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JESUS Best Way Sermon.

JESUS Christ Loyalty Gives for All and rather than price [amounts of Faith(s) Save JESUS Christ Maintenance for Recipients' Charity sakes that also Helps Churches], Better and Better Value. Real Value in the sense that a Person can Give a Church something fancy such as a special painting though if the roof rather needs fixed then hardly reason to put the lovely painting under the leak.

JESUS Christ Loyalty Gives for All "Better and Better" so more to this point is the Giving of the Word With Power: A. Convincing Power for full repentance with Immersion Baptism Salvation Into JESUS Christ Best Way Ascending Faithfulness, and B. lower level Maintenance Responbility including Over the Miracles received hence from the JESUS Christ Spirited Broadcaster Words With Power Manifesting As Miracles (also Over "stray excuses" explained below).

"B" is Responsibility Over Miracles, though starting with Loyalty Higher Level Believing, "A", as the Best Miracles are in the Higher Level, "A", to Lift JESUS Christ In Victory Over as written in Berean Standard Bible " 'If You can?' echoed Jesus. 'All things are possible to him who believes!' ", and the word "echoed" is rather than about such as a large empty oil drum kicked, as "echoed" is rather the Word With Better Living Grace Power as to resonate with the walls of the Temple the JESUS Christ Lifting "command" as stated on that webpage though missing from those translations.

This Sermon is going to Give You, Believing "If You can", New Better Victory In JESUS Christ Grace Over Law!

Heaven is Given to and For the Believing

and the non-believers cast away the good, that JESUS Christ adds and multiplies into and For the Believing.

This ancient artwork shows the Temple built according to the Law and Designers and Workers with hands

yet JESUS Christ is shown way up there [in Grace] above the Temple and above Law and Designers and

rather than: "idle hands" in a "saying that people who are bored or do not have enough work

will start doing things that they should not do" (macmillandictionary).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Gives the Believing New Victory With Mother Mary and Joseph Over The devil from JESUS Spirit New Loyalty Over matters that were kept hidden concerning the Kingdom Of Heaven since the world began explaining how a Person Recently Lifted JESUS Christ, and the amount of how NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN is including the pertinent fleeting window of opportunity, Cappella Spagnuolo, James Webb Space Telescope is the most powerful, Hubble, Statistics tonerbuzz, and about Doomsday Clock down to seconds Cappella Spagnuolo


This Civilization searched, the ancients as in 1 Corinthians 1:22 "Jews demand signs and Greeks search for wisdom,": stray excuses.

Amidst the multitudes of ancient carvings and high tech records in things such as ancient ice telling the climate then, on Earth and elsewhere, and of the multitudes of scrolls such as of the Library Of Alexandria, and "Mar 4, 2022 — There were over one billion eBook users worldwide in 2021" (Statista). And "According to a study conducted by Google Books, there have been 129,864,880 books published since the invention of Gutenberg's printing press in 1440.Feb 16, 2022" [sic] ("Statistics"

amidst all of those things, many read and know multitudes of stuff such as how to wage wars for selfish money addiction, yet Few are Believing to thoroughly read the Best of these records, and Fewer Broadcast.

If You have something Good to Broadcast, then Broadcast it from Your Clean Source (JESUS Christ You [Your Group] Spirit to and For All) hence be Pure Perfection (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Good Knowledge Sermon at and likewise be with Your Pure Signal (reference JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Channel 1 with illustration at with a clear message and a clear carrier wave: so first Believing Loyally all day daily [reminding the self of JESUS Christ very often] and

with Maintenance: from Loyalty Planning Maintenance hence Maintenance Level Pure Power Streaming, Flowing (see previous Sermons on centerline Ascending): the Faith concerns Up, and from JESUS Spirit Up there is how from His Grace to plan in lower level Maintenance [rather than merely former lower levels ways to seek "Law and Designers and Workers with hands" first, and this is rather than immoral, and not excuse to be illegal.

As “A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him.’ ” (Mark 1:3): so rather than merely the Loyalty to read, is also the Loyalty You Create into Maintenance Miracles.

As promised above "This Sermon is going to Give You, Believing "If You can", New Better Victory In JESUS Christ Grace Over Law!" and here it is: Anew Victory With As Written In (loosely translated from yet Edifying and emphasizing as to this point in "New Better Victory In JESUS Christ Grace Over Law") James 2:10 New Living Translation "For the person who keeps all of the laws except one is as guilty as a person who has broken all of God’s laws.",

yet Thank You JESUS Christ Original as Now This Your New Word With Power Spirit Work Functioning Better Heavenly Gift is Being Given for the Believing:

if You Continue Loyally Ascending Best and Perfectly Perfecting As JESUS Christ Taught and Invited, then in JESUS Christ Grace if You Give One Good Gift, You Give Them All.

