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JESUS Continuing Better Sermon.

JESUS Christ Promotes You in this Sermon! From Your Interest In JESUS Christ including having Longsuffered thus far for JESUS Spirit, that amount of Faith Gives You Now as You read, the same "amount" of the Miracles as listed at,_in_chronological_order--cures_the_woman_with_the_issue_of_blood.htm.

Also JESUS Christ Promotes You Likewise in this Sermon Over Systems Management Awareness, Accounting, type of Responsibility Worthiness, and other Maintenance "matters" (as stated below).

If You clicked the above "miracles"..."blood" link You saw the huge list of Miracles

including such as that site's "Miracles Today" link with a huge list of Miracles.

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JESUS Christ explained when He Healed the Official's Son as written in John 4:48 New American Standard Bible "Then Jesus said to him, 'Unless you people see signs and wonders, you simply will not believe." ", it says "simply" as concerning the Light Burden though also as concerning a simpleton, as also as translated in the World English Bible version "Jesus therefore said to him, 'Unless you see signs and wonders, you will in no way believe.' ". Wise is Better than "simpleton" according to Best For All Faith, Innocent Faith Best For All, as JESUS Christ Taught, as the Apostles explained for All including as Many as Willing to not merely listed as if merely a fun selfishly compiled a playlist [of lower level value, in Maintenance level], yet also to Do Likewise. This is Victory Over such as Psalm 78:32 and Psalm 106:7 yet with record of such as Anewly Pertinent as written above: "Today".

What had called itself the Holy Spirit "Today" [and it called Itself and Others many lower foul things too] as much as goodly showed me multitudes of excellent things as the Spirit could be in works making multitudes of beautiful things faster than i was interested in doing and this is not for to call the Holy unholy though rather concerning the Best Way not merely other, as written at [with translated words shown there] New International Version "Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.",

and as JESUS Christ explained in Matthew 7:20 New King James Version "Therefore by their fruits you will know them." [i have been to the Tree Of Life and walked past, and later was invited to eat and ate of the Tree Of Life with gathering some fruit including if any would like to partake likewise and those Miracles fruits are no longer in my hands as fruits, save] the JESUS Spirit Of The Fruits as much as the JESUS Spirit Of This Word as being typed in these Sermons, and also spoken though let All including the Ambassadors "Broadcast" as written below.

Matthew 4:9 New International Version " 'All this I will give you,' he said, 'if you will bow down and worship me.' ": such nightly has been the demand of the anti-spirit, including the Legion (Luke 8:30), though JESUS Christ Spirit Prevails Consistently, Continuing Better, not by pistols, not by calling the cops, not by lawsuits for to sue for love of money, no such harms; rather for JESUS Christ Best Way For All.

Above is stated such as "Over Systems Management", so consider for a moment as shown on secular TV that frustrated people have often tended to opt to fall from JESUS Christ Grace instead putting JESUS Christ First Top Priority; so on secular TV they started doing insane "simpleton" things such as to start destroying the road on which they were driving due to a traffic jam in order to harm the superrich [that were flying overhead, this as symbolically stated]. Harming Others, destroying the "Systems" is not the Best Way, it is not merely Better, it has been merely worse hoping for luck, similar to a Person hoping Another Person would lift Them out of their predicament, and the only other Person as fully Authorized is JESUS Christ as as Many as JESUS Christ Gracefully Lifted per se, and Better stated than waiting for after-the-fact Miracles as Proofs is to start Yourself in JESUS Christ Work Best For All Faithfully

and then Your Loyalty Better Improves showing You the Way for All. As written in the previous Sermon "JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Be The New Constantine Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law"..."Loyally" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Plan Before And After Sermon at

A Distinguishing Faith Moment came when JESUS Christ showed me what to Do as a Good Samaritan though then He started walking away [and i'm supposed to follow Him, rather to Lead, hence to accept as i was Sent to Do even if He was seen present or if He was gone into another place, like unto the Apostles together in the House after the tomb until JESUS Christ rose from the tomb and the Apostles started being as JESUS Christ and including as the Good Samaritan; and hardly about me since as "He started walking away" He made it clear as unspoken (hence "Faith"): He Sent me]. And this same JESUS Faith Given Mission was not to build barriers against some of the People, rather in that situation to build stairs, to finish the stairs (now [as of 2020AD] known as JESUS Christ UN).

