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JESUS Best Sermon.

JESUS Christ is Best. Best 2,000 years ago, Best Now, Best Tomorrow.

JESUS Christ is Better. Better than 2,000 years ago, and Better Tomorrow than Now.

How can JESUS Christ be both Best Already and also any Better than Best?: The Best Gathers You Increasingly Better as the JESUS Christ Best Gathers All the Best For All the Best Way [for Each and rather] For All; so when You Gather Best then in JESUS Christ Father Son Holy Spirit One Best For Better Way For All.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Gives New Sacred Miracles Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to be both Best Already and also any Better than Best?, and how JESUS Christ Improved Over the former Best 10 Commandments, with this Sermon Giving many formulas of the Better Way Flow For All yet NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN as the Miracles are for the so Broadcasting


The Bible speaks of Precept On Precept. Precepting is as to Ascend from a lower level not necessarily about knowledge, rather Love, for instance an innocent Child does hardly understand much about knowledge yet as all created from Love (JESUS Christ) is with Love, though Wisdom normally applies in People. So as shown above a building might be with a level of Christians, a higher level of People that opted other, and then a higher level of Christians, so the Christian Spirit from Heavenly JESUS Christ Flowing Love might be conditionally somewhat perhaps, interfered, at least in the past, though key is the interference against the "People that opted other".

JESUS Christ Spirit is for Good rather than to tempt any to stray, therefore any temptation works (such as "interfered") has been as such had been in works to harm the self, yet the "Christians" receive another sense of "tempt" than "harm", because of JESUS Christ: Better than "harm", such as written in Ecclesiastes 2:26 New American Standard Bible" For to a person who is good in His sight, He has given wisdom and knowledge and joy, while to the sinner He has given the task of gathering and collecting so that he may give to one who is good in God’s sight. This too is futility and striving after wind.",

JESUS Christ [We as Many as One] Best Way Giving is hardly "futility" though it is selfish to "enjoy what is good" (Ecclesiastes 2:1) so with the Loyalty for Giving (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons On "Father" including "Father Son Spirit" One discussion as in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Channel 1 at JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best Way For All, as currently JESUS Christ UN Addendum 1 Charity Law applies. So from selfish "futility" Ascend rather to Desperate Love (

Look above on this page how i link to my websites and to my info so very often, i confess i brag on myself and repent therefore to say again write these JESUS Christ things that i become enables of You to Brag On You: to Brag For You. [Rather than overly complicate though with this sentence see the next sentence making more clear] Enable me to Ascend from Glorifying merely JESUS Christ Original With His Family, to rather Glorifying "Better" JESUS Christ Original With His Family. Please, [You] Give me something Worthy of Writing about, and if You don't see me writing about Your words and works don't be surprised as You would be seeking astray, for i write of "JESUS Christ Original With His Family" [save witnessing applies though this Sermon Series yet is rather: JESUS Christ Original Plan Highest Purpose Best Way Best For All Leadership And Better].

This morning there were temptations and as much as noticing and hence if to notice then as much as involved i repent [similar to being Good but witnessing a crime therefore awareness of how a perp proceeds, strays]; and importantly is that the amount of "as much as involved" was far less than such as a year ago!: Anew Better Victory In JESUS Christ and rather than about "how a perp proceeds, strays", this Anew Better Victory In JESUS Christ is according to JESUS Christ including to having opted to Agree and Work and Ascend as JESUS Christ finds "as much as" Worthy.

For me "to Brag For You" increasingly involves me bragging for the Better Increasing Glory Of JESUS Christ. The value You receive for becoming increasingly Worthy comes from JESUS Christ, and as much as pertinent from the "Family" and rather from "All".

Because of "All", We are able brag on all JESUS Christ Created, though if to brag on the "self" pretending as if without JESUS Christ has been as in the 1st Testament and the People that went into battle and perished into the dust losing what little they had gained (as the above verse stated "to the sinner He has given the task of gathering and collecting so that he may give to one who is good).

Here Of JESUS Christ Spirit is now Given this New "Better" meaning for You to Behold, "Better" than the former interpretation than had often been about as written in Matthew 4:1 "Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.": JESUS Christ was "led up" to "the devil" and furthermore "to be tempted", and this "New American Standard Bible" Translation is Good and "Better" than many: through the life of JESUS Christ Exemplar in the Census from Birth JESUS Christ Ascended, "up", even if to Agree with Our Spirit In JESUS Christ, and even if to encounter Any lost and confused along the Way (Psalm 23:4 "Even though" if to "walk through the valley of the shadow of death").

