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JESUS Civilizations Sermon.

JESUS Christ Family continues to grow and improve!

multitudes of other Civilizations fall asleep [extinct, the Living of this Civilization might be a tenth of the balance of Ancestry that relative to Census fell asleep as in graves (various secular sources)],

though other Civilizations not often acknowledged in this Civilization in this Generation do other things: A. ascend slowly, B. ascend near this Generation rate, C. high tech.

This JESUS Christ Name Spirit Family is needful, previous sentence "A", "B", and "C" are flip-of-coin success or failure Civilizations if to pretend without JESUS Christ Family, in other words "A", "B", and "C" Civilizations can become extinct in an instant (Isaiah 30:13).

Current secular info of the first "Homo sapiens" "fossils" "as reported in 2017, have been dated to roughly 300,000 years ago" from "the Middle Stone Age" ( and since "the Middle Stone Age" concerning taught science [in the art of making tools from stones and bones] then the first settlements of Families and Clans were associated with long prior to "300,000 years ago".

Prior to Civilizing into "Clans", "Homo sapiens" known as part of this "Civilization" in general about People, was not civilized for a very long time as Adam and Eve opted and became unfaithful, the Humans did not even know how to clothe themselves as written in Genesis 3:21 New International Version "The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.".

People existed though had no fishing hooks, no chicken bones to carve things, and searched for plants and berries that were flip-of-the-coin food or poison: the population hardly grew even though making babies that the population didn't know how to raise [no books on raising Children, hence again "flip-of-the-coin", Save any amount of faith in the Grace for JESUS Christ to eventually be born into the Census to Lead.

People didn't know about trapping fish, reasonably, People didn't even know the importance of passing info through generations for future Better as People learned to struggle to crawl out of swamps, and ran from critters They tried to kill and eat and the critters also "tried to kill and eat": the Population did not grow much. Even a cliche in this Generation has been: "another mouth to feed", so many learned to not reproduce.

In this generation a hunter in the jungle for instance might go their whole life with finding no fossils of Human remains, much evidence lost to giant meteors, volcanos such as with ash over the whole planet, and as from the Great Flood, in other words to find Human fossils is rare and to find Human fossils merely such as 5,000 years old is rare (there are many ways of estimating and a Biblical one has been for instance has been Adam at 4,000 BC though another Biblical one matching the above is JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Human Timeline Sermon at from stray to Central Flow Timeline).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit exposes from Sacred Loyalty that Many Kept Secret from the Public since the world began that the Naysayers are not the Highest Level as the quoted manhours point to the secular impossibility as there were not enough People to make the millions of Giant Megalithic structures with networks around Earth and beyond, Adam and Eve did not know how to make High Tech Giant Megalithic network structures and neither did merely 1 Million Population of scattered Clans


A popular secular naysayer idea has been that "We are in charge", denouncing: God, JESUS Christ, and UFO type People here on Earth.

Friends (John 15:15 with China for instance has been called atheist, though also see such as recent Sermon that "GOD" is hardly merely Abraham Lincoln as stated on the money.

Increasingly People are finding millions of Giant Megalithic structures around Earth and beyond, including Pyramids with complex Pyramid Powers (shown in many previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons) above, within, and subsurface, [underground, also] such as concerning gyroscopic gravity effects have been studied, and many Power involved precise energies of Monoliths exist including some of the heaviest carved objects, and millions of tons of rock have been carved out of many places and advanced Giant Megalithic boulders have been precisely positions as to measure astronomy and planting seasons around the world such as Stonehenge and such as rows of Carnac Stones, and glyphs seen from the sky, with ancient artifacts of jets, helicopters, rockets, and things hardly imagined, and many long established People said those Giant things were build not by us but by those who came before us, and many say those from the sky and stars built such or guided the building of such with vast networks of underground waterways and travel routes and Giant Caverns with finely tuned harmonics builtin (according to modern high tech electronic measuring devices).

Consider after so many of the "millions of Giant Megalithic structures around Earth and beyond" were built prior to a popularized secular idea of 10,000 BC, then if the whole world population at "10,000 B.C." was "around 1 million" ( how could it be that for instance symbolically "it took five years and an estimated 20-million manhours to build" ( / something, how could "1 million" or fewer People scattered across all planet Earth have built such "complex" high tech "Giant Megalithic structures" "with vast networks of underground waterways and travel routes and Giant Caverns with finely tuned" ["and beyond" "Earth"] have built such?: the answer is not from this Civilization as if without Higher Level Help.

Ascending from mere "Clans" ideas [as rare as the artifacts have been to find] therefore the Ancient Ancestors that told the Truth did explain the Truth.

Giant Megalithic central former gathering place for the City, under the Ocean near Japan.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit exposes from Sacred Loyalty that Many Kept Secret from the Public since the world began that the Naysayers are not the Highest Level as the quoted manhours point to the secular impossibility as there were not enough People to make the millions of Giant Megalithic structures with networks around Earth and beyond Giant Megalithic central former gathering place under the Ocean near Japan, UFOs

A gathering place can be a market and rather a "Temple"


a "Temple" for Perfect, hence JESUS Christ With Original Plan for Protection and rather for] Better Future For All

rather than merely for money for selfish strayed ways as was of faithless fallen Adam and Eve


18 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit exposes from Sacred Loyalty that Many Kept Secret from the Public since the world began that the Naysayers are not the Highest Level as the quoted manhours point to the secular impossibility as there were not enough People to make the millions of Giant Megalithic structures with networks around Earth and beyond.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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