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JESUS Blessing Good Sermon.

JESUS Christ Gives the Straight And Narrow Ascending Way [for You to Broadcast: Preach Givingly In One Work Together], whether You as in Soul Spirit [and notice as illustrated there are also values not merely Souls], whether You as in Census Count, or Other such as even if merely pretending thinking of some ideas.

Many have feared the "Narrow" but look how much larger than You: an Even More Excellent Way!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Many have feared the Straight And Narrow but look how much larger than You: an Even More Excellent Way!


A. Even the stones can cry out, though if to continue to fall as to meet the stones to become mud as pigs walk over. This is said as an Alert, not about terrorists out there, but about Yourself. So rather carry Your cross daily each morning, and Behold this New Gift for the lame in wheel chairs that find it difficult to attend Church: type Urgently NEEDED JESUS Christ UN Law Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace online, the Law Best For All, that You be the Salvation Grace For Them, in the Uplifting Peace Of JESUS Christ.

B. So this New Gift JESUS Christ Will Make In You The Higher Level Loyalty Partner, even if to merely compare: Exceedingly Better than as often a Church Member sits in a pew, pays, then leaves and goes about the typical workweek.

C. And With This New Gift Comes Another New Gift! Because of Your "Loyalty" as stated above, JESUS Christ Gives You Higher Level Righteousness, as for Best Way Fitting Precept On Precept.

D. And With This New Gift Comes Another New Gift! Because of Your New Better Growing Righteousness, JESUS Christ Put Into You Higher Level Righteous Prophetic Wisdom for to tell the Future, not as predictions yet rather as You Learned "for Best Way Fitting Precept On Precept" hence for Best Way Fitting Bible Situations In Your Sermons into Your Living Situations.

So as You in Words of JESUS Christ Righteously Prophesy Anewly You learn to avoid traps and pitfalls, so You Gain this Gift Of Better Protection! For example about leaning not unto my own understanding, hence unawares though Loyal for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best Way For All, this morning some naysayer spirits in works to deceive me made sport of me as they tempted and not being tempted though aware somewhat a little they saw they failed repeatedly so became hateful as typical [various typical pattern from mixed spirits] so unawares as i found out later, they had secretly conspired and they sent me to deliver a club [to a Soul that would have beat me with that same club: likely in hopes of the good attacking the good] but unawares i did not find that "Soul" so the beating did not happen: JESUS Christ Protected Me in the key moment!

So these above, "A", "B", "C", and "D", are actually Prophesies You can make happen starting Now with the Ascending Flow Path from "A" to "D" even as "A" writing Your First Sermon [or Anewly Now] In JESUS Christ Spirit, Becomes Part of You [this does not say some other Person whether about some Preacher's Sermon*, this concerns You {*Save Original JESUS Christ Exemplar From Whom All The Righteous Preach}]. Your First Sermon Becomes In JESUS Christ Spirit Righteously Prophetic if You Loyally Continue Ascending in the Words of JESUS Christ Original including Precept On Precept.

And Here is how this Gift functions with these Gifts "A" through "D" [and this is merely Your Beginning: A New Gift from JESUS Christ]. Step "A": You type Your first Sermon in His Name and Publish on the Internet, then with "B" continuing Your mere Faith amount becomes Loyalty, then "C" JESUS Christ Gives You Higher Level New Better Growing Righteousness as You Give such Gift(s) into Them, then "D" JESUS Christ Sermon You Broadcast On JESUS Christ Sermon You Broadcast in some of Your situations reveals the Future as the situations fit Your Sermons [Of His]. Hence of JESUS Christ Spirit His Triadic Flow Concerning You Righteously Prophesyingly is:

Level "C" JESUS Christ New Better Growing Righteousness / Level "B" continuing Loyally / Step "A" You Publishing on the Internet Preaching.

JESUS Christ Spirit Provides Your New Beginning Formula:

Level "C" JESUS Christ New Better Growing Righteousness = Level "B" continuing Loyally x Step "A" You Publishing on the Internet Preaching.

Yet this above Flow and Formula is merely part of the whole as is becoming resolved in You according to the JESUS Christ Best Way for All with this Future Flow:

Level "D" JESUS Christ You Righteous Prophesying / Level "C" JESUS Christ New Better Growing Righteousness / Level "B" continuing Loyally.

JESUS Christ Spirit Provides Your New Higher Level part of the Flow Formula:

Level "D" JESUS Christ You Righteous Prophesying = Level "C" JESUS Christ New Better Growing Righteousness x Level "B" continuing Loyally.

So Leaping in Faith Your Flow becomes:

Level "D" JESUS Christ You Righteous Prophesying / Level "C" JESUS Christ New Better Growing Righteousness / Level "B" continuing Loyally / Step "A" You Publishing on the Internet Preaching.

So Leaping in Faith Your set of formulas, rather like unto lineage yet the Lineage Of The Word Of JESUS Christ Together for JESUS Christ Your One Formulae becomes:

Level "D" JESUS Christ You Righteous Prophesying = Level "C" JESUS Christ New Better Growing Righteousness x Level "B" continuing Loyally x Step "A" You Publishing on the Internet Preaching.

So this JESUS Christ Formulae Righteously Prophesies that even Your First Sermon, even if none others read [though similar to word without works is dead, so gently cause others to read], is entered into JESUS Christ in You Righteously Prophesying Anewly!

Likewise so You do not feel alone as naysayer spirits often accused about me, and more importantly Best For All as Given Without Price here are some of the more outstanding JESUS Christ Righteous Prophecies that were is i typed.

The 4th Testament [of the 4 Main Testaments, with the Continuing Living Bible: Our Sermons], the Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of JESUS Christ, the GodMath Testament; this included the numbers ideas of the New Beginning Way Of JESUS Christ page 10 numbers series explaining Chart graph page 221 and like unto the "graph" so many of the older Sermons in this Series are likewise with the purple curved line [humble a little lower than the Angels] that Ascend Straight Up in J shape: the start of the JESUS Signal (as in a recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon, see list at and previously, and the start of the Name JESUS The Christ!

Like unto Your "A" above, the 4th Testament also had many other JESUS Christ One Righteous Prophesying advantages such as concerning what future numbers Will mean, and such as Bible Codes Prophesyingly, and as concerning How to Prepare Best Now Immediately for the Second Coming not merely as with Transfiguring nor merely Hosting as JESUS Christ did for Disciples, yet for All. And in this Series JESUS Christ Precepting became Righteous Prophesying as in the JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Comforter Sermon at with respect that the Guidance symbol in the mid page Drawing was with like unto the Alpha And Omega though the Omega Symbol was the Arab Flag Symbol fitting the situation that then [as Hoped] the Arabs voted in favor of Israel for the first time in 40 years with Zion hence as linked in recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Give them the Law and the Prophets: JESUS Christ Name Law [as Prophesied about the future as came True] at

Make the Eternal Harvest More Bountiful according to Your Faith as You Enter Into This Work.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, see JESUS Christ ICCDBB for how to Righteously Prophesy, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit planting His Words as seeds in the fertile NEEDFUL, many proven Prophecies in this decade


JESUS Spirit planting His Words as seeds in the fertile NEEDFUL Broadcasting: JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law Best For All, Anewly Righteously Prophesying Now Ripe For Harvesting in the Uplifting Peace Of JESUS Christ.

10 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Righteously Prophesy hence how to be Best Protected with Bible Formulas with JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace optional steps, as this Sermon includes many JESUS Christ ICCDBB Proven Prophecies from the 1990s to now.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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