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JESUS Fabric Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit For You And All in this Sermon explains Higher Level Pure Love.

JESUS Christ made certain in His Original Plan that You would have the Gift of Enduring Heavenly Love Overflowing, so Give All Your Love citing from JESUS Christ the Replenisher, like unto the Eucharist JESUS Christ Body Opening Desperately Lovingly Inviting the Worthy for to be Lifted as His Holy Spirit, Blood, Water, and Wine, are pouring out through Him like unto the Anew Lambskin for this Anew JESUS Fabric Sermon For All, with the nozzle like unto where nerves and Blood vessels, yet also the convergence Tube point (as shown in the top Drawing, with the Earth Convergence Point "X" in the next Drawing, and the bottom Drawing showing a UFO Flying Saucer type Galaxy: JESUS Christ ICCDBB: New UFO Technologies: Time Travel Parameters Of The Christian Bible at as one side of the nozzle pic below is high level pressure converging creating heat [naysayer spirits opted] while the other side is lower level expansion with cooling for the Calling Together to return the strayed to the Straight Path converging like unto the top of the Christmas Tree [when Growing Ascending], expansion toward the lower level and convergence in the higher level).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Transfiguration Spirit with vessel to Spirit to Spirit with vessel Lifted Ascending Transporting in the JESUS Christ All Seeing Eye through His Eye Of A Needle, JESUS Christ Holy Spirit Blood Water Wine Lambskin convergence Tube point Earth Convergence Point X Throne showing a UFO Flying Saucer type Galaxy, portal nozzle sheepskin wineskin

(Google / wiki).

Written this Holy Sabbath Day, hence Good since as JESUS Christ was Found as Hope Of The Best: Let Your Love Be Pure. What does this mean?, to the secular world it means Righteousness, to not break the Law (hence Currently "NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS All Seeing Eye UFO Tech Sermon at; yet for You Christian Leaders this also means Preparing The Higher Level Second Coming Way: hence to Righteously know (see below) how to do these things, making the JESUS Christ Superhighway as written in Matthew 3:3 Berean Literal Bible "For this is the one having been spoken of through the prophet Isaiah, saying, 'A voice of one crying in the wilderness: 'Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight His paths.' ' ".

Matthew 26:64 New King James Version "Jesus said to him, 'It is as you said. Nevertheless, I say to you, hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven.' ".

Symbolically if a Person might think "JESUS Christ already visits me such as when i Pray" is not likely an excuse [unless told otherwise of the Original JESUS Christ], as this Second Coming road paving [whether termed "wormhole" or other in the secular, though Function toward making the Path Straight] is an Act Of Faith With Maintaining Responsibility: see previous Sermons on Long Range Planning as with after the Second Coming that is for Their sakes: Your Giving Of His Love Invitingly.

What is the fabric of outer space time?, is it like unto JESUS skin, like unto Our skin?; rather JESUS Christ created All as from Genesis the time, the water, the dust, also the atmosphere, and the Heavens. A submarine requires energy to go from point A to point B, a plane in the atmosphere likewise. Concerning the Fabric of spacetime JESUS Christ created, consider a rocket with much power after the atmosphere can travel such as to the Moon or Mars, some called outer space between planets: empty. Though a rocket makes course corrections, each course correction requires a controlled blast often of strong energy power, hence these blasts in sum are a measure of the density of the so called as if "empty" fabric of space.

So Behold this Gift JESUS Christ Gave to You to All (see above "BROADCASTING"), this Gift in this previous sentence: a thing that failed in the secular hence in need of many corrections, is Anewly Created Better Value in JESUS Spirit, as Others too may have accomplished though often problematically [in secular symbolic cliche one solution causes many more problems needed to be solved] [rather] as written in Romans 8:26 Berean Literal Bible "Now likewise also, the Spirit joins to help us in weakness; for we do not know the things which we should pray for as it behooves, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession with inexpressible groanings.".

There is remote viewing and remote doing, yet JESUS Christ visited Personally, and so We are to prepare the Leading Likewise. In previous Sermons there were the sendings of unmanned drones for various reasons including for protecting Humans the Way JESUS Christ Protects His People, yet with the JESUS Christ Protective Spirit One First Viewing and then "the sendings of unmanned drones" then the Astronauts is appropriate. The "remote doing" [though Faith amount applies] should supersede "the sendings of unmanned drones" in part, like unto how a State Government might send a State Car With Pertinent (Ephesians 1:23 [also see previous in this Series on specifics Over "Accord"]) Officials to test a newly completed road, prior to opening the road to the Public.