You Give All Good Gifts, and You Give to and For Them All including For JESUS Christ!

In other words, only JESUS Christ can Lift JESUS Christ and You so Believing Loyally Ascending Best can Lift JESUS Christ

as written in Matthew 28:18 Berean Standard Bible "Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.' " and preceptingly with

as written in Luke 4:6 Berean Standard Bible " 'I will give You authority over all these kingdoms and all their glory,' he said. 'For it has been relinquished to me, and I can give it to anyone I wish.' "

and Look At The "Context" at "Then the devil led Him up to a high place and showed Him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world",

this point being if the "devil" can Give so much Good [as much as Good], then so much Better Perfect JESUS Christ Gives! Celebrate!

"Because of this oath, Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant." (Hebrews 7:22) in the "Context" "Jesus became a priest with an oath" (from

This Sermons Series has asserted "NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN" (as in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS All Seeing Eye UFO Tech Sermon at, and just how "NEEDFUL" is it?, in the Higher Levels "NEEDFUL" is as stated above with "Believing". Also there are many secular ways to understand the NEED: in the falling descending sense about close calls and many failed in selfish lusts and addictions trading Human lives for temporary fun:

The Doomsday Clock down to seconds / 120 years lifespan limit (Genesis 6:3) / "So Methuselah lived a total of 969 years, and then he died." (Genesis 5:27).

120 years lifespan limit (Genesis 6:3) / "So Methuselah lived a total of 969 years, and then he died." (Genesis 5:27) / Multitudes of Civilizations Perished from the Census (example: Jamestown Colony / various sources).

Very Pertinent and Important, to understand the NEED is that Multitudes such as feeling suicidal depression, despair such as from loss of a Loved One, such as addicts to wars and boxing and sheer face free hand mountain climing for fun, such as high base jumping, domestic fights, and feeling needs to do so many other insane extreme risk activities, is reason for Your Believing "NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN". What will the naysayers say, rather consider what JESUS Christ Gave For You To Say And Do.

History showed "fallen angels impregnate women" ( "Sodom and Gomorrah"..."reducing them to ashes as an example of what is coming on the ungodly" (, the unbelieving naysayers.

Consider that a Person hears and sees perhaps in a situation as far as a thunder cloud, and in another situation seeing as far as a distant star. You are in Your situation, Your sphere of influence from the Census vessel senses [as JESUS Christ Provides For You], so You have Your perspective [pertinent in this sense for the Believer Reading With Believing in JESUS Christ as Baptized And Ascending], so Your Broadcasting enlightens so to speak Your "sphere of influence". So for instance on the other side of Earth Another sees another "star" and can JESUS Signal directly to and For Them rather than through interference. Your Broadcasting is Important! And if "seconds" apply ("Doomsday Clock") then Your "Believing" Immediate Broadcasting is key for All including JESUS Christ With You.

JESUS Christ Protected Us such as from UFO type strayed Aliens [in the secular cliche "not of Earthly origin", so to speak] (see above "angels"), and this concerns Preaching too. For instance in recent years many such "UFO" types [known as the Grays] visited me, though now more rarely: i increasingly understood Them, my Friends In JESUS Christ, their language, and their body language, and We functioned Together in Peace such as to be shown some of greater living situation from perspective within including Faith Level and Maintenance level (as in the pertinent Sermons).

So rather than bouncing off layers (illustration JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 29 rather than missing the point), reflecting, refracting, casting away, and attenuating, Your [and Our JESUS Christ Spirit Best For All including per se] window of opportunity can be very fleeting.

Your Best Broadcasting is as rather than merely receiving light from what's out there emitting light,

rather Your Light is like unto Anew Flashlight Shining Enlightening Leading the JESUS Christ Way.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Gives the Believing New Victory Over The devil from JESUS Spirit New Loyalty Over matters that were kept hidden concerning the Kingdom Of Heaven since the world began explaining how a Person Recently Lifted JESUS Christ, and the amount of how NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN is including the pertinent fleeting window of opportunity, Cappella Spagnuolo, James Webb Space Telescope is the most powerful, Hubble, Statistics tonerbuzz, and about Doomsday Clock down to seconds.

Small "James Webb Space Telescope" "is the most powerful" "with 6 times the light-gathering ability of Hubble".


30 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit Gives the Believing New Victory Over The "devil" from JESUS Spirit New Loyalty Over matters that were kept hidden concerning the Kingdom Of Heaven since the world began explaining how a Person Recently Lifted JESUS Christ, and the amount of how NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN is including the pertinent fleeting window of opportunity, Cappella Spagnuolo, James Webb Space Telescope is the most powerful, Hubble, Statistics tonerbuzz, and about Doomsday Clock down to seconds, and i can hear Naysayers now pretending this is some sort of "trick".

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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