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JESUS As Never Before Sermon.

JESUS Christ Desperate Love Ascendingly Anewly Better Awareness Spirit is for Highest Best Purpose, also including Lifting People out of mental bondage and above merely the 1st Testament and Lifting You Beloved Reader: JESUS Christ Fulfilled All about 2,000 years ago, though Continues Making You Worthy.

This Sermon Righteously Will Give For You as written in 3 Nephi 19:36 "Verily I say unto you, there are none of them that have seen so great things as ye have seen; neither have they heard so great things as ye have heard."!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Powers Over things not yet thought possible kept secret since the world began with how to musically utilize the JESUS Signal through the Sun and stars portals and NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN Anewly with Lovely Choir Music not merely as had often been in the past, Bible former impossibilities are Correlated Anewly Best For All as JESUS Spirit Gives Anewly Better Solving Astoundingly for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose The Best Way For All hence Your JESUS Power Will Astonish not merely the People yet also the very rock under their feet, hence solving how to Transport in Transporter fashion as in tractor and repulsor beams!


JESUS Christ 3 years ago showed me the future about a specific place like unto the forest in the previous Sermon that would become a modern city. JESUS Christ Spirit Likewise now, see above sky pic, Gives for to show You as though another future city though rather One same Civilization City, rather One same Civilization Creation With JESUS Christ Census With JESUS Christ All One Spirit Awareness of the Whole being 1 Holy City. Confusions have been as a Mesoscale Convective Complex, stormy weather that can last a long time, while JESUS is rather at the Beam Of Light.

The JESUS Signal, with Letter J = number 10, E = 5, S = 19, U = 21, S = 19, these are the JESUS Signal Amplitudes as shown in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Ascended From Self To Fill All Good things Sermon at

JESUS' Word, likewise as You properly utilize the JESUS Signal as JESUS Christ Authorizes the Worthy (reference Eucharist criteria), You Broadcast Power: what kind of "Power"?, how might such "Power" be utilized Better For All? A Person can advise another Person that obeys the advise, yet a far greater JESUS Signal "Power" exists and in many forms.

The "previous Sermon" as discussed above, also includes the statement "how music works". In the Sermons prior to it is included a JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Answers Sermon at a gif of flares erupting from the Sun. The statement "how music works" is shown in the illustration in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Victory Over Spirit Sermon at

So in JESUS Christ Spirit Prayerfully Precepting, Sermon Over Sermon, this linked "how music works" illustration matches the "flares" gif: the notes are the flares!

You now have Power Over The Sun with this New Key from JESUS Christ Exemplar Anewly As He Lives!

Just as a voice can break a glass, JESUS Signal You can open the door of an egg, and likewise open the Angelic Door of the Sun.

The solar flares are pushing out, yet consider which is harder, the rock or the liquid. A volcano erupts through the rock, and later there are tombs and tunnels such as throughout Easter Island: You can walk through them. Even so [Save if JESUS Christ Commands You and You NEEDFULLY Leap In Faith], Ascending the Flow is right to left:

Fly into the Sun / Rocket into the heat in proximity to the Sun / Fly as a bird / Run / Walk.

Triads of the parts of the above Flow is this Godsling formulae set yet in JESUS Christ Spirit Ascendingly.

Fly as a bird = Run x Walk.

Rocket into the heat in proximity to the Sun = Fly as a bird x Run.

Fly into the Sun = Rocket into the heat in proximity to the Sun x Fly as a bird.

To "Walk" in Faith is to start writing Sermons, Loyalty is Writing and Preaching Broadcasting Sermon On Sermon, as in news reporter cliche "Let's run with it" run with the story rather Sermon Series; and NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN. If to Leap In Faith it NEEDS BE Best For All lest to leap over a pit but the follower steps into the pit. So Preach Responsibly. Some decades ago a Scientist made a flashlight that shot a beam of black light, for to be utilized as a pointer, as to teach and point to things with it, as when there is too much light is a situation the black beam shadow dot where pointed would be seen. This JESUS Spirit Point being JESUS the Good Creator already put so many things in motion for Us: multitudes of Gifts.

