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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

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JESUS Authority Sermon.

JESUS Christ is in charge, so what does this mean?, Christians are not slaves, JESUS Christ in the Census sense of 2,000 years ago does not issue to payroll checks to Christians since that Census count per se ended at the cross as legally stated "Truly this was God's Son" (from Matthew 27:54 Berean Literal Bible), JESUS Christ is in charge of mind control but does not enforce such save as much as the Ascending Tube Parameter to protect the innocent and the levels for to protect the innocent and for All to Ascend Better and likewise does not control flip-of-a-coin save marginal chance amount as these are of His Original Creating Plan as All Hoped and Agreed though including Giving Himself Once For All such as written in 1 Peter 3:18 "because Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, so that He might bring you to God, having been put to death indeed in the flesh, but having been made alive in the spirit,".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Giving Himself Once For All 1 Peter 3:18


Matthew 28:18 "And having come to them, Jesus spoke to them, saying, 'All authority in heaven and on the earth has been given to Me.' ". So what is this Authority?, it is as much as Good within the above stated parameters legal and mainly in Higher Heavenly Levels Of Grace: see above "Main Page" link with [Sermons links and] Definitions for more specifics.

JESUS Christ Gives this same Authority to and for the Worthy, so what does the "Worthy" include?: the legal and the Graceful. So be law abiding and the Eternally greater amount is the Grace, Ascend in Grace Better and Better, more Joyful and more Joyful, though hardly for selfish Joy rather for Giving this same "in Grace Better and Better" to All for All and this within Tube Parameters means within the Tube yet With increasing greater Awareness as much as for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose (of "His Original Creating Plan" as stated above) hence within the Pillar Of Faith Living Flow

hence the Way, being the Best Way for All. This Same One Best Way [hardly as blood that goes backward (see below JESUS Spirit New Victory Over funeral discussion)] is Ascending Level On Level, Precept On Precept. This in the lower levels is as in the various methodologies and checklists and proprietary processes, and importantly the organizing of the jumble of laws and legal jargon comprehensively, prioritizing the Law starting from: JESUS Christ UN Top: JESUS Christ Creator, then His Plan.

So concerning this Authority Already Given, JESUS Christ explained in Matthew 21:22 Berean Literal Bible "And all things, as many as you might ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.". Accordingly what Authority is this that any of Us rather that All Of We can "receive"?, this JESUS Christ Gift is as stated above, as We "Ascend" We Give "Better and Better" the Best For All. So We merely have to pray for it?, as stated above "hardly for selfish Joy"; if to pray for Your [if with a] sick Child then perhaps including "for selfish Joy" [yet a Legal Responsibility is to Care for the Child], and if to pray in the name of JESUS Christ for a Friend or Ally this similarly "for selfish Joy";

so to pray first of all has what to do with Yourself, if so "for selfish Joy"!, hence to Pray Righteously is to lean not to Your [illegal if pertinent] [fallen / strayed, if pertinent] former lower levels of understandings. Now for a moment consider the higher any ascends in the secular the more goodliness that can be accumulated, such as making many friends, but if found disloyal then to lose the more, the ascended amount, for instance to fall on ice might hurt but if a rocket full of fellow crew members falls all such as quick as lightning falls then all such might typically be lost (Luke 10:18) (see previous in this Series on repetition and similar).

JESUS Christ Wise Spirit therefore is Protector as explained above, not merely about levels yet also for the Innocent Ascending into Higher Level Grace are with Firmaments (ibid. on safety nets [many such Sermons have been illegally deleted: hence yet another reason for Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law as "Best For All"]). So not leaning unto selfish former understandings is to Be With JESUS Christ Original Plan Increasingly [Increasing Awareness according to Ascending].

So this from JESUS Spirit answers [better than merely: no] the question "So We merely have to pray for it?".

As written was the Hope that since JESUS Christ suffered already We would merely All Leap Best In JESUS Christ Given Faith, Loyally, Eternally; but since that did not happen when JESUS Christ UN Law was initially written, days later Addendum 1 was added: unselfish Charity even if for enemies [but not for Them to make worse and rather for better and rather Best For All]. So concerning this Sacred Faith matter concerning "All Leap Best In JESUS Christ", what is this "Leap" as for to Best Describe?: You are this "Leap" as You Eternally Ascend Broadcasting For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose and this has a description [Tube Parameter Best Way Agreeingly Ascending description]: Grace as much as Loyally Ascending: so this answers what this "Leap" is, and more specifically than merely describing: in the name of JESUS Christ Glory: You in so Leaping are His Glory [entered into His Glory].

As JESUS Christ said in Luke 9:60 "And He said to him, 'Leave the dead to bury their own dead; but you, having gone forth, declare the kingdom of God.' ". So the Best For All is explained above though this thing about the "dead" is currently important, hence the Loyal Ascending Edifying reason as stated "Addendum 1 was added": the dead are not about merely graveyards as Their worms do not perish even in the often unseen Lake Of Fire (see previous in this Series on how such functions in the sense of Living). So the "dead" are the naysayers and the idle lazy contrary to JESUS Christ Best Way Ascending.

Now here is some specific info about the "dead" [the asleep, the resting rather recuperating and allowing for some amounts of relaxation vacationing and such in the Prioritizing Grace sense as in JESUS Christ With Likewise All Hosting Celebrating The Ascending (Luke 15:7)]. There have been lower levels of secular worldly various ways about funerals, and this in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Spirit as Given is for to explain, completely solved in Matthew 26:12, yet with this is also explained:

People long ago were found with cuts and bleedings, and it was found that bandages wrapped around would tend to cure Them, excellent; though to wrap the passed from census body is to become as the "dead" (see in this Series on minimizing and automating Maintenance), also naysayers and the idle (concerning above stated "Amendment 1") have been the census "dead" though not currently in the graveyards: this is important to remember in the recordkeeping and not for illegal censorship. So JESUS Spirit has Anewly Provided Righteous Prophesying Now for All to be Broadcast this Awareness that there are higher levels [and be aware this has applied even as many Christians have opted to do lower levels of census works such as to plow for money, so beware] in the high secular levels there have been "dead" per se spirits: selfish for to receive "Ascending" Life for to Live Better but unworthily, including carelessly.

The mixed spirits levels have included "dead" "spirits" that were boldly wrong childishly spoiledly often except when being found out then such hid and another of the Legion would be bold similarly and hide, so JESUS Spirit Gives This New Awareness For The Ascending [You are reading this: Broadcast], the foul "spirits" have been as stated in this sentence while the Better Spirits come to Help Guide All when most important to so Be Known Responsibly Reliably.

Lazarus, come out!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Lazarus, come out!, how to Live Better, many Sacred questions are answered not known of this civilization since the ancient days


Groups competed and fought what were called enemies,

though the so called "dead" was rather enmity as invited as shown above of JESUS Christ.

11 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Provides Sacred Authority Over the dead kept secret since the world began answers what in charge means and answers what this New Authority is hence Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Best For All, and answers "So We merely have to pray for it?", and answers what's included in the Worthy? and what We can "receive"?, also this Sermon answers what the Eternal Leap Of Faith as Described? and rather explains more specifically defining what entered into His Glory? and how so?, as JESUS Christ Spirit Gives New Enlightenment Over the mixed spirits and how to Righteously Distinguish; also JESUS Spirit Provides New Victory Over funerals and graveyards.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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