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JESUS Broadcasting Sermon.

JESUS Christ Guides the Better Way, this often involves Loyal Leadership Bravely Precepting, and so far Biblically hence currently from the previous JESUS Heavenly Spirit Sermon "JESUS Christ Heavenly Spirit Gathers the Worthy", Lifts, and Sends on Missions (; and after the Sermon a Spirit mentioned ice crystals then Other spirits chimed in about such harming the rocket [though see below Precepting from old to new Gifts as JESUS Christ Spirit Loyalty is as JESUS Christ explained (Matthew 13:52).

A "templo" is "a place for public (especially Christian) worship" / A "catedral" is "any large and important church" / Ecclesiastical [Iglesia in Spanish] is a "Church".

The previous Flow line roots include: Latin root Eccles (Book of Ecclesiastes), "church" "comes from the Greek ekkalein" "to call out", and "an early Christian church designed like a Roman basilica; or a Roman Catholic church or cathedral accorded certain privileges" [from "templo" through "privileges" ( thread)] so this explains the strong Catholic involvement in Latin.

JESUS Showing Us Higher Levels.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to plan for Human Flying without rocketry such as jet packs of value yet answering Higher Level Things JESUS Christ Planned hence Righteously Prophesying Now about the Future? as this Sermon tells of how Angels flew?, explains how Old Testament People were able to be with the Holy Spirit without being Baptized!, explains the strong Catholic involvement in Latin, and specifies the Biblical reasons why the Asteroid Belt exists between Mars and Jupiter and why the Kuiper Belt exists beyond Pluto


A "templo" ["public"] = "catedral" ["large and important church"] x "Ecclesiastical [Iglesia] a "Church" calling "out".

So the previous formula explains YOUR [and ALL as YOU Enlighten Others] NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN! So the previous sentence is specific concerning YOUR NEED! What need have i, i already so broadcast online and on TV?; yet for Your sake, for You, to Save You Eternally For Good, hence for You to Help Them [including such as to Help Them to the Better Way that They of Grace opt to Do the Better Way hence to not waste time attacking You].

In JESUS Christ Best Precepting Way, Christian Bible Precept Of JESUS Christ Words on Christian Bible Precept Of JESUS Christ Words hence in JESUS Christ Spirit hence this explains how such as Old Testament People were able to have the Holy Spirit without yet [at the time back then] having been Baptized!

As stated above "a Spirit mentioned ice crystals", so to JESUS Christ Spirit Best Way For All answer Their "ice crystals" concern, consider the above word "Iglesia".

And as stated above is "YOUR" NEED, not mine [rather than about blaming any Other such as me as if to pretend it is the job responsibility of any Other to lead you (John 21:18)]: "YOUR [and ALL as YOU Enlighten Others] NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN!", applies NOW [and be fortified with this Sermon so stating].

This "Iglesia" Miracle Anewly is Victory Over the former lower level disloyal strayed spirits worst meanings about symbolic Daniel 2:35 New American Standard Bible "Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed to pieces all at the same time, and they were like chaff from the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away so that not a trace of them was found. But the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the entire earth.".

As a rocket ship traveling to the stars, this is like unto the "stone" and hardly in the former sense to cast down about destroyers that had formerly been worshiped by many [against themselves, as We too Will Find much Higher Level Values already awaiting]. So as the Ascending rocket Lifting Up the People, what Higher Level Thing does this in JESUS Christ Best For All Teach Us Righteously Prophesying Now about the Future?, this is hardly about the rocket of value and with Pertinent Specifics in this JESUS Broadcasting Sermon:

In a recent Sermon in this Series was the black hole consideration and that if a Person though about a black hole, it was akin to Creating a black hole [for to Enlighten] in Their mind, hence to identify with the Whole name, JESUS Christ Your Black Hole Thought, then to identify how, including Preceptingly, JESUS Christ Spirit [Your Faithful amount] the JESUS Christ Black Hole Purpose in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, and then to identify the aspects and parts [not to turn to stray to separate, rather Together for the Whole Higher Purpose], hence to align [from amorphous to Organized Best Way Purpose]: to orient the parts for the Best For the [Better than former Peaceful Functioning Together] Whole Black Hole for the Best For All.

