JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Eternal New Better Beginning Sermon.

JESUS Christ Gives me Anewly Better that i now Broadcast in His Holy Name to and for You for His Highest Purpose including for You, and for the Best For All including You. Prior to the Bible Book Of Genesis, and many have wondered who wrote the Book Of Genesis, was as written in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series and more to the point of Goodness in the previous Sermon JESUS Creator at

So in the name of JESUS Christ Faithfully this Sermon for You to likewise Broadcast in His Name, JESUS, The Christ [as You as a Baptized Christian as needs be in order to so Broadcast], is Given from JESUS Christ [not leaning to lower levels of former understandings as rather from the JESUS Caring Loving Gracious Heart into Our Souls as One as Baptized] to explain who, why, how [hence how to do likewise], [and since "how to" hence] what, where, and which as in which Way to be directed for the Best, to go and now as a census counted vessel and now as a spirit, yet New And Better in JESUS Christ Oneness Flowing Ascending.

In the name of JESUS Christ Faithfully Loyally already the previous "New" sentence as "Broadcast in His Name, JESUS, The Christ", has already answered the Alpha And Omega of this "more to the point of Goodness" as stated above prior, to reveal the answer to "who" [the Alpha], and "which as in which Way to be directed for the Best, to go and now" in the word "Ascending" [the Omega] in the previous sentence.

In the Loyal Faith In JESUS Heart Soul Spirit Of Christ One, as was said Moses brought the Ten Commandments as actually written [by the now known God of gods] as JESUS Christ The Eternal Savior wrote (likewise John 8:8), and likewise JESUS Christ wrote the Bible Book Of Genesis, and now writes in this generation this day this New Better Beginning Sermon in the name of JESUS the Eternal Christ, as You as stated above are on this likewise JESUS Christ Quest, this Mission Given [even if through me] as You Pray JESUS Christ to So Broadcast.

So already the [First, JESUS Christ] "who" and the [Last even Eternal JESUS Christ] "which as in which Way to be directed for the Best" "Ascending" [His Alpha With His Omega] are points already stated as His New Beginning and the end as much as pertinent [see Maintenance Definition at JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page. So since "Ascending" Straight And Narrow Faithfully In His JESUS Christ Name as He [One] Chose as Chosen Exemplar as Good [His Mission Success as "He [One]" so defined hence described, i and You reading hence We merely need connect the dots.

We already have history records, and rather this JESUS Eternal New Better Beginning Sermon concerns the JESUS Christ Pure Loving Heart Soul Spirit One Best Way For All and so this Sermon now discussed this Straight Line of "points", and since this is a Straight Line We can even fill in the gaps. So these JESUS Christ Points are stepping stones as with the above questions, and since All questions are sufficiently answered Already [though more specifics are in this Sermon] there is no "Good" reason for naysayers nor their questions.

So now this Proof with as written in is JESUS Christ One New Victory Over For a moment let Us through JESUS Christ consider the Better Now, hence Joyous Glory Anewly Now [thnak You Eternal Good JESUS Christ], and even so to consider something stated above about the former lower level ways, hence not merely that We Ascend and rather for to Best Help Edify Guiding Other Christians for to Ascend

as the above stated "defined hence described" and this is an important "Good" value Over the courts which frowned upon descriptive testimonies for to be rather with evidence of existence proof; so this from JESUS Christ One is the Definition, this is Legal Proof greater than mere "evidence" since for "Good". "Good" includes Righteous Truth, Loyalty, Faith, Love, and the Best Way For All, with none left behind nor harmed. Many have harmed themselves, yet with this New From JESUS Spirit One Victory Over Ecclesiastes 7:25, those naysayers and their illegal aberrational misleading Inquisition style questions (reference "aberration" such as in secular court pertinent often required reading To Kill A Mockingbird at

So this brings Us to another point concerning JESUS Christ One Over legion types spirits for to bicker and fight against any, such as for their love of money, prestige, or other such as whims, as such "spirits" have not been subpoenaed for to appear in court; but such "spirits" do no longer get away with misconduct as such too need to Ascend for the Best for them and for All and so for Them To Be Best For All hence through JESUS Christ as Proven.

So be Bravely Prophesying Righteously Broadcasting JESUS Christ and fearing only JESUS Christ The Good Eternal Best For All, even as You, We, provide the even more excellent way, therefore to change for the better though if to change them then to perhaps witness those against the unknown to them and so they feel discomforted, but do not fear them (see above on Maintenance), as this "spirits" example should through JESUS Christ Delight You, even Us.

