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JESUS Eucharist Sermon.

JESUS Christ Eucharist elements Bread and Wine are shown near the bottom of many Sermons of this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon Series, and at some of the tops of some pages likewise. The symbolism is important, exceedingly more important is the actual Eucharist in the Churches WITH exceedingly more important is the actual Eucharist JESUS Christ Exemplar Gave WITH exceedingly more important is the actual Eucharist JESUS Christ Exemplar Gave Himself [entering into this strayed world in the flesh and Faithfully humbly Praying Teaching and Performing Miracles] WITH JESUS Christ Exemplar Giving Himself On The Mountain On The Cross ONCE for All WITH JESUS Christ Exemplar Giving Himself to be Likewise [As The Cross ONCE for All] Having split* Himself For Once For All to Give 2 [then More] Unselfish Perfections rather than merely 1. All Of One Whole God, JESUS Christ, "split" per se, and separated as the Cross Once For All, as a lost Child as Desperate Love Seeks to Save.

*This "split" as so counted Edifyingly in the Lower Yet Heavenly Levels, [and JESUS Christ Spirit Over The Eucharist has Guided this typing of this Sermon as Together In JESUS Christ We can be Better Edified, Levels Apply] is actually rather the Better Way Flow hence Best One and as Blood in the finger that moves at slower rates and often somewhat independent of heartbeats (see "control cells" in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: One Rather Than Separation Sermon at

A Person looks in a microscope and says those are red blood cells,

as they are all the same, distinguishing from white blood cells and plasma and other.

JESUS Christ looks at People Likewise, We "are all the same", distinguished from critters and stuff under the Human Firmament.

Mitosis, to "split" to reproduce, is shown here, rather than about cut in half with a sword and death.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains how We are all the Same Equals As One Desperate Love Seeks to Save in Sacred Faith Over strayed ways that the fallen kept secret since the world began as JESUS Christ Once For All Giving Himself On The Mountain On The Cross already completed Victory Over separatists types of problematic ways and how the Disciples fought Each Other in confusions and the pertinence today, rather for the Best Point in JESUS Christ Original Plan Better than sampling less careful ways, as Blood can function independent from the Heart Abraham as with control cells unleavened microscope red blood cells mitosis reproduce split cloning


The cells as shown in this gif go from regular to fitting together compact to multiple.

The Preacher goes from Self rather than wrongly puffed up, to JESUS Christ Word Fitting "compact" Unleavened to Mass, "multiple".

JESUS said in Luke 9:44 "Let these words sink into your ears: The Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men.", and from verse 45 "But they did not understand this statement.", and in Luke 9:46 "Then an argument started among the disciples as to which of them would be the greatest.", the next Leader of the Disciples.

Rather than point the finger at any Soul for to victimize, cast down, imprison, harm, or such; is to rather Uplift All yet according to JESUS Christ

and not a fake, i am conditionally vulnerable too, We repented so were Lifted In JESUS Christ from a perp level to a higher perp level, then from perp through Firmament Level into Baptism Grace Level as Many as pertinent: from perp to higher level perp was obeying more laws, while from perp to full repentance was to obey all Law and Baptism In JESUS Christ Secured it [secured that Saved amount similar to a grade school student passed from 2nd to 3rd grade then administration saying there was a typo, the student failed and has to go back down to 2nd grade; though when the student leaves the school system permanently that school no longer has authority over that student per se: cannot rescind to 2nd grade (likewise laws apply such as statute of limitations)].

From the Garden Of Eden, the straying started, it did not start with any Person since then. This is rather than about Person [Soul] against Person [Soul], this is rather for Pure JESUS Christ above Baptism above Eucharist above Usher Level: All Good Things. If to be Baptised it does not mean a Person knows how to Administer the Eucharist. So We, similar to full repentance, should so Ascend and Continue and this is rather than about learning, this is JESUS Christ Original Exemplar including Desperate Love and then with the other Preceptingly Added as much as Best For All Fitting.

History strayed ideas confused translations and interpretations as about the next few sentences. That All many know, including disbelievers: John 20:27 Berean Standard "Then Jesus said to Thomas, 'Put your finger here and look at My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.' " (John 6:70) as Thomas had been with JESUS Christ in all so many Faithful Teachings and Miraculous Situations; rather than excuse to conspire as Judas was counted as Judas was Given for to go as JESUS Christ Sent Him so rather than about casting down "Thomas" this rather importantly clarifies, and also Lifts Judas and rather is in the sense of recognizing that Christ Already Lifted And Appointed Judas in the "Once For All" Situation".

