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JESUS Darkness Sermon.

JESUS is Light, the Light Of Enlightenment, so how then = JESUS Christ concerning "Darkness"?: JESUS Christ the Original Designer as Sent for Hoped Good, and the Better Way, for Best For All, as written at the start of the Christian Bible created everything, not merely such as "Darkness" yet also many created Higher Level things unseen of the secular worldly level that self opted to merely count as if nothing but separated, hence of separation effectually of Church or state;

actually JESUS Christ created in Genesis the light and dark with the Firmament Level, also as written in Exodus a pillar cloud of white in night and dark in day led the Chosen People, and as written not about merely separation, rather for Peace "So it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel. Thus it was a cloud and darkness to the one, and it gave light by night to the other, so that the one did not come near the other all that night." ([and the Biblehub webpage covers "darkness, misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness" and "twist, night, adversity"] New King James Version).

So like unto carrying tools for the job such as sandals, garments, a rod, and Bible Testaments, a Mission as Sent may be with something special, such as an umbrella, and a fishing net. Likewise in JESUS Christ Spirit to prepare for to carry another type of tool, such as pertinent "Darkness" associated with coolness, may also be a Blessing if not to stray (ibid.). Many have fled as hirelings at the first indication there is excuse to flee such as the first drop of rain hitting a worker (Helaman 5:28): though there can be forthright exception for instance at the end of the workday a single drop of rain hit the specific area of interest at a nuclear power plant and that job that day went incomplete including the special works leading to it [the Sun is nuclear power and more than such power plants].

Like unto a rocket, if to shoot a ping pong ball at a house then hardly to stay in intact and would melt prior to such as breaking through a window. Though if to shoot a cold "Darkness" when the Sun energies are already pulling as through an open door with a gust of a cold tornado, then a drone has a better opportunity. A solar flare is bright though spreading out heat, so less heat [often (see JESUS Christ Victory Over "opportunity" in the text below)] (reference "heat sink" and dissipated energies techniques).

This Giant sunspot is "AR 2192"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains Sacred Faith Over Solar matters kept secret since this Civilization began with Anewly the Darkness tool of Unified Physics Peace for entering through the surface of the Sun Halo Golden Cube inviting Spirits energies douse the fire controlled burn filled with laughter for All to Be Higher Levels Controlling Planning Over window of opportunity Parker Probe magnetic storms in the NASA news HAARP Power Controlled Value space envelope and Eucharist Worthiness Anewly Through Door With New Tool Victory Over the Sun's radioactive nuclear power, radiation, Giant Sun Spots, Giant Solar Flares, Giant Black Holes, melting, heat sink, darkness, misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness, confusions, twists, night, adversities, and dizziness


Some sunspots are "many times larger that Earth" (, the large cool sunspot shown above is the size of Jupiter (NASA) and has often erupted and so as a Door with details (John 10:9), rather than chance in secular cliche "a window of opportunity" (John 10:1). So Become Prepared, Become Honest And Righteous As JESUS Christ Is And So Worthy for Journey and Straight Through Him the "Door".

The Parker Probe went into the the Sun's corona months ago and concerning the Sun's surface "The space agency hopes to get Parker as close as 4 million miles by 2025" ( "Don't worry, the chances of hitting a flare are low" ( does not mean the article is wrong, as the article establishes a landmark in history of the progress so far, as entry into the Sun was not planned per se in the new future: "by 2025"; yet JESUS Christ Spirit Plans and is Preparing already (see above and recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons).

People see lights and shadows on walls sometimes and continue about more important concerns: good normally. Yesterday JESUS Christ Gave a sign pertinent [enough to convince me] so a note was made and of JESUS Spirit Flowing more pertinent notes were made. The sign indicated Ascendingly as JESUS Christ said [for the Better, for the bigger fish, the bigger Better Value] Luke 5:4 New American Standard Bible "Now when He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, 'Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.' ". On the ceiling were long control lines and a net [at the top, upward, peak of the ceiling], like unto a kite with control lines (see above text and reference previous Sermon on safety lines so as not to remain in wicked "dizzy" miseries).

Consider how the Creator planned ahead, so as part of the Sun is harsh, [other is mild as on a pleasant day, and] some flares [push against while others] helpfully pull the drone, so to feed the Sun to scorch [Us and rather] His drone more, yet rather to opt to feed the pertinent coolingly soothingly comfortingly invitingly mild energy forces even into one force, overshadowingly with the Sun in a whirlpool vortex cooler within than the external.

