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JESUS Blessing Sermon.

JESUS Christ in His JESUS Spirit Gives this Blessing for All that opted to be in JESUS Spirit. JESUS Christ is a Family Person, and His Family is "My mother and my brothers are these which hear the word of God, and do it." (from Treasury of Scripture) (Luke 20:35). So JESUS Father Holy Spirit One is in the name of JESUS the Christ. This same "JESUS" in this Series of Sermons is in situations referred to as JESUS Christ The Original, with respect that 2,000 years ago JESUS Christ as Sent for Better, as He Agreed, Taught, Did Innocent Good Work including Transfiguring, in His Highest Purpose as Sent, and passed from census to Arise again for to show the only Good Way and the Best Way to Be Ascending Likewise Best For All, as each and rather All should Do, yet JESUS suffered once For All Already and so not Others to need to perish from the census;

and yet the Ascending should Longsuffer to come to understand the Best Way Faith Path Loyally. This same Longsuffering the JESUS Christ Best Way as the previous sentence explained is less and fewer longsufferings as strayed paths of strayed fallen levels of other faiths works have been, are, and Will Be if such continue to stray; also this same Longsuffering is Overwhelmed with JESUS Spirit Joy if to Longsuffer to Give JESUS Christ the Prayerful Sermon Work First [Save also Missionary Work such as the Good Samaritan], yet to become increasingly aware of the Way JESUS Christ Guides and Helps His Loyal Ascending Helpers Leading as One, JESUS Christ Family Name Ascending Within JESUS Spirit is with becoming Better Aware increasingly the Victories Over any Longsufferings.

Yet there is the JESUS Christ Best Way hence Longsuffering does exist for the sake(s) of All, even as much as the JESUS Spirit Prayerful recordkeeping is needful, including remembering (Eucharist), and the Word With Work(s) (James 2:19 through 22), hence when all is changed into Heaven and all Heaven is changed into JESUS then the New Beginning [JESUS Christ Best Way Ascending right to left]:

JESUS Spirit In One New Better Beginning Work / Word / Christian Leadership.

JESUS Christ Sermon On The Mound.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ in His JESUS Spirit Gives this Blessing for All


JESUS Christ Family Name Within JESUS Spirit One Joy Leading is in as written in Romans 5:17 Berean Study Bible "For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive an abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!"! Even so, a Person or Spirit might be thinking They are doing good but then come to find They are stuck in a desperate situation, whether an emergency or stuck-in-a-rut, so Celebrate! As written in Acts 5:41 "The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing that they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.", and so very goodly, though

rather "Celebrate!" because JESUS Christ Is The More Worthy and Loyal Longer even Eternally Good as written in Hebrews 3:3 "For Jesus has been counted worthy of greater glory than Moses, just as the builder of a house has greater honor than the house itself.", and Revelation 5:4 "And I began to weep bitterly, because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or look inside it."!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ is found Worthy, in JESUS Spirit


So whether Longsuffering In Works [Praying Preaching Working Before The Fact Loyally in JESUS Spirit] an emergency or stuck-in-a-rut, other than normal steps Ascending such as Giving Daily Sermons In JESUS Spirit, a Threshold [often a Firmament Level] may be encountered requiring a Leap Of Faith to consider though if an "emergency" then in JESUS Christ Loving Heart Highest Purpose Best Way For All Leap;

and JESUS Spirit now Led while typing [and i have piles of papers with notes for Sermons to type, normally typing the Best though often about things for which the Public may relate], to become aware of this Precepting Fitting the Transfiguring: so this Blessing Sermon continues though Anewly "Better" (as stated above) with focus on how to Transfigure?, let's see if the verses citing JESUS Christ Will so explain with this JESUS Spirit: currently unaware in me save as so far said in this sentence [i state "let's see" for Your sake Reader, not to test JESUS Christ The Original as rather JESUS Spirit Loyalty has already proven, so if i fail this Leap Of Faith in this Sermon which i do not expect, then i'm and rather JESUS Christ Original is counting on You to make it so].

How to start as JESUS Christ Taught?, this Sermon now [in secular lingo to Edify: is heading, rather] Leads to the Transfiguration with Matthew 17:3 "And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him.".

This is becoming more clear now, since just prior to awakening in a dream, already Awake in the dream, in JESUS Spirit there were three of Us talking about secular things, a Man and a Woman, and i started explaining how this was similar to Christian concerns, hence i started Preaching a little, and the Woman [Blessed In JESUS Spirit] Joyfully took me with the arm to a near bright light area and the little Preaching of JESUS Christ Spirit Best For All continued for Her greater Good Blessing as is now also as is for You Reader also for to Broadcast [the Sermon was perhaps 1/4 minute] then to awaken to be in this census level.

So this Transfiguring from Heavenly Spirit Level to be counted as if to fall to this census level [though JESUS Christ did not fall from Grace] [to JESUS Christ One Lead Civilization, not fall] Preceptingly Fits with the Transfiguration.

