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For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

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JESUS Can Do For You Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit Gives You Greater Better Gifts Together In This Sermon, From JESUS Christ Spirit Highest Purpose Of Desperate Love Correlated The Best Way Best For All Anewly Of One Sacred Loyalty Spirit including Census, Original Creation Plan concerns kept secret since the world began with answering the questions: what can Ambassadors Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law, do for this Civilization?, and furthermore, Anewly More Bountifully and Magnifyingly Better than merely for All The Created?:

A. JESUS Christ Spirit in brief answers United In One: Yes,

B. JESUS Christ Spirit in brief answers United In One: JESUS, and

C. JESUS Christ Spirit Edifyingly answers: Anewly Better As Itemized For To Enlighten For The Mutual Good Increasingly;

and These Three Are United In One Best Answer thus far!

The above words "including Census" refers Anewly Better to the Future, at least of now Legally Recognized Grace is as written in Isaiah 28:10 New King James Version "For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little.".

"precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept" / "Line upon line, line upon line" / "Here a little, there a little.".

"precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept" = "Line upon line, line upon line" x "Here a little, there a little.".

So larger and better fitting Precepts Are Anewly Of JESUS Christ Spirit Becoming Established Forever!

Precept On Precept, Anewly Better Through JESUS Christ Spirit has Already Become Sermon On Sermon in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series, also Testament On Testament, and Now Behold Anwely Magnifyingly Better With JESUS Christ Spirit [and this is not merely about as though to build a case], Is Bible On Bible!

JESUS Christ Spirit Best Way In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose [what is it?: it is as being described here in this Living Bible 5th Testament: Broadcast] Flow segment upon Flow segment (Sermons on it were deleted) Best Way Guides not merely People yet also from secular as though random formulas to Holy Formulae! Consider all the formulas ever written, and the best way to arrange them (see previous Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series on Bible formulas [hundreds of Sermons loaded with formulas were evidently illegally deleted], on new Better Bible translations, on Triadic Flows, and on Unification Theory). If to opt not to Broadcast then hardly would any Good Entity entrust to You the Higher Level Responsibilities (Luke 16:11 and 12).

The "LORD said to Moses, 'Go to Pharaoh' " shown here, and the Magicians (Exodus 9:1 New American Standard Bible).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, LORD said to Moses Go to Pharaoh and the Magicians, The magicians couldn't stand before Moses, Magi, snakes, boils, Exodus, waters, red


After the "western" (see below) "The magicians could not stand before Moses

because of the boils that were on them" (from Exodus 9:11 New International Version).

In JESUS Spirit stated above "Bible On Bible" refers to a Level of a: Census Person, Soul, Spirit, Group, or confused entity; to be able to translate, interpret, and comprehend. So a "Group" might be able to interpret the 1st Testament [the "Old Testament" as it has been called] but not the 2nd Testament ["New Testament" as it has been called] and/or a "Group" might be able to interpret the Greek language though not the Hebrew. So in the previous sentence prior to "and/or" concerns Levels, and after "and/or" concerns Tube Parameters.

So from the 4th Testament (see above "Main Page") is in JESUS Christ Best Way Work, the Working of His Highest Purpose hence Comprehensive then enabling Prioritizing though if not Loyal to JESUS Christ Highest Purpose then not for Best nor All nor Caringly Comprehending Higher Levels Within The Desperate Love Parameter (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: PCS Sermon at

Step 1. Triadic Flow segment:

JESUS Christ Father Spirit All One Best Way / Loyally Prioritizing / JESUS Christ Original Plan As All Hoped For Better hence His Good Highest Purpose Comprehensively.

Step 2. Triadic Formula from the Triadic Flow segment:

JESUS Christ Father Spirit All One Best Way = Loyally Prioritizing x JESUS Christ Original Plan As All Hoped For Better hence His Good Highest Purpose Comprehensively.

