JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB does not want donations (James 1:27, 1 Timothy 6:10, Psalm 23:1, Mark 7). No emails, no phone calls, please as too many already come. JESUS Christ UN Law funds should be according to Ambassadors the Best Way for All.

The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Spirit Control Sermon.

JESUS Christ UN recognizes the Higher Grace, though also the Law, the Maintenance, hence the JESUS Christ Maintenance of the Law, hence the JESUS Christ Maintenance Over the Law, as any law should be: Best For All, hence as any idea should be Best For All though in the non-enslaving way, in the non-harming way, in the big list of not against the new as much as better.

Hence JESUS Christ UN Law recognizes Higher Grace to comply with the Law to not harm others nor their ideas therefore as much as agreeing with the Law [as much as the Law is legal, as much as founded on the innocent]. And this JESUS Christ UN Law is this Grace recognizing the legal record and more importantly the Righteously innocent as much as so saying and doing Better For All, toward Best For All as [in part as] written in Revelation 3:14 "To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Originator of God’s creation.".

So this Best For All in the known name of the "innocent" is Victory: Ascending upward (see previous Sermons in this Series and in the Bible on the symbolism of up, upward, above, and similar) from Law concerning after-the-fact records of Miracles as witnessed, to the Faith to make such Miracles hence the Originator of JESUS One Creating. So JESUS One Faith is above and Over the created. So "Over" in the above sense is JESUS One Ascending Victory Over Yet With Record Of The Law [over the Maintenance of the Miracles] and so JESUS One Victory Over the word "Over" in the finished sense.

"Over" in the finished sense is End Time of the completed Miracles as much as had been useful, for Us as many as Us, though valuable for if any not yet so Ascended, hence with the record of the Law [including ignorance not allowed if the Law is properly Broadcast: Best For All] is the record of the Grace.

If to require by law to Broadcast Grace [more than already recognized, then toward the undoing of Grace as making Grace Law therefore no longer Purely Grace. As stated "Christianity agrees for good [as much as goodly faith amounts] with the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle" (previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series in the JESUS Christ Is Why Sermon).

Kant and Heisenberg made [ideas] points of some amount of values though secular back then as now the JESUS Christ UN Law already exists for the Best For All. So while they helped somewhat, people and Holy Spirit lacking or pretending to be lacking had been talking about themselves and such is alright for Maintenance level, under Grace. So there has been secular Maintenance Level Law, and there have been Maintenance Level ideas not necessarily Best For All and not necessarily relegated to precise formulas, calculations, and standardized methodologies generally revered as being consistently accurate [it cannot be Save through JESUS Christ then such can be], and we like "consistently accurate" reliability, quality, speed, and comfort though "comfort" does not endure "Save through JESUS Christ" (as told in the secular: reference the glorious power of Atlantis for instance [the strayed into the depths of the sea {see context as}]).

Not "Pure Reason" though a secular idea of a faith type value amount of ancillary level grace is symbolized here.

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations; Kant, Heisenberg, Relativity


The innocent adult is JESUS Christ, so "Reason" if to be "Pure" is [like unto an obedient Child] through JESUS Christ, in the secular similar to Marriage and then seed giving it's own life (see above Victory "Over" "the finished sense" of "End Time") and the New Beginning comes in Peace Agreeing With the egg, then through New Miracle Birth. This "Peace" is a matter of Faith, yet not merely about making babies, and rather the Loyal Best For All Faith toward the Better Generation Best For All. So from the "Better Generation" is the Ascending Preceptingly the Birth Of Better: Innocent JESUS Christ in the census, having the Heavenly Father Agreed with the census Father Abraham [like unto Adam and Eve when not yet strayed].

Did Kant have to say Adam?, no. Saying Adam was not required by former laws other than such as Oath Of Office swearing in on the Christian Bible [hence including "Adam"]. Though Kant [like unto so many] had the Grace opportunity to mention the "innocent adult". In other words, to point fingers is hardly the Best For All save as much is the Giving Of Victory through Helping Others such as to say "Don't step there" [point a finger at a person for them to reconsider and change their ideas and strayed ways, such as] "because a car is coming, don't step into the street" [Edifying Better for the person about to step into the street, Better for the car driver, even Better than the Golden Rule since Before The Fact (

So to be innocent, not a victim on the side of a road, is not good enough, not "Pure" enough. The court only goes as high as "innocent" other than such as swearing in on the Christian Bible but until JESUS Christ UN the court was separated from it's own "swearing". The "Monkey Trial" was proven as telling merely part of the whole truth, similar to a formula that does not mention the Whole Flow and so has been so often found out of context so not pertinent ("Monkey Trial" For instance the Relativity formula does not cover the extreme measures such as [reference specifics in Affiliated 4th Testament of JESUS Christ GodMath (see below "Main Page" Definitions)] with quantum math, some ideas concerning multiverses, and with the Faith on which secular Law has been in works for to comply [Success: JESUS Christ UN].