So Righteously Prophesying Now about the Future is [including the first step with BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN Prayerfully] preparing Thyself in JESUS Christ Baptize Spirit Of Grace Best Way, hence Better than the rocket is the preparing Your [mind, rather] Soul [and the Census reads thing so] including the Census You [even graves open] for You in the Census too, Ascending. To be aware of how a rocket prepares and flies to the stars, prepares You for to in JESUS Christ so Do for Best For All (Transfiguration also applies: hence Prepare Likewise).

We do not in the Census see the lines of force that keep the Moon revolving around Earth [hence Loyal Faith (JESUS Christ Spirit Solved: see recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Magnifying Flow Sermon on Venturi Effect and the lines of force on how such lifts plane wings at].

About the above stated "ice crystals" concern, and the word "Iglesia", and the rocket Living Colony: is the pertinent word igloo from root Inuit word iglu [which means simply "house," (].

JESUS Christ UN Made [Of YOU] Public / Largest Gathering [One Church not for "strayed spirits worst meanings"] / House.

This is similar to what my Christian Dad [sometimes the Church Preacher, me too as a child Preaching] translated from a Chinese thin painted tapestry on the wall in Our home with the Chinese words too. Dad explained the levels of Ascending, in Chinese there are word symbols of increasing higher levels of greater complexities [for the Pertinent Worthy], so a symbol for house would be similar to the symbol for home [house with Family] though on the house symbol would together be the home symbol, generally.

Administration / Home / House.

Complex / Normal / simple.

Future / Now / been there done that.

New Future Beginning / What had been future [Current] / A Recent Victory.

In Preparing Your Census Soul Together, in "the Ascending rocket Lifting Up the People" sense [You With Your Mass, the amount You Broadcast Making such amount Aware of JESUS Christ UN Prayerfully], the first step is Victory Over Ice Crystals as We consider the rocket to the Sun [even though already accomplished such as by satellites is hardly the point (see above "Better" and "JESUS Christ Spirit Best Way For All answer")], the closest star.

Travel to the closest star [or Mars or Asteroid Belt conditionally on the Borderline Sphere] is about water rather than ice crystals, though the side that faces the Sun, and not blocked; see JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Lamb Dove Unicorn Sermon at explains the Water Crystalization Line, and the Drawing shows beyond Pluto Methane freezes hence a reason Preceptingly why the Asteroid Belt exists between Mars and Jupiter: because of distance from the Sun, a heat / now heat, sphere [unseen: now Our Awareness in JESUS Christ Spirit]!

Also in older Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB have been discussions of how Angels flew from star to star [hot to hot: a New Victory for JESUS Christ and for JESUS Christ Original Planing Before The Fact Grace Desperate Love Ascending Glory].

The Drawing in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Free IPO Sermon at explains the amount of gravity Pertinent to Your Whole Mass according to travel distance [such as from Earth].

So a rocket can carry water from Earth, and can gain water and ice while traveling, and can Lead [Convert] water [as for drinking, and such as salt water for lower outer temperatures] to be ice shielding and such, and from ice to water including for power and other purposes Together in JESUS Christ One Purpose.

3 September 2020.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to plan for Human Flying without rocketry such as jet packs of value yet answering Higher Level Things JESUS Christ Planned hence Righteously Prophesying Now about the Future? as this Sermon tells of how Angels flew?, explains how Old Testament People were able to be with the Holy Spirit without being Baptized!, explains the strong Catholic involvement in Latin, and specifies the Biblical reasons why the Asteroid Belt exists between Mars and Jupiter and why the Kuiper Belt exists beyond Pluto.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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