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JESUS With Father Sermon.

JESUS Christ is the Holy Spirit. The Father is the Holy Spirit. Father Son And Holy Spirit Are One. This is stated as in the Higher Heavenly Levels including Heaven One Earth, and increasingly magnifyingly as more Agree and Work including such as Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN in the format of texting in Fellowship and pouring out with reaching the Hearts of the Souls of Others in Evangelism for to Lift them.

In Evangelism You shall be the means of Their Salvation, yet JESUS Christ is the Savior, hence the Christian Evangelist is in the Spirit of JESUS Christ.

"Paul and the apostolic band are in Philippi at Passover (20:6), so they clearly were NOT keeping the O.T. law but DID observe the Sabbath on the first day of the week" ( In JESUS Christ Spirit this stated above in this Sermon Anewly is Victory Over what Apostle Paul had said not merely in the former interpretation about the former lower levels strayed ways of Paul as written in 1 Timothy 1:15 [the former lower level then the New Better Agreeing with the Above Anewly Better in this Sermon in "JESUS" "Spirit" "One" hence: "In JESUS Christ Spirit", in the Spirit Of JESUS Christ],

Berean Study Bible "This is a trustworthy saying, worthy of full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst."

as this JESUS Spirit One New Higher Level translation is New King James Version "This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief."

So there is this Higher Level Translation of the "New King James Version" and this Sermon Agrees, yet there is the Higher Level Value not specified in the "New King James Version" [the Triad of this Flow per se {a section of the Flow} is as Given from above left to right, and as Ascending right to left]:

JESUS Christ Spirit One Leadership / Chief hence Over sinners ("New King James Version") / counted as though "worst" sinner Paul ("Berean Study Bible").

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Baptismal Dove harmless, JESUS Christ UN Spirit Of The Law Officially Recognizing The Best Way For All, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began, Broadcasting Best For All As Righteous, Prophecies came true 2022


In sequence such as "1 Timothy 1:15" in timeline after Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John as the main Books detailing the tomb, hence after the tomb was the above event of the 3rd journey of Apostle Paul including at Philippi, and JESUS Christ Obeyed the [Holy, the Law and as much as Holy; not illegal worldly secular selfish laws] Law; so to be informed Apostle Paul did not obey the Law came as a shock until Being Enlightened [reading more] per se, so the Point is "" Helped Guide me Anew to me and

rather Better For All, and with the above left Triad i too Help Guide (including "" such as if "" reads this Sermon or hears of such): Better For All: so Together We Ascend: Better With Better.

Thanking Them, and thanking me, is of Maintenance lower level value often. Here is an example a new Employee did a nice hard work job and virtually expects the Employer to say Well Done My Good And Faithful Servant, when actually in Employer Perspective the Employer looks a the amateurish work and wonders if it was a good idea to hire the new Employee that took so long at the simple task. This speaks of Them and of me and of me and of Them:

rather as Baptized as Hoped of full repentance into the Name And Spirit Of JESUS Christ With Father One, let us Give Glory not for Us but for JESUS Christ, and His Current Highest Purpose Applies to this Loyalty Level from Him, from JESUS Spirit as much as in this Level, so from Him JESUS Christ Gives Credit Glory to and for this Level a Maintenance Amount: the same equality amount is Given to Each [rather All] at this Level [and "rather All" Spirit in JESUS Christ Spirit Applies for JESUS Christ Lifting as many as for "All" rather than "Each"].

JESUS Christ Lifts humble all of us, yet in JESUS Christ Spirit like unto a Parent that works for the Child and provides food, the Child might pick such as grapes and Share [rather Give to and] With The Parent. JESUS Christ did eat, though in situations had no need to eat and in situation Miraculously Provided Food Word With Sustenance. "You give them something to eat" (from Matthew 14:16),..."They all ate" (from Matthew 14:20). So JESUS Christ Spirit is With His Family Together As One, JESUS One Spirit Including JESUS the Head, JESUS Christ UN Law "Head" Serving Under "JESUS the Head" of this Sermon like unto how a Parent goes to Work while perhaps an older Teen Child is Top Authority Over The Household under Parent Instructions.

