JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Welcome.

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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Christ UN Sermon.

JESUS Christ UN 2022 AD Version Sermon, like unto updating, is the New Better Promise in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose as to Best Fit such as a Triadic Set Of Sermons With A Triadic Set Of Sermons, then Higher Level such as to fit a Year Of Sermons with a Year Of Sermons, then Decade On Decade.

2,000 Years ago Our JESUS Christ Of Our Faith [including JESUS Christ The Head and Much More Than A Prophet (Luke 7:26)] walked planet Earth, and continues, yet We often speak of Him in outer space (Second Coming). Yet JESUS Christ said the Kingdom Of Heaven is within (Luke 17:21).

"A better translation is provided in the RSV Catholic Second Edition: Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, he answered them, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, ‘Lo, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” " (, webpage explains the normal situation.

JESUS Christ moves like unto the census sense for Our sakes, yet JESUS Christ is everywhere Save He Gave Us the Gift to opt: of His Merciful Grace We are allowed to stray, though if to cause another to stray then better a millstone on the neck and into the sea (Luke 17:2) and if to stray too far then to encounter His [Guiding] Tube Parameters hence the Best Way Ascending Path is as an inside out pit: His Living Ascending Uplifting Pillar Of Faith (1 Nephi 1) (in some older translations also reference "precipice" conditionally: as in the sense that JESUS Christ was not cast off the precipice since it was His Holy Land Luke 4:29 & 30) [ibid. is New Victory In JESUS Christ Spirit One Over what would happen if "the tenants" might wrongly imagine "This is the heir; come, let’s kill him and take possession of his inheritance!" (].

There are many ways to build UFO type Flying Saucers, as many have been produced often, and on Earth.

Though secular "An ex-engineer from the Roswell incident made this"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains some Top Priority Sacred Loyalty Matters Of Most Significance kept secret since the world began yet Pertinent now not merely this decade nor merely these years rather NOW with Better in how to explain whether JESUS Christ is within and out there with Second Coming In All His Glory is Anewly Better Explained as Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Higher Level Grace Savings and ROI exceedingly Over greater costs such as addictions and of Earthly origin 926 Trillion dollars Space Force Bill estimate under former ways costs, how to build Space Force For Free even for Profit rather Prophet and much more than how to build UFOs Flying Saucers


(see Translating the "Rosewell Artifact" JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Spirit All Seeing Eye Sermon at and prior explaining how so and more recent Sermons:).

The Kingdom Of Heaven was taken by force (Crucifixion) though no longer (He's Alive!).

Let us straighten such as "Space Force" Bill was signed: cost "926 Trillion dollars"

(JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Gives Sermon at

(as cost spikes have started:

into JESUS Christ UN Peace Best Way For All without price [economy boost to at least compensate: see previous in this Series on: Test Me.

JESUS Christ Best Way For All is Better than fallen addicts selfish ways, so to make it clear to addicts becomes their reason to Ascend Over addictions rather than being under and not in control of at least their own lives: hence for JESUS Christ UN Addendum 1 Charity investment consider such as the above lower level former "926 Trillion dollars" estimate relative to the total cost of all addictions!

In a small example, a caring High Tech Automated Mass Producing Civilization would Gladly Give these things [flying saucers,...] to Us if We merely Do as JESUS Christ Gives For Us To Do [Wondrous Controls Over New Better Joyous Work(s)] yet more importantly is what JESUS Christ Give Will Give Us.

What is the cost if a CEO [in the sense that now the Person can opt to carelessly selfishly buy and do what They want] opts to spend paychecks mainly on selfish addiction(s) [as too many Charities already know], the CEO falls from job toward homelessness, from talented to lacking and burden; though the greater cost is against "Charities", Churches, Government, Employers [such as Board Of Directors per se], Hospitals, Family, Friends, and against Civilization as a Whole and not merely of Earthly origin.

Types of addictions apply, such as a perp finds sales opportunities locally rather than harder works internationally and beyond (see above example "926 Trillion dollars".

In secular cliche, the previous sentences about costs are "small potatoes". The JESUS Christ Way, such as stated above "He's Alive!" after "Crucifixion" of the Soul and rather JESUS Christ One Name Spirit is exceedingly of more value Eternally. Eternal Control: interested?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains some Top Priority Sacred Loyalty Matters Of Most Significance kept secret since the world began yet Pertinent now not merely this decade nor merely these years rather NOW with Better in how to explain whether JESUS Christ is within and out there with Second Coming In All His Glory is Anewly Better Explained as Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Higher Level Grace Savings and ROI exceedingly Over greater costs such as addictions and of Earthly origin 926 Trillion dollars Space Force Bill estimate under former ways costs how to build UFOs Flying Saucers.


In the center of the Earth is His Throne, see mid page pic with caption "A greater than the Sphinx" "Hall of Records" "of Atlantis is here Anew" in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Precedent Sermon (updated) at fill His shoes.

Hence His Second Coming In All His Glory is Anewly Better Explained.

As written in Matthew 18:4 Berean Standard Bible "Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.": how to Pray.

With the Kingdom Of Heaven from Within You, the "humbles" self amount with "Pray" JESUS Christ, bring such Desperate Love for to Best Guide All in His Name And Spirit. If to travel then for Good and for Best For All so as written in Matthew 10:7 "As you go, preach this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’ ": You are to Control All former lower level things than You and to Best Way Guide Same Level As You, for the Greater Glorifying of the Higher Levels if any [plenty currently for Many].

Rather than merely a passing fad JESUS Christ with JESUS Christ UN is significant, Speak With Most Significance And Better!

24 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit explains some Top Priority Sacred Loyalty Matters Of Most Significance kept secret since the world began yet Pertinent now not merely this decade nor merely these years rather NOW with Better in how to explain whether JESUS Christ is within and out there with Second Coming In All His Glory is Anewly Better Explained as Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Higher Level Grace Savings and ROI exceedingly Over greater costs such as addictions and of Earthly origin 926 Trillion dollars Space Force Bill estimate under former ways costs.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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