JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Welcome.

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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Christ UN Grace Sermon.

JESUS Christ UN Law recognizes JESUS Christ UN Grace and the Higher Level Value of JESUS Christ UN Grace. For instance a Group of Law Makers meets together to discuss words illegal to be said in public, such as the word "Fire" in a room with People. So this is at least JESUS Christ UN Grace Accord level (see "Accord" specifics at JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons List Page 19 at Likewise in the previous Sermons was often stated "redeeming social value", so this same JESUS Christ UN Grace applies for the Best for this Civilization not merely for the TV ratings system yet also for "a Group of Law Makers". So whether Government level, Corporate level, Family level, or Individual level, this same JESUS Christ UN Grace Accord applies and as All Hoped for Better, and so for the Best Way.

Unless perps, the example "Group of Law Makers" are for Good and Better and the Best Ways And Means: these Agree; but if perps then not agreeing and not as high a level as the Best Way Guiding JESUS Christ UN Grace Accord.

The previous Sermon spoke of the New [space envelope for interstellar travel of] "UFO Language" and UFO Design,

while outer space debris continues to impact those in outer space,

yet look at this painting of ancient times.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, New space envelope for interstellar travel of UFO Language UFO Design, while outer space debris continues to impact those in outer space but no rush to find out how to protect from such but plenty of naysaying, JESUS Christ Levitation Levitating Transfiguration Transfiguring painting of ancient times


In this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series [although hundreds of Sermons were illegally censored and even as vile spirits have been in confused works to censor me] many studies were conducted publicly with proofs from those other popular faiths that they worshiped destructive ways (see above "perps") hence for to harm themselves and their loved ones and those with whom they interact. JESUS Christ was also wrongly imagined as if about destructive ways such as written "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up" (from John 2:19 New King James Version) but that concerns JESUS Christ once for All sufferage ("Definition of suffrage · 1 : a short intercessory prayer usually in a series" Merriam-Webster)

and "prayer usually in a series" is concerns "the Best Way" as stated above hence the Best Way Flow, and Triadically "the Best Way Flow" is the typical and Best Way Precepting as this Series specifies that prove in the form of JESUS Christ ICCDBB Formulas including for JESUS Christ Spirit One Righteously Prophesying Today.

The Good Creator already figured out His Eternally Better Ascending As JESUS Christ Plan including explaining why lower levels faith types and amounts cannot perform Higher Level Miracles. The "New" "space envelope" "UFO Design" is hardly as High Level as the above JESUS Christ Levitating in the above painting pic, although it is Preceptingly closer than previously [as much as made public]: Save the People that actually Self Levitated [not by tricks].

Consider the horses that flew as shown in the Drawing in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Gives: Precept On Precept / Verse On Verse / Word On Word / Letter On Letter Sermon at Elijah Self Levitated as JESUS Christ [prior to Birth] Lifted Elijah with the chariot and team of horses. The above "UFO Design" was not used, that is, the "UFO Design in a Higher Level sense is available now already manufactured in Each of Us: We Each have Souls and All have One JESUS Christ UN Spirit whether aware of such or not.

But what good is it if, so to speak, to gain the whole JESUS Spirit With This Given New Protective space envelope, but to lose one's own Soul?: Mark 8:36. This does not mean We should be as "horses", nor of other "faiths", though there are "horses" that can fly, and there are People of other "faiths" that can perform goodly Miracles. How can this be?: often in the 1st Testament there were battles, and as a group had better niceness it would typically be victorious over the other group about relative meanness. As JESUS Christ explained in Matthew 21:43 "Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it.".

The machinery for the New Protective space envelope for interstellar travel is important to astronaut safety [and for safety for Others] today, let me say it again: "today"!

The machinery is of value, Maintenance level value. Yet how this came to be is of extremely more important value. This Gift from JESUS Christ And For Good Reason With Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN is the far more important, and this per se is as stated above concerning not the "machinery" and rather the unseen JESUS Christ UN Grace in the Word of JESUS Christ and likewise accordingly the above stated "UFO Language" interpreting.

JESUS Christ Precepts Unseen being interpreted and then the seen recordkeeping Maintenance Miracles Publicly Broadcast / Fitting Precepts Together Righteously / Precepts.