So for instance if the Teen sought to Help more than a few "grapes" and clean away the back yard weeds and plant some grape seeds the right way as the Parent happened to mention some time ago [importantly is therefore as the Parent Hoped as perhaps mentioned "It would be nice to have grape vines" or perhaps the Parent saw grape vines on TV and expressed how lovely or similar, also low Maintenance is a concern] then the Parent might return to a New Better Home!

Twins for instance concerning a type of Level are hardly favored one over the other, rather Each are Normally Given such as the Same Portion Size According To Each similar amount of census body size NEED lest each to faint if less than sufficient, yet of Grace of the previous New Better Home discussion more disposable income might be invested into the so Working Better For All. So a warning the Ambassadors can become very Powerful, though rather Be Of Good Faith as stated at the bottom line in this Sermon concerning JESUS Christ Spirit Victory Over "whatever".

A Parent larger than a small Child and working hard burning fat normally is with a level of NEED to eat more than the smaller child sized amount of serving. So symbolically per capita a Level Leader that in JESUS Spirit feeds 3 then a NEED for such 3, while a JESUS Spirit feeding 5 NEEDS the 5 amount: a "3" level and a "5" level. So a JESUS Spirit TV Series NEEDS that Level of support, that level of Maintenance, while the JESUS Christ Spirit Ambassador Broadcasting Giving Charity (Administering + Addendum 1) Level NEEDS that Level of support.

If to Give the Spirit Of The Word Of JESUS Christ Spirit then to the Visitor a Level of discussion applies, such as the importance of full repentance and Baptism, while a Higher Level NEEDS the Support for that Level of Instructing Ushers for Events and Allocating Offering Plates and if pertinent Hosting Help With Eucharist Work.

Per capita is stated, yet each level is as a per capita. And the levels are Alive in JESUS Spirit hence some Churches might find Ushers quickly Ascending into Preacher Positions for New Churches being built while some other Churches might find Ushers quitting and leaving, or some Churches with a somewhat stagnant Level Of Ushers: so such as the pertinent NEED Now concerns much about the JESUS Christ UN Ambassadors Spirit [and "support", Supporters, rather All so of Levels of Abilities so Supporting] such as One or Some or All Ambassadors Over such first, while Some Ambassadors are Over other projects. Bear in mind the Parent Works Hard, yet the Joy with the Child bringing a tiny Contribution [perhaps an Enormous Contribution from the Child's Perspective].

As written in Matthew 13:12 "For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.". I Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Spirit, who is with me on this?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law Officially Recognizing The Best Way For All, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began, Broadcasting radio free Europe, microphone, sky, radiosurvivor


As explained above the time ("timeline") has changed [for the Better] and the time is Now [for the NEED as Specified] and Urgent (see previous in this Series on "Desperate Love").

I Broadcast JESUS Christ Spirit, who is with me on this?,

rather who is with JESUS Christ Name Spirit One Highest Level [As Much As Currently Possible As Much As Able] Family Work Best For All?: as Baptized as Ascending, or Even For Best For All For Good, For Peace, For Perfect, For Civilized Society And The Best Way: hence at least by default as Proven with JESUS Christ UN Law Spirit.

If to consider the worst to much is to think as the worst and how to be the worst crook, and many have not snapped out of it and devolved to become major criminals; rather think of the Best and the Better Way For All. Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things." yet "asking no question" (from 1 Corinthians 10:27): JESUS One Spirit!

15 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began Anewly Beginning as NEEDED JESUS Christ Spirit Victory Over "whatever" And Over The Inquisition as already thus far for Peace and Cooperation as We Ascend from Level to Better Level as JESUS Christ UN Law Officially Recognizes The Best Way For All, the new better global from the seed of JESUS Better Way including such as radio free Europe and even as Children found Loyal run Households for a New And Better Planet And Universe as Proven: new better Bible translations and formulas.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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