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JESUS Ascending With Ascending Sermon.

JESUS Christ Ascending On Ascending is His Way, Precept On Precept; yet JESUS Christ Ascending With Ascending Includes You and Us as much as Faith amount the We of Grace Opt To Agree And Do. Some are already humbly Bravely Up There in High Levels of Christian Leadership Loyalty, even very far more than this Civilization in the Census, for instance many spirits can enter a Census Person whether a Legion or as in Matthew 12:45 the secular purgatory [secular Census, and similarly Souls though with mixed spirits and mixed spirits such as of critters and things and unseen mixed confusions] level can be within a secular Census Person in works having cleaned similar to full repentance though if to lack Christian Baptism Ascendingly then "worse than the first. That is the way it will also be" and has been generation after generation, Save these Christians [pertinent as in this generation] Ascending:

JESUS Christ Spirit in Us as much as Good Will Righteously Prophesyingly Anewly in this Sermon, that as You read with the above stated "amount", You Will Be Righteously Ascending; and other Gifts You Will Be With such as Given in the next Triadic Flow With Pertinent Formula, how music works, the Unleavened Bread lifting up effect, explains what bravery is?, where to enter and exit Sun Portals, and specific case examples of how JESUS Christ Broadcasting is Better than what Many viewed as though state-of-the-art.

JESUS Christ Ascending With Us / JESUS Christ Exemplar Ascending His Best Way / JESUS Christ Teaching And Working Precept On Precept.

JESUS Christ Ascending With Us = JESUS Christ Exemplar Ascending His Best Way x JESUS Christ Teaching And Working Precept On Precept.

As JESUS Christ Teaches, JESUS Christ Likewise Works: Joy With Joy, Increasingly Better Overflowing.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Spirit in Us as much as Good Will Righteously Prophesyingly Anewly in this Sermon, that as You read with the above stated amount, You Will Be Righteously Ascending; and other Gifts You Will Be With such as Given in the next Triadic Flow With Pertinent Formula, how music works, the Unleavened Bread lifting up effect, explains what bravery is?, where to enter and exit Sun Portals, and specific case examples of how JESUS Christ Broadcasting is Better than what Many viewed as though state-of-the-art.


JESUS Created the Sun as shown here with Overflowing Plasma lines of force,

and as the Sun rotates both the Sun elements and these [polar cold spots with] "lines of force"

pull away material from the axis hence concerning entry and exit points

(reference hollow Earth, exoplanets lit within, and terraforming as in Collins Dictionary).

Gravity pulls inward, spin casts outward, as the Life of JESUS Christ Edifies.

Naysayers cast JESUS Christ out of the city, and intended to to throw him off the cliff ( yet as written in Luke 4:30 as the naysayers quarreled against each other JESUS Christ walked through the midst of them. Likewise naysayers were distracted looking for stones as written "they picked up stones to throw at Him" and so while looking for and gathering stones They cause their own eyes to be distracted from being able to see JESUS Christ (from John 8:59 New American Standard Bible, as as in this Series Of Sermons how the disloyal cause themselves problems that mount in self defeat).

The previous Sermon explained a "spiral" as if option, yet as We Ascend Straight And Narrow, as Many [even if Few] and as much as Good We Bring Our Mass With Us like unto the effect of sticky [for Eucharist] dough rises from the bowl ascending up and clinging onto a spinning egg beater (see previous Sermon on responsibly applying wrapt "Scroll" thorn power) [similar are Sun pertinent application lines of force such as wrapt rubber bands and such as strings forming a ball of string]: see previous Drawings: JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Victory Over Spirit Sermon at Drawing shows how music works with the wing uplifting of Venturi Effect [also in recent Sermons] and the Straight Up JESUS Drawing with spiraling Upward Scrolling Christians Ascending Meeting in the sky from various directions.

