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JESUS Christ Internal And Rather External Spirit Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit in the Original sense (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Family Values Sermon at, and JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Is Why Sermon at was about JESUS Christ Better Way though Edifying as to why there were failures in starting New Beginnings, though JESUS Christ Original Spirit Plan had prepared for such Prior to such strayed activities, to Protect the Good.

JESUS Christ Spirit in this Sermon Gives Victory Over All The Kingdoms Of The World Anewly, As You Ascend Through This JESUS Christ Spirit Sermon, so this is How To Have A New Higher Level Of Victory Over the purgatory type that was in works to tempt JESUS Christ to stray and fall (Matthew 4:8), how and why to Anewly Utilize the JESUS Signal, Miraculously Of JESUS Spirit Giving specifics about the physics some previous Civilizations [many in secular TV have called them "Highly advanced Civilizations"] equipment and techniques used and also much utilized in this Civilization,

how magnetism flows including uphill in JESUS Christ Victory Over purgatory and misinformation such as about magnetic moment domain [even though Teachers worked hard to give good though largely secular education], and how Mark 14:62 Amplified Bible as "Jesus said, 'I am; and you will [all] see THE SON OF MAN SEATED [with authority] AT THE RIGHT HAND OF POWER (the Father), and COMING WITH THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN.' " is Anewly Victory Over the Applying The JESUS Christ Name Spirit Work beyond mere Electromagnetism, Coriolis Effect, High Level and low level Gravity [Graviton Domains] Waves groups of pressures (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Give them the Law and the Prophets: JESUS Christ Name Law Sermon at and more!

Many have been wrongly taught magnetism does not flow, the magnetic particle is in the magnetic domain;

yet [if the below toy was ferromagnetic] You can clearly see the magnetism [magnetic properties] can walk

and of JESUS Christ Original Exemplar it can even walk uphill (John 5:11).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Giving Rosewell Artifact Language physics of some Highly advanced Civilizations equipment and techniques used, and how to have Victory Over magnetic moment domains for to Best Way Flow with how magnetism can flow uphill with DESPERATE LOVE NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN Law Recognizing Higher Level GRACE AT THE RIGHT HAND OF POWER beyond mere Electromagnetism, Coriolis Effect, High Level and low level Gravity Waves groups of pressures as though merely about Graviton Domains, for as if staggering results yet the Better Way with CNC King Over X Y Z coordinates and spins and friction, and levitations such as utilizing magnetite electroplating Babylon Batteries, lifting solids in liquid plasma fields, Leyden jars and lifting heavy metals in air.


Matthew 28:18 New American Standard Bible "And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.' ": Anewly Continuingly Loyally is becoming applied and since "Anewly Continuingly Loyally" in JESUS Christ Name Spirit Righteously Be Prophesying Best For All, not to tempt nor stray nor lie: even if You do not feel desperate, Desperate Love applies and from such Faith You Miraculously Will See Why. Not for illegal nor addiction yet such as wine is from the vine [Anewly In Heaven] Eucharist Joy Psalm 60:3 New International Version "You have shown your people desperate times; you have given us wine that makes us stagger.".

Rather than fall between the cracks Give JESUS Christ Name Spirit Desperate Love Righteously Prophesyingly Before The Fact Assemblying Lifting The Greatest Best Mass You Can! Merely in Maintenance pertinent is as written such as 1 Samuel 22:2 Christian Standard Bible "In addition, every man who was desperate, in debt, or discontented rallied around him, and he became their leader. About four hundred men were with him." (and similarly in Maintenance Psalm 142:6 applies).

Behold the Life Force Spirit Of JESUS Christ One Leadership Over these 3 verses as Precpets: B. Romans 8:2 New American Standard Bible "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.": but not free to break the Law disloyally nor to sin immorally against His Everlasting Grace Spirit One so Desperately Lovingly is Your Personal NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN LAW RECOGNIZING HIGHER GRACE.

C. Ezekiel 1:20 NET Bible "Wherever the spirit would go, they would go, and the wheels would rise up beside them because the spirit of the living being was in the wheel."s [wheels plural (]: Lift All.