Now here is symbolism of how 2 different types of Translations fit Together as One in JESUS Spirit, Douay-Rheims Bible "These are the precepts, and ceremonies, and judgments, which the Lord your God commanded that I should teach you, and that you should do them in the land into which you pass over to possess it:",

Amplified Bible "Now this is the command; the statutes and the judgments (precepts) which the LORD your God has commanded me to teach you, so that you might do (follow, obey) them in the land which you are crossing over [the Jordan] to possess,"

Look at the positions of the word "precepts" in each of these 2 Translations, in the first Translation the position is at the start of "ceremonies, and judgments", in the second Translation the word "precepts" is at the end of "command; the statutes and the judgments": hence these words "ceremonies, and judgments" and likewise "command; the statutes and the judgments" are indicated as all being "precepts", hence in JESUS Spirit to Better Understand [likewise to Be Aware, rather than merely about knowledge such as a closed book as the book itself does not understand the ink yet see above such as the JESUS Spirit In JESUS "Sermon On" [JESUS] "Sermon" of the "Living Bible" hence the Anewly Living Wisdom Of The Ages.

So this previous with Steps is how to fit letters, precepts and such, properly together in JESUS Christ Spirit as discussed above, Flowingly, Livingly, Caringly, Desperately Lovingly, Better and Better. Likewise "from Deuteronomy 4:44 to the end of Deuteronomy 26 is presented to us as one unbroken whole" ( So the above formulas are each samples extracted For JESUS Christ Spirit Best Way Edifying from "one unbroken whole" Flow for All to Be With And Broadcast.

JESUS Christ VGC Affiliate gathered and summed the cost of addictions though in a relatively delimited amount (see NGISC for specifics, along with Aware Pertinent Churches, Gamblers Anonymous, and Others) (i believe at least 1 older Sermon is yet online with the traditional addictions figures but did not find such in a search engine). People that are not perps and not necessarily immoral except if opted in works against self and as stated above have multitudes of addictions, such as a normal Person reasonably might have a vast number of addictions, such as shown on TV to sniff a hand after shaking hands as the nose registers such in the brain. So the NEED is to Best Way as JESUS Christ As Hoped Of All For Better, As JESUS Christ Taught And Accomplished for to improve over such itemized things, as to whether Pertinently Fitting in the situation or not pertinent trivia conderning the Pertinent Mission Situation [instead of the word "or" to the left of "or" is the Higher Level stated first though if it had been stated second then the word "rather" could have been stated Ascendingly (see above "Main Page" Definitions), though "or" was written for the Given Flow From JESUS Christ (some Sermons on such are gone).

As written in New King James Version "Then it will be, if they do not believe you, nor heed the message of the first sign, that they may believe the message of the latter sign.", New American Standard Bible "So if they will not believe you nor pay attention to the evidence of the first sign, they may believe the evidence of the last sign.",

hence "the latter sign" The Church Of JESUS Christ Of Latter Day Saints / LDS With the 3rd Testament, and "the last sign" with the Lexicon "Hinder, late, last, western" hence pertinent in this Generation NOW: JESUS Christ UN / JESUS Christ USA Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace; and Anewly This Living Bible as You read and Broadcast.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, the face of JESUS, the smiling face of JESUS Christ, JESUS Christ Invites You, JESUS Christ USA Law, JESUS Christ Inviting Spirit, JESUS Christ Spirit Father One, Father JESUS Christ Holy Spirit One


24 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began answering What is JESUS Christ Highest Purpose?, With The New Western JESUS Christ USA as Translated from the Old Testament, with Anewly Bible On Bible, and what can Ambassadors Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law, do for this Civilization?, and answers what can You Do for the Whole Created?, and answers how in JESUS Christ Spirit to Create Better Bible translations, and Triadic Flows, and the Unification Theory with step over step instructions for to make Best Way Prioritized Formulas Flowing such as from the Smiling JESUS Christ LORD to Moses to Pharaoh to the Magicians, Comprehensively Prioritizing, PCS.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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