As written above JESUS Christ with this Sermon brings New Victory With "1_corinthians/1-25" over naysayers, and so the spirits of naysayers and similar cannot escape as this is JESUS Christ's Gift of this JESUS Christ New Beginning, Anew Victory, this Victory is Over yet with record of as written in Job 19:12 New King James Version "His troops come together And build up their road against me; They encamp all around my tent."!

Naysayer spirits have at least nightly come against me, i often hear them somewhat, though JESUS Spirit Protects me from too much, so as to not be tempted to stray, and so hardly if at all other than a record and glimpse for awareness about lower levels for to JESUS Christ One Best Way Help Overcome Best For All, and so much was [there was longsuffering, the lower the level i was, not the lower the level they were, the greater were my longsufferings] enveloping me even worse than the previous verse "They encamp all around" in a circle.

Yet last night JESUS Christ Spirit made it clear to me that when one in particular encircled me a little overhead, as much as the spirit had life and as much as for good JESUS Christ Spirit Revealed that circling as Anewly through JESUS Christ, my Halo. Thank You JESUS Christ Eternal Good, the Creator of the New Better.

This is for You, this Gift From JESUS Christ Over "evil spirits" as written in the Christian Bible Contemporary English Version "Then he called together his twelve apostles and sent them out two by two with power over evil spirits." (Mark 6:7): JESUS Christ with me, JESUS Christ Anewly With You if You so humbly accept this JESUS Christ Gift in you.

JESUS Christ and i gathered in His name such as at the Bar Of Judgment (Matthew 18:20), many gather in His name.


I hear many spirits talking now at distance, discussing this JESUS Christ Sermon: Good, even as naysayings continue decreasingly. It reminds me of Evangelist Dean Petros and how He convinced me to no longer be a strayed person and rather Christian. Let this be a lesson to the Churches that opted to be under government rather than Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN.

JESUS Christ The Eternal Best Way Protector is more important than naysayers, more important than strayed spirits, more important than all those such things.


Do not encourage "evil" by agreeing in works of such even at the root and seed of such. Fill Your Pews.


If You can do this much in the secular as shown below, You can Better For All Broadcast JESUS Christ UN.


As stated above through "JESUS" is "Straight" point to point, so to Give as JESUS Christ Exemplar from "who" "which Way" to start to be "Ascending".

Given this "who" is JESUS Christ then next Givingly is "why" as stated in the first sentence in this Sermon "for His Highest Purpose", "how" is also answered with the first sentence as stated "now Broadcast in His Holy Name" JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Value Best Way Guiding Grace hence this includes "how to" as stated now herein and even as shown in the above pics and artworks also answering "what" including such as "what" to do.

JESUS Spirit has therefore "herein" not merely answered yet also solved from Omega to Alpha (Mark 10:31) and as the created should be from Alpha to Omega: "who, why, how [hence how to do likewise], [and since "how to" hence] what, where, and which as in which Way".

Did i have these answers before i started writing this Sermon?, not all of them Save Loyal Faith In JESUS, With The JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best For All, including as Preachers Preached as much as pertinent and importantly as much as in this Series: hence pertinent for You as much as in JESUS Christ With Your Ascending Sermons Series even rather with the holy name JESUS, The Christ.

So now You, We, know something about "the JESUS Christ Pure Loving Heart Soul Spirit One Best Way For All" Way To Create As Exemplar JESUS Christ!

So now as JESUS Christ Christian You Agree and so Work, You are Blessed Increasingly, and rather JESUS Christ Christian Your Mass: All.

17 March 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit Halo Gift, JESUS Christ UN Law, this JESUS New Better Beginning Sermon Solved how to Create A Better Creation [Creating], Righteously Prophesyingly Boldly Broadcast make known to All, this Sermon Solved who why how what where and which so naysayers have no leg to stand on even in a court of law, JESUS Spirit Pure solved Omega gap Alpha so solved first last and last first Mark 10:31, Bible Formulas Straight Giving from point to point Mission New Victory Over Job 19:12 and Over the stupidity of naysayers Ecclesiastes 7:25 New International Version NIV, legal required reading book To Kill A Mockingbird.

Jesus Christ

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