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JESUS Christ Faith First Sermon.

JESUS Christ is with Desperate Love, so to be with JESUS Christ Ascending, then merely at lower levels of secularism toward full repentance [such as perhaps motivated after-the-fact such as a Parent's loved Child kidnapped (e.g. secular Amber Alerts) and rather because of Christian Evangelism Miracles like a breath of fresh air], or if fully repentant then to ascend from secular ascending into Christian Baptism and into Christian Ascending as a New Member. So the secular ascending does not even begin any significant "Desperate Love" [not even due to a missing Child] per se, until Christian Baptism. And like unto full repentance NEEDING Christian Baptism, the Baptized Christian NEEDS to become [with Eucharist,...(the JESUS Christ Best For All Ascending Path)] a Christian Leader.

Full repentance NEEDS : Christian Baptism NEEDS :: The Baptized Christian NEEDS : Christian Leader NEEDS :: Christian Leader NEEDS : JESUS Christ Spirit One Leading The Desperate Love.

(Full repentance NEEDS [is conditionally over: if to continue ascending faithfully, if to follow through] / Christian Baptism NEEDS) x (Christian Leader NEEDS / The Baptized Christian NEEDS). [i confess i've had a brain injury and so per se software and other math Experts You are Invited to check the previous sentence, and continue formulating in JESUS Christ Spirit Highest Purpose Righteously].

Letter of the Law as the Conspirators [and mixed spirits that exist today] that favored Themselves rather than JESUS Christ Best For All might opt(ed) to false believe from the previous compound ratio that "Full repentance NEEDS" is as if on the same level as "Christian Leader NEEDS" according to invert and multiply and according to the third part [set, Godsling] of the compound ratio though it is an ascending Flow through levels and the lower part the "Full repentance NEEDS" is a negative, while the balance is Higher Level and Christian Faith. What is the "negative"?, it is like unto two Candidates and the ballot shows Each name and signature as merely "X", and if not knowing more than not necessarily the best Person elected [in the secular even if to know much more, the secular continues to be the flip-of-a-coin whether in secular census and/or in "mixed spirits"].

[In JESUS Spirit] Moses was in one place while things happened elsewhere, such as Righteously Prophesying before the Pharaoh and plagues happening in the greater region, such as standing on the coast and the waters parted, such as being at the rock and the river emerged, and such as on the ground and Manna came from Heaven (see JESUS Christ ICCDBB: How to build a Manna Machine at and JESUS Christ ICCDBB: How to build a perpetual motion machine at

So as concerning recent Sermons on UFO type Aliens and such Language and travel to stars as with black hole portals, wormholes, spacecraft with envelopes, and/or other related concerns of value amounts for to be JESUS Christ UN Law With Grace Best Way For All Prioritized, then therefore is this current JESUS Christ UN Higher Level Gift [after Prayerful Broadcasting] for to properly [according to Highest Priority First] Be One JESUS Christ Leadership Over the remote viewing mind control concern.

Likewise are these priorities: JESUS Spirit With Census Preaching, Preacher with Mass Listening, handshake, platforms interfacing, and often in lower levels senses such as battlebots [hardly about the TV series since] in this sense concerning a class and a level of robots [not built to attack People but to attack things inorganic and perhaps under dominion problems such as see previous Sermons on "Test Me" and perhaps to attack problematic critters] ascended some a little higher level than the in the warbots sense such as might have been sent against higher level People.

Here We see a controller wireless to the controlled robot, yet rather than wasting time and works of hands traveling to distant galaxies,

as written in a recent Sermon Civilization left advanced tech treasures behind so reverse engineer to contact a wireless controller to make things happen

as We watch on TV.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, how to build a Manna Machine, JESUS Spirit With Census Preaching, Preacher with Mass Listening, handshake, platforms interfacing, and often in lower levels senses such as battlebots in the warbots sense.


JESUS Christ Miracles include such as an electric wire in a Church causing interactions with electrons, hence including such as ionic flux density controls hence wireless, and concerning "wireless" see the JESUS Christ ICCDBB: "JESUS Signal" Drawing at Likewise We already come equipped with ability to not merely hear the JESUS Christ Preacher with ears, yet also the [Desperately Loving Heart] Soul can hear Higher Level Spirits, and other spirits also concerning values for to be Led Better (see above "NEEDS" and "conditionally") in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best Way For All including Evangelism, and Maintenance Responsibility:

automating Maintenance Ascends Anewly from "Feed My sheep" (John 21:17) through JESUS Christ Higher Purpose to JESUS Signal Desperate Love in New Victory Over "NEEDS" yet with record as long as needful. So concerning this JESUS Signal Desperate Love for New Victory Better For All, not necessarily built into machines is the "New" Better Designing of such, the JESUS Christ Way (see such as JESUS Christ ICCDBB Affiliate on electron stack according to "proton stack forces" Drawing at

New Isotopes continue to be discovered (secular examples at generally used in advanced tech machines. Along with Positrons and Isotopes, Potassium, Sodium, and Magnesium are some predominant cations in virtually all life forms, noting there are lower level hence subjective spirit under Census level Dominion, and there are Higher Level Faithful Heavenly Spirits With Maintenance Responsibilities Over lower levels. People [even if in a coma] already have these Miracles of chemicals,..., and such as "wireless" according to Their Faith.

James 4:14 Berean Study Bible "You do not even know what will happen tomorrow! What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.": so let's behold the as though hardly seen overlap amidst the seen and the unseen Faith, amidst JESUS Christ Original Spirit and the Created Census Life Spirit [as much as alive], such as the secular recently defined in pertinence "When an ionic solid dissolves in water, bonds are formed between water molecules and the ions" ( › dictionary › ionic Jul 27, 2022): as written in Genesis 2:7 "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.".

So from JESUS Christ Spirit Signal Exemplar We can as "mist" and vapor Power (, see previous Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on known Name JESUS Christ Spirit and likewise JESUS Spirit per se)] Create "bonds", reference magnetism and such as a reed shaken with the wind [JESUS Leadership Spirit Broadcaster Voice (].

As the TV Viewers can watch actions, the TV Viewers and machines can become the action results, such as a Viewer automatically flinches when something happens on TV.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, as the TV Viewers can watch actions, the TV Viewers and machines can become the action results, such as a Viewer automatically flinches when something happens on TV.

([with multiple types of viewing and controlling options]

So a Person opts and Ascends and Controls or opts to be remote viewing mind controlled, according to JESUS Christ Broadcasting Leadership Best Protective Way For All.

4 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Be With JESUS Christ Leadership Over the remote viewing mind control concerning distant galaxies, Bible Godsling Classification System Correlated inclusive of a complex [as with "Candidates and the ballot" with positives and a negative aspect example] compound ratio of Ascending NEEDS as Prioritized Best For All including the Classifications of types of some popular robots, JESUS Christ Broadcasting Leadership Best Protective Way For All; JESUS Spirit With Census Preaching, Preacher with Mass Listening, handshake, how to build a Manna Machine and how to build a perpetual motion machine, platforms interfacing, and often in lower levels senses such as battlebots in the warbots sense.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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