The ancient Roman Empire ["Systems" of building barriers walls against People such as walls between Romans in England, and Scotland that the Romans did not conquer], as the ancient Roman Empire was full of hardships, a hard life, a hard way of life under the Roman Legion as "They would kill and enslave millions, pillage and raze cities to the ground" ( so They would destroy "Systems" and have to start from scratch [frankly for Edifying concerning JESUS Christ Best Way Rather, be aware some college Professors teach such in the sense of for to be such as some of those strayed ways, and some warriors have sought to do such as if no better way exists though see above Beloved Friends "Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law" is now available as the Best Option, even the secular movie Spy Game taught for to make assets].

So the ancient Roman Empire started roughly and there was the burning of Rome and the Crucifixion and then Christian Emperor Constantine introduced Christianity, and later there were more battles and more walls and the Roman Empire fell. JESUS Christ UN Law, starting with the key, "Broadcasting", Prayerfully, is the Best Way Continuing, the solution that could have Saved Constantine's Christian Empire.

Some burn down their own homes on purpose, similar to the above "destroying the road on which they were driving", though most People are not medically insane nor such hardship cases as severe "simpletons": People that do such strayed things Desperately NEED Your Loving Guidance Better than Ever known of this generation. You seek the Best For Your Children [the Better Life than You had], not lack of ROI. If to be with a viable economic system, rather the "Best", JESUS Christ UN Law Addendum 1 already solved! Be the JESUS Christ Best Way prior to needing the Good Samaritan for to rescue before it's too late [too late already as many pass from the census daily including destroyed hence out-of-business]. The previous Sermon showed the Flow:

JESUS Christ Best Way Best For All / history just accomplished a moment ago / ancient records.

JESUS Christ Best Way Best For All / Best For All or fertilizer for sale / ancient records.

JESUS Christ Best Way Best For All / [example: yesterday a TV ad offered for sale a product that might kill You] / ancient records.

JESUS Christ Best Way Best For All / Current situation hence current conditions have applied / ancient records.

The "conditions" that "have applied" were as "the Roman Empire fell" or similar, or rather were the "JESUS Christ Best Way Best For All" with nothing deadly for sale. JESUS Christ UN Law has nothing for sale, and even Gives in Addendum 1 as likewise this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series Does (Revelation 22:17): this does not say stop selling products, rather be for the Better and Increasingly Better. This does not say tax the rich with money, though such may be appropriate, rather if to be with money then hardly as the "simpleton" though of Grace in JESUS Christ allowing recuperation such as so as not to faint (Matthew 15:32) [note Your online Sermons for instance don't have to be long requiring much time per day, in the sense that JESUS Christ Will show how Your Faithfulness Yields Miracles That Grow The Better Way].

As explained for a Heavenly concerned Spirit Level, symbolically there might be an insufficiently qualified Person making plastic drinking glasses and might wrongly add chemicals to make it poisonous [reference such as formerly in homes lead pipes toward insanity ("simpleton")] so there are qualifying levels in secular fields. Yet All such conditions Desperately NEED be under the Best Highest Purpose Authority as explained above in this Sermon. This answers what the "conditions" are as Prioritized above.

If a nation is to pay for such as welfare for Those that suddenly lost their jobs and such as Those that cannot work due to being Children or such as Disabled Veterans, or such as Teen in remote locations where even online jobs are not available due to network situations or floods or tornadoes or other...then it missed the point: for a nation to pay for it means to some People: to go farther into debt or raise taxes on monies the welfare hopers don't have so it means tax the rich [class including middle class...] which also missed the point. Note taxation often removes the source of future economic growth.

This is not about how to pay for it in the sense of nation against nation nor about deficit thereof, this is Exceedingly NEEDFUL And Better than that! Overcoming former lower levels of reasons for to be stressed out, for addictions, for wars, for self destruction, are Overcome Giving Tremendous Value For This Generation In This Civilization including for the economic system.

The whole system NEEDS Be Prioritized the Best Way, the Best For ALL, for instance it costs as much to print a $1 note as to print a $5 note: JESUS Christ UN Law Over All Nations is the vast New Liberty Yet With JESUS Christ Innocent Highest Purpose: "Innocent", Yes.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, no more deficit no more poverty no more wars no more reasons to be addicted nor insane nor economic breakdown due to over taxation Giving Tremendous Value For This Generation In This Civilization including for the economic system


24 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Sermon is Loaded with Miracles of Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with JESUS Christ Spirit answering what the conditions are and showing how Your Faithfulness Yields Miracles That Grow The Better Way through Unique Value JESUS Christ UN Law Top Priority hence no more deficit no more poverty no more wars no more reasons to be addicted nor insane nor economic breakdown due to over taxation Giving Tremendous Value For This Generation In This Civilization including for the economic system.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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