JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Welcome.

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JESUS Victory Done Hence New Better Now Sermon.

JESUS Christ Chose Disciples. Paul, One Of The Chosen, became a Higher Level than former lower level Apostle; hence from High Level Disciple Of JESUS to Anewly Agreeing For Better For All Leading rather than merely as a Follower, to become in a Higher Level as an Apostle Of JESUS Christ, an Apostle With JESUS Christ even if on a Mission far away. JESUS Christ is the source and likewise the trailblazer marking the new trail such as where to find water, and where to find the golden ball compass (1 Nephi 16:10) for to find food, and like The Lewis and Clark Expedition finding the valuable wheat belt then later was the gold rush, and then Silicon Valley.

Previous Sermons were of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [LDS], and secular Skinwalker Ranch with ghostly creatures, dangers, and UFOs.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ is the source trailblazer marking the new trail map mapping find water golden ball compass food, Lewis and Clark gold rush, Silicon Valley

( So there are dangerous ways, or the Best Safer New JESUS Christ Creating Better Way.

What is "Creating Better"?, "Creating Better" is like unto a newborn, and like unto discovered territory not yet claimed (Pearl Of Great Price in a field), like unto JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesying [and i have done such but am not Perfect though exceedingly better than formerly (reference such as what Apostle Paul said about Himself)], and like unto Healing. As written in Acts 19:12 Contemporary English Version "People even took handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched Paul's body, and they carried them to everyone who was sick. All of the sick people were healed, and the evil spirits went out." so from JESUS Christ came the Better Living Anewly.

JESUS Christ "Creating Better" Living Anewly / JESUS Christ With One Apostle Paul Spirit / JESUS Spirit One Together Put Into Vessels Of Cloths / Anewly Healed Better Enabling Growing And Magnifying And Leaping In Faith.

JESUS Christ "Creating Better" Living Anewly = JESUS Christ With One Apostle Paul Spirit x JESUS Spirit One Together Put Into Vessels Of Cloths

JESUS Christ With One Apostle Paul Spirit = JESUS Spirit One Together Put Into Vessels Of Cloths x Anewly Healed Better Enabling Growing And Magnifying And Leaping In Faith.

Be aware merely JESUS Christ is the Savior and by no other name, as Hoped, as Sent, as JESUS Christ Agreed and Did Accomplish Best Good [JESUS Christ Victory Over (Luke 8:12 / Exodus 4:1)].

The Lewis and Clark Expedition mapped marking the trail going West to the Pacific Ocean, to the right the North [Canada], to the left the South [Mexico], and with success the new trail was founded [discovered, the new trail invention, then innovated into a highway and network line and wireless path to and from Silicon Valley]. To make a highway there might be three shifts around the clock as one, many pushing ahead while many others going back with reporting and returning with fresh supplies. Types of road construction spirits were containerized into vessels and moved.

A spirit of a can of beans is with great value but hardly as to pretend it is concrete so not to put it into the concrete mix for the road, and whether a can of beans costs more or less than the cost of the same amount of concrete is not the point: merely the Purchasing Agent required to opt for the lowest bidder is not the point.

JESUS Christ Victory Accomplished as in Apostle Paul, Now Do New Better More Pertinent In You Discovering JESUS Spirit.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, discovering JESUS Christ Anewly Better strategic new plan pioneering JESUS Spirit Loyally Broadcasting Online inventing as never seen prior with introducing such new ideas into established methodology


The Point first is discovering JESUS Christ Prayerfully Anewly Better strategic new plan pioneering JESUS Spirit Loyally Broadcasting Online inventing as never seen prior with introducing such new ideas into established methodology, and likewise stated with Pertinent aspects included (like unto the above Triadic Formulae Format though in the following in unfinished prose form): discovering [JESUS Christ Anewly Better] hence strategic new plan pioneering [JESUS Spirit notes prep for Sermon] as with typing [Loyally Broadcasting Online] then inventing as never seen prior [the first Miracle of this Faith Flow], with introducing such new ideas into established methodology [Faith Growing Miracles In Greater JESUS Spirit Oneness, then to innovative [Maintenance level Responsibilities or if opted to stray then after-the-fact secular worldliness].

Now in JESUS Spirit [as Best as able] consider the CEO Over "the Purchasing Agent", as written in the Company Owner or Corporation CEO has the right to run the economic activity as seen fit, though with this Sermon may opt to improve somewhat, though Giving Grace [lattitude for workers to do as they see fit, such as freedom to be paid even if to do the job wrong needs not merely ISO Compendium records for instance] has often proven problematic, yet reference the secular term "disposable income".

The term "disposable income" for workers, is another way of saying for the Corporation the word "profits". The Corporation hardly exists without "profits" and likewise of JESUS Spirit Grace from CEO into Purchaser And Payroll into Workers is that the Corporation hardly exists without Workers hence hardly existing without Workers' "profits" Each and rather All One (reference below link to "Main Page" with Definitions).

Best in favor of All including CEOs and Purchasing Department and Payroll Department and Planning Department and Workers, is JESUS Christ.

11 June 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred JESUS Spirit Over money matters kept secret since the world began with how the CEO Purchasing Agent required to opt for the lowest bidder is proven as not the point, rather proof that discovering JESUS Christ Anewly is Better In Strategic Plan Pioneering Loyally Broadcasting Online Inventing as never seen prior with introducing ideas into established methodology is Best For All with Bible Formulas and new better Bible translations as JESUS Christ is the source trailblazer with tags: marking the new trail map mapping find water golden ball compass food, Lewis and Clark gold rush, Silicon Valley, The Church of Jesus Christ LDS, dangerous secular Skinwalker Ranch ghostly creatures, UFOs Lewis and Clark Expedition, the gold rush, Silicon Valley, JESUS Christ UN Law With Grace.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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