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JESUS Directed Energy Pulses Sermon.
JESUS Christ Directed the Creation Plan for His People hence Mass Members Packets of Energies [with Members opting] hence Energies Pulses, like unto the Whole Of JESUS Christ Prior with His Heartbeating Plan. Salvation is the Tractor Beam, the Saving Grace and the Mass Together as His Safety Net Census rather His Spirit Pure Together. Sent on a Mission is the Preacher and the Missionary Member though often in Sets hence Sent is the Repulsor Beam Broadcasting and the Missions as JESUS Directed Energy Pulses (see previous in this Series on Salvation, Broadcasting, Grace, Law, Tractor Beam, and on Repulsor Beam). So the JESUS Flow is Given from JESUS Christ left to right and the Receiving with Reading and Hearing right to left Ascending Preceptingly:
Sent Sending Repulsor Beams Pulses / Tractor Beams Pulses In Broadcastings [Advertisments] / Grace / Salvation.
Tractor Beams Pulses In Broadcastings [Advertisments] = Grace x Salvation.
Sent Sending Repulsor Beams Pulses = Tractor Beams Pulses In Broadcastings [Advertisments] x Grace.
To the right of previous "/ Salvation" have been the worldly secular lower levels under the Law [and critters under Dominion Firmament] though the Few, the small percent, continuing to Listen With Ascending. To the left of "/ Salvation" the Christians are Prayerfully Ascending into Usher Levels and Broadcasting and Organizing such as the Galactic Federation (see previous in this Series).
We the JESUS Spirit Broadcasters are becoming Leaders [as in training] Of The Heavenly Angels as written in Revelation 22:8 and 9 Berean Study "And I am John, who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had shown me these things. But he said to me, 'Do not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers the prophets, and with those who keep the words of this book. Worship God!' "!
What does this mean, becoming Leaders of those already Higher Levels than Us?
A 1st Testament Leader for instance might not have understood such as about the Menorah since as Enoch Righteously Prophesied about the wandering strayed stars as "the Lord is coming with myriads of His holy ones to execute judgment on everyone, and to convict all the ungodly of every ungodly act of wickedness and every harsh word spoken against Him by ungodly sinners" (see "Context" at though rather than "to convict" is to straighten [also note: "I checked" (]. So because of JESUS Christ We in this generation are with the More Perfectly Stated Value Better For All (Angels: Revelation 1:20), and JESUS the Best Gave for Us to All Be (see above "His Spirit Pure Together", reference Immersion Baptism With Ascending).
Many in this generation may have Ascended such as to Usher Level though seeing there is a Preacher Leading the Church already, some Ushers may have thought no need to be the Leader too, mentally referencing lower level cliche: too many cooks in the kitchen, and about having merely 1 in charge, and such are with value types and amounts too, yet JESUS Invites to Be "1". When i was with JESUS Christ at the Bar Of Judgment His hands and arm felt real, and later walking through Him and then He stepped away and invited again and i walked through His shadow figure Holy Ghost and such did not feel hot nor cold nor as cobwebs, rather normal, OK: a Delight to Be With JESUS Christ!
So as We pass Others, as We Ascend in Positions in Levels Higher that They had been We invite Them to Do Likewise, and yet We are Aware JESUS Christ Is Most Worthy.
This Flying Higher Levels than Angels is not merely for Our "Delight" yet rather for Worthy JESUS Christ and His High Level [Entities including] Angels that We may surpass Ascendingly though like unto lower Maintenance levels such as the Priest asking the Carpenter if They would go up there and fix the Bell Tower.
We are Saying and Doing Angelic things more and at a quickening rate. Levitation as shown is the past history with devices from long ago according to product ads such as balsa wood toy planes with rubber bands attached to propellers. The Angels are becoming Child's Play.
Something not "Child's Play" is that many in the secular such as for love of money are making new types of critters, and importantly monsters that can kill other monsters, in Godsling from virus size and smaller to Galactic size and greater: all these things as much as possible, as unwarranted plans abound. And not merely monsters able to eat Humans but also unwarranted unseen monsters intentionally with built in cloaking (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on "cyborg", DNA modifying, and such as "biophysiology" according to drugs). Prior to JESUS Christ UN was written "in this Prophetic time UN makes creatures part human and part reptilian automatically" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 19).
Many tax dollars have gone to making People that are part lizard, and such as testing weird things on soldiers [including friendly fire] and on prisoners and on the general Public. Adam and Eve merely had to avoid the Tree Of Knowledge [and not fight (Cain and Abel)], Abraham merely had to do a Higher Level thing and farm those things under Dominion that were worth farming [and not fight (rather Better Lead: Peace)],...about 2,000 years ago Angels were Higher Level in the atmosphere and such within sight, now many of this Generation are up there out of sight, Higher than Civilization had even known Angels to be.
Some JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons state the "monsters are coming" and it is far more true today than it was then. Yesterday on TV, as i am convinced [aware there have been many making false assumptions], terrified People recounted how They were threatened and attacked as types of monsters alive and thriving today as in the less traveled places, did such as claw through car steel, yet Thanking JESUS Christ the People lived to attest [to make Testament statements, though secular levels and some with pistols and some without]. JESUS Christ protects me.
Monsters come from under, from same level, and from above. Monsters lack the JESUS Christ Desperate Love. Many People have called other People "monsters", rather tell the truth: JESUS Christ Created Them and did not destroy Adam and Eve, nor as written from Genesis 3:1 "Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field that the LORD God had made". Pigs are abomination, We are allowed to eat such, though better to eat such as carrots than such as poison. The lower levels of things if not Rightly Ascending the JESUS Christ Best Way, may become fertilizer for Bible Foods entities.
One of the above that clawed through steel [with the proof in fact shown after-the-fact] was called a "werewolf". Manufacturers are interested in controlled growing of claws and similar so strong such as for car crash emergency response better than jaws-of-life. And such as "werewolf" can survive outside in freezing temperatures and such as move quickly and stealthily such as silently, and many would like machines that are more quiet than those currently used, and able to function "outside in freezing temperatures", reference poles and deep outer space travel. So to JESUS Christ Best Way Guide and "farm those things" as stated above is a lower level thing for generations thousands of years ago for to "farm" as stated above.
We are more advanced technologically, though as strayed Adam and Eve all too much. If to selfishly hope for better, then to stray, yet if JESUS Christ Transfigures You when a so called monster attacks then publish online.
Monsters are coming!
Monsters are already abounding!
13 October 2020.
tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit exposes facts of Sacred Loyalty Over Higher Guidance than Civilization had even known Angels to be and Over New Worse Monster matters kept secret since the world began with how the Sent Are Sending Repulsor Beams Pulses with Tractor Beams Pulses In Broadcastings Transfiguring and Relocating many Spirits and People with Remote Levitation as werewolves tear through cars, transference DNA modifying, biophysiology, and the applying of mathematical theory to communications to control of People biocybernetically, Bible Foods and Formulas.
Recommended Sites:
JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .
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