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JESUS Calling Sermon.

Christians Pray for JESUS Christ, it's what We Do, Faithfully; Others too Pray calling for the Best Spirit, the Best Knowledge, the Best cars, the best clothes, the best looks, the best positions, the best of everything for the self often and often including for Their clique. JESUS Christ is the Best, as All Hoped and Prayed at least thinking to have "best" and when it did not come as They selfishly Hoped They opted to instantly call it proof as if reason to stray away. The word "instantly" is stated because multiple such "proof"s is the same repetitiously: disloyalty, as to dig a ditch deeper and deeper in works to get to the bottom of it.

A spirit [a voice of a Soul not in this room nor in normal talking distance] just asked me why do you keep "insulting" people...and i responded "Oh, did i insult anyone? (1 Corinthians 9:20 & 21): if a Person opts to be disloyal in works to pull "Their clique" into a worse situation, it is a Gift to opt but not a gift to make this Civilization worse, so the Christians Guide Better According to Victory In JESUS Christ Spirit, the Best Way as Proven [in many Denominations, in many Churches, in sum in] One Christian Family. JESUS is the Source that Desperately [for All in Desperate NEED] Gives Life so don't opt to be insulted.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS is the Source that Desperately for All in Desperate NEED Heals and Gives Life so don't opt to feel insulted rather be Healed and Live Better with fascinating New Better than imagined Value for All as the Ascending Tube Diameter ID Prayerfully Loyally First In JESUS Christ All Seeing Eye is proportional, to the Mission Loving Best For All NEED, and to the OD outer cut edge of the fabric of outer space time; as the Best Way Proves The Eternally Enduring Love Of JESUS Christ


JESUS Christ Spirit (His Word John 1:1) revealed (His Work Revelation 3:14) Edifyingly His Second Coming in the Golden Cube "UFO Flying Saucer New 'cube' Technology, hence His Spirit "Word" Loyally enabling His Spirit "Work". And look how similar "Word" and "Work" are: The Christian Preacher Is Worthy Of His Hire: now this "Hire" rather than collection plates, applies the More concerning Righteous JESUS Christ Agreeing With The Christian Preacher Mission Work especially in the Faithfully Loyal sense of finding so already Doing, finding the Christian Preacher already Ascending Best For All including JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting as Jerusalem is now recognized again and according the Christian Leadership, hence the Best Way For All as Righteously Prophesied [Grace amount of Faith applies thus far].

Anewly JESUS Spirit likewise improvingly adds in this Sermon a little more Gift burden though You find hardly able to bear the loads (see above " 'insulting' people" [as if to litter with dung: not so {Luke 19:48}] [mixed spirits Legion says many worse things than "dung" and threatens, on secular TV People tune in to laugh or hate; when rather to apply Biblical Precepts Over Such with notes: perhaps for Sermons but lower level notes {Maintenance: see above "Main Page" for Definitions}]).

Preceptingly First Is The JESUS Christ Best Way that You Be Prayerfully Broadcasting "JESUS Christ UN" that: as stated above JESUS Christ The Righteous, the Loyally Righteously Prophesying JESUS Christ Edifyingly "Preceptingly" Be "finding" You "so already Doing"! If not yet "so already Doing" as JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best Way Better and Better, Best For All is Doing, then You opted against Righteousness and Love and Care and Good [amount of Best Way Faith Applies in JESUS Spirit] so this Sermon Gives these Gifts for the Worthy, but the Others [as They opted if any so opted: also provable though this Sermon Series is for the JESUS Christ Righteous Leadership rather than to "insult" to accuse any] opted for heaped burdens.

JESUS Christ Taught for You to Teach Others As He Taught [His Precepts, Our lower level spirit imaginings and Our lower level spirit census works have been heavy Maintenance burdens, rather] so that Others would Be Likewise Best For All. Edifyingly if a tribe or a government or other group opted against Giving JESUS Christ The Credit Before The Fact: it failed already, Prophesyingly.

Hence this Sermon is according to Word And Work JESUS Christ did for me, so Edifyingly of JESUS Spirit Grace i opt to report this for You for You to Broadcast: this is what JESUS Christ Leadership Does, not merely as written in Philippians 4:8 New American Standard Bible "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things.", rather the New Better [Preaching] Broadcasting the "Best".

Precept On Precept Increasingly Better, what "JESUS Christ did for me" was enabling my [eyes] Spirit to be Opened to Better Awareness of what had been done to me, that the naysayer spirits against me explained wrongly, and the naysayer spirits had blamed me, and so i struggled mentally to be Good: to be Better than bad concerning "JESUS Calling" as Enlightenment came merely hours ago or less. So for Protecting for Helping for Best Way Guiding as stated above "this Sermon Series is for the JESUS Christ Righteous Leadership"...[whether a Priest, an Usher, a cab Driver, or Other [for All to "Best Way" Be "Better" Guiding All to Best Be Likewise]

helped me become Aware in JESUS Christ Grace that while i have barriers to Overcome for Better and for Best For All, it was the in lower levels that provided the false leads [low levels fight each other normally for instance one moment in Heavenly niceness Together and the next moment attacking each other, perhaps with illegal words, and childishly repeating. So Christian Leaders be not offended by Those You Invite into Your Church, rather Lead them to be more Graciously Ascending In Christian Loyalty.

