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JESUS Cross To Carry Sermon.

JESUS Christ is Good Value For You, so hardly think about Your own burdens (doublemindedness) and rather consider JESUS Christ and His Victory Over The Cross once and for All (bettermindedness, Onemindedness, Perfectmindedness, Bestmindedness for All).

The previous Sermon in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series launched through JESUS Spirit the New Better Value of the JESUS Crucifixion in the JESUS UFO Visitors To Earth Revealed Sermon at Preceptingly fitting with previous in this Series concerning polarized types of energies fitting together in One JESUS Spirit Best Way in JESUS Christ Victory Over contradictions and competitions and Over conflicts.

To crucify is not the Best Way, JESUS Christ opting the crucifixion is New Eternal Victory including Baptism of JESUS Spirit Fire for the pertinent BC People while for the AD People Baptism rather of Immersion through water is a far less painful Way and rather JESUS Joyous Way: JESUS Crucifixion is Better Living, not about pain and death (doublemindedness): We no longer have to fear "pain" nor "death". JESUS marched to the cross of Better Living Exemplar For All.

What does this mean?: Abraham, Moses, and many Faithful Others Rose from Their Graves! The JESUS Crucifixion was similar to equal to Water Baptism, though exceedingly JESUS Christ Gave His Crucifixion Better Consequences, Best Value In JESUS Oneness.

So this hardly means You being brave, rather this is JESUS You Heaven: JESUS Victory Over The Cross is not merely from fire spirit to water fun, more importantly this is the New Heaven, this is from Holy Spirit to JESUS Spirit, from Best [at the time, rather] in that former lower levels situation [even though such as Abraham and Moses Faithfully Led] to Perfect Spirit; and this also likewise means: so far [the Best to date, the Best available currently such as measured as Preachers Lead Civilization].

JESUS Christ would not drink of the wine until Anewly in His Father's Heavenly Kingdom (Matthew 26:29), and since "Perfect Spirit" Now, even JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesying With The Second Coming, the precious: Fire and Water and Blood and Eucharist Wine All Agree In One Now, in JESUS Christ One. "Perfect Spirit" control is Now in Christian Leadership Over Fire Water Blood Wine and not as a mix of census things itemized, not as a sandwich including sand, rather Best With Best (JESUS Spirit Victory Over Accord of older Sermons hence Preceptingly Better, Sermon Over Sermon, Better Over former Best). So if for instance Abraham was not born back then and did not exist back then, but was Transfigured into the womb and born today, Abraham would need be repentant and Christian Baptized the same as the rest of Us.

The above info brings brings Us to the next JESUS Christ Higher Level Threshold, 1st Testament Moses brought the Law Ecclesiastes 9:2 Treasury of Scripture "All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the unclean; to him that sacrifices, and to him that sacrifices not: as is the good, so is the sinner; and he that swears, as he that fears an oath." yet JESUS Christ UN Law Accepting Higher Level Grace solved as JESUS Christ Taught And Did including JESUS Christ rather with 2nd Testament Hebrews 12:2 "Looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.".

So this is no longer merely about innocent or guilty. So the court system expired, as much as merely as if about nothing other than innocent or guilty.

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JESUS Christ Brought The Better Way of Fire Water Blood And Wine getting along together, Giving "along together" as One. A Child can drink water when very young though later learns Hot so stays away from fire, yet the more Mature cooks and drives the Church Bus With The Hot Engine. A Child learns about blood, and an Adult Christian learns about Eucharist Wine. So the ratings system is the JESUS Spirit New Courts Advisor(s) System Way, Better than merely the 1st Testament Way under Law. The ratings system is advanced grace since as shown above for instance Parental Guidance might shield a Child's eyes for a brief moment, or such as Parent Together With Child leave the video.

Guilty or Innocent, is merely two options. Fire water blood and wine are four options. Shown above for instance are 6 options. Yet these are all One in "Parental" and rather in JESUS Christ Ascendingly. So Ascending in the JESUS Christ Straight And Narrow Path Blossoms like unto bunches of grapes. Government and science and many other systems have many options such as to walk or dig down or to ride up and down on an elevator, but secular separation removed many options, importantly the Best Way to Prioritize 100% Vested In JESUS Christ.

So this JESUS Spirit Key is about not tempting lest too much power be given to the unworthy, the unaware of the meaning of "Hot" for instance: a lava flow for instance is not a cooling refreshing water slide even though the lava is cooler than the magma.

So this JESUS Ascending Spirit is not freedom, it is Liberty according to Worthiness. This is hardly about any safety warning, and rather about JESUS Spirit Best Way Guiding not merely the above stated "wicked" Precept On Precept, tiny increment on tiny increment, yet for the More Worthy Guiding Through Leaps And Bounds And Rather In JESUS Christ Soaring as a rocket and rather Transfiguration.

So for instance a naysayer selfish vessel such as a Person or a Government might see the above ratings system and wrongly imagine I or We have no need of JESUS since I or We are such that invented the ratings system in the first place, but in cliche "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" (Ecclesiastes 7:7, 1 Corinthians 15:33): merely JESUS Christ The Original Eternal Good Continues Best [and He didn't have to be told that in order to be Good]. 1 Timothy 4:6 "If you put the brothers in remembrance of these things, you shall be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto you have attained.".

Law has it's [JESUS Christ UN Advisory] place typically in the Child and in the less Ascended as discussed above, therefore if You are as the previous verse, "good", then to no longer be as the "wicked" so no longer about the "wicked" so no longer to judge the "wicked" at all. JESUS Lifts The Worthy. JESUS Living concerns the Good, the Best, and Lifting the Best Anewly; from Immersion to Christian, from tomb to Rising Flowing, from Birth to Second Coming Ascending Together In The Rapture.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Ascending Power, analog, graph, ratings system


The above left graph explains ratings such as descending from the left into the marginal drinking wine tolerance amount, then lower is the drunk amount, and then lower is the addiction amount.

Above right a newborn starts innocently, then in the world the enduring process obeying [associated with secular Law] is about considering options, and then the wavering and strayings up but down again, as noise, and at frequency 2.5 [not numbered] there is a repentance but not Baptism, then back to the noisy secular works of hands, until as shown about frequency "10" is full repentance and going to Church and Usher and Priest levels and the hardships with learning to Ascend Your Mass, until [perhaps Your Own Home Church typing] Better realizing it is the JESUS Mass and so the real Ascending With Current Flowing In Greater Frequency.

Above right JESUS Spirit You One Serving Good Host upper right as shown is with far more Power, in cliche "by leaps and bounds", rather of soaring rocket power. Power, this means if to Ascend with others "Together In The Rapture" as stated above, then to be with Others of Tremendous Creator Level Powers! Watch out! Be Aware!: Be Worthy to handle it All. "Take me with you" is not necessarily an option [similarly do not steal], thank Goodness as JESUS said as written in John 13:33 "Little children, yet a little while I am with you. You shall seek me: and as I said to the Jews, Where I go, you cannot come; so now I say to you.", for Your sake, Best For All.

18 May 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Lifts this Civilization from guilt or innocence, into Sacred Faith Over former system matters as rockets with Massive tremendous powers Together, Canadian Video Rating System Exempt, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas Systems Correlation Best For All.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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