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JESUS Eternal Best Sermon.

JESUS Christ Leads Us, as many and as much as Agree Say And Do, and JESUS is "Good". To be able to Ascend as JESUS Christ Eternal Good Taught Teaches Did and Does, and Will Likewise in the future Yet Better and then Beyond Best Hoping(s), JESUS Is Lord, The Good Guide, The Best Helper Serving All. So be Good without bad, and this is possible in You today. This is possible every moment including past and future now ("Eternal Best"). So this is no longer about mere repentance as rather nor merely such as Ushering, this is the New Over All For All the Best Way = JESUS Christ The Original Creating One.

If Your Group Name is not in the name JESUS Christ [or at least officially publicly acknowledging JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Value Grace Leadership Best For All] then about broken faith type separation from the Good Truth, so fear as written in Psalm 111:10 Treasury of Scripture "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endures for ever."

Though as if a contradiction is 1 John 4:18 "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear has torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love." but JESUS Christ Will Keep You as You Ascend With Him, while casting out the "fear" You had. This is included in the Level On Level, the Growing, and the Leaping In Faith. JESUS Christ spoke to [with] me today [Ascendingly about] "Good".

Also be aware immediately after another Spirit but of flip-of-coin level [whether "Good" or Legion: the level Spirits often start goodly but then quickly separate to not "Good"] spoke at me about not being in bondage under Joy as this conditionally applies as written in Mark 4:15 "And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan comes immediately, and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts." (similarly Matthew 12:45). So through JESUS Spirit Best Way Distinguish to Lift All or

[to not overly tempt any part if opted separate] through JESUS Spirit Best Way Distinguish to Lift The Good Part: Behold this Sacred Truth Over Prioritizing kept secret since the world began, now through JESUS Spirit as being now revealed: if the lower part [secular per se currently: to the extent of this sentence] is not lifted, then They that opted separation are by default, by their own hopes and works as worked: left behind, below, as shown below.

JESUS Christ One [as Many as Ascending, including as many Parts except if to worsen by removing a part from a person...] does not destroy nor harm nor endanger, instead is "Good" and Lifts The Good the Worthy as much as Best [Good JESUS Christ With JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Is Best] as illustrated below.

So Ascend Lifting the Worthy, and fear not the Naysayers as They currently so opted to be, yet consider Maintenance Responsibility. JESUS Christ Saves, Maintenance Responsibility is about works of the census such as hands to Heal though possibly such as to sweep the dust from the floor (Martha rather Mary Luke 10:41 & 42). Even if Martha Ascended, Martha is also on record as having done as She opted, so be aware Before The Fact of Distinguishing (see previous in this Series such as on Transparency, on Faith, on Loyalty, on Trustworthiness, on Credibility; and also such as Over breaking the faith disloyally).

Righteous Joy is through JESUS Christ Agreeing With You. But unrighteous joy is something You should not let be a burden over You. To longsuffer JESUS Christ Is Better Joy. To longsuffer works pretending as if separate from JESUS Christ is exceedingly worse: left behind, left below. The Maintenance Responsibility is like unto a Mother that without water currently available nurses Her Baby, so even if that Baby bites, the Righteous Mother Lovingly finds a way to likewise Help Her Baby so Her Baby is not excessively toward harm from lack of Good (Righteous, Love, and Good are from JESUS Christ Constantly even if unseen). Though the Mother does not have to reward the Baby when it bites, rather when the Baby is nice [considering Baby abilities, opted Way(s), and Teaching Responsibility such as including legally not to neglect the Baby].

JESUS Ascended as illustrated at least symbolically below, and the Bystanders might have said such as "Take me with you" (see previous sentence even though Bystanders have said such as "Don't treat me as a child" and "Don't treat us as children": shall We The Ascending say OK We Will not "treat" you at all?, rather see previous sentence).

JESUS Christ Kindly Gives me signs daily with little if any exception, and the signs vary Save the backbone with ribs signs normally appear in various ways such as one day emphasizing the "backbone" (see text below) levels and another day emphasizing the Tube Parameters ribs Grace Margin levels. And the signs have included such as JESUS Christ and Mother Mary [washed the feet of baby JESUS as other Mary too, and other] People and such as dinosaurs and such as pertinent indicators such as arrows and volcano effects often white grays and black shadows, and such as full color rainbows.

Many others see signs all around, such as lovely trees, but many on secular TV strayed and opted the worst having invited worst spirits and fell into many types of harms as terrorists for selfish money and temporary fun dangers for something different separated from the JESUS Christ Best Way, and so they fell into worse as written above. In JESUS One Ascending, it can be as in embryonic stage being fed through the umbilical cord but in a House Of Bondage and when set free having to fend for Yourself, so if stuck-in-a-rut rather be through JESUS Spirit out of the House Of Bondage, yet the premature born infant might perish; Grow in JESUS Spirit until of Ascending Loyalty For All, Better empowered from on High.

