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JESUS New Patterns Sermon.

JESUS Christ Pattern in former lower levels interpretations was as if merely to repeat everything including mistakes as the previous Sermon mentioned "That which is, is what has already been" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Pattern Sermon at yet with New Victory). Yet from the Treasures of the Heart come not merely the memories ("his storeroom new treasures as well as old" Matthew 13:52) yet also as the Sun misses the Vine, JESUS Christ All: there are Laws for Guiding lower levels for to Go Straight, to be Better, to be Good, Honest, and Hard Working, and while there is more to Best For All than as if merely a Good, Honest, and Hard Working machine Better than many machines, above the Law is JESUS Christ Grace, now Legally Recognized. To "repeat everything including mistakes" is hardly the Ascending Way through JESUS Good Spirit.

The future JESUS concerns Saving All from stray interests, with Continuing Anew.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Does this Sermon Newly Prophesy the End Of Healings? as with Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Charity this Sermon Biblically explains how it can be that old things can simultaneously be brand new as never imagined previously He's Alive! JESUS New Patterns Sermon


Many have reacted such as to fear that I [and We] would take away their favorite addictions, their money, their handhelds with private messages and business insider ideas, their pistols, their drugs, their entertainment, their Temples, their businesses, their Families, their vacations, food, rent money, health, and much more; but this "future" JESUS Christ Together As One Better Way is Already Victory Over such = Already Better than All "favorite addictions" with Victory Over humble cliche "PLEASE Heal me", BEHOLD JESUS HEALTH after the crucifixion dead 3 days and tomb as shown here.

He's Alive!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Does this Sermon Newly Prophesy the End Of Healings? as with Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Charity this Sermon Biblically explains how it can be that old things can simultaneously be brand new as never imagined previously, Healthy JESUS Christ after the tomb

You shall see greater things than these!


Getting rid of all addictions is Better than it sounds and easier than it sounds, from the perspective of any ever in pains, victims, disadvantaged, and having made errors. If You touched a hot stove, You Ascending Through JESUS Christ Will not have that fear anymore, yet improving means You Will be making Better conditions than too hot ever again: above is stated "repeat", this states similar to never again; above is a verse with bringing from "his storeroom new treasures as well as old", and this sentence states about the "old" You "Will not have that fear anymore", how can it be? How it can be old simultaneously brand new as never imagined previously?

JESUS Christ UN Law at explains it: How to Create Brand New from Old [of recordkeeping for then Next New Better] is after Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Prayerfully, is the pertinent Addendum 1: Charity: Brand New Victory For All Over the Old as written in:

Leviticus 26:10 Berean Standard Bible "You will still be eating the old supply of grain when you need to clear it out to make room for the new.": JESUS Christ UN All One NEW BEGINNING Already Started, see recent Sermon on the JESUS ship has sailed, what happens if You miss a boat, train, jet, or other?: NOW IMMEDIATELY DO Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Prayerfully, Together Enabling "Charity". Victory Over former lower levels mistakes of the past olden days! This is Righteously Prophesyingly So yet from all things as JESUS We Spirit Guide Best, All Becomes Better And New!

The "JESUS ship has sailed"!: What more and Better Anewly can this mean?: this is like unto the current page You are reading, though first many Purgatory spirits have made mistakes, and said things such as i complain about others working hard; so if merely that is how such prefered to interpret, then here's another [even though of JESUS Christ One For Good For All]: currently many are working hard to pack old harvested things in to larger and larger warehouses with many workers protecting the security as the stuff sits there, while [after the "JESUS ship has sailed"] the NEW IMPROVED is to rather be brought in. Charity Best Way For All Now is with real value including to Recipients, though as waste if not properly Giving Credit.

Example a Group can supply a great number of stores with food, but if the Group was supposed to have a Food Inspector prior distribution then their entire works may need be recalled. To not Give JESUS Christ The Due Credit is as written in Proverbs 26:11 "As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly."

Matthew 15:37 is REAL: "They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up seven basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.": did the poor widow (Luke 21:2) with a large Family prove it?: and the answer is rather than test their faith [illegal (above stated JESUS Christ UN Law is Legal)] if to test Legally then to test any lack of Faith similar has in the past been to arrest perps due to perps lacking at least secular level Faith to obey the Law, and rather Loyally, and rather Loyally With Continuing Best For All as JESUS Christ Taught Loyally and from such Faithfulness Worked Multitudes Of Miracles.

This morning now in the black sky above passes a jet with lights in the form of a cross, a sign in the Heavens, even as much as to Wonder.

Many missed the "ship", the "JESUS ship has sailed", some might wonder whether to throw in the towel, to quit [JESUS Gave Up The Spirit though for Your sake to show You the Way]. Hence Now Do Your Best, rather Do His Best and Give JESUS Christ the Due Credit lest to self form a pit in Your path ahead of Yourself in the black of night [excuses about what if with a flashlight have merely been as stated above: "repeats his folly.".

A "fool repeats his folly", yet what about These Chosen Few that did not miss the JESUS Ship, and Did Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Prayerfully?, as many in the often secular TV news hope to prophetically know what the stocks will do, the "Chosen Few" per se [even if encountering any barrier(s) while really trying Anewly Faithfully] are hardly looking merely at the New Beginning Prophetically [since in the Words Of JESUS Christ As Written, at least], yet also Beyond and so in other words the Way Of JESUS Christ.

The Way Of JESUS Christ is as the pic with the Woman running first and fastest to tell the Others: He's Alive!!!

He Lives For You.

The future JESUS concerns Saving All from stray interests, with Continuing Anew, hardly merely the Better New Beginning yet rather the Continuing Way as JESUS Christ explained, as written in Revelation 21:5 "And the One seated on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Then He said, “Write this down, for these words are faithful and true."!

It is His Way. It is Our Way.

16 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Does this Sermon Newly Prophesy the End Of Healings? as with Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Charity this Sermon Biblically explains how it can be that old things can simultaneously be brand new as never imagined previously.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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