So now Anewly of JESUS Loyalty Leadership One Spirit ["One" including the "Blessed" "Woman" and the "Man" likewise that was with Us (reference eg. friendlies, the innocent, and above stated "Family" {conditions may apply, faith types and amounts, though as Best as JESUS Spirit in me Led me to Believe or at least assume per se and i hope this offends none as i speak of myself therefore so consider})]

is with Agreeing in many Precepts. This Transfiguration is as to relocate from room to room, and as to flip a channel on the Internet. In the secular this is to move into another "room" and as to see another website, though consider [though lower level trickery, yet for JESUS Christ rather Edifyingly] an amusement park and a funhouse in which the next room might be expected to be normal but then such as to find oneself on TV on a set of the Moon, or Heaven with the Transfiguration, or full of mirrors with seemingly no exit (see above "stuck-in-a-rut").

This is what happens to People when they fall asleep, rather than that, be [in bed] alert to do JESUS Christ Best Highest Purpose For All, ["in bed"] is stated so for instance a Person the next might not fall asleep while driving the Church bus. There are multitudes of types of spirits realms, many lower and many more are Higher Levels and Better Eternally [not looping, though less than Best Loyalty can be with looping repeating ("stuck-in-a-rut")].

This Transfiguration point now Solved, rather as JESUS Christ Grows And Magnifies this in JESUS Spirit Our One Togetherness Ascendingly Best For All, is

do the JESUS Spirit Best in the Given situation, to find Yourself so Ascending For All in the next Given realm.

So the above JESUS Christ Spirit Oneness has taught about being Transfigured, such as a Passenger on the "Church bus". Now in JESUS Christ Loyally, let's consider how to be with [license] JESUS Authority for to be Worthy to drive and rather with JESUS Christ Experience to be a Legal, Innocent [no wrecks], a Safe Driver, aware of the Best Way Route [a map may apply (see above including "JESUS Spirit Prayerful recordkeeping is needful")], aware of Good Samaritan concerns [reference who to pick up, Lift, Worthy, and about bus stops], aware of bus operations including instrumentation [Sermons, Testaments, Works, all of these as much as JESUS Christ Prefers], prep prior to Transfiguring [like unto Hearing the Preacher, Bible reading, making notes] [and like unto checking tire pressure, oil level, gas or battery level, rear view mirrors, that Passengers are behaved], that the way ahead is clear (see older Sermons in this Series on time space travels and on transporters), and pertinent other as Given.

JESUS Christ Word And Work In One Together For Best Lifting All are like unto the "Church bus" "Driver", as is some JESUS Christ Leading within some Bible verses including there were so many People for to hear JESUS Preach that for safety that They not squish each other, He entered into a boat and Preached [Broadcast] to the Mass onshore. Another pertinent Bible story is of how JESUS Christ calmed the storm, in a story JESUS was aware how to fish, also JESUS Christ Transfigured in census perspective from a Spirit walking on the sea, to the Person JESUS Their Friend Guide And Leader Transfiguring Peter to so Walk On Water in that Higher Level Realm ("next room", relocating "from room to room", as stated above).

So now not merely We are with how to be the JESUS Christ Way Best Passenger For All (Good Behavior for the Bus Driver and for the Passengers, and not throwing things out windows; rather JESUS One Spirit Praying With Planning), yet also with many JESUS Christ Way Best Driver Biblically pertinent things, Criteria For Best For All through JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Eternally including with many pertinent Precepts of Bible verses, and so to also consider whether to be a "Church bus" "Driver" for His Given Mission or to be a jet pilot or other.

"Leap Of Faith" for to Lift All Of This Civilization, even All of this created. So Our Leap Of Faith Applies Over Us because as written in previous Sermons [at least in this Series, yet multitudes of Others have also been so concerned] concerning JESUS Desperate Love that We should Accomplish Likewise as JESUS Christ Exemplar Accomplished.

Others are allowed to opt and so Their rates of Ascending applies. And so Their talents and abilities and Faith and such might be Higher Level or lower level than Yours. Yet if a "Driver" or a "pilot" then on that JESUS Christ The Original [or as close to Perfect as able and pertinent for the] Mission. The word "close" applies to the above as with the Bible verses stories, though if they scarcely come to Heart [in the secular cliche "if they scarcely come to mind"], then to consider whether an emergence or able to Pray and be with Counsel for to Best Way Plan in JESUS Spirit.

So We can move planet Earth, though to where, to another star in the Heavens?, hardly the current point. Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN new Law [2020AD] is the current point, the current "Church bus" and "jet" and such [as with "Safety"] as is pertinent today. This is the Transfiguration Leap Of Faith. And this Leap as stated includes such as the "Galactic Federation" (see previous in this Series) and at least all of creation: if to do Good for Others, should We first do Best Good for JESUS Christ Original?, Yes.

The "Driver" may be such as driving through a tunnel, and so in Earth, Earth is in this solar system, this solar system is in this Milky Way Galaxy, and so on. So if the "Driver", You, Us All, move into, or are moved into, the "next room", that is if We Transfigure or are Transfigured "from room to room", as stated above, then to be found so Saying And Doing. So the Peace, the Agreeing, is the Best Agreeing Forever (see above "Exemplar" in "JESUS Christ Exemplar Accomplished", JESUS Christ already Accomplished it: see above "Matthew 17:3" with the Transfiguration).

So from that Blessed Delightful Smiling Joyous "Woman" came this JESUS Christ Transfiguration Solving Blessing for You to Accomplish: Your New Mission.

29 April 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law, Transfiguration is now Solved, this Sermon teaches how to Transfigure as This is the Transfiguration Leap Of Faith, Your New Mission is Announced as the Sacred Enunciation is Given You.

Jesus Christ

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