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JESUS Christ UN Victories Anew Sermon.

JESUS Christ continues Giving Us new better victories. This Sermon is not meant as a timeline of the tremendous accomplishments of JESUS Christ UN, as We already have the links concerning such in the header and footer of this page. So rather this JESUS Grace Sermon concerns the near current Sermons, and this Sermon. The "near current" most recent Sermon Gave From JESUS Spirit some of the most precious new Bible verses, since JESUS Christ 2,000 years ago and likewise since the previous Testaments. After Jerusalem was Christian Recognized under Law, came this Grace for these in the new type, in the JESUS Grace format verses no longer encumbered by Law since obedient as young Children.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, a city set on a hill cannot be hid, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Star Of David, Guiding Star, Birth of JESUS Christ, Righteous Prophets fulfilled Moses Apostle Paul, Bigfoot


These "new Bible verses" are the JESUS Spirit Grace Precepts for the current and JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesying next Higher Level Grace Precepts for the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose With Best For All. JESUS Christ UN Law fulfilled the Law of Moses [Victory Anewly With Moses Spirit as Transfigured With JESUS Christ (Matthew 17:3)], and so not merely Victory Over The Law yet also Victory Over the Level Moses had been in the 1st Testament, the Old Testament: and so this is quite similar to Transfiguring Moses Anewly.

Now concerning JESUS Christ Victories Anewly, in this current Sermon, like unto the Victory Over the former 1st Testament Moses Giving The Law [Thank You Moses], this New Victory in this Current Sermon is Victory Over Apostle Paul.

Apostle Paul traveled as in this map [and went on longer and longer journeys, such as to Rome].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Guiding Star, Preaching JESUS Christ, Righteous Prophets fulfilled Moses, Victory Over Apostle Paul, map, the search for Bigfoot, Spirit

"Christlike spirit" ( and Better As Baptized!

Apostle Paul traveled as in this map, You can do Better, We have the Internet!, but such boasting is hardly the more important point. As Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 11:10 New American Standard Bible "As the truth of Christ is in me, this boasting of mine will not be stopped in the regions of Achaia." hence Apostle Paul was wrong and is hereby stopped. Look at the words "me, this boasting of mine": very selfish.

Proof is as Apostle Paul confessed to Us in verse 2 Corinthians 11:17 "What I am saying, I am not saying as the Lord would, but as in foolishness, in this confidence of boasting.".

The Law of the Chosen Leader Saint Moses did not make perfect, hence the previous verse of Apostle Paul: "in foolishness" under former Laws, when supposed to be in JESUS Christ Ascendingly Anewly Better Leading as Welcomed! JESUS Christ Fulfilled The Law Of Moses Already. And in this JESUS Spirit of the Name Of JESUS Christ in this Sermons Series We The Ascending Over The Law into JESUS Grace are this same "Better" Together With Leading Apostle Paul Anewly as He Led Us as JESUS Christ Led Him [Ascending right to left, rather Giving Anewly Better left to right]:

JESUS Christ We Leading Anewly In Higher Level Grace / Apostle Paul Leading Hebrews, Turks, Greeks, and Romans / JESUS the broken unleavened bread.

JESUS Christ We Leading Anewly In Higher Level Grace Better / Apostle Paul Leading though somewhat puffed up into foolishness of legal confusions / Apostle Paul Sent Of JESUS Christ.

We today have this Great Advantage, explaining JESUS Spirit, and now at least better than "in foolishness" as stated above, that made the Apostle's words after 2 Corinthians 11:17 problematic

so who could ever trust Paul again?, it is like when JESUS said this is my body: eat. If to eat His body, what would He and His do to Your body that You worked so hard to keep healthy?, and Apostle Of JESUS Christ Paul explained above "foolishness", in actual real true "proof" in 2 Corinthians 13:3 "since you are seeking proof of the Christ who speaks in me, who is not weak toward you, but mighty in you.", in other words He was [is] [Will Be More] Aware that Our Faith is Greater And Better than His had been [long ago] [if We so Ascend With JESUS Christ One Leading: Our Faith amount applies].