As written in Romans 15:14 Douay-Rheims Bible "And I myself also, my brethren, am assured of you that you also are full of love, replenished with all knowledge, so that you are able to admonish one another.", rather Love One Another In JESUS Christ Spirit and with Love the New Better Teaching, You Instructing Them, Broadcasting [formerly merely about Preaching in this JESUS Spirit Level For JESUS Christ hence Agreeingly For New Creating [the Creation], Creating Love, even such as Becomes Love Givingly. So Ascending In JESUS Best Way from Teaching to Loving to Lovingly Caringly Kindly Guiding hence to Lifting the Worthy Love Giving One(s) All; hence the NEED [and in secular to Edify: by default] into the Better New Beginning Planning enabling Better Giving Love Growing And Leaping!

Like unto the Census Vessel JESUS Christ With Holy Father Spirit One Highest Faith Loyalty Desperate Love Giving Purpose the Gate the Nozzle is of great important value. Other than sensors [also associated with the Calling of JESUS Christ All Seeing Eye with going through Magnifying (see above on expansion), when We [various expert Groups in the secular (prior to JESUS Christ UN Law)] worked on various types of vessels such as testing prototypes, manufacturing, maintenance, and if needed repairing, and the shell was uniform and gradually transitioning as shown above while the penetration was the Manway the Portal to another dimension of sight and sound and where the sensors were gathered together in the cap or lid [often to the side for easy access (see above "Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power")].

So other than support legs underneath, and perhaps lifting lugs at the top for to be crane lifted, everything was hardly about the "uniform" shell and rather about the higher purpose (see above "full of love, replenished with all knowledge") concerned the Portal the Gate the Lid the Cap the Crowing All Seeing Eye and then Entry (or exit yet see previous in this Series on JESUS' Body, and Anewly such as on "chain", and on "Tube" [piping, Flow]) from JESUS Christ.

The confluence of the JESUS Christ All Seeing Eye is as, from the "compages of the Christian faith," "of forces," "of pipes and vessels; of body and spirit," "(functioning as singular) a structure or framework" "from Latin, from com- together + pag-, from pang" "to fasten". Hence to secure Christian Faith, to make the Straight Path Protected from the fabric of space time elements as for the Bride And Groom to Meet, in JESUS Christ One Yes.

Here are 3 translations of the same verse Genesis 21:8, Biblically describing the Transfiguration such as Spirit with vessel to Spirit to Spirit with vessel, and the Ascending [Transporting] in the JESUS Christ All Seeing Eye through the Eye Of A Needle:

New Living Translation "When Isaac grew up and was about to be weaned, Abraham prepared a huge feast to celebrate the occasion."

Contemporary English Version "The time came when Sarah no longer had to nurse Isaac, and on that day Abraham gave a big feast."

New American Standard Bible "And the child grew and was weaned, and Abraham held a great feast on the day that Isaac was weaned.": ([the Child and meaning:] "Isaac -- 'he laughs', son of Abraham and Sarah"

The previous Sermon explained the All Seeing "ID" "OD" "Proportional Correlation" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Calling Sermon at As shown below is a type of packaging, and the above stated for You [All to be] Christian Leaders is the Creating the [like unto Blood Tube...] Flow Path "making the JESUS Christ Superhighway" and the JESUS Christ Spirit should Agree Leadingly in each function, each step of the Straightening.

[This is not an endorsement:] as shown below the "cube" (previous Sermon) fabric, travels into the outside world of the Messenger With The Deliverer, and if to be with a situation in Desperate Love NEED Of Great Protection [example if to drop the shown below on the floor then perhaps no problem though if to protect the shown below from an asteroid collision, then appropriate far more packaging is NEEDFUL, as Best Way is with the Guidance of the Original JESUS Christ.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, in the outside world of the Messenger With The Deliverer, if to protect the shown below from an asteroid collision then appropriate far more packaging is NEEDFUL, JESUS Christ Transfiguration Spirit with vessel to Spirit to Spirit with vessel Lifted Ascending Transporting in the JESUS Christ All Seeing Eye through His Eye Of A Needle, JESUS Christ Holy Spirit Blood Water Wine Lambskin convergence Tube point Earth Convergence Point X Throne showing a UFO Flying Saucer type Galaxy, portal nozzle sheepskin wineskin, Risperdal packaging

( no legal affiliation unless otherwise noted.

20 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to see, Transfigure, Flow, and Transport through the JESUS All Seeing Eye while "NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN" and why, including the Christian Leadership New Higher Level Faith Responsibility Concerning Pure Love as never before, this Sermon includes Gifts on Flow, Earth Convergence Point "X", showing a UFO Flying Saucer type Galaxy, JESUS Christ Superhighway Portal nozzle sheepskin wineskin and measures the fabric of spacetime for Best Way packaging.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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