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JESUS Civilization End Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit is making all things known, and concerning unseen Faith and seen things, this Sermon explains what the sum of all "unseen Faith" is: no longer "unseen".

JESUS Christ the Righteous Prophet is as written in Jude 1:14 Good News Translation "It was Enoch, the seventh direct descendant from Adam, who long ago prophesied this about them: "The Lord will come with many thousands of his holy angels". So what is it to be in JESUS Christ Spirit And A Righteous Prophet Prophesying?, to Prophesy is to foretell the Better Future for the Good Worthy Chosen Christian Faith Loyally Broadcasting without price and perhaps including Maintenance level events Divinely as much as JESUS Christ Exemplar Inspires, and "Exemplar" is like unto the Enoch when the world population was so small (see lower right Drawing inJESUS Christ ICCDBB: New Beginnings With New Endings Prophesying Guidance Sermon at situation, Miraculous even though Edifyingly so to speak hardly proven in court terms yet rather Spiritually in the Future Given for the Good All to Wittness, and symbolic as the Enoch situation of "thousands" and "thousands" is Prophesied throughout the Bible.

So the Righteous Prophesying of Enoch was as many Other Righteous Prophets also Broadcast. One Person [today meaning in JESUS Christ Spirit] set a Higher Level Standard that many Other People likewise Broadcast. Enoch was an Amasser of Amassers (Matthew 4:19 [a Fisher Gathering The Best Of Fishers]).

The JESUS Christ Golden Cube New Jerusalem Over Current Jerusalem, as mapped.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, map JESUS Spirit establishes what the sum of all unseen Faith is hence no longer unseen even to KNOW JESUS CHRIST COMPLETELY in Sacred Faith rather Sacred New Desperate Love Wisdom Over matters kept secret since the world began with how as clear as glass to Hear and See The Perfect of the Perfecter with New Better Translatiing the JESUS Signal notes as of roundness cycles per second explaining what the former unseen dark is concerning this pic of the Heavens and in JESUS Christ Spirit Righteously Prophesying what the New Jerusalem Will Be.


(ibid. unraveling Jeremiah 48:17).

Righteously Prophesying: the JESUS Christ New Jerusalem Will stretch Northeast to Azerbaijan, Southeast deep into Saudi Arabia, Southwest into Libya, and Northwest to Greece; and this encompasses most of the Saints' travels in the Bible.

In this JESUS Civilization End Sermon explaining what the sum of all "unseen Faith" is, is from JESUS Christ Ascending Spirit like unto adding the sum of all knowledge [the Tree Of Life adding the Tree Of Knowledge], hence the "End" of knowledge in the sense of former things from Genesis, the Alpha And Omega, now the with the JESUS Christ Beginning And The End. Yet JESUS Christ Gives the New Better. Note concerning "all knowledge", of course amount of Faith applies as explained in previous Sermons, and rather the amount of Goodness, and rather JESUS Christ Perfect Good Whole Amount 100% Pure [hence Grace unhindered by Law: innocent].

Righteously Preceptingly Sermon Over Sermon, the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Future Sermon at Gave Victory Over all seen things "whether big or small, whether weak or strong, whether bound or free, Be Of Perfectly Perfecting Grace In Through And With, as stated above: JESUS Christ" and likewise now in this Sermon JESUS Christ With All Good One Anew Victory Over All Things Unseen. And so what Faith is, it is as to describe a transparent glass, a Person can see right through it yet see the glass and pick it up, and with a wet finger run the rim to hear it sing. Hence the unseen can be sensed of sensors such as of sight, and as touched, and heard.

Continuing this Edifying through JESUS Christ Spirit In Higher Level Grace Pertinent to the next two sentences with verse, is that these are properly better way translating over things "under the Law". The word "ὑπόστασις" means "existence" (

And the Lexicon at agrees explaining "a setting under" therefore as under the Law, so rather than translations about merely such as an "assurance" idea, better is "the substance of things" reality and proveable in court [rather with Advisors rather Church Standard as much as explained previously in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series such as with JESUS Christ UN Law, New Better Translations, and Flow sections formulas] hence in this pertinence utilized is the New King James Version with as written "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.".

The "glass" as explained above and such as with light to see, and as with a dark background: the dark background can be seen through the glass, the glass near and the glass far on the other side of the glass, hence layers [Tube levels parameters] of walls: glasses. So to leap [formerly about Faith] of "substance of things" through levels for as "hoped", as to hope to see the dark background as seen as fact (see above as "proveable in court") as "things".