Many People opt to ascend amounts in fun ways, such as to fly in rockets to hot and to cold areas of outer space, and such as to explore hot equatorial conditions and such as cold polar physical phenomena. Above is stated "Bravely", what is bravery?, bravery is a word largely used in the military, such as "Bravely" to not to go AWOL if sent to the North Pole as punishment; yet behold the "fun ways" include the "cold polar" regions in the hearts of some People hence not "punishment" rather reward! This is what JESUS Christ means, that We are All Members of His One Body (and with such as written in 1 Corinthians 6:15 and in Ephesians 4:25).

So this JESUS Christ Ascending "fun ways" rather Best For All, is that some are delighted to go on some types of Missions [i confess i'm OK with the typing and monitor online (see below)] as the Better Way as written in 3 Nephi 28: 2, 3 and here is verse 9 "And again, ye shall not have pain while ye shall dwell in the flesh, neither sorrow save it be for the sins of the world; and all this will I do because of the thing which ye have desired of me, for ye have desired that ye might bring the souls of men unto me, while the world shall stand.".

If to have "fun ways", such as going away on vacation for awhile, then with Longevity (see Drawing on speed at, yet as stated above in the Higher Level of the Flow is rather to be: "JESUS Christ Ascending With Us" [with "Us" tagging along, rather with "Us" Leading Likewise, and new not yet fathomable situations are coming so if ever a doubt and need of correction then the JESUS Christ One(s) after the Exemplar are to rather Be as the Original JESUS Christ Exemplar Leads: be Loyal].

As confessed concerning such as the "monitor", see previous Sermons on the All Seeing Eye Portal and pertinent in this Sermon the Coriolis Effect; yet also confessed now is that in the secular there were fantastic moments such as to show People things They didn't think possible, generally speaking, such as with Ultrasonics making straight energy bend 90 degrees and such as make such energy follow the path i would select, though the point is typing these JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons fantastically overshadows such former levels of things. How to compare?, likely like the first Person to ascend in a hot air balloon, though this typing is similar to such [hence Sermons Together Preceptingly Better] Ascending Daily. It was not so when starting Faithfully, the Sermons in Churches and when starting online were as the Other Blessed Preachers had Preached.

Behold this Victory in JESUS Spirit Over [though Broadcast for: rather With] as on TV as said in cliche such as "Do you know what it's like to peak when you're 18?". Another cliche involves changing one's stars, and although censored many Sermons in this Series named constellations to Righteously Give JESUS Christ The Credit and fit the Christian Bible [rather than following reckless ways of crucifiers of healthy innocent newborns].

The previous Sermon spoke of a Portal though rather than merely rocket travel, the Portal for JESUS Christ Ascending One Best Way Planning for the Soul "and through spirits of things such as through the Sun". So in planning for the Soul of this Civilization to go through the Sun Stargate(s) Portal(s), the spin pushes out at the equator and flows in at the poles, so to enter at a pole during a magnetic flare there, and [if to travel Best Way for the Mission] exit in the Best Direction as the equatorial compass provides.

This is very similar to when i traveled with JESUS Christ 1/2 hour (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Spirits Sermon at, as written "a very high cliff")].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Spirit in Us as much as Good Will Righteously Prophesyingly Anewly in this Sermon, that as You read with the above stated amount, You Will Be Righteously Ascending; and other Gifts You Will Be With such as Given in the next Triadic Flow With Pertinent Formula, how music works, the Unleavened Bread lifting up effect, explains what bravery is?, where to enter and exit Sun Portals, and specific case examples of how JESUS Christ Broadcasting is Better than what Many viewed as though state-of-the-art.


6 September 2020.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Bravery Loyalty Over Family Members matters kept secret since the world began with how to be Righteously Ascending Better With a Triadic Flow Pertinent Formula, how music works, the Unleavened Bread lifting up effect, explains what bravery is?, where to enter and exit Sun Portals, and specific case examples of how JESUS Christ Broadcasting is Better than what Many viewed as though state-of-the-art.

Jesus Christ

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