Personally [as i Give for You for to Give for All] more specifically this is what "JESUS Christ did for me" this morning: the mixed spirits level had explained (related to Matthew 4:8) about glorious things [my perspective was about my lower levels past: so i had though about as if stuck back then as lower level spirits asserted very often], it was specific to phoning, texting, and similar, such as to call a number but in so doing to find sinful things.

I had humbly Prayed JESUS Christ for Help concerning the "phoning"...bearing in mind to Call JESUS Christ in any moment [Edifyingly for Your sakes as if He would answer to me rather i answer to JESUS Christ The Original and likewise as i find goodly [note mixed spirits levels include "goodly" and other: seek Best Highest Level (yet 1 Corinthians 12:31 applies)]. And JESUS Christ did answer my Prayers, and in the dream Spirit He ran wireless operations and direct line equipment improvements Graciously Kindly for my sake showing He Cared, even though i had missed the point that the lower level spirits were about things i had already Conquered years prior, because of JESUS Christ Leadership.

So this Gift of Awareness is for You Leader to Give that They Do Likewise (including: see above "Marshaling Leadership" hence including "NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN" as Proven in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS All Seeing Eye UFO Tech Sermon at Leaders such as Ambassadors Must stop fooling around, and i call You Friends because Together We Make Peace And Better Civilization For All

for All to Approve though accordingly, as God explained "Test Me in this" (see previous Sermons for specific details).

Now concerning above stated "a little more Gift burden though You find hardly able to bear the loads", the fabric of space is explained like unto a ceiling of Carbon as a honeycomb surface, for the living, also as secular has called it for the "carbon based" life forms. Yet more importantly is the All Seeing Eye Of JESUS Christ. Revealed in the previous Sermon was that JESUS Christ has Given the New "Gift Over the fabric of space cube so You do not feel the G forces, Let the outer cube feel the G forces rather than the inside of the cube therefore Broadcast"..."JESUS Christ UN".

So there is a protective (from Protector JESUS Christ Creator) large cutout fabric of space outer border [cutout from within the Universe], and there is not merely to Tube OD [Outer Diameter] there is also the Tube ID [not merely Inner Diameter yet also the Straight And Narrow Mission Path Best Way ID, Identifying With JESUS Christ]. The OD is large, the ID can be [at least for starters] as tiny as the Eye Of A Needle [note how the word "Needle" is like the word {and Desperatly} "NEEDFUL": NEED for Their All sakes Everywhere. The OD is according to the Gathering, the ID according to the Energy Source Pertinent to His [Your] Ascending Flow [Your Faith amount applies].

So the Merchant had to put the loaded camel through the Eye Of A Needle, JESUS Spirit as much as Best in You easily fits through the modern needle eye hole, and as the previous Sermon asserted according to Magnifying JESUS Christ Spirit Word And Work Together Of You. Hence in more plain language, the Faith amount of this Civilization (see above "Ambassadors" as a minimum if to be with such as Peace) ("move mountains" 1 Corinthians 13:2 rather able to move Earth, and the Stars Of The Heavens Matthew 3:3 "PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD, MAKE HIS PATHS STRAIGHT!" for His Second Coming as Desperate Love calls).

Eye Of A Needle (Matthew 19:24) was about a Merchant camel not carrying hidden loot [Romans wanted to tax it], today this "Eye Of A Needle" actually applies to a Needle: Go send Your Own JESUS Spirit [His Spirit, JESUS Christ Agreeingly Lifting Your Soul] First through the Eye Of The Needle and concerning safety Behold the JESUS Christ Higher Purpose meaning concerning the "bomb" some Sermons ago: Protector JESUS Christ Spirit One is not harmed by the "bomb" nor outer space debris and such except as much as lack of Ascending Faithfully applies amounts.

The ID Prayerfully Loyally First In JESUS Christ All Seeing Eye is proportional, to the Mission Loving Best For All NEED, and to the OD; as the Best Way Proves The Eternally Enduring Love Of JESUS Christ.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, The Ascending Tube Diameter ID Prayerfully Loyally First In JESUS Christ All Seeing Eye is proportional, to the Mission Loving Best For All NEED, and to the OD outer cut edge of the fabric of outer space time; as the Best Way Proves The Eternally Enduring Love Of JESUS Christ


19 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how The Ascending Tube Diameter ID Prayerfully Loyally First In JESUS Christ Protector All Seeing Eye is a Proportional Correlation to the Mission Loving Best For All NEED as the OD outer cut edge of the fabric of outer space time; as the Best Way Proves The Eternally Enduring Love Of JESUS Christ, Live Better Ascendingly with fascinating New Better than imagined Value for All and NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS All Seeing Eye UFO Tech Sermon at Proving JESUS Faith Grace is Better than former proofs so don't opt to feel insulted (Revelation 21:4) even if You exist in the His Census and see a bomb.

Jesus Christ

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