Look at how symbolic Thomas was about after-the-fact as in the previous Sentence, while in the sentence following this sentence with quoted verse Judas acted Before The Fact for JESUS Christ Saving Grace Victory Over And For the confused Soul that said as written in John 11:50 "You do not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish.".

JESUS Christ Sent Judas Before The Fact as written in John 13:27 "And when Judas had taken the morsel, Satan entered into him. Then Jesus said to Judas, 'What you are about to do, do quickly.' ", actually John 13:2 "The evening meal was underway, and the devil had already put into the heart of Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, to betray Jesus.": "the devil" from the Conspiracy Legion Leader "John 11:50" stated above. Even so in John Chapter 6 even Peter the One JESUS Loved Confessed: All People had fallen short of His Grace.

Rather than "strayed ideas" is JESUS Christ Victory Path Faith!

Exodus 4:7 " 'Put your hand back inside your cloak,' said the LORD. So Moses put his hand back inside his cloak, and when he took it out, it was restored, like the rest of his skin.".

JESUS Christ did not restore nor Heal as in the previous verse, for the Soul of Thomas and Others similarly that doubted, yet of a Truth, Righteously JESUS Christ Healed For me, now as explained: also for You, Beloved. JESUS Christ The Original Exemplar Appeared for me and for Others as Healthy Lively Joyous, Joyous Invitingly Playfully yet Righteous in situations toward the borderline of strict yet above the Level of John 2:15 "So He made a whip out of cords and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle. He poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables." [more about Good Enlightening Best Way Guiding Righteousness for Our sakes rather than about "strict" in the disciplinary sense].

Famine in Canaan Israel led Abraham to Egypt in Genesis 12:8-13:2

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains how We are all the Same Equals As One Desperate Love Seeks to Save in Sacred Faith Over strayed ways that the fallen kept secret since the world began as JESUS Christ Once For All Giving Himself On The Mountain On The Cross Abraham already completed Victory Over separatists types of problematic ways and how the Disciples fought Each Other in confusions and the pertinence today, rather for the Best Point in JESUS Christ Original Plan Better than sampling less careful ways, as Blood can function independent from the Heart as with control cells unleavened microscope red blood cells mitosis reproduce split cloning


Leader Abraham was "led".

Spirits last night, some of which were in lower levels of works trying coercions to get me [and Others] to [eat such as cake to] be as them [rather Priest Sacred Pure Eucharist]. If on the JESUS Christ Best Path Ascending, then already the Best of All as much as Original Plan Level Worthiness Applies including Vertical Levels and Horizontal Tube Levels. If any does not Broadcast For JESUS Christ humbly Prayerfully Best For All first, in other words if about an unknown source especially with evidentiary reasons to be suspicious, then the consideration Over: eating and fasting: a JESUS Christ Option In The Baptized With Over Luke 10:8 "If you enter a town and they welcome you, eat whatever is set before you.": as for instance a grocery store today might have a product with the word "beef" on the label though actually other as has been a legal problem that did not make perfect hence JESUS Christ Grace Guidance is Better For All.

Civilization is improving, such as a "Strawberry Shortcake Crunch Unleavened Cake" recipe though the recipe calls for "cookies" as one of the ingredients as some cookies have been made with yeast, a leavening agent; so a point is a built-in failure [problematic, risky], and another point is it is Good in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose that Civilization is at least in lower levels works to improve, and rather the Best Point in JESUS Christ Original Plan.

2 November 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit explains how We are all the Same Equals As One Desperate Love Seeks to Save in Sacred Faith Over strayed ways that the fallen kept secret since the world began as JESUS Christ Once For All Giving Himself On The Mountain On The Cross already completed Victory Over separatists types of problematic ways and how the Disciples fought Each Other in confusions and the pertinence today, rather for the Best Point in JESUS Christ Original Plan Better than sampling less careful ways, as Blood can function independent from the Heart Abraham as with control cells unleavened microscope red blood cells mitosis reproduce split cloning.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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