JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Creator Sermon.

JESUS Christ did as was Hoped in Highest Good Hoping in the best of all that was as much as able to hope for better, even the spirits of hopes; and so the hoping types and amounts of faiths in JESUS Christ One and so in the name of JESUS Christ JESUS Christ Created.

In the beginning JESUS created the Heavens and the Earth.

It was not until spirits strayed that the New Creation began to need to understand it became no longer as hoped, the strayed spirits began to need JESUS again, as JESUS was missed, and because of the need the spirits began to realize the Good: JESUS.

For the perfect Good rather than the strayed, the spirits yearned for Good Leadership: JESUS.

So the spirits began to recognize JESUS as the Leader, even their Leader with a Title: JESUS the Christ: JESUS Christ!

And for the Recognition Uplifting, the JESUS Christ Of Love, known as the source of Love

Loved the source hence the Father Spirit Recognition as One.


And such became Recognized as Good. Like unto families having generations, the newborns in Heavenly Places And Levels began producing offspring in the original creating example of Exemplar JESUS Christ, though concerning the Gift of the talent to opt, the wonderings about what it's about if to stray happened in as many as strayed, until to Recognize likewise the JESUS Christ Loving Victory in each known as the Angels Of Heaven.

The Word Grew and Magnified in the Creative Mass: the Holy Spirit, known as such until the Birth Of JESUS Christ as told of the Righteous Angel For Good For Best For All, of JESUS Christ.

The JESUS Christ Creator of Heavens and the Earth and the Created as much as Good and the Creating JESUS Christ Accomplished And Is Accomplishing And Will Accomplish Righteously Prophesying As Much As Best For All, agrees with the Mass Members likewise accomplishing though according to their faith level amounts. To accomplish the falling is less value for the faller, though can be of values types and amounts and rates and situational conditions in records for others in situations, though not excuse to stray to fall.

Yet JESUS Christ Original Creating Plan is with Loving Caring Best For All Hoping Mercy as much as in JESUS Christ Original Creation Plan Parameters: the Straight And Narrow Parameter option with the Grace Margin Parameter option; but the farther strayed option under knowledge under Law and so under situations can apply.

The JESUS Word was planted in Each that would become Each, that Each may become to miss JESUS The Christ Child And So Be One Again In JESUS Christ Love In One Highest Purpose Together. It is Agreeing in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, and in Meeting in One Best For All Work, and it is Continuing as JESUS Good and Best that when We Meet including as Already Accomplished In JESUS Christ As Sent, then Together We Can Rejoice, and Many are so Rejoicing Already.

JESUS Creating Heaven.

JESUS Creator Sermon, JESUS Creating Heaven As Sent And Good Best, New In The Beginning, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations


JESUS Christ Best Way For All is for All JESUS Christ Way Ascendingly Agreeing Lovingly Righteously to be merry, and to be glad, it was needful, it is right for us to celebrate and to rejoice, it is meet that we should make merry, and be glad, it is fitting to celebrate and be glad, it is fitting to make merry and to rejoice, we should be glad and celebrate!, we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!, we had to celebrate and rejoice as there is nothing other we could do as it was and is and in JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesying Will Be Spontanaeous (

like unto hearing a joke to spontaneously instantly bust out laughing uncontrollably yet through JESUS Christ is the Good Faith Ascending Straight And Narrow Control Recommended Guideline Best Way For All, we should be glad and celebrate!, see older Sermon in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series at (How to be Happy at

To pretend as if without JESUS Christ and come together then hard works lose

fragments, crack, gap, separate, and crumble, that there be nowhere left to make a stand.

JESUS Creator Sermon, New Parents, New In The Beginning, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Moon colliding into Earth


JESUS Christ Family is One, and Best Way in JESUS Name Praying Agreeing, Meeting, Fitting Together As One, Magnifying, Growing, and Ascending to the pertinent level to become able to Host the fattened calf. From the JESUS Christ Loyal Faith Best For All, the Word can Best Become the "fattened calf" (Luke 15:27) though all the fat [and more] belongs to JESUS Christ One,

therefore of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Grace Best Way, lest to stray, avoid eating fat, Save if at least a JESUS Christ Priest, and even then to Maximize Faith [JESUS Loyalty Oneness] while Minimizing about the lower levels of Maintenance about the census such as eating fat of the calf and of the land so to speak, as written in Leviticus 3:16 New Living Translation "and the priest will burn them on the altar. It is a special gift of food, a pleasing aroma to the LORD. All the fat belongs to the LORD.".

Two are hardly one, Save the two [typically] miss Love, so Agree, Meet, Fit, and so Produce the symbol of such love, rather from JESUS Spirit Praying Loyally With So Functioning For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. The word "typically" can also apply toward straying into coercion, enslaving, and falling from JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Grace, and so if two strayed spirits, angels, people, creatures, or creations become toward oneness, though to mismatch, as to appear at first as if to match but later to realized such needs be undone and then done properly the Best Way through JESUS Christ, then to Better understand from JESUS Loving Spirit Heart more such as about any and all strayed types and ways, such as about a meteorite fitting into Earth, and rather JESUS Christ Perfect Way.

JESUS Spirit provides as shown below how two together become one spirit, and if JESUS Christ Agrees, if the they, the two have opted through JESUS Christ Spirit The Best For All Including Heavenly Places, then as symbolically manifested in the Miracle of Their Faith as shown below.

Like unto newborn baby JESUS, these two symbolize: New Parents.

JESUS Creator Sermon, New Parents, New In The Beginning, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations


Behold the innocent fat baby, and the new parents with an instinct as it has been called, toward sucking out the food fat with kissing, and instead the Law under the JESUS Christ Best Way Grace. Faith: Genesis 22:7 New King James Version "And Abraham said, “My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering.” So the two of them went together." Loyalty Work [hardly about hands]: Genesis 22:9 "Then they came to the place of which God had told him. And Abraham built an altar there and placed the wood in order; and he bound Isaac his son and laid him on the altar, upon the wood.": JESUS Christ does not have to prove to us, we have to prove to JESUS Christ if to Ascend (see above on "spontaneous" and "we had to celebrate and rejoice as there is nothing other we could do".

Many, perhaps Abraham, me in moments, others too, have strayed from JESUS Faith so failed to Best celebrate and rejoice for All, to celebrate and rejoice, is as to be with a social gathering event as to show great joy publicly Broadcasting. Many may have thought Abraham was upset to have to sacrifice his Son [a Son belonging to JESUS Christ, as much as Good]. Yet in any and All You and We Do is to be done in such JESUS Spirit Broadcasting Faith.

JESUS Spirit Righteously Joyously Prophesy of the JESUS Christ Creator Second Coming, the JESUS Father Agrees, the JESUS Son As Sent Agrees, the JESUS Spirit Agrees. This JESUS Spirit Best Way For All Joy is Victory Over how to be bold.

16 March 2020AD

tags: JESUS Creator Sermon, New In The Beginning, why the title Christ was created, answers why people fall, Accomplish Righteous Prophesying how 2 or more best become 1, how to be bold, from the good came the good as created as best hoped, JESUS Spirit Recognizing Good, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas, the Creative Mass Rejoice in JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting as there is nothing other we could do, specifications over uncontrolled and over creating and over Precepting and over fat and over partying, behaviors of spirits and about creative Angels, Abraham, Good was created once for all including JESUS Father Spirit One Victory Over separation but the wondering and works about separations caused many to stray.

Jesus Christ

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