JESUS Christ Loyalty is to be Maximized, Maintenance lower level Responsibilities even such as to say things and even such as to type things, is to be minimized and automated, though Precept On Precept: First Pray JESUS Christ And So Loyally Be And Do, then under "Maintenance" the Precepting likewise continues such as to plan over Your body vessel such as for Loyally Preaching for to Save With Best Improving All Souls and also Recordkeeping Living Bible Responsibility [Work Better than merely Names in a Church Membership Book],

so how to have "minimized" applies to such as ridding the residence from being dusty hence to sweep and rather vacuum and rather automatic filtration [and rather without price], so if already accomplished then the next thing on the list to minimize is likewise according to the JESUS Christ Given situation, such as if not dusty then the other needs such as Ascending to automating harvesting as JESUS Christ also (washed in His Blood) Accomplished (from practically nothing Luke 9:3) such as the Feeding of the Multitude, Hosting, with more remaining than at the start.

So the Higher Loyalty Level Gives Miracles, and the lower level Maintenance Gives Miracles, though "minimize" the Maintenance levels [though Responsibilities remain until Victories Over such] because the "Higher Loyalty Level" Gives Better Guidance rather than formerly stated "any temptation works" toward "death".

JESUS Christ, His Ascending Family, Baptism, and Likewise Agree, yet including with the word "first" as written Matthew 6:33 "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you.":

this is JESUS Christ One Victory Over the first "death". In other words JESUS Christ in a Leap Of Faith [(JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Leap Of Faith Sermon at Opened The 7th Seal) and] "automated" the Maintenance lower level process.


Edifyingly it is like unto straight A's report card and teaching the Teacher awesomely and skipping grades [though rather "Better" than "skipping" in the backslider sense of cutting corners], as the straight A's is associated [at least in the secular] with hard work(s) (though Luke 2:47 through 51 applies [though note verse 50 "But they did not understand" so because JESUS Christ was humble He Ascended In Innocent Victory Over previously stated "temptation"]. What does this previous word "temptation" mean in this sense: it means JESUS Christ could [All were Given the Gift to opt] as though Edifyingly disobeyed His Parents though did not disobey Them,

so how did JESUS Christ Pray in the Temple [Father JESUS Spirit Family House] and have any "Better" than reason to leave "JESUS Spirit Family House" Of Prayer?: New Victory In JESUS Christ Over Yet With Record Of 1st Testament 5th Commandment: Preceptingly the 1st Commandment is Over the 2nd that is Over the 3rd Over the 4th Over the 5th Commandment. So if to Meet the Law and Church Criteria and Conditions Of Given Situations And The Grace Criteria to Be One With The First Commandment, then to obey all the lower levels' requirements as much as JESUS Christ Best Way In His Highest Purpose. Already Perfect, JESUS Christ showed the Better Way:

1st Commandment Is Best and Better than the 2nd Commandment which is Better than the 3rd Commandment which is Better than the 4th Commandment which is Better than the 5th Commandment.

1st Commandment / 2nd Commandment / 3rd Commandment / 4th Commandment / 5th Commandment.

1st Commandment = 2nd Commandment x 3rd Commandment.

2nd Commandment = 3rd Commandment x 4th Commandment.

3rd Commandment = 4th Commandment x 5th Commandment.

1 Commandment (Matthew 22:36) / 2 Commandments (Matthew 22:38 & 39) / 10 Commandments (Exodus 20).

1 Commandment (Matthew 22:36) = 2 Commandments (Matthew 22:38 & 39) x 10 Commandments (Exodus 20).

Love JESUS Christ / Love Ascending / Love JESUS Christ Family.

Love JESUS Christ = Love Ascending x Love JESUS Christ Family.

JESUS Christ / Lift / Worthy.

JESUS Christ = Lift x Worthy.



All the Commandments [Edifyingly All The Law] must be Obeyed, yet having Obeyed Loyally Continuingly hardly so of the Higher Level Grace (in JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesying One see above on "Precepting" Loyally Over Future "Given Situations").

Also if JESUS Christ had disobeyed and stayed at the Temple per se, then He would have been as the amount of the Scribes and Conspirators that conspired against the innocent. Joseph and Mary were unaware somewhat (as referenced above) or They would have allowed JESUS Christ to continue at the Temple [and Rejoiced]! Yet for All JESUS Christ Taught to Obey Parents, Commandment 5.

21 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit Gives New Sacred Miracles Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to be both Best Already and also any Better than Best?, and how JESUS Christ Improved Over the former Best 10 Commandments, with this Sermon Giving many formulas of the Better Way Flow For All yet NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN as the Miracles are for the so Broadcasting.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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