To Better interpret as JESUS Christ Exemplar for Us did show Us, is the Best Way, and Good! And with the above to explore the JESUS Given Portals is to do so little on little, Safety On Safety, Precept On Precept and Growingly Sermon On Sermon and then Leaping On Leaping; and these the Best Way For All "Exemplar". As JESUS Christ explained as written in John 10:9 New American Standard Bible "I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture."!

As Promised above "none of them that have seen so great things as ye have seen; neither have they heard so great things as ye have heard" yet Now Anewly You Are Seeing And Listening Anewly In Your JESUS Christ Heart as much as You are Loyally In JESUS Christ Desperate Love. And Yet If You So Are Then As Written "I tell you that to everyone who has, more shall be given" (from Luke 19:26) and so Anewly Better In JESUS Christ One Spirit Here It Comes!

Like what the Churches Taught somewhat here comes the NEW BETTER: consider as written in 3 Nephi 19:34 "Nevertheless, so great and marvelous were the words which he prayed that they cannot be written, neither can they be uttered by man."!

So it cannot be. This as "Promised", this Anewly Better cannot be. Save In JESUS Christ Spirit this Truly Does Come to pass now! Behold this added New Gift On New Gift: Truly, Truly, "words" "cannot be written" yet from Loyal Faith JESUS Christ Spirit can so utter, as written here, this is the Coming New Victory Over previous verse 3 Nephi 19:34!

While it is True "words" "cannot" explain, music can.

Open the stargates through the Heavens / JESUS Christ Spirit Beautiful Music Singing You / Church Choirs.

Open the stargates through the Heavens = JESUS Christ Spirit Beautiful Music Singing You x Church Choirs.

Broadcast these JESUS Christ Spirit [Way yielding] Miracles things, these New Gifts and so Precious!

Now You not merely hear the music, yet now You can also Anewly Through JESUS Christ Spirit write the "Beautiful Music" Anewly, 3D as linked above, as as shown above in the text Flowingly Better The Best Way, even Beautiful things that this Civilization has not yet thought possible. And as proven in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series only JESUS Christ can show the New Better Way Over previous JESUS Christ Good Words. Above are listed the numbers of JESUS, likewise when merely JESUS and nothing else remains Righteously Prophesyingly In JESUS Christ Name And Spirit We Will Find that when We are All in "JESUS" then We with Find All Things, We Will Find in "JESUS" All Things Good: filled to the Holy Grail brim and the New Better Beginning Overflowing.

A sound can lift a piece of steel, likewise Beautiful JESUS Christ One Spirit Music can guide such Beautifully!

Given for You is to Move The Stars as to open a balloon in JESUS Christ Spirit Victory = The Bible invited if appropriate move the mountain x The Ancients moved many ton boulders.

Given for You is to Move The Stars as to open a balloon in JESUS Christ Spirit Victory / The Bible invited if appropriate move the mountain / The Ancients moved many ton boulders.

The Ancients moved many ton boulders, the Bible invited if appropriate move the mountain, Given for You is to Move The Stars as to open a balloon in JESUS Christ Spirit Victory!

Since "JESUS is rather at the Beam Of Light" as stated and symbolized above, We should All Do Likewise.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Powers Over things not yet thought possible kept secret since the world began with how to musically utilize the JESUS Signal through the Sun and stars portals and NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN Anewly with Lovely Choir Music not merely as had often been in the past, Bible former impossibilities are Correlated Anewly Best For All as JESUS Spirit Gives Anewly Better Solving Astoundingly for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose The Best Way For All hence Your JESUS Power Will Astonish not merely the People yet also the very rock under their feet, hence solving how to Transport in Transporter fashion as in tractor and repulsor beams!

(Raz's Midnight Macabre).

7 September 2020.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Powers Over things not yet thought possible kept secret since the world began with how to musically utilize the JESUS Signal through the Sun and stars portals and NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN Anewly with Lovely Choir Music not merely as had often been in the past, Bible former impossibilities are Correlated Anewly Best For All as JESUS Spirit Gives Anewly Better Solving Astoundingly for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose The Best Way For All hence Your JESUS Power Will Astonish not merely the People yet also the very rock under their feet, hence solving how to Transport in Transporter fashion as in tractor and repulsor beams!

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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