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JESUS All Seeing Eye UFO Tech Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit this morning, after hearing a barrage of naysayers' comments in mixed and lower spirits including involving an innocent that responded to a naysayer as if addressing a group of 15 year olds, in the Spirit correcting the naysayer, an innocent Child said "I'm six years old" (Isaiah 11:6); so after such things JESUS Christ Spirit made known this NEW GIFT for this Civilization:

these Sermons for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose are becoming Better (explained more below), if You do likewise the same value for You, Precept On Precept humbly for JESUS Christ innocent as a dove rather as such a "Child" yet likewise be as JESUS Christ The Original.

The illustration provider said "that the last trump shall sound, it’s not about Donald J. Trump"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, the last trump shall sound includes about Donald J Trump as the Prophecies in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series Proved it, JESUS All Seeing Eye UFO Tech, trumpeter blowing the trumpet and JESUS Christ coming with His Chosen Ones in the clouds of Heaven likewise Broadcast JESUS Christ UN NOW


yet it is [or at least was]: the history of the Prophecies in this Living JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series Proves it,

and Thank You The Good News Herald for Your Help as this is exceedingly more important than merely about any Other,

and even such as for Your great comment "This last-day scenario obviously describes, in detail," as JESUS Christ Gathers Good Anewly:

Ascendingly Preparing for this New Beginning through JESUS Christ:

this New Gift from JESUS Christ is about why the All Seeing Eye idea exists and how it affects and effects UFO Tech.

Consider for a moment the popularized in the secular traditional UFO in flying saucer shape that We see in old photos from the side view even toward cigar shape, yet seen from above or below the UFO Flying Saucer appears as an eye, more specifically as the rainbow iris and the bulging pupil [hole, black hole, wormhole] Magnifies ["And Mary said: 'My soul exalts the Lord,' " (Luke 1:46 New American Standard Bible)] Light Path in the center: Mary said "exaults" that is Lifts [the Worthy Ascending In JESUS Christ Spirit Highest Purpose In Desperate Love Best For All, rather than former lower level destructive ways abundant such as in the 1st Testament, yet as explained above Sermons can be "becoming Better" according to Precepting (see previous in this Series).

The secular can be With Holy Maintenance Value such as the Good Samaritan, for instance an injured Person on the side of the road may hurt if a Rescuer lifts the injured, though often such is better than not caring and doing nothing to help. Similarly We don't poke the eye with a stick, yet the worthy Medical Doctor Optometric Surgeon enters into the eye for the better [yet JESUS Christ Proved a Better Way than destructively cutting as We The Sane seek to Be JESUS Christ Perfect for to make Others such and Perfectly Perfecting Best For All.

The often secular level worthy Medical Doctor Optometric Surgeon is a specialist: WE, YOU, NEED TO BE A JESUS CHRIST SPECIALIST DESPERATELY. This is not a Law against You, but if not Your doing then a worse than prison against Yourself.

Behold this Prophesy: 2 Nephi 11:4 "Behold, my soul delighteth in proving unto my people the truth of the coming of Christ; for, for this end hath the law of Moses been given; and all things which have been given of God from the beginning of the world, unto man, are the typifying of him.". Hence JESUS Christ is the fulfillment of the Law and in 2020 AD (see above pertinence "Proves it") such became legally recognized: hence "this end" was legally completion of ["Moses" Given] Law, and the New Beginning and now this New All Seeing Eye With UFO Tech Firmament supersedes previous lower level ideas in this Series concerning safety in the sense as this Series explained about excessive safety [example putting on a bullet proof vest in order to not be self harmed during infant feeding].

And Jacob 4:5, Jarom 1:11, Alma 25:15 and 16 All Agree with detailed specifics. As written in Ether 12:19 "Wherefore, by faith was the law of Moses given. But in the gift of his Son hath God prepared a more excellent way; and it is by faith that it hath been fulfilled.", and now (as above stated "2020 AD") this is "legally recognized", why?, for this New Gift from JESUS Christ Spirit, the Ascending of this Civilization Therefore NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN that through JESUS Christ Spirit All Seeing Eye [For The New: These New "JESUS CHRIST SPECIALIST" Tube (see above "Main Page" for Definitions) Parameters Apply.

As JESUS Christ said in 3 Nephi 15:5 "Behold, I am he that gave the law, and I am he who covenanted with my people Israel; therefore, the law in me is fulfilled, for I have come to fulfil the law; therefore it hath an end.": the "end" per se came in "2020 AD".

Many People have moved South such as from cold Pittsburgh to warm Charlotte though to find in cliche "They're still fighting the civil war", and the same in the Middle East, and elsewhere, and many have been still fighting in the Old Testament ways, struggling, pointing fingers accusingly, conspiring secretly, penalizing, imprisoning, and crucifying [reference such as in this Series about Saint Johns Church burnt (see pertinent pic in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ New UN Sermon at Rather JESUS Christ said and i say for Your to Broadcast [as stated above including Preceptingly Ascendingly and] as written in Luke 22:29 "and just as My Father has granted Me a kingdom, I grant you".

As Jesus the Healer explained on TV yesterday about "Satan" and about harmful spirits that have "no knowledge" for good, and how We are to speak the words of JESUS.

