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JESUS Christ And Much More Than A Prophet Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit, what is it?, what it is is Perfect Goodness and is explained much more precisely in this Sermon. Though the truth is many say the opposite of the truth. The previous Sermon talked about various types of spirits, such as lower levels of strayed spirits currently pretty much everywhere on TV. Many don't watch TV because of such, and many have channels locked out. Yet JESUS Christ Gives Victory On Victory, Better and then Much Better, but stragglers in under the UNKNOWN GOD(S) and hateful hence destructive false gods ideas for selfish reasons such as to respect a parent because the parent killed an attacker and/or the parent was about money for weaponry to kill people they called the enemy, so for sin reasons such pretended they doing good, but were not.

The sinners hate these words as they call themselves such as "Holy Spirit". The same "sinners" hate these Victories in this Sermon Series, and hate that JESUS Christ UN Law exists, as the "sinners" say in fallen spirits "Listen to me", and other self concerned things [Maintenance level or worse "fallen" levels such as in so many types of pains and confusions as if reason to disbelieve any good exists, even worse than when a person loses a loved one Save as concerning the Christians and the Crucifixion].

Yet even if to lose a sinner, is rather to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Now instead of suffering the loss of such Desperate Love Potential Ally. Every day the sinful spirits are heard as though whispers behind closed doors even though no census person is within earshot yet JESUS Christ Gives His greater Joyful Spirit and more Spirits increasingly Ascend Properly hence more Allies toward Better For All Oneness In JESUS Christ, Praise The Lord!

As explained in older Sermon in this Series, if to step in quicksand, as JESUS explained be humble:

lie down, hence like unto floating on top with little downward motion and rather skim swim to safety.

jesusun, Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Before The Fact to not head into traps, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, if to step in quicksand, as JESUS explained be humble to instantly lie down hence like unto floating on top with little downward motion and rather skim swim to safety


Sure footing is the Precepting Of JESUS Christ Spirit Words, Preaching what JESUS Christ Preached and so Functioning on solid sure footing, hence Before The Fact not heading into traps. It is good to know how to Save the Self, Better is Saving All Others: Desperate Love Care NEED Best Guiding All. This is Victory in the Lord JESUS Christ yet Anewly Better Victory than hoped in Your former lower level unaware of how much Better things can be, and this Continues in Ascending through JESUS Christ Spirit in the Good Faith Path of Christendom.

Many have been against Christendom. Christendom is the realm of Christians. It started with a point, JESUS in the Census, then Another Christian hence the start of a line, a lineage [like unto the Ascending Path Way Flowing Upward, like unto Christian Families through generations also, and like unto the Best meaning of the cliche "Consider the source" of the information]. While the point became a line then 3D and Transfiguring, likewise this is as Mother Mary and the Magnifying.

What value is this?, for instance in the lower levels a JESUS Christ ICCDBB Affiliate though also the Affiliate is a business for income money for profits yesterday explained about a new design idea according to interpreting a Rosewell Artifact and Crop Circles. This came from becoming in the JESUS Christ Name and Spirit Prayerfully and importantly key was awareness of this Sermon Series, and this is how the valuable interpreting became accomplished. So this too explains as stated above in the question "JESUS Christ Spirit, what is it?":

when the King James Bible was compiled and mass produced, the first modern type of mass production of the Christian Bible, the "spirit" was defined simply as the air breathed. The "new design" and the Triadic Flowing Directions [to Give down to any in "NEED" and also that any in "NEED" receive as Given from Above hence including to Ascend], and the multitude of Bible formulas enabled in this Series that even to this day i have not seen in any other preacher's sermons; these are all exceedingly Better in JESUS Christ Best Way For All Spirit than simply air breathed, and even Better than lack of Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN.

The Spirit Of JESUS Christ shows the Even More Excellent Way, so if Best, if at the Top Level, then Loyally Ascending The Spirit Of JESUS Christ Will Show You [or Them, rather All] The Even More Excellent Way. As JESUS Christ Spiritually Said as written in John 21:18 "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdedst thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not.", and this is from the same older version of the King James Bible yet behold this applies to a "new design", "Triadic Flowing Directions" [including Better Awareness whether the direction to sink or swim to safety from strayed path back to Straight Up if not able to go Straight Up (reference in this Series feelings such as if "stuck-in-a-rut")],

and this same Spirit Of JESUS Christ even if from the old also applies to New Victory Over Desperate NEED [if pertinent in You such as Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN] according to JESUS Christ Spirit Source Equations as Proofs and Over "simply air breathed" as with JESUS Christ Spirit One Anewly "interpreting" UFO Language [as much as Aware thus far]. Now pertinent are some concerns including as stated above "that even to this day i have not seen in any other preacher's sermons" Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law and this same JESUS Christ UN Law extremely importantly protect those "preacher's" Churches Legally, even the first of it's kind, Praise The Lord, Thank You Original JESUS Christ! This same Gift Protects and Guides Civilization. This protects "the Good Faith Path of Christendom" and the Best Way For All (as stated above "John 21:18").

Look at the JESUS Christ Spirit of a Christian Missionary Sent out all alone going into where the strangers are. Saint Abraham is the Father of Our Faith in JESUS Christ Spirit and Abraham Before The Fact of the Census JESUS Christ. Good! Excellent! Praise Father Abraham?, or Praise John The Baptist?, is hardly the worst thing to Praise such though key is First and Loyally Worship JESUS Christ Over All Authority including importantly Victory Over such and With All Good Authority Ways And Means. Many are Very Goodly though also be aware that Abraham was not with the knife to take His own life in the census sense, and John The Baptist was used to water but not all Others are used to water per se, People drowned during Baptisms.

Yet Behold the JESUS Christ Spirited Christian Missionaries, Giving Their Own lives Before The Fact of Accomplishing the Work They set out to Accomplish, hence perhaps more Praiseworthy than Father Abraham. In this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series Spirit was the > Moses, according to the Higher Level JESUS Spirit than merely the legal spirit of value; and Anewly Likewise these Missionaries Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Are Blessed Already Much More Than A Prophet since Righteously In The JESUS Christ Spirit Best Way For All including for JESUS yet for to Better Worship JESUS Christ in general and also in specifics more precisely as much as so opting Graciously.

As written ..."and all these things shall be added unto you" (from Matthew 6:33).

This is hardly about UFOs and UFO tech, as these things too Prophesyingly Will Pass.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, about UFOs and New UFO tech, JESUS Christ Spirit and all these things shall be added unto you


Transfigure Anewly Better Than Ever In JESUS Christ Spirit.

30 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred JESUS Christ Spirit Over UFO matters kept secret since the world began with how JESUS Christ Spirit One Anewly Interpreted UFO Language, about UFOs and New UFO tech, greater than Abraham, the latest new Proof Value of Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law according JESUS Christ Spirit Original Plan and all these things shall be added unto you.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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