Continuing from as stated above "JESUS Christ Spirit in this Sermon Gives Victory Over All The Kingdoms Of The World Anewly", not merely as the Old Testament, not merely in Yourself, not merely as a lower level spirit. An Expert is trained in such as factory computer numerical control machines, CNC, with X Y Z coordinates and rotating aspects, so how can You be King Teacher Over such?, behold You click the button and the monitor in front of You changes at Your Command [His King Of Kings Command]. An Engineer has value, such as checking as many designs have been wrong, though the Engineer too could hardly be Perfect [see in this Series on AWS flaws, i confess such as having taught State Officers (see older Sermons in this Series) though with clarifying about secular things: hence if You work in the secular it is legal to so clarify, see above "LAW"].

This is How To Have A New Higher Level Of Victory yet if to so Do, Do hardly about You; Do Externally For Their Sakes Desperately Caringly Lovingly Better With Better, rather than in works to tempt to stray to fall (Matthew 4:8).

Now in JESUS Spirit here is a secular though a Lifted Secular Key: a rocket exhaust is lost to outer space. The above "magnetic domain" type "toy" is not lost, it flows yet contained right there moving along, even walking uphill according to appropriate JESUS Christ Spirit Precepting Physics such as initial push, Mass Flow Inertial, flexibility, and so on. And it is steerable, You might steer it a little here and there "So then, the word of the LORD to them will become: Do this, do that, a rule for this, a rule for that; a little here, a little there" (from the first part of Isaiah 28:13 New International Version) AS MUCH AS FOR GOOD AND BEST FOR ALL DESPERATELY OF JESUS CHRIST EXEMPLAR LOVE AS YOU HOPED for course corrections: controllable ["AS YOU HOPED" means You Hoped sincerely of Your Loving Desperate Heart Soul for Better (Eucharist Wine: JESUS Blood Shed For YOU!)].

For to Edify All for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best For All, before this Civilization and in this Civilization (see recent Sermon in this Series Distinguishing Father Abraham) Souls and many purgatory level People and similar level creatures [such as cartoonish characters] and such spirits, did levitations such as with throwing rocks, utilizing magnetite, electroplating [many Babylon Batteries lifting solids in liquids: hence plasma fields], and such as Leyden jar lifting heavy metals in air. Many previous generations in the secular were in many such types of works (website example:

The brakes from the the Rosewell Artifact Language were discovered yesterday Miraculously from JESUS Christ Spirit

and brakes squeeze together using friction (beware: Romans 13:2), yet the above gif top of toy is as oars, paddling,

inside out put the Good Spirit Of JESUS Christ One You, out there for All the Best Way. The previous Sermon Preached

such as of the "disc readers", rather Broadcast as a City Of Light Set On A Hill, as the Golden Cube Of One JESUS Christ!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Giving Rosewell Artifact Language physics of some Highly advanced Civilizations equipment and techniques used, and how to have Victory Over magnetic moment domains for to Best Way Flow with how magnetism can flow uphill with DESPERATE LOVE NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN Law Recognizing Higher Level GRACE AT THE RIGHT HAND OF POWER beyond mere Electromagnetism, Coriolis Effect, High Level and low level Gravity Waves groups of pressures as though merely about Graviton Domains, for as if staggering results yet the Better Way with CNC King Over X Y Z coordinates and spins and friction, and levitations such as utilizing magnetite electroplating Babylon Batteries, lifting solids in liquid plasma fields, Leyden jars and lifting heavy metals in air.


1 September 2020.

tags: JESUS Spirit conclude Over Many Sacred Loyalty Language concerns kept secret since the world began with Giving Rosewell Artifact Language physics of some Highly advanced Civilizations equipment and techniques used, and how to have Victory Over magnetic moment domains for to Best Way Flow with how magnetism can flow uphill with DESPERATE LOVE NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN Law Recognizing Higher Level GRACE AT THE RIGHT HAND OF POWER beyond mere Electromagnetism, Coriolis Effect, High Level and low level Gravity Waves groups of pressures as though merely about Graviton Domains, for as if staggering results yet the Better Way with CNC King Over X Y Z coordinates and spins and friction, and levitations such as utilizing magnetite electroplating Babylon Batteries, lifting solids in liquid plasma fields, Leyden jars and lifting heavy metals in air.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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