JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.
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JESUS Ascending Spirit Sermon.
JESUS Christ appeared in the census because none in the census was able to figure it out, nor otherwise escape the Best Plan For All. There is only one Best Way, and it is only through full repentance, Christian Water Immersion Baptism, Ascending with Eucharist, and then continuing Loyally, Ascending in the JESUS Broadcasting Spirit.
One of the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Values is the Best For All Leadership Way [including that Each become Better than Each had been: as All Ascend there is greater Joy in Heaven, the place for All to Be, even into the JESUS Spirit New Better Heavenly Levels, even realms as may be created yet rather as JESUS One Best Way].
The man is supposed to be Good And Lead the wife but if the man does not, as in these current generations about so many so faithless, then whether opted or not the woman is in that leadership position. Therefore in any generation let the woman be Good And Lead at least Before The Fact of any problem, yet such is hardly about lower level Maintenance (for "Definitions" click "Main "Page" near bottom of this Sermon) problems, and exceedingly rather concerning JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.
People wonder about the future, me too [though JESUS Spirit is Improving Over such]. Many wonder about planning, and what is best to do, where to invest talent, money, and equipment, many wonder about which spirit to believe, and many such as worry about the future while believing they are stuck in a rut.
JESUS Christ spoke this verse, yet there is a JESUS Family that JESUS came to start as part of His Mission, and there had been the types of census families of generations, and this verse speaks in the lower level Maintenance generations sense: John 12:25 Berean Study "Whoever loves his life will lose it, but whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.". Yet beware, and be Aware that JESUS Christ is not telling You to hate; in this verse JESUS Christ is Aware that many wonder and the census cannot Ascend into Heaven [conditionally, see next sentence] through their own ideas from dust nor from their own works of hands from dust: hence civilization as strayed and fallen from much Grace already discovered how to hate from the Tree Of Knowledge.
People receive Gifts from JESUS Christ constantly, such as the hearts pumping and such as breathing, but multitudes of Heavenly Gifts are not yet being accepted in this generation as this generation opted against receiving these Miracle Guide signs, hence much less the Awareness in the people concerning JESUS Loyalty in people [of Grace, not slavery] since so much opting as if to be unable to be with JESUS Faith.
As written often in this Series is the starting with JESUS Christ One Prayerful Thankful Faith Praising including for JESUS Christ Goodness, for Faith to become Loyal.
Now this JESUS Spirit Gift concerning Your Future, rather JESUS Christ One Our Future Together Best For All: is this JESUS Schedule sign as written in Luke 7:43 " 'I suppose the one who was forgiven more,' Simon replied. 'You have judged correctly,' Jesus said.". Our future is in this JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesying: "the one who was forgiven more", even sadly as i confess [like unto prolific writer Paul of many Bible Books]: "the one who was forgiven more".
This hardly matters:
It is not about the crimes you boast at the Confessional [some values conditionally may apply]. JESUS Christ Came To Redeem, Save, Lift, for All to Be As Him: Good, Precious, More Valuable hence More Worthy for Him to Lift.
It is hardly about the good in You that You can hardly find, and rather the Good In Him and so the Credit You Give Him, for Innocent Good JESUS Christ the Best Friend You could ever have clearly Gives You His Goodness for Your Ascending.
As You Ascend in Broadcasting His Name, Your Burdens Increase, and as You Loyally Continue Ascending You are Victorious Over those former burdens converted into Helps, such as More Faithful People In The Name JESUS Christ, and also such as with more tools as converted into and under Your More Ascended JESUS Christ Level Name Value, and likewise more supplies and systems and the naysayer worldly strayers cannot comprehend. That "cannot comprehend" aspect gave way to the hope of the people of this civilization, as JESUS Christ came as Promised and Fulfilled and Best Way Guided and Helped for All as much as Faithful to be Willing and so Ascending Likewise: One Leadership.
Yet now Behold JESUS Christ Anewly Gives the Exceedingly Better Living Growing Magnifying solving for to Broadcast [Give], this is not about any sins you committed. As You Ascend the JESUS Christ Best Way For All through JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Straight And Narrow, You opt rather the Better for Them, for All. To work and buy yourself a soda for instance has a lower level Maintenance value. To work and help a person out of a ditch has a higher level value, much higher but under the Law and secular since not with the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Mission, not Giving credit properly, not Doing in His Name.
So look at these, to ascend to "a soda" is a level, it might not even be ascending, it might even be about for to be lazy and drinking so perhaps descending, the Good Samaritan helping "a person out of a ditch" without giving credit is somewhat similar though better like unto as shown in the cup pic and stated in this Series at This Triad of ratios applies.
The more is forgiven You : sin :: the more You are Worthy Through Broadcasting : Ascending :: the more Ascending Levels Burdens : Better knowing the future.
Ascending in JESUS Name, not for Your credit [Save with minimizing Maintenance] but for His credit, is as to opt extra burden loads but not strayed heavier loads, and if to so opt symbolically Straight Up Loads then to Conquer such loads the quickest easiest Best Way For All. For instance Your Friend sees [hears, perceives] how You did it so They opt to Do Likewise for the Best Way Glorifying As JESUS Christ Deserves [and You too though hardly for you to relish in it: JESUS Chris already rewarded You in that He Lifted You to so be Exemplar for Your Friend]. So as JESUS Christ Gave, Give without expectation, yet while able to expect.