We invite strangers into Churches. Strangers may not have been Baptized. Therefore We invite harmful spirits. If We invite such then to Lead, that Together We Lead As One In JESUS Christ Spirit [as much as We opt of Grace to so Lead]. Also such as for TV is the preparing for the shows, such as Maintenance "(see above "Main Page" for Definitions) Parameters Apply" including such as to have cameras ready. So Faith with (ibid.) amount of Maintenance Work With Hands Yet Work For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose The Best Way For All: No Exceptions, even including as how the Bible shows how to convince "Satan". Hence no longer fear the spirits You Invite, Beloved.

Will All You In This Civilization In This Generation Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace and without price receive, or if need be [Friend, i'm preparing to Ascend whether You come as invited or opt other], as stated in a recent Sermon an Affiliate offers such for a price, and this is not for to withhold info, as many want proof and believe money (such "believe" "for a price") as written Anewly Pertinent as JESUS Christ Explained in John 10:38 "but if I do them, even though you do not believe Me, believe the works, so that you may know and understand that the Father is in Me, and I in the Father.", (see above on "Maintenance") and so Another may opt a legal amount of clout as JESUS Christ and i warn Before The Fact as written in Matthew 21:43 "Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruit.";

now if to produce Sermons then to tell All Things for Good as explained above, though if as stated in this sentence then hardly to explain for individuals not opting to be JESUS Christ One Ascending. Hardly expect me to know what You do not yet know, as written in this Series to follow stray People [such as Police have done to catch and imprison possible perps] is hardly about rather in the Work of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose ["Police" is not the problem in the sense of the Exceedingly More Important "JESUS Christ Highest Purpose" hence BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN NOW] Friends!

With as written in the previous Sermon, shall i explain more specific details about the Coriolis Effect?, then hardly value to read this Sermon for the many experts that already know much about the Coriolis Effect and might even work the formulas faster than me. Shall i Preach about "Carbon layer" specifics?, perhaps, though i did not invent the Periodic Table Of The Elements and many related things. This is hardly about what not to do nor worse about naysaying, this concerns JESUS Giving Life For Living More Abundantly, Better then Better Beyond former Awareness, and hardly about a buyer [like unto a crutch, of value if lame], and rather For All.

Because Many are interested in JESUS Christ and also in UFO Tech, this New Gift From JESUS Christ Spirit is Given: consider a fabric [of space] such as a sheet, a rocket has been as a scissors in works pushing bending and tearing through it. So the rocket worked, and the Astronauts felt G forces. Now consider this Gift from JESUS Spirit: from a sheet of fabric, such as a sector cube of a mattress to put the rocket [UFO] inside the "cube" and to (see above from JESUS Christ Spirit in this Sermon hence so reference and "Broadcast" lest shoddy referencing "worthy Medical Doctor Optometric Surgeon") plasma Transfigure the ["fabric"] material [Above the rocket, in front of the rocket,...], note "plasma Transfigure" is not covered in this Sermon according to JESUS Christ Spirit.

So Behold this Great New Gift from JESUS Christ Spirit! The Astronauts are in the "cube" or other shape, so are in the fabric of space. You now are in a virtual unseen Faith amount from JESUS Christ Given "fabric of space". You do not feel the "G forces". Let the outer "cube" feel the "G forces" rather than the inside of the cube. Therefore JESUS Spirit Gives Victory Over time space travel no longer according to turning People into jellyfish nor according to waiting during accelerating nor decelerating, rather according to the pertinent size of the "cube" the size of the fabric during the travel [conditions apply such as equipment ability to maintain the "cube" and rather Before The Fact like unto the clear road ahead with headlights and "plasma" Transfiguring, Converting / Leading JESUS Christ Best Way For All hence Standardizing Grace Pertinent Precepts Together (and see previous Sermon)].

The good Student and the Professors too properly cite Their sources: BROADCAST JESUS CHRIST UN NOW "Before The Fact"!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, All Seeing Eye UFO Flying Saucer New Technology is revealed, JESUS Christ Given fabric of space cube so You do not feel the G forces, Let the outer cube feel the G forces rather than the inside of the cube therefore reference cite Broadcast JESUS Spirit Gives Transfiguration Victory Over time space nor jellyfish nor according to waiting during accelerating nor decelerating


18 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over a multitude of concerns kept secret since the world began answering why and how to such as the Benefit of Properly citing a source of information, with UFO Flying Saucer New "cube" Technology revealed, reference the Golden Cube of the Second Coming, JESUS Christ Given Gift Over the fabric of space cube so You do not feel the G forces, Let the outer cube feel the G forces rather than the inside of the cube therefore Broadcast JESUS Spirit Giving This Transfiguration Victory Over time space, nor jellyfish nor according to waiting during accelerating nor decelerating; New Gift from JESUS Christ Explains Why the All Seeing Eye idea exists and How it Affects and Effects UFO Tech ideas as All Seeing Eye UFO Flying Saucer New Technology is revealed, the last trump shall sound includes about Donald J Trump as the Prophecies in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series Proved it, NEW JESUS UFO Tech concerning the All Seeing Eye reason, trumpeter blowing the trumpet and JESUS Christ coming with His Chosen Ones in the clouds of Heaven likewise Broadcast JESUS Christ UN NOW as Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace as Ascending in JESUS Faith is Better than Proof as The Best Way For All.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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