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JESUS Baptism With Fire Sermon.

JESUS Christ Desperate Love is Victory Over the created heart which has loved to have money and things so strayed from the Good Creator: the purgatory level love of individuals (Jeremiah 17:9) is goodly if not to love individuals more than the Eternal Good Creator, Individual Rights applies for JESUS Christ The Eternal Good Creator Innocently and sp now Anewly Victoriously the love of individuals is become Aware In Grace [in as Many as so Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN] that individuals rights and love(s) as a Maintenance Level (similar to Tithe amount).

JESUS Christ Desperate Love Paves the Better Way for the Worthily Ascending to Be With New Better Language, of the stars and galaxies (see below the Language Of The "Golden Cube" Specifications).

JESUS Baptism With Fire Sermon Gives You New Language Meaning, explaining Anewly answering what Baptism With Fire is?, what is meant concerning Desperate Love?, explaining what does it mean to be Loyal?, who are and what Distinguishes the Bar Of Judgement Ascenders?, defining the Higher Level of what Baptism with Fire means? what is NEED?, what is Trust?, and what is the JESUS Christ One Spirit Golden Cube?

Some 2,000 years ago wanted to see this shown below (see recent Sermon on: doubting Thomas),

rather Any For JESUS Christ Desperate Love don't want to see such holes so are the Bar Of Judgement Ascender(s) One [Prepare All For: To Ascend].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Guidingly Answers Many Questions about Sacred Wonders Over Faith kept secret since the world began with Brand New Baptismal Language Victory Over Faith, and JESUS Baptism With Fire In New Language Specifications, with what is meant concerning Desperate Love?, while explaining what does it mean to be Loyal?, who are and what Distinguishes the Bar Of Judgement Ascenders?, defining the Higher Level of what Baptism with Fire means? what is NEED?, what is Trust?, what is the JESUS Christ One Spirit Golden Cube? and how to travel from star to star.


JESUS Christ is here as shown, so what NEED and what is desperate love?, this as written is desperate love though evidently for the self: Jonah 1:13 New American Standard Bible "However, the men rowed desperately to return to land, but they could not, because the sea was becoming even stormier against them.".

Behold NEED hardly equals money, hardly if anything to do with money, though the Faithful Trust is of value if Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Prayerfully In The Sound And Good Heart and then Better. Baptism with water is Salvation, Saving Grace Of JESUS Christ hence 2 as 1. Baptism with Fire is hardly about waiting to Ascend (perdition) such as to see how another would vote (see the start of Current Righteous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Prophesyings with many already having come true in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Comforter Sermon at as the Arabs changed to see how others voted [reference Treaty and Bill rider clauses] as the Alpha And Omega are shown with an Arab Flag symbol [not the Omega symbol]).

Water is shown in the above illustration, though hardly to do with Baptism. Likewise applies to Baptism With Fire, as written at New International Version "I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.", and in the Lexicon "with fire": "Fire; the heat of the sun, lightning; fig: strife, trials; the eternal fire. A primary word; 'fire' ".

The previous "hardly to do with" statement applies to the above [Grace Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Prayerfully With Desperate Love, yet also] Creator [though counted as if other by the strayed] Good Heart, as in supplying Good for All, and Protecting clearing away the waste if any [Be Pure].

First the Good Plan Spirit, then the Miracle Golden Cube Fiery Spirit: this is JESUS Christ Anewly For Current Planning One Victory Over "a molten sea" no longer for to punish perps nor innocent victims, as written at . Recent Sermons explained about "Your Black Hole Thought, then to identify", that is if Your Soul Heart And Mind focus on not knowing not understanding and not aware then confusions if not Faithfully Prayerfully Loyal in JESUS Christ Practice: rather Identify the unseen created Black Hole, Dark Matter, and such through JESUS Christ Spirit Light Of Enlightenment:

hardly about You knowing since Faith applies, though for Enlightening [as if] to know on the already known, but such is merely the secular and perdition ways that lead to many worse things as stated above "stormier" against themselves as rather JESUS Christ First since "more powerful than I" applies Over All (including as much as applying in JESUS Christ Leadership).