You can Righteously continue to expect JESUS Christ Will Be The Best Way, though this is not about expecting rewards for You for things JESUS Christ Accomplished. Would You go to Your hard working Friend that after 5 years was able to afford a car and tell Your Friend i deserve it and take for Yourself that car?, perish the thought, hardly to be a Friend. Would You tell the Friend it is mine or steal it since JESUS Forgives sins?, perish the thought.
So through JESUS Christ Ascending is Victory Over the Higher Levels Of Burdens, so with Ascending is to learn the Best Way Ascending Path and so to Better become enlightened as to the future, as stated above to better know the future schedule. If to Ascend, then Conquer those Levels = to be "forgiven more".
Ascend x then Conquer those Levels = to be "forgiven more".
To be "forgiven more" / then Conquer those Levels / Ascend / Be Found Worthy / Broadcast For JESUS Christ.
Better schedule Awareness/Enlightening the Path/Righteous Prophet/to be "forgiven more"/then Conquer those Levels/Ascend/Be Found Worthy/Broadcast For JESUS Christ.
If to Lead at night with a flashlight and to shine back for others concerning such as to step over a log, then they see to better be with You, so to "shine back" might be with temporarily pausing for them to catch up [so You don't continue without seeing and trip over another log], hence Maintenance exists. This JESUS Given Mission including this Sermon is One in JESUS Christ: this is Faith to Loyally type, and this is Maintenance as You read. If to look forward with the flashlight and see a road sign You can yell back to Them what the sign says.
The Righteous Prophet can see JESUS Christ ahead or at least the signs He left for Us, even the JESUS Schedule sign in One for "the one who was forgiven more".
Mens' Rights, Womens' Rights, rather JESUS Christ Rights Best For All.
The Garden Of Eden on Earth was a Pure JESUS Father Spiritual Place, when JESUS Was Spirit yet for the Our sakes Transfigured into the census flesh [as Others also did as evidenced in the Story] [with Adam and Eve when They too were Pure and Innocent in the census]. Like unto the 2nd Testament as written in John 2:4 " 'Woman, why does this concern us?' Jesus replied. 'My hour has not yet come.' " is JESUS talking about a scheduled situation, likewise as JESUS stated about the scheduled time for JESUS Christ was not yet fully come (John 7:8), likewise is JESUS Spirit One Righteously Prophesying of His Second Coming: throughout the Bible is this.
This is like unto Genesis 1:1, and John 1:1, and Revelation 3:14 as these signs Agree in One JESUS Christ throughout the Bible [if You can't find it in one place You may find it in another place in the Bible].
In the Garden Of Eden Adam wrestled JESUS Christ but was not cast out of Eden.
In the previous Sermon, the JESUS More Than Witness Sermon at Ariana Grande did a great goodly Biblical Level thing in the artwork of Her Heavenly [as Purely Created Of JESUS Christ] Spiritual Self reaching down to her census worldly self, like unto the cliche about an Angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other shoulder and both with advice.
The Angel has very often been portrayed wrongly as the naysayer.
While goodly artwork even Biblical, be aware the original Michelangelo artwork was of God and man, while the previous artwork was similar to the above illustration yet in a more Holy sense [thread] Traceable to the Michelangelo artwork of God JESUS Christ: more a reminder of JESUS the Christ.
Some types of faiths have had ancient artworks likewise such as of Angkor Wat as shown here, with some people pulling a rope [or log as shown here] in the opposite direction of others pulling.
The churning ocean of milk of devas was the description (
So of JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesying seeing and hearing the Best Path Better Anewly Ascendingly For All is for Giving Victories Over Higher Heavenly Levels, while the secular level has struggled against itself horizontally. Adam wrestled JESUS Christ [before His scheduled time] yet with JESUS Christ fully Aware and for Adam to Ascend as Blessed, so again hardly about sin and rather about JESUS Christ Highest Purpose And Ascending [not merely to self ascend].
The Ariana Grande artwork is Ascended Higher than merely about shoulders and lateral rope pullings in works against each other horizontally. The Ariana Grande artwork concerns the Pure Self Pulling From Above as symbolized, like unto the Soul Heart One in JESUS Christ Name hence in His JESUS Spirit Heart One. With Ariana Grande pulling Up, with success, is a greater Good Higher Level Heavenly Value such as for Womens' Rights for All [if properly Giving JESUS Christ the credit] to Do likewise, Anewly Better including Michelangelo.
30 March 2020AD
tags: JESUS Spirit, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas Triad of ratios applies, Ariana Grande teaching Michelangelo something New and Better, Adam wrestled JESUS Christ but was not exiled from the Garden Of Eden because of it, in opposite directions people pulling a rope a log, ancient Hindu, Buddhist, the milk of devas, Angkor Wat, advice on shoulders Angel devil.
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