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JESUS Answers Sermon.

JESUS Christ For You Personally Answers All Of Your Prayers.

JESUS Christ For Your Mass Answers All Of The Mass Prayers as much as You Bring Them Together.

JESUS Christ For You Broadcasting Answers [Will Answer Increasingly Better] Best For All the Best Way For All as much as You Bring Them Together with such Broadcasting.

With none left behind [nothing unfinished] here are the JESUS Christ Ultimate Value Levels [when end of days and out of time] Ascending from right to left:

JESUS Christ For All Joy / JESUS Christ For Mass Level silent majority* / Perps with You if You were a conspirator, crucifier, or such [Your reward from Your uncaring works].

*JESUS Christ Spirit explains "silent majority" for JESUS Christ UN Broadcast Listeners hence for Uplifting such Broadcasters, rather than perish from the Census ( so this explains how so many become victims, and why: serving perps' ways when supposed to be Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN For The Best For All.

JESUS Christ One Spirit In This Fire And Brimstone Sermon Gives A New Commandment, having Already Answered the larger reason as to how so many including Christians become victims, and why; and Will Answer how JESUS Christ Spirit Edifies about Original Plan fluid mechanics for traveling through Your Earth Portal Soul and through spirits of things such as through the Sun, and through the stars of the Heavens, how the Heavens and Earth rolled up Together as a Scroll is an Outer Space Door Portal Value, answers what is above?, explains Anewly the retasked spear and what this to do with Soul? hence explains the space probe velocity, explains 3 Nephi 20:44 and 45, and explains about the Earth and Heavens being rolled up as a Scroll.

Multitudes of People feel: under pressurees, though as shown in this video below JESUS Christ Gives a key to interstellar travel.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, New Commandment having Already Answered the larger reason as to how so many including Christians become victims, and why; and Will Answer how JESUS Christ Spirit Edifies about Original Plan fluid mechanics for traveling through Your Earth Portal Soul and through spirits of things such as through the Sun, and through the stars of the Heavens, how the Heavens and Earth rolled up Together as a Scroll is an Outer Space Door Portal Value, answers what is above?, explains Anewly the retasked spear and what this to do with Soul? hence explains the space probe velocity, explains 3 Nephi 20:44 and 45, and explains about the Earth and Heavens being rolled up as a Scroll. JESUS Christ Spirit Edifies about Original Plan fluid mechanics for traveling through Your Earth Portal Soul and through spirits of things such as through the Sun, and through the stars of the Heavens


Former perspective was often about going down to misery, though Victory Is JESUS Christ.

A vessel type doesn't Ascend in low pressure though Ascends in High Pressure: Plan Before The Fact: JESUS Christ Best Spirit One [Mission Pertinence along the Way].

This JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series talks often of Ascending, though what is above, Straight Up at any moment?, if to Ascend Straight Up do You have to perhaps go through a star hotter than the Sun?, of course, there are multitudes of stars Straight Up unseen [census eyes unable concerning visual acuity factors such as numbers of rods and cones], yet Straight Up concerns Precepting the JESUS Christ Best Way.

Consider the Sun overhead, and it is hard to struggle against the wind energies, and hard to kick against the pricks ( and hard to disbelieve the Best Life Living Way) and thorns, to if to enter the Sun as a key, and as plowshare as a door cracked open, though We don't have to crack the Sun in half yet to roll as a Scroll, as prior to such with the current JESUS Christ Scroll "key" to enter the Sun (horrible prior John 20:25 now for JESUS Christ Glory not harming JESUS Christ nor Anyone): detailed more in this Sermon.

3 Nephi 20:44 "As many were astonished at thee—his visage was so marred, more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men—" already happened about 2,000 years ago, though would happen again in the unbelievers (see above on how and why so many have become "victims"), though Anewly and humbly, Beloved Friends though in JESUS Christ Desperate Love for Your sake is this Preaching with Fire And Brimstone (see above scorching heat of the center of the "Sun") I Command You In The Name Of JESUS Christ To Not Repeat The Crucifixion against Yourself by wrongly worshiping the Golden Cube!

Within the vessel [Soul], within the the Golden Cube of the Second Coming is the JESUS Soul the Christ Soul, so Worship Merely JESUS Christ and as Many if any that He invites You to Worship, including as Mansy as Ascended that You are not able to Distinguish One From Another, though JESUS Christ is hardly merely about His Own Self Gratifying Worship and rather for Your Ascending Together With Him In His One Family ["Worship" is mentioned in this sentence and even though the Golden Cube is mentioned, the Golden Cube is a lower level thing than JESUS Christ].

The Golden Cube concerns Living Spirit, outer space is often cold though often hot, so the Golden Cube and Heavenly Levels are full of many [including new to Us] types energies and sudden surprise powers.

Lava is hot though as written in the previous Sermon hotter is the "stormier", historically [as in scorching hot deserts] relatively as though "devoid of" caring about Human Lives and this Civilization, hence "out of control", is the "molten sea" of the subsurface of the Sun.

