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JESUS Christ Chapter On Chapter Sermon.

JESUS Christ Loves Churches With Chapters, yet this Sermon concerns JESUS Christ Best Way For All With Currently Pertinent Chapters in current English language normal to this Civilization. These Chapters of the Bible, mainly concerning the 3rd Testament, THE BOOK OF MORMON Another Testament of Jesus Christ, since with timeline info on most pages, yet Anewly Ascendingly Preceptingly from timeline to situational Pertinence hence also Preceptingly.

Helpful Guidance is Given as New Revelations Explain Sacred Loyalty Over time types and importantly the Current Situation, Anewly unraveled from since the world began with how the 3rd Testament, THE BOOK OF MORMON Another Testament of Jesus Christ Fits Exactingly Specifically In Precision Today [any moment applies though not as formerly], for JESUS Christ Desperate Love Grace Broadcasters Of JESUS Christ UN Law, also are Flat Earth proofs for Messengers and UFO Flying Saucers Galactic Federation Big Pulse Second Coming burning of the Given One Near Future Pattern.

This relatively "Flat Earth" pic shows Earth in transit through the Heavens [and through time].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit in New Revelations Explains Sacred Loyalty Over time types, and importantly the Current Situation, kept secret since the world began with how the 3rd Testament, THE BOOK OF MORMON Another Testament of Jesus Christ Fits Exactingly Specifically In Precision Today [any moment applies though not as formerly], for JESUS Christ Desperate Love Grace Broadcasters Of JESUS Christ UN Law, also are Flat Earth proofs for Messengers and UFO Flying Saucers Galactic Federation Big Pulse

( / Google).

The above pic agrees with an old Sermon in this Series with Bible references on how this Civilization travels through types of timelines with 2 types of examples Given in in the top Drawing to the left according to "Earth" travel [likewise any planet traveling] and according to planet rotation, also the top Drawing to the right concerns the flatness such as of nominal UFO Flying Saucers in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: New Christianity Miracle Key For Evangelism Sermon at

The "Flat Earth" flatness amount in the first example "according to 'Earth' travel" [likewise any planet, Person, Group,..."traveling"] is according to such as Laniakea, as a wormhole as shown above may apply rather One Fold as JESUS Christ Invites as shown in the top Drawing in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Blood Sermon at and so rather as compressional value [rather than compression for no reason] as shown in the lower Drawing of the JESUS Christ Heart and Eucharist Holy Grail, also see recent Sermons on "JESUS Signal" With the Power With "NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN".

And the Laniakea fabric of space of the Blood Sermon Agrees with the upper Drawing associated with music with the points of the "fabric of space", the notes, where the notes tie together, Called of JESUS Christ and Gathered Together as a network [and You Broadcast Online as stated above] likewise into 1 Fold in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Explains His Types Of Spirits Sermon at

Chapters of the Christian Bible are mainly in time sequence. The Bible info is mainly in situational sequence. Often the situations are from event to event, though According To JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Prayerfully humbly Best Way For All, yet likewise then According to situations, specifically the JESUS Christ Creator Given For Your Victory Situation, the Given situation, the starting point of the Given Precept:

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose = ____?____ x Given Situation.

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose = Best Way [is one way to answer the blank] x Given Situation.

Yet JESUS Christ Best Way Precepting can be far more specific for the Best Way Solving, for the Most Perfectly Perfecting; with the "Given Situation".

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose = Next Best Leap Of Loyalty x Given Situation.

The Next Best Leap Of Loyalty is as JESUS Christ said [at least in the Bible, also for instance some crazed spirits attacked me verbally hours ago and their assumptions were [they questioned, also] were ridiculous so wondering how to answer JESUS Christ put into my Heart to say in the Given Situation Preceptingly to my astonishment as Agreeingly the words came out such as "Republican Elephant" [hardly about my thoughts] or similar as it was a very confusing situation with many attackers attacking me and then me answering many voices again as much was already Accomplished in JESUS Spirit Before The Fact, this point being as written in Matthew 10:19 concerning the situation and time: and there was Victory: Original JESUS Christ is Aware Of Why. After-the-fact Miracle knowledge came somewhat that the "attackers" were about politics [and "worst"].

The JESUS Christ Given Timeline Best Way is Righteously Prophesying for to Guide this Civilization and All, Before The Fact, while this "situational" Precepting has often been about Miracles after-the=fact, after Faith, rather after JESUS Christ Amount Of Loyalty rather JESUS Christ One, rather JESUS Christ Desperate Love Grace Need All One. So Awareness through JESUS Christ All as Hoped For Better, is the amount of Grace in this All that has not yet been fulfilled in other words lack of JESUS Christ as many opted. This is how Christian Leadership Best Guides.