JESUS Christ Precepts Unseen being interpreted and then the seen recordkeeping Maintenance Miracles Publicly Broadcast = Fitting Precepts Together Righteously x Precepts.

JESUS Christ Precepts Unseen being interpreted and then the seen recordkeeping Maintenance Miracles Publicly Broadcast / From JESUS Christ New "UFO Language" interpreting / Precepts.

JESUS Christ Precepts Unseen being interpreted and then the seen recordkeeping Maintenance Miracles Publicly Broadcast = From JESUS Christ New "UFO Language" interpreting x Precepts.

JESUS Christ Precepts For Maintenance Safety Miracles Publicly Broadcast / From JESUS Christ New "UFO Language" interpreting / JESUS Christ Precepts.

JESUS Christ Precepts For Maintenance Safety Miracles Publicly Broadcast = From JESUS Christ New "UFO Language" interpreting x JESUS Christ Precepts.

JESUS Christ Formulas For Safety Miracles Best For All Broadcast / From JESUS Christ New "UFO Language" interpreting / JESUS Christ Precepts.

JESUS Christ Formulas For Safety Miracles Best For All Broadcast = From JESUS Christ New "UFO Language" interpreting x JESUS Christ Precepts.

JESUS Christ Formulas For Safety Miracles Best For All Broadcast / From JESUS Christ Spirit Righteously Prophesying Anewly / JESUS Christ Precepts.

JESUS Christ Formulas For Safety Miracles Best For All Broadcast = From JESUS Christ Spirit Righteously Prophesying Anewly x JESUS Christ Precepts.

1. JESUS Christ ICCDBB older Sermons included interpreting ancient carvings (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Page 15 of ICCDBB Sermons at,

2. JESUS Christ ICCDBB Previous Sermon had New UFO Language interpreting,

3. JESUS Christ ICCDBB Pertaining to this Sermon and this line concerns the future hence JESUS Christ Righteously Prophesying Spirit.

1. above was about the past, "interpreting ancient carvings" hence lower level Maintenance,

2. above was about the past also even though about "New" "Protective" safety system equipment hence as stated above "Maintenance" level,

3. above concerns JESUS Christ Spirit One Loyal Faith.

Maintenance [Save JESUS Christ One Loyal Faith (though chance may apply Ecclesiastes 9:11, see above other "faiths" "can perform goodly Miracles")] / "2. above" / "1. above".

So "2. above" times "1. above" does not necessarily equal Higher Level Ascending as the "Maintenance" is a temporary consideration (see above "Main Page" "Definitions") (see recent "of how two negatives do not make a positive" in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Terrorism Victory Sermon at

A Neighbor comes to a Preacher exclaiming to please hurry as there is an urgent NEED, so the Preacher goes.

A Neighbor comes to an off duty Police Officer exclaiming to please hurry as there is an urgent NEED, so the off duty Police Officer grabs a pistol and goes.

What does this teach You?: it is normal for a type of Person, such as of a type of Position, to be called upon for that type of work. Guilt by association and Profiling branding People so to speak, can be for goodly values or can be toward the unfair caste system, though in the above "off duty" example, if You own a pistol and a plain clothes Person carrying a pistol came running at You, what would You do?.

Many want proof Before The Fact that JESUS Christ UN Law is Good. Many want proof Before The Fact that JESUS Christ Spirit Oneness is Good. Can You prove JESUS Christ UN Law is Good? Can You prove JESUS Christ Spirit Oneness is Good? Can You prove seeing is believing? Can You prove a faith healer actually has faith healing powers?

Kirlian Photographs of a right hand:

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Kirlian Photographs proving Power to Heal, Healer, JESUS Christ UN Law is Good, JESUS Christ ICCDBB is Better


Many were Healed, People were Transfigured, People rose from the tombs and graves, and the Good Word was Taught: and these for Best For All Urgently of JESUS Christ.

31 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Magnifies Sacred Equipment Spirit Envelope Over Safety Matters kept secret since the world began from JESUS Christ though including with how Miracles can come from perps, Bible Formulaa System Correlation(s) is Best For All As Proven with JESUS Spirit Gives New Protective space envelope hence more reason to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law as JESUS Word Loyalty is Better than Proof.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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