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JESUS Better Than Confusions Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit spoke this morning explaining for His Highest Purpose including importantly His Protective Of His Innocent One(s) Way (see recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons at, as for to Be Best For All is to Be Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level JESUS Christ Spirit Of Grace as "Urgent Desperate Love Is NEEDED Now" and it is the "JESUS Spirit" as the "Convincing Power is Growing and [Magnifying] Multiplying in Strength And Fearsome Force as to Cast Out" like unto the Parent shouting to the Child to not run into the busy street lest then "the Parent grabbing the Child and tossing the Child back onto the concrete sidewalk if necessary" (as stated in the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS In The Promised Land Sermon at

So this sentence is not for to condemn but for course correction of others that have opted to teach You Children and Others on Playlists, Radio, TV, Internet, and often in secular schools, the opposite of Good For All without any redeeming social value, such as to often show on TV from handhelds and in movies the searchers in criminally insane abandoned places seeking to know the works ways the criminally insane spirits there and inviting those to be with them hence with Your Children and Other watching TV, instead of Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN. On TV they hope to find and be with bad spirits and broadcast as they show such as shown below (instead of "Good For All").

"The Fall of the Rebel Angels" and upper left "The Fall of the Tower of Babel"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Spirit Of Grace Urgent Desperate Love Is NEEDED Now For Pertinent Protection and the More Joyous unseen to become seen Better Way, they have increasingly attacked Your Children and Civilization, the criminally insane have been teaching Your Children


The criminally insane spirits have been increasingly enabled by similar spirits on secular TV and have increasingly been attacking Your Children and Civilization as the Christian Preachers have Righteously Foretold decades ago.

For Pertinent Protection and the More Joyous unseen to become seen Better Way Broadcast JESUS Christ UN [not merely Ambassadors, this concerns Your Own Family And Friends And Jobs].

The original JESUS Christ words would be emphasized more along with as much as Better in the Bible, except so many have learned wrong ways and civilization has been falling away, so these things are being told in the Way Pertinent Today and these few Pertinent Years (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series including as in the above Page 27 link) including Guidance with such as "Now Proves Older JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Righteously Prophesied Yielding New Miracles": "Miracles" after Prophecies Proved the Prophecies within these "few" and the JESUS Spirit Prophesies continue for these coming "few" years!

i don't want to confuse People, but if JESUS Christ The Original Has Me Do It i Will Gladly Do it: more Perfectly stated if civilization opts to not heed JESUS Christ then i Will Allow as such opted. What is my defense?, JESUS Christ The Original of course, yet also "i Will Allow as such opted" is like unto the Law allowing [as if free speech though similarly] Liberty to speak and to opt as much as legal, though rather Best For All and none left behind. For instance if they look in a mirror and say it is I as proof, then i look and do not see them, then shall i say they proved they are i? (reference stardust), even so let judgment rather than be Ruth 1:1, be the Worthy Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Peace Better.

JESUS Christ came into the Census for Us to be as Us, like one of Us yet from Heavenly Creator for to Lead the Best Way For All. But if to stray against Others then pertinently applicable lest they harm themselves too much is Genesis 11:7 New King James Version "Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech." as distinguished in Pulpit Commentary "Not referring to individuals (singuli homines), since then society were impossible, but to families or nations (singulae cognationes)" ( "families or nations" was in the prior to JESUS Christ UN Law sense, hence now Anewly concerning any contrary including corporations and nations and even denominations that opt confusions instead of Better For All [not merely better for self which is temporary Save JESUS Christ Best Way Ascending].

So this is hardly about me even though JESUS Christ Lifted me to Lead With Him As We Agreed "while walking in Spirit" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Spirits Sermon at

But what have many done on TV instead of doing good?, many have been doing as opted in patterns as such have felt pains and miseries but constantly turn away from JESUS Christ Spirit Of Better Goodness, as instead for themselves to be under their own works of confusions as to be under the ancient House Of Bondage even though as written in Isaiah 19:3 "The spirit of Egypt will fail in its midst; I will destroy their counsel, And they will consult the idols and the charmers, The mediums and the sorcerers." as often You, Your Children, and Others find increasingly on Playlists, Radio, TV, Internet, and in texts.


When it was said "let Us go down and there confuse their language"

it was not The Great Flood but it was a VERY BIG CHANGE.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, VERY BIG CHANGE IS COMING JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesied in the next few years by 2025 AD


A "VERY BIG CHANGE" is of JESUS Christ Message This Morning, "COMING SOON": Pray and Broadcast JESUS Christ UN!

29 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how the criminally insane have been teaching Your Children and less about school and more about what Your Children have loved as They have been taught by the world to love, "VERY BIG CHANGE IS COMING", JESUS Christ Spirit Of Grace as "Urgent Desperate Love Is NEEDED Now lest confused languages and the fall of corporations and nations so this advice Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace For Pertinent Protection and the More Joyous unseen to become seen Better Way: this Sermon contains New Righteous Prophesying within the next "few" years hence by summer of 2025 AD.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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