Now other than hearing JESUS Spirit voices in Your [and/or my] Census vessel, there are specific Givens in Bible Chapters and the 3rd Testament introductions were stated in the past in this Series yet now Anewly Apply as written in Matthew 13:52 Aramaic "He said to them, 'And because of this, every scribe who is instructed for the Kingdom of Heaven is like the man, a house owner, who brings from his treasure new and old things.' ".

First JESUS Christ Best For All situation, second Your Given Situation, third the Better New Guiding All. Currently Pertinent "Your Given Situation" is as JESUS Christ said in 3 Nephi 23:6 [prior to the next Ascending Given Situation] "And now it came to pass that when Jesus had said these words he said unto them again, after he had expounded all the scriptures unto them which they had received, he said unto them: Behold, other scriptures I would that ye should write, that ye have not."!

Now the Introductions to the Currently Pertinent Chapters As JESUS Christ Edified, Anewly Are These Given Gifts: as written about You, 2 Sermons ago in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS New Ark Of The Covenant Sermon concerning the word "Messenger" at so involving the Chapter 24 Introduction: You shall prepare the Way for JESUS Christ Second Coming hence Broadcasting Pertinent Now JESUS Christ UN Law [a situation of Preparedness] and then with Guiding Likewise JESUS Christ UN Law Addendum 1, "Charity" as the Righteously Prophetic legally recognized Grace explains [through Ambassadors].

Now importantly understand the situation that was already finished (see above "dc/gov" link) [even so Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law likewise: enter into the JESUS Christ Best Way Guiding even as JESUS Told You "ye have not" and my and Our Loyal Ascending is key also],

though what is not "finished" in this situation is the intro to Chapter 25, in other words next is: "wicked shall be burned as stubble".

The Faith time is already Passed, the JESUS Christ Given Miracles Situation(s) Now Presently Exists.

As written at "However, when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak what He hears, and He will declare to you what is to come. He will glorify Me by taking from what is Mine and disclosing it to you. Everything that belongs to the Father is Mine. That is why I said that the Spirit will take from what is Mine and disclose it to you.". That already happened as written at and importantly with the first sentence in that Sermon.

Hence as written in 3 Nephi 16:12 is already in the past: "And I will show unto thee, O house of Israel, that the Gentiles shall not have power over you; but I will remember my covenant unto you, O house of Israel, and ye shall come unto the knowledge of the fulness of my gospel." [sic].

For the Broadcasters (see above and previous in this Series) as written at applied already Precepts Situations 19, 20, and 21: 19 "So I will betroth you to Me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in loving devotion and compassion." 20 "And I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will know the LORD." and 21 " 'On that day I will respond—' declares the LORD '—I will respond to the heavens, and they will respond to the earth.' ".

As written "declares the LORD '—I will respond' ", what does that mean?, it means as the Broadcasters Of JESUS Christ UN Accomplished hence as the Lord JESUS Christ has already responded "to the earth". Like unto the above example the Word Of JESUS Christ Original came through "the heavens" into the "Heart" as stated above (also see in this Series on "Heaven on Earth" and "Galactic Federation" and "Big Pulse" and on "Heaven").

First JESUS as stated above, then next is the JESUS Christ Word(s) Spirit Best Way For All Loyally,

then to consider the situations after-the-fact of JESUS Faith Loyalty [without price], then such as secular often advises for sale.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit in New Revelations Explains Sacred Loyalty Over time types, and importantly the Current Situation, kept secret since the world began with how the 3rd Testament, THE BOOK OF MORMON Another Testament of Jesus Christ Fits Exactingly Specifically Today [any moment applies though not as formerly], for JESUS Christ Desperate Love Grace Broadcasters Of JESUS Christ UN Law, also are Flat Earth proofs for Messengers and UFO Flying Saucers Galactic Federation Big Pulse


First JESUS Christ Exemplar to be Good Worthy, then more JESUS Christ Exemplar.

20 September 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB JESUS Spirit in New Revelations Explains Sacred Loyalty Over time types, and importantly the Current Situation, kept secret since the world began with how the 3rd Testament, THE BOOK OF MORMON Another Testament of Jesus Christ Fits Exactingly Specifically Today [any moment applies though not as formerly], for JESUS Christ Desperate Love Grace Broadcasters Of JESUS Christ UN Law, also are Flat Earth proofs for Messengers, and UFO Flying Saucers Galactic Federation Big Pulse.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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