What does mean and who is in control?, as written "Then Jesus said to them, 'This very night you will all fall away on account of Me. For it is written: ‘I will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.' ' ". To answer the question for instance who is "offended" as formerly interpreted in the King James Version that "all" would opt to stray to "fall away"?, as stated above all who prefer to "like 'consistently accurate' reliability, quality, speed, and comfort though" such "comfort" "does not endure" Save Ascending Through [With] JESUS Christ Best For All Best Way In Highest Purpose ("Through" with "In": see above concerning "One" such as one group though as stated above).

So for JESUS One to Loyally Ascend is to find the Better Comfort, the Best Way Ascending Path, even if in the secular levels and rather Better in Grace for Your Group and rather For All such as per se that Your Group Benefit from All rather than partial Blessings and rather than partial Gifts. If You do not opt to control You mind and Your Group mind, then as written in Matthew 21:43 Berean Study "Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.".

Who will take it is not the point (as stated above "to point fingers is hardly the Best"), even so Edifyingly any over Your Group such as the Law and as many as Your Group considers competitors, have already taken those amounts so they can hardly take what they already have. Give Good to All and All Will Be Responsible to Give Good to and for the Best For You but hardly according to Law as stated above "innocent" "is not good enough".

Above is stated "the Best Way Ascending Path, even if in the secular levels", and for instance i post this through Spectrum [so bias may apply], and Spectrum advertising said "Support those that support us all", so this agrees with the secular levels of the JESUS Christ UN Best Way Path. And the Grace levels in JESUS Christ UN explain Best for All, similar to support all: JESUS Christ UN Grace Best For All includes "support" and as much as Best For All (reference such as JESUS Christ UN Law Addendum 1 Before The Fact: see above New JESUS One Grace Victory Over "the Golden Rule" yet with this record): hence this "Victory" is Better than "good enough" has all too often been.

The previous "Better" applies. JESUS i (see above JESUS One though full repentance, Christian Baptism, Eucharist and more JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Ascending applies) do hardly want followers. Christian Followers of JESUS Christ has been The Way and it is of Tremendous Good Value, yet consider how difficult that made it on an Evangelist that is trying to Convert a national dictator. So "Better" is to rather call All to Lead as if each to be a Leader and true yet Better is One Leadership Agreeing In All Things Together.

Even a slave and even a person in a coma can Lead at least Spiritually and this is a great key [(see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on "JESUS Christ Exemplar") if able to not be about the flesh vessel Miracles and rather JESUS Christ Highest Purpose hence Highest Level Best Recognizing Applies (see above "Pure")]. Behold so many goodly things apply at such as "prosper in all things" and so for to "bless you abundantly, so that in all things" even Before The Fact "plain to you" that "you abound in faith"; even to be Blessed from the [lower level thread about] "the Sun of Righteousness" ( / Ephesians 4:15 / (see previous Sermon at on "Angels" traveling from "star to star").

The Best For All is the innocent that the top secular accusers agreed as being the "King" (John 18:37)(John 19:21 & 22).

JESUS The King Christ UN Law, JESUS Spirit Christ inviting All, ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Heaven in Heaven and Heaven on Earth and inside and through increasingly Enlightening


Follow me news Broadcasters is hardly about my Highest Hope, rather my Highest Hope is JESUS Christ Best For All, that all through JESUS Christ Be Pure hence Innocently Ascending the Best Way rather already Ascended for to Meet In The Sky in Unseen Faith hence as You Righteously Prophesy Now Anewly With me [humbly Giving this info] and the Miraculous Meeting In The Sky Will Come To Be. I do not ask You to buy an airplane, nor a rocket, for to Accomplish this [though You might opt, see ancient artworks] as JESUS Christ Gives without price.

These are not flying dragons, they merely appear that way.

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, kites, flying dragons


Note many have seen as though battles in the sky, perhaps similar or as kite strings tanglings in celebration attempts.

We, as JESUS Christ One Righteously Prophesies, Faith then Loyal Faith then Better, Will See Many Miracles We Performed.

4 March 2022AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Gives You: Creator Prophesying Ability Miracle "Better than the Golden Rule", JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas, Better than found innocent, lower levels, Kant Heisenberg Relativity to be innocent is not good enough.

Jesus Christ

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