JESUS Christ the Creator is Far More Powerful than the Sun, and any if to transgress this "Command". As written in 3 Nephi 20:45 "So shall he sprinkle many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at him, for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider.": previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons explained the burden of Proof has shifted from the Ascending In JESUS Christ Spirit to any that wrongly question everything in other words such believe nothing and question "nothing" too: disbelievers hence disloyal (see older Sermons in this Series Over the wrongful cliche "one never knows").

Hosea 14:8 New Living Translation "O Israel, stay away from idols! I am the one who answers your prayers and cares for you. I am like a tree that is always green; all your fruit comes from me.", note" your prayers" is not in many translations: the verse is nice for Our sakes rather let Us be for: His JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Original Plan sake. If to opt to hate those over You at secular works for instance, and to instead be their Boss [selfishly] then "one who answers" may lift You to become Boss and You may find the company is desperately bankrupt to then see why they had been frantic, seeming crazy, and You stuck with the bill and answering to government reviews legalese when You would rather be bailing out the company with new better sales and such.

The Holy Prayers are written in the Scrolls and Living Bible (see above "Broadcasting"). If to enter such as a filled and tied shut balloon, a sharp pin can do it thought JESUS Christ provides Better than mere explosion thrills and destructions (see older Drawing in this Series on why atmosphere doesn't escape so much, concerning diverging atoms).

Isaiah 34:4 New King James Version "All the host of heaven shall be dissolved, And the heavens shall be rolled up like a scroll; All their host shall fall down As the leaf falls from the vine, And as fruit falling from a fig tree.": to be consumed, to be JESUS Christ One with no One lost nor left behind, with no where else to turn astray anymore: from Ascending Levels Loyally in JESUS Christ to One, as JESUS including All Family as rather One, as an Egg and New Beginning though not about Marry since One, JESUS. To Marry was to Edify [rather for the Able to Agree in JESUS Christ One Desperate Love (Matthew 19:12)] to Love rather than neuter individuals about selves.

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Leaders Spirit Edifies [as Evangelists of Ascending Grace should be answering concerns and Doing In One JESUS Grace Work] even if including about Original Plan fluid mechanics for traveling through Your Earth Portal Soul and through spirits of things such as through the Sun, and through the stars of the Heavens. The Scroll of JESUS Christ when rolled into one role [or similar (see previous on spiral such as DNA) then as an elongated structure as a key and as a pole, Straightened as a retasked spear. Consider a paper newspaper with a map as a Guiding map such as to a Church, laid out flat, yet to roll the newspaper that it be wrapt together as a Scroll then as a [bat rather] spear, as to poke the Sun (see above "consumed")

Cold spots of the Sun are solar flares of magnetic fields displacements. As to add a type of fuel to the Sun to make the Sun hotter, though to add type of fuel to the Sun while poking it with an pertinent energy stick for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Righteously, then the Best Way making the entry point (reference entering the Census egg though rather without perishing in so doing hence JESUS Christ is the secret door You cannot find without above stated "Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN For The Best For All" Prayerfully). What has this to do with Soul? this includes "Prayerfully".

So this explains the space probe velocity, the speed of the energy envelope packet to enter into the Sun. So what happens when You Roll Up a Scroll, the outside half of thickness cracks as shown below, while the inside compresses, and it is easier to enter at an angle to spiral in though the longer journey.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, New Commandment having Already Answered the larger reason as to how so many including Christians become victims, and why; and Will Answer how JESUS Christ Spirit Edifies about Original Plan fluid mechanics for traveling through Your Earth Portal Soul and through spirits of things such as through the Sun, and through the stars of the Heavens, how the Heavens and Earth rolled up Together as a Scroll is an Outer Space Door Portal Value, answers what is above?, explains Anewly the retasked spear and what this to do with Soul? hence explains the space probe velocity, explains 3 Nephi 20:44 and 45, and explains about the Earth and Heavens being rolled up as a Scroll.


5 September 2020.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals in a New Commandment in this Fire And Brimstone Declares Sacred Control Over scorching heat of the center of the Sun and Mass compressibility [radiation discussed amounts in older Sermons in this Series] answers how Christians become victims, and why and Answers how JESUS Christ Spirit Edifies about Original Plan fluid mechanics for traveling through Your Earth Portal Soul and through spirits of things such as through the Sun, and through the stars of the Heavens, how the Heavens and Earth rolled up Together as a Scroll is an Outer Space Door Portal Value, answers what is above?, explains Anewly the retasked spear and what this to do with Soul? hence explains the space probe velocity, explains 3 Nephi 20:44 and 45, and explains about the Earth and Heavens being rolled up as a Scroll kept secret since the world began with how to travel through the Sun after Prayerful NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN a New type of Victory Over the closed [Bible] Scroll, What happens if You roll an ancient Bible Scroll?, and a brief video.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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