So this is to assist the energies already so doing [for Our Heavenly star travel interests including Agreeingly Building the JESUS Christ Golden Cube]. So in JESUS Spirit with Prepared Worthiness some amount of complexity applies like unto as written (though Loyally In JESUS Christ as stated above) in Ezekiel 31:3 New American Standard Bible "Behold, Assyria was a cedar in Lebanon With beautiful branches and forest shade, And very high, And its top was among the clouds." like unto now some Scientists make it rain with clouds formed (see previous in this Series on HAARP): the solar flares are already storms! Note this sign also pleased in JESUS Ascending Comfort, for to be aware whether on the right track; for instance Many asked in cliche such as "Please give me a sign", and while of a level of value JESUS Christ already provides.

Now concerning the JESUS Christ Worthy One(s) rather than merely about unmanned drones: They were filled with fire (3 Nephi 19:13), and from the "sign" the Flow continued, that as We had been Given Blessings, likewise applies as We travel [such as JESUS Christ Helped People in His travels, and such as Healings from the apron of Apostle Paul, with "apron" like unto unmanned drone, and like unto the rocket vessel].

So as this JESUS Christ Spirit Help Way, to and for the pertinent Sun energies [the inviting energies] is imparting and Giving the pertinent blessings [a level applies under the Human Dominion Firmament Level, that is, the Blessings pour forth though the pertinent energies hardly know how to accept, also We control like unto how a rocket is controlled]. So this is far greater energy than the previous space envelope in recent Sermons.

So with Praying Before The Fact Now, for preparing and the Way Ahead, We Bless Our Way For JESUS Christ Best Way Guidance Within His Highest Purpose Best For All: so the Sun Agrees With Us according to the Blessing Pertinence through JESUS Christ Guiding Controlling Spirit. So not merely We, and this may be hard to understand (John 6:60 was about the Eucharist), this Agreeing concerns like unto a visitor in a Church yet more as a Contractor, and rather as Good Angels, and rather the Good Worthy Amount(s) of the solar energies Agreeingly, so the solar "Door" of JESUS Christ Spirit per se is as the Unleavened Bread broken open unto Us, and We [in His Spirit Now, and] in Census in the future Righteously Prophesyingly Will Be Entering As The Hoped Eucharist Wine pouring forth ahead Prayerfully Before The Fact coolness Joyful unto Us

now consider this concerns survival [hardly merely for selfish fun] yet the Ascending Victory As Never Prior of this Civilization Census reports (as in the TV news broadcasts, and see above such as "newshour" and such as NASA news). So this wine is like unto throwing water on a flame for to douse of Good Habit rather than strong drink that magnifies the scorchings and miseries. So what is a whirlpool?, it is a mild form of cavitation not merely to swirl but to break the water subsurface tension, and cavitation controlled strength, as a stronger scroll effect is pertinent.

So what about the Census and the powerful solar deadly radiation?, the Sun's radiation sings in multitudes of ways, yet the swirling provides directed energies, solving some concerns, yet also see Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series such as on Fear The Lord, and in preparing Maintenance levels radiation protection according to "split rings" and traditional types [such as particles and such as energies, and] time, distance, and shielding. The "split rings" are like unto in this Series the Triadic Formulas as Godslings of the Flow, amounts of the helical Agreeing with the DNA. A split ring is similar to a tuning fork (see recent Sermons on 2, as with the Moses Glory, also the above "long control lines").

And after the Sun is traveled in somewhat Darkness relative to the bright Sun, then such as to travel assisting the Light into the Giant Black Hole.

JESUS Christ UN has already arrived: Psalm 126:2 New American Standard Bible "Then our mouth was filled with laughter And our tongue with joyful shouting; Then they said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them.' ".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains Sacred Faith Over Solar matters kept secret since this Civilization began with Anewly the Darkness tool of Unified Physics Peace for entering through the surface of the Sun Halo Golden Cube inviting Spirits energies douse the fire controlled burn filled with laughter for All to Be Higher Levels Controlling Planning Over window of opportunity Parker Probe magnetic storms in the NASA news HAARP Power Controlled Value space envelope and Eucharist Worthiness Anewly Through Door With New Tool Victory Over the Sun's radioactive nuclear power, radiation, Giant Sun Spots, Giant Solar Flares, Giant Black Holes, melting, heat sink, darkness, misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness, confusions, twists, night, adversities, and dizziness


9 September 2020.

tags: JESUS Spirit explains Sacred Faith Over Solar matters kept secret since this Civilization began with Anewly the Darkness tool of Unified Physics Peace for entering through the surface of the Sun Halo Golden Cube inviting Spirits energies douse the fire controlled burn filled with laughter for All to Be Higher Levels Controlling Planning Over window of opportunity Parker Probe magnetic storms in the NASA news HAARP Power Controlled Value space envelope and Eucharist Worthiness Anewly Through Door With New Tool Victory Over the Sun's radioactive nuclear power, radiation, Giant Sun Spots, Giant Solar Flares, Giant Black Holes, melting, heat sink, darkness, misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness, confusions, twists, night, adversities, and dizziness.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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