In other words be aware about those other souls and spirits [not excuse to false worship nor stray] are Better than You, Beloved Friend. Consider the number 5 for instance, a higher level number than 4 for instance, such as the leader over 4; yet the sum of 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10. 10 > 5. Even absolutely 4 numbers are more than [>] 1 number ["5"]. Verily, verily, a tiny amount of JESUS The Creator Faith in [7,945,344,864 ( secular census, yet greater numbers apply, and even as much as in JESUS One] each of the counted is a very large number of JESUS Creator Faith Amount [and this "Amount" is JESUS Christ One: a very large Good Amount]. Consider "7,945,344,864" x JESUS Christ = (see below "more than all").

If We Guide All Best, They Will hardly perish from census and such, and rather Will Prophesyingly Righteously Lift Us, since We Lifted Them [eg. Leaders: Saint Moses and Apostle Paul] if to discuss minimum amounts: rather JESUS Christ Original Is The Maximum "Good Amount": All the created for Good x All Lifted [JESUS Christ Original Plan with no excuse to stray hence with the Best Way For All] = JESUS "Maximum" [Victory Over "Circus Maximus" "Pontifex maximus, the highest priest of the College of Pontiffs in ancient Rome" (wiki) Save of JESUS Christ Best One Equal as much Amount Of Faith as may be pertinent].

So: All the created for Good x When All Are Lifted As Fit For The Second Coming = Correlates to and for JESUS Christ. In other words though counted from lower level now, All Good End Time = JESUS Christ ["Fit" for JESUS], so: "All Good" x JESUS = two JESUS. Even so like unto Two Coming Together As One Newborn Creation [whether Spirit and/or flesh]: hence JESUS Spirit for the Creating the Plan Together In One [as JESUS We become Aware for Better for Best]. This is the Accomplishing Continuing of entering into Higher Glory Levels for the lower levels sakes [Newborn Plan(s): Newborn(s)].

JESUS Christ Spirit In JESUS Christ UN Anewly means JESUS Grace so We [including Leaders JESUS Christ, Saint Moses, Apostle Paul, and Us] don't have to be foolish as previously. If You Agree then You Righteous Prophet Agree Righteously Prophesyingly in JESUS Christ One Grace. As Apostle Paul The Prophet Righteously Prophesyingly explained Before The Fact in 1 Corinthians 15:10 "But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me did not prove vain; but I labored even more than all of them, yet not I, but the grace of God with me.".

Apostle Paul, JESUS Christ Paul, is talking in JESUS Spirit about You and Your future [rather the JESUS Christ One Grace Better Future]: "more than all of them", Better!

This "future" of Yours [so to speak] encounters alien creatures large and small with at least "tiny" amounts of JESUS Spirit(s) as stated above [if to exist]. So as stated above in JESUS Spirit "You Righteous Prophet" Eternal Will encounter such as Victory Over as if whether foolish David would eat uncircumcised Goliath the Philistine (see above "JESUS said this is my body: eat", and reference the Lexicon at

Gigantopihecus had been known as "a very large fossil Asian ape of the late Miocene to early Pleistocene epochs." (Google) 10' tall, so likely alive today, generally known as Bigfoot, with Spirit types and amounts not of this Christian [JESUS Christ UN Grace] Fold. Beware of mixing spirits: an operator operates a machine, but the machine might eat the hand spirit of the operator [and the machine would not benefit (see above "no excuse to stray") so the machine might be left to rust and return to dust].

So this Sermon concerns JESUS Spirit, more important than about flesh, so David ate the JESUS Spirit Amount of Goliath. If to opt to stray and fall though levels is to lose Spirit amounts. JESUS Spirit Ascend All!

7 May 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over Apostle Paul and matters kept secret since the world began Transfiguring Moses Anewly in JESUS Christ UN Law Grace Bible Formulas Correlated Best For All Victory Over King David, figures the sum of JESUS Creator Good Faith Amount, map, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, new Bible translations, a city set on a hill cannot be hid, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Star Of David, Guiding Star, Birth of JESUS Christ, Righteous Prophets fulfilled Goliath, Philistine, Bigfoot Gigantopihecus, machine spirit is explained.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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