JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB does not want donations (James 1:27, 1 Timothy 6:10, Psalm 23:1, Mark 7). No emails, no phone calls, please as too many already come. JESUS Christ UN Law funds should be according to Ambassadors the Best Way for All.

The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Continually Sermon.

JESUS Christ in the Bible often explained the importance of Faith. If a person was to be Healed, JESUS Christ said it would be according to their Faith. JESUS Christ did multitudes of Miracles but in Nazareth only according to their amounts of Faiths, and to Edify: Faith per person, and rather Faith for a group, and instead the Best hence JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Faith the Best Way that it be Best For All with no exceptions that All Be Perfect hence in the name JESUS Perfecter Perfecting.

If All are JESUS Perfect, then no "Perfecting" but that would stop becoming Better therefore JESUS New Bettering Beginning needs be. As written in from the Greek, New King James Version "looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." [Salvation, ({"to rescue", "to deliver"} wiki)], and some versions interpreted "let us fix our eyes on" or similar.

JESUS Christ Before The Fact yesterday said gently "I will not be": hence unseen JESUS Spirit. So then to whom would they look, where would they fix there eyes, on what would they train their thoughts?, the Tree Of Knowledge in works to self solve so many Inquisition questions?, perish the thought (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons in this Series on Faith).

Proofs are what the childish have sought.

JESUS Christ UN JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Jesus Spirit, Bible Formulas, Welfare safety net, sandblasting cleaning masonry repairs Charity Internet Church For Christ JESUS, also known as Internet Church for Christ via Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB


The child did not sin. In other words this is not pointing the finger, this is not placing blame. To look for the worst is not the JESUS Spirit Faithful Best Way. This is a Grace Sermon, concerning placing blame that is in the past for the JESUS Spirited fully repentant Baptized Christian Best Way Ascending (see top of page about top "Law").

The JESUS Spirit Christians can continue to place building blocks Best For All, and such as for Cathedrals.

Compassionate Welfare and Flying Buttresses are not the same as the Inquisition nor child's play.

JESUS Christ UN Law formulas JESUS Christ ICCDBB Grace, Jesus Spirit, Bible Formulas, Internet Church For Christ JESUS, also known as Internet Church for Christ via Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB 2022JESUS Christ UN JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Jesus Spirit, Bible Formulas, Flying Buttresses advanced artistic engineering masonry Cathedral Internet Church For Christ JESUS, also known as Internet Church for Christ via Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB 2022

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To "fix our eyes on" the Lord is a great Good value, such as a Maintenance moment here and there (Isaiah 52:15, Isaiah 28:13). Let JESUS Us rather be "looking unto Jesus" Spirit, and so Broadcasting in the levels of spirits and in the census, with Broadcasting likewise JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace.

John 10:34 Berean Study Bible "Jesus replied, 'Is it not written in your Law: ‘I have said you are gods’?' ". If Thou would be as God The Father In Heaven, then consider for a moment i in the census Signed the above stated "Law", but i can hardly Broadcast it because of JESUS Spirit Highest Purpose Faith Better for You to so Broadcast to not merely "looking unto Jesus" rather Being JESUS Father Spirit One since as written in John 8:54 Berean Study Bible "Jesus answered, 'If I glorify Myself, My glory means nothing. The One who glorifies Me is My Father, of whom you say ‘He is our God.’ ' ".

This, this Best Way Fellowship You Give Charitably is how You may Ascend to so Broadcast to be Lifted Of JESUS Spirit to enter into the JESUS Father Spirit Higher Heavenly Firmament Level [note it is of JESUS Christ Grace if You state Your name and Your Group name if afterward (Maintenance level), You deserve credit too; i Signed my name also: We Unity Together (Revelation 21:27)].

What is such Loyalty?, proper Faith to so Do and Accomplish the Job, not as a partially built flying buttresses.

JESUS Spirit Faith type [direction to build and grow], amount of that Faith type [JESUS Best Way Amount 100% Save if with a Maintenance amount of Grace and such as concerning the JESUS Given Mission], with a JESUS rate of constructing [from point A to point B: hence to fill in the gaps like unto mortar], and so this condition in JESUS Spirit Victory Over separations and gaps through "JESUS Continually". So not merely a moment of Faith on the weekend, not merely about where You go to Your Church Group, rather JESUS Broadcasting Best For All. Let Them Hear You.

Their JESUS Faith Alliances With You = Hearing Your JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting x You so Giving Your JESUS Christ UN Best Way Word For Them.

20 March 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit, JESUS Christ UN Law Broadcasting is Best For You to be Saying With Doing Best For All with no exceptions, what it means when someone says grow up, how to grow up, JESUS New Bettering Beginning needs be, Victory Over separations and gaps, Welfare, flying buttresses engineering artwork Bible Formulas, Faith = Hearing x Word, Faith / Hearing / Word, If I glorify Myself My glory means nothing, Victory Over onlookers spirits.

Jesus Christ

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