Person] experimented toward making indestructible soldiers [associated with real events]. It also showed People being healed from bullets though also the bodies changing shapes and such as muscular powers.

To lose the soul is worse than the worst of that TV video, to stray from JESUS Christ Exemplar Norm Physically for "careless" is somewhat similar. A jellyfish is able to regenerate if to lose a brain, heart, or other body part.

A. Jellyfish able to regenerate a brain, heart, and other body part / B. If to be carelessly changing Census People / C. If to lose a Soul.

So the jellyfish is far Better than to lose the Soul of Any. And "B" and "C" are negatives so rather than the normal formula applies (see "2 wrongs do not make a right as in this example" in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Right Path Sermon at The pretense of that TV video was as if about rather the better murders, though actually JESUS Christ is for the Peacemakers, for His Exemplar Best Way Ascending All ( Merely as Much As Good, JESUS Christ Adds For His Ascending Leadership.

The JESUS 7th Seal Opened is merely the New Beginning there is exceeingly more Better for Us to Accomplish, such as Discover:

3rd Testament Golden Plates (symbolized here).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains what JESUS Christ Already Accomplished In Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began is supposed to be Better Accomplished in You, with how to make it so Ascending from the mere 144,000 already Sealed, Distinguishing Missions and Higher Level Preaching along with time off and vacations and fun in nature, and JESUS Perspective rather than lower levels' wants about careless experiments on People making indestructible soldiers associated with real events though in milder form than as shown on TV rated MA, Bible Golden Plates


26 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit with glimpses into the future explains what JESUS Christ Already Accomplished In Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began is supposed to be Better Accomplished in You, with how to make it so Ascending from the mere 144,000 already Sealed, Distinguishing Missions and Higher Level Preaching along with time off and vacations and fun in nature, and JESUS Perspective rather than lower levels' wants about careless experiments on People making indestructible soldiers associated with real events though in milder form than as shown on TV rated MA.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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