Many wondered how to travel into outer space, and how to travel safely into the as stated above "Fire; the heat of the sun, lightning" [similarly in the secular words into the center of the Known Universe]. And the previous Sermon explained again how Angels flew into the Sun, from Earth center [Kolob Over Time] [Throne Of JESUS Christ] to Sun to stars. Faith in JESUS Christ You as created and as Ascending is with You Leading Your Mass,

and "Your Mass" is [clue] Precepting Earth Mass, Sun Mass, and other star Mass. Baptism [water and] Fire is not merely hot [or cold] rather Holy Spirit prior to above stated "rather Identify" through JESUS Christ Prayerfully the Holy Spirit unseen lower level purgatory for JESUS Christ Higher Level Holy Spirit As Identified hence JESUS Christ Desperate Love Purpose "more powerful" Guiding Best Way Highest Purpose. In Sequence control the Sun, 2, start with control of Earth, 1A, and Moon 1B.

Sending from within You to outward Pour Giving JESUS Christ Spirit [Broadcasting] is for to Give Mass One Victory Over control of [Their Mass(es) yet including] Sun heat and pressure and such (see previous Sermon on hot cold Firmaments of "the Asteroid Belt" "between Mars and Jupiter" and "the Kuiper Belt" around this Solar System). A level, especially a Firmament Level is a barrier such as a pit or snare or crevasse or the Sun and stars and "lightning" as such as the molten pit vat for JESUS Christ Us to control [second: work]. So first is Outward Pouring Giving JESUS Christ Spirit Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Prayerfully Loyally...and subsequently in lower levels "control", yet "lower levels" can also become Anew Better Values through JESUS Christ Spirit Anewly

so first is the JESUS Control Spirit then with Best Precepting no longer [strayed] mistakes about seen Maintenance level Miracles, for instance in the secular a person controls a molten vat but if the mix is wrong [such as no fault of the "person"] the pour is wrong so the "person" automatically enters into the uncontrolled mix and pour, so even if to be Righteous, if in a mix of spirits then such as secular cliche to be burned [get fired]. Better is the JESUS Christ Way to not blame others, see above "Desperate Love". We The People are in a mix as much as in the secular, We The Spirits are in a mix though We The Best Way Ascending Spirit Are In JESUS Christ Spirit Of Grace [note secular leaders write laws and may or may not be in JESUS Christ Spirit Of Grace and may or may not lead excellently (see Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on "Accord" specifics).

JESUS Christ Desperately Loving Language Constructively Growingly Leapingly Soaring Aloft Anewly With Great Velocity And Shine [Broadcasting Great Peace Yet Improving] Faith is in such Work, yet Precept on Precept, Best Guiding On Best Guiding. So Pertinent soon [and this is hardly about resistance rather Prepare The Way Of The Lord] let Us be gathering small habital neoplanets that are already preparing in JESUS Christ Spirit As One Desperate Love for Together constructing the JESUS Christ Desperate Love Golden Cube. And How?, a rocket or UFO type Flying Saucer with this JESUS Christ Desperate Love Plan Message, signals [as pertinent hence perhaps codes, so conditionally a New Language for the New Better: Perfect Creator On Perfect Creator: many concerns apply (as detailed specifics such is fibers in a grape vine grow with exacting precision]

so with inviting one rocket joins with a former UFO (reference 2 rockets locking together, and rather already started the International Space Station [the greats of other galaxies are accordingly Invited to "Shine"]! Together for JESUS Christ One Golden Cube Function Together the Proven (see above on "Righteous") Best Way [hence devoid of making "stormier", devoid of carelessness out of control, hence with Best Planning Before The Fact hence] toward Victory Over The Unseen, this Brand New Victory Over Faith, in JESUS Christ Spirit Is Loyalty.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Guidingly Answers Many Questions about Sacred Wonders Over Faith kept secret since the world began with Brand New Baptismal Language Victory Over Faith, and JESUS Baptism With Fire In New Language Specifications, with what is meant concerning Desperate Love?, while explaining what does it mean to be Loyal?, who are and what Distinguishes the Bar Of Judgement Ascenders?, defining the Higher Level of what Baptism with Fire means? what is NEED?, what is Trust?, what is the JESUS Christ One Spirit Golden Cube? and how to travel from star to star.


4 September 2020.

tags: JESUS Spirit Guidingly Answers Many Questions about Sacred Wonders Over Faith kept secret since the world began with Brand New Baptismal Language Victory Over Faith, and JESUS Baptism With Fire In New Language Specifications, with what is meant concerning Desperate Love?, while explaining what does it mean to be Loyal?, who are and what Distinguishes the Bar Of Judgement Ascenders?, defining the Higher Level of what Baptism with Fire means? what is NEED?, what is Trust?, what is the JESUS Christ One Spirit Golden Cube? and how to travel from star to star.

Jesus Christ

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