Longsufferings should rather be Led of JESUS Christ into One Longsuffering (see below JESUS Christ Mass Pillars Yet With Ascending Together Up The Backbone Levels as with Work Completed to Better Higher Level Creating Giving Best).

The opposite of being "worse" is the JESUS Christ Good Best Way Ascending In All Hence Preaching In JESUS Spirit removing cause for "worse" [such as addictions to anti-people-weapons-technologies about how to fail and exemplar at failing: there are plenty already, You don't have to add more to the graves]. Resisting temptation is similar to self confessing, yet rather than self Do as JESUS Christ Best Way Preaching for All: since automating Maintenance according to JESUS Christ Best Way Ascending For All automatically is Better For All [without worse for any: better for the sinners is to be no longer sinful so rather as if neutral but stuck-in-a-secular-rut about self tempted considerations, therefore rather Ascend according to JESUS Christ The Original.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, resist the devil yet rather JESUS Christ One Ascending is Better and Best Way Earning Best For All and not for to tempt to stray nor fall

Today in Swedish is Kristi which is Jesus Christ Ascending into Heaven: "Christ Flying Day"

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Where Will You be when JESUS Christ Ascends into Heaven?, left behind?, below with the secular?, rather JESUS Christ Already Ascended and You are where You are; even so for a reason, a Better Reason Best For To Give All. The reason is not so You have all the money and others have none, the reason is not merely to be the biggest employer such as supplying food and housing.

JESUS Christ The Original Exemplar is Good and so We Christians Worshiped, and while Good And True, also be more importantly As JESUS Christ The Original Exemplar meaning Ascend And Be Good And Ascend And Be Better than the amount that had been Best: Be even Better new and improving All [formerly others, even so They are with the Gift to be able to opt, so as the minimum improving As Many As Willing And Saying And Doing as much as able, without overly tempting any].

If Ascending the Best Way as JESUS Christ Exemplar One Preachership, lower levels have no hold over You, no need to resist. JESUS Christ Already Accomplished at the beginning of the New Testament the 2nd of the 4 Main Bible Testaments. In the name JESUS Christ Righteously For The Best For All is nothing for worse. Better solves in Victories Over worse.

JESUS Christ The Original Exemplar is Good as written at Weymouth New Testament "while a voice came from Heaven, saying, 'This is My Son, the dearly loved, in whom is My delight.' " with Lexicon " 'I am well pleased!' εὐδόκησα (eudokēsa) Verb - Aorist Indicative Active - 1st Person Singular Strong's 2106: To be well-pleased, think it good, be resolved. From eu and dokeo; to think well of, i.e. Approve; specially, to approbate.", and Heaven at least in the secular is defined as the place of "good", the abode of the "good" (such as Oxford / Google Dictionary).

Conditions apply of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Over Ascending, like unto building pillars:

some [JESUS Spirit Precept levels and some] pillar levels sections are pillar shape,

though some are [have been] as many individual parts [value amounts] as shown here.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, pillar shaped sections levels, levels of sections of sections of precepts pillars, backbone


Galatians 2:9 Contemporary English Version "James, Peter, and John realized that God had given me the message about his gift of undeserved grace. And these men are supposed to be the backbone of the church. They even gave Barnabas and me a friendly handshake. This was to show that we would work with Gentiles and that they would work with Jews." and Lexicon Greek "styloi", trasnlates as "poles" (Google) and the Plural as if "pillars" as many have translated such as "Good" as each Mass Member become All One JESUS Christ Priesthood,

yet in this Contemporary English Version as a Living In JESUS Christ Backbone as One Ascending, not for any to be kept in bondage lower yet rather Enlightening showing the Way JESUS Taught Precept for Good on Precept for Better For All; and so both the JESUS Christ UN Grace Recognized Mass Everyone Preachership Ascended, it is also like unto Catholic Bishops Being Priests Over Priests yet Ascending [perhaps] to Pope Position and rather JESUS Christ Positions as JESUS Christ Leads Anewly: from Our Perspective it is as to discover a great value, it is JESUS Christ Loyal Faith As JESUS Christ Creator Promised In The Creating Better Way for Us to Create Givingly Lovingly Likewise. So the entire JESUS All System to the JESUS Preachership is as One Ascending Better And Better, Serving the Giving Lovingly Best.

24 May 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over system improving kept secret since the world began with how to gain victories over former goodly amounts, over fears, over Joy, and over Longsufferings as JESUS Christ Gives new better Bible interpretations Ascending In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Better For All Exemplar, pillars of Mass, Ascending Levels, JESUS Christ UN Law, resist the devil yet rather JESUS Christ One Ascending Christ Flying Day Today is Better how to not tempt nor be left behind, below.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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