So with all good knowledge and the Tree Of Life Innocent JESUS Christ Spirit Now known (see above including "innocent" and "Tube levels parameters"): We (see above "amount of Faith applies") are Wise with All Wisdom as JESUS Christ The All Knowing Promised.

We see the glass according to the bends: the round sides, the round lip, the rounds of inner and outer bottom surfaces.

Away from the city on a clear night We see the Milky Way, it is a bend [of Mass: gravity, tractor beams of light] Flowing, some Flows attract [stars: light],

some forces push away [dark matter (see above things seen as "a dark background"] as much as pertinent to "light" and much of the Anewly known fabric of spacetime.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit establishes what the sum of all unseen Faith is hence no longer unseen even to KNOW JESUS CHRIST COMPLETELY in Sacred Faith rather Sacred New Desperate Love Wisdom Over matters kept secret since the world began with how as clear as glass to Hear and See The Perfect of the Perfecter with New Better Translatiing the JESUS Signal notes as of roundness cycles per second explaining what the former unseen dark is concerning this pic of the Heavens and in JESUS Christ Spirit Righteously Prophesying what the New Jerusalem Will Be map.


"Consider the lilies of the field" (from Matthew 6:28), so You had real "things": images in Your brain. Knowledge of lower levels things [right or wrong, it is knowledge and tangible "images" as proven [(see in this Series: secular under Law on Descartes "I am therefore I am") rather:] as JESUS Christ explained in John 14:11 "Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves.".

So if All Good Knowing, for to Know the Best Way: "JESUS Christ" hence JESUS Christ One Spirit Work Broadcasting. If to know the Best Way then Victory Over this Civilization [it ends to You] as JESUS Christ One Spirit Work Continues Anewly Into a Higher Level Firmament hence A New Civilization Parameter [with record(s) as much as pertinent].

Behold the glass, if to spin the glass in all directions in a gyroscopic manner then the darkness is no longer, per se: all is seen, all is known: there is no dark matter. In the above pic the viewpoint perspective becomes as was seen with the gyroscopic manner of the symbolic glass spinning, and so likewise to know JESUS Christ as much as the current situation applies. The "End" has implied timing, such as a segment of time.

Consider the JESUS Signal and each letter as a note, like unto knowing the whole of the "glass as to hear it sing". The Christian Bible has the whole of the pertinent words of Goodness that JESUS Christ said as He Gave for the Whole of the current Civilization as was stated above, hence to Wholely Know Innocent JESUS Christ (see previous in this Series on His Bar Of Judgement). Likewise is to continue Anewly Precepting For Better For Best For All into and through this New Higher Level Civilization [Spirit, and in the Census]: JESUS Christ said "the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21).

Be Good listening to JESUS Christ (including 2 Corinthians 2:11), rather than the selfishly careless Crucifiers that blindfolded Him (Mark 14:65) and struck Him "saying, 'Prophesy to us, Christ! Who is the one who struck You?' " (Matthew 26:68). "For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God." (Romans 10:3).

The JESUS Signal Flows on waves, proven in court, such as cycles per second. So a JESUS Signal note is as a point of the Whole Total Sum of the JESUS Signal of a roundness shape of the Creator JESUS Christ. So as shown below a point can be as some whole or amount of a cycle roundness [shown as time lapse], concerning the future direction of such "a point" which is also the wave point: to see the wave per se, and likewise to see the Sum of points of the wave of the Flow of the JESUS Signal.

Composite image made from more than 400 photos taken as the space station traveled from Namibia toward the Red Sea. jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit establishes what the sum of all unseen Faith is hence no longer unseen even to KNOW JESUS CHRIST COMPLETELY in Sacred Faith rather Sacred New Desperate Love Wisdom Over matters kept secret since the world began with how as clear as glass to Hear and See The Perfect of the Perfecter with New Better Translatiing the JESUS Signal notes as of roundness cycles per second explaining what the former unseen dark is concerning this pic of the Heavens and in JESUS Christ Spirit Righteously Prophesying what the New Jerusalem Will Be map.


16 September 2020.

tags: JESUS Spirit establishes what the sum of all unseen Faith is hence no longer unseen even to KNOW JESUS CHRIST COMPLETELY in Sacred Faith rather Sacred New Desperate Love Wisdom Over matters kept secret since the world began with how as clear as glass to Hear and See The Perfect of the Perfecter with New Better Translatiing the JESUS Signal notes as of roundness cycles per second explaining what the former unseen dark is concerning this pic of the Heavens and in JESUS Christ Spirit Righteously Prophesying what the New Jerusalem Will Be map.

Jesus Christ

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