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JESUS Faith Is Better Than Proof Sermon.

JESUS Christ is Best Good Faithful Care. People wanted proof, and after than People wanted that "proof" further explained hence more proofs; in other words People want things according to after-the-fact knowledge. First for secular symbolic example for to Edify, a person enters a store and asks to see their chairs and when shown the person asks what kind of wood, and when satisfied the person asks about the craftsmanship and when satisfied the person asks about such as veneer and when satisfied instead of buying, for moot reason they say not interested and depart from the store; for instance perhaps because the person wants to compete and open their own store.

Such is often the [strayed] false representational ways about Best Faith ["representational" is not meant here about a Representative position and rather describes, also "strayed" applies as much as may be intentional misrepresentation such as for "to compete" for selfish subterfuge uncaring for others].

Multitudes of lower levels of Spirits have wanted quick fixes, and as much through JESUS Christ then goodly, though Loyalty rather than moments of Faith may apply, though Leaping Best Way too may apply: so not to wrongly steer Others and not to overly tempt Others can have been a big concern(s). Rather JESUS Spirit is of JESUS Faith Loyally First, somewhat as to consider a rock and a flower: both of values, yet each for to enter into it's own Realm Of The Heavens. For to One is Given to Be a Tailor, and for to Another to be of Carpenter Talent and Experience; yet as written in Matthew 7:16 Treasury of Scripture "You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?" with as written in Matthew 20:23 "And he said to them, You shall drink indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not my to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father.".

Matthew 7:16 talked about "thorns". Once while picking blackberries, a Married Couple from another continent asked about them as They thought blackberries were poisonous, but blackberries are included as a type of Bible Food [Original 1st Testament Bible Foods are of Grace preferred for eating, not merely about allowed to eat other stuff], and the blackberries are sweet before they dwindle, and prior are ripe and sweet and tart, though when red are sour though can be eaten thous as shown here there are nasty thorns.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, blackberries sweet, tart, thorns, pick carefully


JESUS Christ Faith Is Better Than Proof, and also as stated above as JESUS Christ Be With Care. If You want "proof" then march into the thorn unafraid and grab bunches and all You can carry for only Yourself to have fun eating. But if You have at least a secular level amount of faith in this Sermon then harvest with Care so as not to be harmed, and even to Care for Others. Some nice Souls came to me this morning in a dream though i have a JESUS Given representational position including typing this, and Together They can go do likewise, whether Individually or in Their Group(s), yet "Together" in JESUS Christ Best Way as in JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace since the Leading Pertinent thing to Say and Do currently Best For All.

So if starving and to see blackberries then Praise JESUS Christ for so providing, yet be with JESUS Christ Caring Faith lest to cause future problems such as pains of scratches that distract and in the secular likely days to heal. The spirit of the Tailor [and the Tailor abides such as according to specifications and processes] is subject to the Tailor. The spirit of the Carpenter is likewise subject to the Carpenter.

The spirit of the Harvester is subject to the Harvester. And as written in 1 Corinthians 14:32 "And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets." and this is with such as written above applying "such as according to specifications and processes". All these talents are subject to JESUS Christ Original Plan, Triadically Given left to right and Ascending right to left:

JESUS / Highest Purpose [As Sent (reference in the secular if to sign a treaty then to send the Best Suited Ambassadors With Authorizing Powers for the job): As Agreed] / Original Plan.

JESUS [per se] = Highest Purpose x Original Plan.

The previous Sermon explained how pillars [of Faith] could be built with large pieces or small pieces. Likewise JESUS Faith Righteous Leading Prophesyingly can be "large pieces or small pieces" soon and/or far into the future and/or from current and/or from past fitting pieces, Precepts. From "past" is such as from words JESUS Christ Spoke in the Bible, therefore JESUS Spirit [as much as accurate and properly translated amounts of JESUS Way Faith Type(s)], yet from "current" is hardly about after-the-fact situation and rather directly from the Original JESUS Christ [for decades i confess i did not know, though when known for sure then the most able to be understood and situations change including Transfigurations].

Mary Magdalene was so Faithful, Loyal, the first in the census civilization sense per se [not to disclude Good Angels nor Others as much as pertinent] to be with JESUS Christ Rising from the tomb, as written in "Jesus said to her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brothers, and say to them, I ascend to my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.".

So Loyal and even as Blessed as Mary Magdalene was, why was She not allowed to embrace JESUS Christ?:

Just now did You break Your skin and ribcage and heart to pour out blood into the Grail [with Unleavened Bread]?,

it is hardly for You nor Mary Magdalene to so suffer (see above "thorns" discussion, see below to first "overcome evil" discussion).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, how to best be fitting precepts together faithfully in JESUS Christ, from feelings to JESUS Spirit Righteous Prophesying


JESUS Christ Our Leader broke open His skin and ribcage and Heart to pour out His blood for Us, like unto how in JESUS One Spirit Our Family Team includes for instance a "Tailor": if clothed then We hardly need another tailor if We could rather for the Best be with a situation for Desperate Love to be in need of such as a "Carpenter", a "Harvester", and such: Precept Position Fitting The Precept Highest Purpose: Leading With And From JESUS Faith Loyalty Above. First be with His Direction, then to fulfill the fit. A "Tailor" might fit for the rack, in general, or a "Tailor" might wait for a Customer

(empowered from on High Luke 24:49) and then fit specific to that Customer: Fit For JESUS Christ.

Now while typing, ibid., "empowered from on High Luke 24:49", was a moment that JESUS Spirit moved me, to fit ibid. into the previous sentence: i have many notes around me with many Bible verses selected for this Sermon, though ibid. was not selected for this ibid. moment until JESUS Spirit so moved me. I knew about that verse "Luke 24:49" and knew how to find it in proof, yet it was JESUS Spirit that Lifted it [into me] into this Sermon [as if "me", as if i had anything to do with it, though i was here too when JESUS Spirit so empowered the situation activity as i may at least confess having so witnessed]. Like an Aha moment, the JESUS Spirit Faith feeling became proof, fact, logic Precept Fitting Appropriately With Precept.

There is a Prophecy in Luke 19:42 through 44 that any that make enemies would be as to destroy all they have to lay the ground flat "not one stone on another" like to the above about tearing selfsame flesh ribcage heart and blood because of them not knowing "the time of" the pertinent "visitation": questioning their own faith while by default believing false faith after-the-fact signs (reference the gif of the Child trying to run away from it's own shadow(s) JESUS Christ ICCDBB While Blessed, the Child has proof after proof but known not yet which to believe, rather to JESUS Christ Prayerfully Believe.

These verses fit together per se in JESUS Spirit Faith Loyal Best Pertinent Caring Precepting:

JESUS Christ said in 3 Nephi 14:21 "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in heaven.",

John 14:20 "At that day you shall know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.",

Romans 12:21 "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.", and

Romans 13:11 "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.".

So not merely Pick Me!, not merely knowing JESUS Christ is in You [as if able to do anything because You Are God though count the self alone as such wrongly as hopefully merely in the past as Good Faith without Good Work is dead asleep and rather Innocent and JESUS Faith One Work], not merely enduring evil [stuck-in-a-rut dismal feeling], and not merely about an alarm clock as rather these Precept point to JESUS Christ Good Victor Over Faith [Over "believed" since Eternal including reverse, now, and forward].

JESUS Salvation Proof Already hence > Faith / JESUS Victory Over Temptation / JESUS One / JESUS is Over ask and it Will Be Given Your Faith Amount.

JESUS Faith > secular proof(s).

JESUS Proof > secular types of faiths and amounts and such.

The secular is unable to figure it out. The secular discluded itself, discluded it's own faith, questioning it, questioning without end Save JESUS Christ The True Eternal And Good. When merely JESUS exists between End and New Beginning [the New Creating Better since so many Become JESUS One Spirit for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best Way Best For All], then there is nowhere else to turn, no place available for to stray into such, no temptations at all: Heaven. If a Tailor is also a Carpenter, no problem; but if a Tailor is also a sinner then to Apply Precept "Romans 12:21" stated above. The JESUS Spirit Triadic type Flow example includes:

3 Nephi 14:21 / John 14:20 / Romans 12:21 / Romans 13:11.

John 14:20 / Romans 12:21 / Romans 13:11.

3 Nephi 14:21 / John 14:20 / Romans 12:21.

John 14:20 = Romans 12:21 x Romans 13:11.

3 Nephi 14:21 = John 14:20 x Romans 12:21

These and multitudes more JESUS Spirit Precepts And Flow Formula pieces [parts of the Flow as formulated into formula sets: formulae] JESUS Spirit Provides for Edifying and Entertainment Joy > mere Longsuffering(s), yet All Best Good One In JESUS Heaven.

25 May 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began such as why Loyal Mary Magdalene was not allowed to touch JESUS when He walked out of the tomb, and with how to best be fitting precepts together faithfully in JESUS Christ from feelings to JESUS Spirit Righteous Prophesying to proofs that fail to prove when the secular pretends and strays, as JESUS Faith is Better than Proof and JESUS Proof is Better than Faith is explained, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas Of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose The Best Way.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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